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Dear _,

The presentation of environmental problems in the media was what initiallySPArked my interest in environmental studies. In school, I have always enjoyedgeography and natural sciences, which led me to take the Geography ConcoursGeneral, a particularly challenging exercise. I pursued my interest in takingthis study further by selecting books from the recommended reading lists forcourses on the environment, published on university websites. I particularlyenjoyed Flannery's comprehensive account on global warming in 'The WeatherMakers' as well as 'Heat, how we can stop the planet burning' by Monbiot for itsdaring propositions on how to cut carbon emissions. 'The Politics of theEnvironment: Ideas, Activism, Policy' by Neil Carter proved to be an excellentcomplement.

For an extended project, a requirement of the OIB, I worked in a groupexploring carbon capture and storage as a solution for reducing carbonemissions. Researching such a controversial matter taught me to be patient andcareful when selecting my sources. It also led me to contact Dr Ferey of theLavoisier Institute in Versailles, a leading specialist in the field ofmicroporous solids whose work I had first learned of in 'Science et Vie', one ofthe periodicals I receive regularly. Interviewing him was a particularlystimulating experience. More than this, our conversation made it clear that histeam's discoveries can only find concrete uses through the type of approach Iwish to study, combining sciences with knowledge of economic, social andpolitical factors.

To understand what working on environmental problems is really like, Idevoted three weeks of my summer holiday to a work experience placement at theFrench Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea. I wasasked to write a synthesis and analysis of an European Commission report,concerning the implementation of water monitoring programmes throughout theEuropean Union. This job helped me to develop my ability to extract theessential information out of extensive administrative documents and law textsand to manage my time carefully. I also learnt about the complex management ofnatural resources and became very interested in methods used in the evaluationof the ecological status of different water bodies. My work ended with an oralpresentation, a task which led me to apply the presentation skills taught atschool in front of a professional audience. I enjoyed this exercise for itschallenging aspect and the positive feedback I received, which gave me enormoussatisfaction. Daily discussions with my mentor, on subjects as various as theimportance of a river's hydromorphology to aquatic life, the intricate workingsof administration and our shared passion for cinema provided me with a morehuman and social experience of the workplace.

In addition to my academic interests, I also have a part-time job teachingEnglish to younger students. I find this to be a challenging but rewarding task,which has helped me develop my ability to explain things in a clear fashion. Iam also a member of my school's football team and play tennis on weekends.

I think that living in Shanghai and travelling throughout Asia with myparents has made me a more open-minded individual. Having been taught in abilingual and bicultural school, I have learned to approach problems fromdifferent perspectives and thus reach a more objective overview. Hence, I amconvinced that pursuing my studies in the UK, with its diverse population andinternationally recognised universities, is the next logical step in myintercultural education and an excellent investment for my future professionalcareer in the environmental sector.

Yours sincerely,








