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Dear _,

I am a person keen on challenges. Law will provide me with the kind ofconstant challenge I have always craved, while helping me to improve myanalytical, practical & communication skills. Also my concern and curiosityabout society and its people inspired me to pursue this subject for my highereducation, as I believe Law plays an essential role in the changing nature ofsociety

My upbringing has honed my perception of society and people leading me tobe acutely aware of social injustice, inequality, exploitation, discrimination,and religious fundamentalism, especially in a society such as the one I comefrom - Bangladesh. I possess a desire, to struggle if necessary through my lifein establishing a society which will be free from exploitation and inequality.As such, I have chosen to study Law, for I believe the proper implementation ofLaw is the only potent weapon to obliterate injustice. I believe throughout thehistory of the world, working classes have been deceived by the upper classbourgeoisie and the elites - my ultimate goal in life is to establish the rightsof the socially deprived classes. I always have wondered why Law has not beenused to raise the voice of the working class, and why it has been used tosafeguard the interests of people who are exploiting. I seek a new definition ofhuman rights - the true definition, without exploitation and corruptioncolouring the notion

My greatest wonder is why our society and the legal system, do not pointout economic exploitation as an abuse of human rights; for it is the root ofpoverty, which elicits crime. If the creation of Law is to curb injustice, whyhas it not been used to eradicate this injustice? Taking law as a subject forhigher education will hopefully help me find answers to my questions, and willteach me the proper method of implementation

I am someone who is passionate to evaluate problems. I am not an extremistbut I do not hesitate to resort to radical measures if the situation forces it.I believe, in a society, co-operation is more desired than competition;competition doesn't necessarily bring rapid prosperity. I adhere to asocialistic political ideology, and aim to devote myself in establishing truesocialism. I am from a country, which has been subject to military dictatorshipfor over twenty years after her independence. My political consciousness grewduring the time, when my father was imprisoned by the military just because hewas a leader of a political party who opposed military regime. Police andmilitary jointly ran a brutal campaign throughout the country to represspoliticians, where they imprisoned and sometimes killed thousands of students,politicians, professionals, workers, and even soldiers. These incidents severelyaffected my family, making my childhood a turbulent time. After the militaryregime failed, a western style democratic political structure was set up, whichgave nothing, yet increased the discontent of the masses, and created someelites, who virtually control the country. Wealth and power both are centralizedto them, law is a puppet in their hand, and they control everything, fromeconomy to politics. Millions of people live below the poverty level, and thereis nobody, not one strong and resilient political party to represent them.Extreme form of capitalism has taken over our country's social and human values,and morality is at the brink of extinction. Corruption is everywhere, humanrights abuses are innumerable, political repression is paramount, money is powerand power is everything. This indisciplined violent condition of my countrycreated a rebellious nature within me that is why I have set my ambition torestructure the socio-political structure of my country in a radical way. Iwould like to utilize the knowledge I acquire from my life at university andbeyond to clarify and show me the proper way of implementation of mythoughts

I have proved myself as an efficient and responsible student throughprimary and secondary school, I have been able to maintain and improve mygrades, which are consistently good. Currently I am undertaking A' levels inHistory, Government & Politics, and Bengali. Being an ambitious andinquisitive person, even after completing a Foundation Programme with an overallA grade, I have chosen to do three A' levels in one year to study in one of thetop British universities. History has always fascinated me; though this is thefirst time I am studying this subject in detail. In Government & Politics, Iam learning about the procedures of law making and the system of politics andgovernment in different countries. Languages have always been of interest to me,and my favoured loyalty is to my mother tongue - Bengali.

I have spent my time productively on extra curricular activities. I havekeenly taken part in debating, student politics and acting in television dramas.I headed my school's debating society for one year and independently achievedmany prizes in speech competitions at local and national levels. My hobbiesinclude reading, playing cricket and table tennis, web browsing, etc.

The principal reason for my desire to study at UK is the quality ofteaching here and particularly in my chosen subject, Law. I also find excitingthe prospect of joining a university hee with international flavours andexceptional research facilities. I believe University is a place foraccumulating more interests, for meeting people, for working hard, for finding aniche in life. I feel I have the commitment and confidence of giving my bestduring my university career and afterwards.

Yours sincerely,
















