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Dear _,

Nearly everyone has a dream in their youth, and the seeds of my dreamsbegan thrusting up when they touched the soil of Chemistry. I was fascinated bythe distinctive individual properties of chemical substances and marveled atphenomena displayed in experiments. They inspired me to explore the mystery ofchemistry and make use of that power. Combining science and engineering,Chemical Engineering is a dynamic and continually evolving field of study. So,following my graduation from high school, I applied for the School of ChemicalEngineering & Technology at _x University, which is the best university inthis discipline (as ranked by the Chinese Ministry of Education).

During my four years of college study, I had built up a solid fundamentalknowledge of science and engineering. Devoted and hardworking, I was awarded ascholarship every year by the University. During the course of my undergraduatestudy, I gradually understood the importance of chemical engineering, which isthe backbone of our society and has potential to help people make better lives.I felt the weight of this responsibility, and hoped I could be a researcher inchemical industry in the future. So it is necessary to pursue further study inthis field.

I started my first step by being an undergraduate research assistant forProfessor _x when I was a junior. My program deals with the synthesis andphoto-luminescence of porphyrins. With the guidance of my advisor and thecooperation of a doctoral student, I designed the reaction route and conditions,then, synthesized and analyzed the target product. To better accomplish myresearch project, I took some optional courses like Organic Functional Materialand Nanoscience and Technology. My academic ability improved greatly and Ireceived encouragement from my advisor. During that period, my advisor also toldme, “The main difference between undergraduate students and graduate students iscreativity; a graduate student’s responsibility is to create knowledge, not toobtain knowledge again.” Inspired by her words, I strove to inject my researchwith greater creativity. As reactants in my experience were very expensive andthe yield of the product was very low, I tried many new synthesis schemes andintroduced bold modifications. Implementing new catalysts into conventionalmethods increased the product yield and purity. The result turned out to berewarding--- a Chinese paper based my results is in preparation. I am confidentthat my research experience and potential will benefit me in my future study andresearch.

Due to my outstanding research records, I was selected from thousands ofcandidates in China to intern in __x Electron Material Company-- a subordinatecompany of Chinese Academy of Sciences and _ Chemistry—a fortune 500corporation. During that period, I understood better the formulas and equationsin our textbooks from the real world production and procedures. I got to knowmore about the chemical industry and made huge strides in the areas of knowledgeapplication and practical ability. In my opinion, accumulating experience in thechemical industry played an important role in preparing me for future study andresearch.

However, merely building up a solid foundation is not enough; there aremuch widerSPAces for me to explore. I was quite active on campus, whichprovided me with many friendships and a sense of social responsibility which Ibelieve is important. I also attended a Sino-American college student summercamp, through which I greatly improved my proficiency in English, and learnedmore about the culture and education of the United States. Especially aftertalking with some students from Chemical Engineering Department of _ Universityand University of _, I became more aware of that there is still a large gapbetween China and other modern nations in this field. This further contributedto my goal of pursuing further education in the USA.

As a senior about to end my four-year pursuit of knowledge here, I amclearly aware of that the achievements I have made are only the beginning. So, Ireally hope I can be admitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering atUniversity of __x to pursue my graduate study because your university is oneof the best public universities in the country and your department combines adiverse and talented group of faculty and students with interdisciplinaryresearch areas. And the fact that your university provides a highfaculty/student ratio (1/4) and family-like atmosphere has deeply impressed me.From my experience in scientific and engineering research, I have a stronginterest in chemical engineering, and I firmly believe that my solid knowledge,background, research potential and strong love for chemical engineering, addedto my strong sense of determination will prepare me a successful and brightfuture in your institution.

Yours sincerely,















