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外国学生如已通过Visa Mantis审查并已获得签证,其VisaMantis审查的有效期可达完成经批准的学习项目所需期限,最长为4年,但如果该学生更换学习项目,则审查结果不再有效;如重新申请签证,需接受VisaMantis复查。

临时工作人员、交流访问者和公司内部调动人员如通过Visa Mantis审查,有效期可达完成经批准的活动所需期限,最长为2年。

如果签证持有人在美国从事的活动性质发生变化,审查结果将失效;如重新申请签证,需接受Visa Mantis复查。





在原签证已到期的情况下,如为继续在美国参加原定的学习或工作项目提交新的签证申请,可能不必接受另一轮VisaMantis审查,但如有必要,领事官员可在审理签证申请的过程中酌情要求进行Visa Mantis审查。


Dear _,

"The aim of Medicine is not to know the disease, but to relieve thesuffering it causes." This quotation from Miguel Angel Garcia sums up whyMedicine is my career choice. A close relative of mine fought cancer for twoyears. I was much younger then, and did not understand why the doctors onlywanted to "make her comfortable", but now I do; and that is partly why I want tobecome a physician myself: not only to work on cures for various diseases butalso to make ill people feel better, because, though I admire research, I firstand foremost see myself as a practising physician. Also, I have been fascinatedwith babies and pregnant women ever since a child, so fascinated in fact thatfor two years running I insisted every morning on my mother telling me the storyof my birth. From an early age on, then, this interest has led me gain a fairamount of knowledge on the human body and how it works.

I joined the Scouts when I was six years old, and continued with them forfive years. During that time, I received a First-Aid badge and was nominated"Guide" of my group, which meant that I had to lead the way during orientationtests and hikes. These made me develop leadership, communication andorganisational skills that I have used and valued ever since. More recently, Itried to volunteer at a local hospital, but the Portuguese NHS only acceptshelpers over 18 years old. Instead, therefore, I volunteered at the Lisbon Zooevery weekend from December 2007 through April 2008. This experience has taughtme to deal with unexpected situations, because visitors were directed to mewhenever they had a question and because I met new people every week, as thevolunteer body was constantly changing. I will take a First-Aid course with thePortuguese Red Cross from October 13th till 18th, and I have been accepted for aweek of volunteering in the Health Centre of Sao Roque, in the island of Pico,Azores, during the month of April 2009 under the supervision of Dr. MercesMaciel.

Physical welfare is very important for me, and sports play a big role in mylife. I have practised swimming for 12 years and, over the course of time, Ihave practised other sports, such as Taekwondo and Yoga, that taught me to relaxin stressful times and environments. I feel that such knowledge can be veryhelpful during University Exams time and while coping with the busy life of aMedical student. In school, I have always been an excellent student, with aninterest not only in science-related disciplines, but also in Literature,Philosophy and languages. I have always liked reading books, such as The Man WhoMistook his Wife for a Hat and other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks orMetamorphosis by Kafka, that introduced me to the intricacies of the mind, withwhich I am fascinated this year in my Psychology course. In Philosophy, I have adeep interest in Ethics, a theme I believe to be very close to Medicine. Next toPortuguese, I can speak and write English and French and can handleSPAnishquite tolerably. I will sit the TOEFL on November 22nd.

A trait of my personality which I think differentiates me from otherapplicants is my creativity. I am a very creative and artistic person; I writepoetry and make short movies. Creativity is, in my opinion, a very importantcharacteristic of a good physician, as it is a help during investigationprocesses and in difficult diagnosis situations. In the future, I would like tospecialise in Obstetrics, Paediatrics or Internal Medicine. I have made thedecision of studying in the UK because I believe that British universities rateamong the finest in the world and because I want to learn from the top-people inthe fast changing field of Medicine. If I am given this opportunity, I am surethat it will be a wonderful experience that I will savour and cherish for therest of my life, and that will make all the difference when it comes toadvancing my career plans.

Yours sincerely,



















