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本科申请条件:1.语言:IELTS6.0;TOEFL 600 2.高中毕业以后,至少读完一年正规大学课程,考试及格。



本科申请条件:1.语言:雅思6.0(单科不能低于5.5);TOFEL550 2.大学本科完成一年以上,成绩75分以上,6门主课。








热门本科专业: 酒店管理、旅游管理、教育学、艺术、工程、应用科学、保健和运动

本科申请条件:1.语言:雅思6.0-6.5(单科5.5-6.0);TOEFL550 2.修完大学一年级课程,平均分75分以上,6门主课。



坎特伯雷大学创建于1873年,是新西兰历史第2悠久的研究型大学,是新西兰八大高校之一,在Geography地理学和Engineering-Civiland Structural土木工程领域跻身世界T O P100,在全球范围内的实力相当不错。在此次的2021年QS世界大学排行榜中,坎特伯雷大学居——世界排名第270、新西兰第4。










Dear _,

I got my very first glimpse into law by watching my father, my hero, aPh.D. of law and now the Chinese ambassador to Barbados. I have been inspired byhis work as an international lawyer and a career diplomat while growing up. Formany years, I have been preparing myself through academic and extra-curriculumactivities, hoping that I can make a difference for the world. I believepursuing the Master’s degree in Law at Cornell University will assist me instriving towards the goal.

With my dedication and my parent’s unconditional support, I successfullyentered the …… University, one of the top law schools in China for legaleducation. I have explored a wide range of different law theories in the CivilLaw field and had an opportunity to work on logical writing. It has been theseyears of study at …… University that has enlightened me and laid a solidfoundation for my legal career.

In addition, I have also participated in various extra-curricularactivities. As class monitor, the head of the Information Department in StudentCommittee, and the head of Research Department in our college, I am entrustedwith many responsibilities. My leadership skills and organizational abilitieshave been greatly enhanced. Through various volunteer experiences, I have hadmore opportunities to help the under-privileged. All of these extracurricularactivities are integral parts of a multiple legal education and have contributedto my professional growth.

Amid my strenuous study, I had an opportunity to participate in theAmerican Legal System Study Program summer of my sophomore year and I wasexposed to the great American culture. I engaged in an internship program atMichigan District Court, where I followed Judge ……. It was a great opportunityfor me to see how the courts operate in the United States. The differencesbetween the US and China legal systems provoked my curiosity. I was eager toexplore how to ensure substantive justice in a case while following due processand how to apply precedents to different situations. I went on my secondexchange study-abroad program to ……University fall of 2012 and participated intheir LL.M. program. During this exchange study period, the issue of how tobalance crime control and protection of human rights perplexed me. From then on,the thought of completing the LL.M. program in Cornell Law School, a school withunsurpassed legal education, has propelled me.

As a part of my degree, I interned at different legal departments. I wasvery fortunate to have an opportunity to intern at the Beijing office of ……. Byinvolving myself in cases such as security offerings by Chinese corporateissuers and US security class actions against China-based companies listed on USstock exchanges, I became more aware of how a practicing lawyer gets involved ininternational trades. I researched on whether some foreign statutes areeffective and I participated in legal work and preliminary drafting of researchreports. It was the first time that I felt like I was making a contribution tosociety as lawyer. I sought for other internship opportunities to elevate myprofessionalism after my experience at ……. At Beijing …..People's Court, Ilearned the trial procedures in the Chinese court. Through drafting, imputingand proofreading legal documents, I have become more familiarized with thewriting process and became more able to write with greater accuracy. Theinternship at Beijing …… Law Firm brought my overall abilities into fullpractice. From filing a marriage case, collecting evidences, putting it on trialto settling it, I participated in the whole process. With my sight set on morechallenges, I would like to deepen my legal skills and be equipped forinternational experiences. To that end, pursuing an LL.M. at Cornell Law Schoolseems to be the best option.

I believe that pursuing an LL.M. at Cornell University would provide mewith the necessary foundation to understand the nuances and intricacies ofdifferent legal systems, and help me add an international perspective. I am mostinterested in taking courses at Cornell Law School such as International andForeign Legal Research and International Law and Foreign Direct Investment, aswell as being an active member of the Briggs Society of International Law. Asone of the Ivy League universities, Cornell University combines outstanding,preeminent faculty with a diverse and talented student body. I would like toattend various special lectures and activities Cornell Law School offers tosupplement the core curriculum. Completing the Cornell Law School’s LL.M.program will bring me to the next phase of my professional career.

Yours sincerely,




