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Dear _,

Since I was young I maintained a keen interest in different types of art,as photography, making the postcards, flower arrangement, but mostly I likeddancing, drawing and painting what I've started to learn when I was 5 years oldwith my parents who are the choreographers with some drawing and paintingskills.

At the age of 11 I've been spotted by my teacher as creative student withthe best capability to harmonize the colours in the class. And therefore heasked for my parents to transfer me to high school of art.

These two and a half year in art school challenged my creative potential inpainting and sculpture lessons, but drawing and modeling I have enjoyed themost, because even now I still love to see how I can start from drawing point bypoint, and after line by line with solving some math problems and makingeverything narrowly, till the end, when I get the results which is yourimagination made into reality on the paper, and it gives me thesatisfaction.

Unfortunately I didn???t have a possibility to finish that school, becauseof my parent divorce, I moved to other school in the other city with my mother.Despite all these problems I've never stopped drawing and painting. MySPAretime after school has been filled with a lot of art classes, from painting withcomputer to mixed media. Now I have improved my IT skills and I can work withsuch the programs, as PHOTOSHOP, MS OFFICE and learning with CAD.

Also I have had an opportunity to be a member of senate. This let me todevelop my patience in pursuance of the best results in organizing some eventsand shows in my school, and even in the other city schools. I always try to beenthusiastic and find I get on well with other people, enjoy meeting newpersonalities and experiencing new surroundings. I have assisted in a lot ofprojects and public competitions as well. I'm pleased to take a dare for myselfand show what I can for the others. But the best part is to see the reactionwhen my work is being seen by people. I love to hear compliments and criticism,because it makes to improve myself more and more.

When I was 15 I started to think about what I want from my life and I knewthat I really want to do something special that people would know about me andwonder at my striking creations.

These are the causes why I have the ambition to go to university and do adegree in planning the buildings, creating some modern houses and interiors,because it will enable me to combine the strongest aspects of my personality.Nowadays many buildings are so lofty, extremely the architecture of London.Consequently I'm here. The centre of this city is the big museum, where I couldspend all my time and watch all those small, but labour-consuming details increative constructions.

I'm just dreaming about the studies, because I truly want to know moreabout functional house, particularly arrangements of light and space, and thephysical world. I'm convinced that I'm ready to go to this world with all mycreativeness.

It's a bit hard to explain by letter why I truly want to study exactly anarchitecture course. It's just ambition inside. I see a lot of perspectives inarchitecture with creation, which is just powerful skill. I'm inflamed withdesire to create something, but I'm missing some knowledge to realize that inthe future. I love to do something new, I have a lot of ideas and I really wantto show it for the world. I feel prepared to face with math, art history, I'mready to learn all these for a long years and gain a professional architectname, I'm ready to take that responsibility, but I'm just waiting foragreement.

Yours sincerely,




