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本科录取条件:GPA 3.5+,TOEFL 100+/IELTS 7.0+,SAT Reading 680-750 Math690-770,SATⅡ需要两门, ACT Composite32-35。


本科录取条件:GPA 3.5+,TOEFL 100+/IELTS 7.0+,SAT EBRW 730-790 Math730-790,SATⅡ需要两门, ACT 32-35。


本科录取条件:GPA 3.5+,TOEFL 100+/IELTS 7.0+,SAT EBRW720-770,math740-790,SATⅡ建议两门,ACT 33-35。


本科录取条件:GPA 3.5+,TOEFL 100+/IELTS 7.0+,SAT 1460-1550,SATⅡ需要两门,ACT 33-35。


本科录取条件:GPA 3.5+,TOEFL 100+/IELTS 7.0+,SAT math 730-790、EBRW700-770,SATⅡ需要两门, ACT32-35。


本科录取条件:GPA 3.5+,TOEFL 100+/IELTS 8.0+,SAT math 700-790、EBRW 705-780, ACTMath29-35 English32-35 Composite 31-35。


本科录取条件:GPA 3.5+,TOEFL 100+/IELTS 7.0+,SAT math 700-790、ERW 700-790, ACTComposite 31-34。


本科录取要求:GPA 3.5+,TOEFL 100+/IELTS 7.0+,SAT math 720-790、EBRW 710-770, ACTComposite 32, ACT两门。


Dear _,

As Confucius said: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to worka day in your life.” This quote made me realise the importance of choosing theright profession and what impact this choice would have on my life.

I developed an interest in the field of accounting through my exposure toit at school. We have analysed and interpreted financial statements of variouscompanies like: Cashbuild and Enron. This has given me the opportunity toexplore the basics of bookkeeping and to see how organisations function, withinthe corporate world. What is fascinating about accounting as a profession isthat it is multi-faceted and one can easily move into fields linked to itnamely: banking, taxation, insurance and auditing. It is also very interestinghow one cannot only use accounting rules to control and drive systems within anorganisation but also to steer companies out of an economic crisis. Therefore, Ilook forward to being part of this dynamic field of study and ensuring that thecompany I work for in the future is on the correct path towards financialstability and security.

I have participated in various accounting workshops and I have workexperience in accounting firms like PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Grant Thornton.These two accounting firms are very different as PwC works with big companies,while Grant Thornton works with smaller organisations. Working in these twoenvironments gave me the opportunity to realise what auditing is all about andwhat the profession entails as well as what is expected of me as a member of theprofession. My exposure to that has also given me the opportunity to strengthenmy public speaking and communication skills.

I moved to South Africa, from Greece, 5 years ago, which was a big changefor me, not only culturally but also on a personal level. However, I adaptedquickly to the new environment and got used to the new way of life. South Africais a country with a variety of races and through my attendance at amulti-cultural school, I have learned to be open-minded and interactsuccessfully with people of all races and cultures. I am an optimistic,passionate and hard working person, and this has always motivated me to alwaysfinish what I start, regardless of what happens. One of my strengths is mydetermination to succeed and I am very task-orientated. I pride myself on myorganisational skills and am confident that my choice of study, on a tertiarylevel, is well-suited to my strengths.

I was awarded Honours in my school and I helped in my school’s library aswell as the organisation of the school’s Dance Show. In addition, I haveobtained the B1 Delf Exam in French. Outside of academic pursuits, I have playedthe piano since the age of 7. I have passed various exams including Grade 7Royal School Piano Exam and the Grade 6 Royal School Theory Exam. I haveparticipated in Concerto Festivals where I performed with the accompaniment ofthe University of Pretoria Orchestra. In addition, I have joined an organisationcalled “Hand in Hand” which organises outings to orphanages, shelter homes andhospitals. I thoroughly enjoy assisting members of the community that are lessfortunate than myself and have a passion for children, helping them in areaswhere there is a need. I am computer literate (Microsoft – all programmes) and Ialso enjoy horse riding and playing tennis with friends as these activities helpme relax, especially during the exam period.

I have chosen to study in the UK for the following three reasons. Firstly,in my opinion, the UK has the best universities in the world and being acceptedin one of these universities will help me realise my dream of becoming anAccountant. Secondly, studying in UK will open many doors in my career and Iwill be able to work there and therefore gain valuable experience. The thirdreason is that I love meeting new people and discovering new things, hence Ibelieve that studying in UK will make me a more open-minded and motivatedindividual.

Yours sincerely,




