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Dear _,

The rapidly growing elderly population is becoming a serious social problemin many countries. Some countries have been successful at finding solutions forthis problem but others have not. Japan is one of the latter countries. AlthoughJapan has one of the highest life expectancy rates and a reputation for goodquality of life for its elderly population, it has been unsuccessful ataddressing this problem. Compared to other industrialized countries, Japan lagsbehind in programs for elders who are physically disabled, bedridden or in needof long term care. The current economic crisis is exacerbating this situation asthe government is cutting funding for elder programs. This problem resonatesdeeply with me, and I hope to someday work on finding a solution. It is for thisreason that I am applying to the graduate program in social work at BostonUniversity: I seek the skills and knowledge I need to return to Japan and workfor a social work service.

My interest in the elderly dates back to my childhood. Growing up with mygrandparents greatly influenced my values and personality: they taught me to beself-motivated and disciplined. Their resilience and support has helped me topersevere even when confronted with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Becauseof their kindness toward me I have a deep respect for them and for elderlypeople in general. This is what motivates me to become involved in the field ofsocial work. Traditionally in Japanese society, the care of one's parents isbelieved to be the children's duty. After World War II, such traditions haveevolved due to changes in family structure. No longer is the eldest child theonly one to inherit his parent's property, and two-income families have becomethe norm. These changes have left Japanese people at a loss as to how to carefor their aging parents. The current response to this problem seems to behospitalization. Families increasingly hospitalize their elders who arephysically disabled, bedridden or in need of long-term care. These individualsare usually transferred to nursing homes, but because ofSPArse accommodationsand a one to two year wait list, they end up staying with family members who areoften ill equipped to care for them. As a result, there are a number ofincidences of elder abuse by family members and elder suicide. Also, there aremany other elderly people who live alone--every year, many of them die with noone, not even their family members, having knowledge of their death.

Currently there is no social welfare program in Japan that offersassistance to these elders and their families. In the light of these terribleproblems, the need for such a program is obvious. My interest in social work isto find ways to develop and improve the types of services available to theelderly in Japan at a systematic level. I want to be involved in the organizing,managing, developing, shaping and planning of social policies related to theelderly. I believe the social work program at Boston University will allow me todo that. By studying macro social work at Boston University, I will learn aboutestablished social systems, assessment and intervention strategies. In addition,Boston University's emphasis on urban issues appeals to me immensely. As I willbe returning to work in Osaka, the second largest city in Japan, graduate workin this area will better equip me for the challenges I will be facing. To me, anurban mission is a commitment to identify and find solutions to issues faced byurban areas. I believe I am well prepared for graduate work.

During my undergraduate study, I acquired the necessary backgroundknowledge by taking advanced courses in the areas of psychology and sociology,including sociological research methods, social theory, statistics,psychological research, and psychotherapy. Along with these courses, I had aninternship at the Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence, a non-profitorganization. I also volunteered at Sawayakaen, a nursing service, and AsunaroChildren's Mental Hospital in Japan. From this internship and my volunteer work,I have gained practical experience that I feel will contribute to my academicand professional success. I expect the graduate work at Boston University to bedemanding, challenging, and ultimately rewarding. I look forward to theexperience from an intellectual as well as social point of view--I hope to learnand grow as an individual and a macro social worker. I hope that I will beallowed to do so at Boston University.

Yours sincerely,
















