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Dear _,

Engaged in hotel and catering business has been my dream for a long time. Ihave been thinking privately to choose my favorite major in high school and itis also my motivation to study. Travelling and tasting delicacies have alwaysbeen my two great hobbies, and I have constantly fantasized how wonderful itwill be to combine the work and life in the future with my interests andhobbies. So I choose Tourism Management (biasing towards hotel management) as mymajor in university.

The learning contents of my major are more comprehensive, which makes meable to contact much knowledge in related fields. Such studies have made mebenefit a lot, understand the knowledge related to the tourism industry and thecatering industry more comprehensively, and have a solid foundation and goodcapacity and further specify the direction of my development-hotel management inthe course of continuous learning improvement. With a goal in mind, I have beentrying to do well in each step after entering university and reasonably arrangemy study and life. At the same time of learning professional knowledge withgreat efforts and maintaining good grades, I have actively joined the schoolclub activities, organized and participated in various school activities andpublic-service activities (AIDS Day publicity, care for the children leftbehind, etc.), and established the “Association for Learning” with severalexcellent students, which is an organization providing services for students whotake part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools, graded examinationsand English studies, etc. The association was awarded The 10 Best CollegeAssociations by Chengdu Youth League in 2009. I have ever served as: ViceMinister of the Department of Culture and Sports of the school Student ApartmentManagement Committee, Minister of the school “Association for Learning”,Director of the Secretary Department of the school Psychological DevelopmentAssociation; obtained the scholarship and won the title of “Excellent StudentCadre” during the 2007/2008 academic year. The full life and good professionalbasis in the first and second college life have not only made me mature,enhanced my social skills, but also increased my confidence in the future study.The specialized courses and common basic courses in the third year have startedto add some practical courses, which have given me more opportunities ofextracurricular practice, trained my ability to combine theory and practice andlet me better apply the knowledge into the practice.

It seems to me that Hotel Management is definitely a good choice. The rapidtake-off of the Chinese economy and the rising living standard of the peoplehave promoted the constant development of the tourism industry, and itsdevelopment speed and potential can not be ignored. Therefore, I have alwaysbeen full of confidence in the tourism industry and the related cateringindustry. The college I study in has education cooperation with Perth Instituteof Tourism and Hospitality and the combination of Chinese and Australianteaching method lets me learn a lot of specialized knowledge, while in thecourse of study, I have not only found that there is still a certain gas betweenour school’s education quality of the major and the internationally advancedlevel, but also discovered the advantage of foreign education and theadvancement and perfection of their hospitality industry. So I determine to goabroad for further studies. Your school’s learning environment and educationquality are what I have dreamed of and I have been paying attention to thesituation and development of your school, especially the information about themajor of hospitality. I hope I can study in your school and then return home tofulfill my dream after successful graduation, to start a restaurant of my owncharacteristics. I also hope your school, which I am quite satisfied with andlonging for, can give me an opportunity to pursue further education, and I willappreciate very much.

Yours sincerely,









1. 语言


2. 区域


3. 经济以及政治




