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Dear _,

I have always been fascinated by the world around me and although it seemssometimes that the more you learn, the more you realize how little you know, bystudying Physics at university I aim to understand more of the phenomenaobserved in the universe. The size of the cosmos has always astounded me, vastscales that I will probably never truly be able to appreciate. I wonder whatrole humans have in this immenseSPAce and whether we shall ever find a theoryof everything.

As well as studying Physics at school my enthusiasm for the subject hascome through reading various books by physicists such as Feynman and Hawking. ABrief History of Time and The Universe in a Nutshell were very compelling toread and introduced me to many ideas such as special relativity. But it wasFeynman’s book on Quantum Electrodynamics that really made me passionate aboutphysics. The ideas seemed counterintuitive as they are not observable in everyday life, which was what impressed me so much as it is down to enormouscreativity that models of the universe such as those of QED have beendevised.

Throughout my time at Watson’s I have been awarded various prizes from theschool. I received a school scholarship at the beginning of secondary school andsince then have gone on to get many prizes in maths and the sciences. At the endof last year I was awarded the 5th year Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Technologyprizes as well as the prize for the Dux of the 5th form.

As well as success within the school I have also done well in a variety ofNational Maths Competitions. In both the UK Maths Challenge and the ScottishMaths Challenge I have attained Gold certificates for the past 6 years. In S4and in S5 I achieved the best mark in school in the Senior UK Maths Challengeand qualified for the British Maths Olympiad. As well as these individualcompetitions I was also part of a winning team in the “Enterprising Mathematicsin Scotland” competition in which four school pupils compete in a variety ofevents from solving problems as a team, to a maths relay.

In June 2008, I attended the Senior Physics Challenge Summer School atCambridge University. The week was very enjoyable and confirmed that Physics wasthe subject for me. I was intrigued by the lectures on Special Relativity andenjoyed solving relativistic mechanics problems. I was compelled to look intoGeneral Relativity which was fascinating even if a little bit hard tocomprehend! During the week I found that I particularly enjoyed the predictivepower of Physics and felt that the problems we were set were an enjoyableapplication of Mathematics.

This year I am leading the school’s pupil run Science and EngineeringSociety as well as attending Mathletes, a school club for the most ablemathematicians in each year where we tackle UK Maths Trust questions. Icurrently play hockey for East of Scotland U18 as well as the school 1st XI whowon the Scottish Schools Cup in 2008. I am a member of the school 1st XI cricketteam as well as the captain of the school’s 1st V squash team which has helpedme gain skills in organisation as I arrange teams to play in matches againstother schools.

From the time of the great Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotleour understanding of the world has come a long way. For hundreds of years peopleused Newton’s law of universal gravitation as it held up so well againstobservation. But in the early 1900s all of that changed with Einstein’s theoryof General Relativity. Science on a smaller scale has also advanced hastily inthe last 100 years and as the Large Hadron Collider has just been turned onhopefully our knowledge of subatomic physics will be increased further. Theadvancements that are being made in our understanding of how the world works arephenomenal and it is for this reason that I am drawn to Physics as it will bedown to people like me to continue walking into the unknown and to uncover theworkings of the universe.

Yours sincerely,




