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利用网上的各种资源,例如学校或研究机构具体,找到具体你感兴趣的学校,以及你想申请的专业所在的学院。之后,你需要具体到学院的某一位在你领域的教授,也不一定非要100% 和你过去的研究相关 ; 但是,你的涉及的领域或想要研究的方向一定要和导师相关。




如果导师感兴趣,他会回你,好一点的告诉你如何申请 offer ,有没有奖学金什么的 ; 也有一些只是礼貌的告诉你,你的背景不错,申请 offer有机会,但是申请奖学金可能比较困难。另外,如果你所在的国内的学校,或者研究机构与澳洲的大学,或者研究机构有合作,那你也可以问问能不能推荐一下。


一旦你收到某个学校的导师表示愿意接收你作为 PHD 学生,你就需要向学校申请 offer了,同时看看有没有奖学金机会,可以同时申请。录取和奖学金是两回事:你可能拿到学校的 offer ,但是不一定拿到奖学金,奖学金的申请,竞争比较激烈。



















Dear _,

Unlike most of people start their interests through achievements, myinterest in accounting started with the failure of the ERP competition. When theIll-planed budget caused the capital strand breaks, all of our strategies failedto work and the different part of team which suppose to be one fall apart.That's the moment I realized the accounting and controllership system is thesoul of a company and began to take every chance to learn about it.

After taking the courses in Accounting, Taxation, Corporate finance, inwhich class I won the only Best Report Price, the three-time cold-visit to acompany Subordinated Petrol China (top500) won me an internship in the financedepartment. The state- owned PRICNPC has a really complicated company structurewith 5 research centers, 2 wholly owned subsidiary companies, 8 oversea offices.But the same regulations and set rules in accounting and controllership theyshared help every department be independent as well as co-operate with eachother. I find out that it is the well designed internal control system and thecontinue updating accounting software that make sure that everything undercontrol. That's exactly what I'm seeking for and what Chinese companiesneed!

Then there came a chance to exam my findings. In the Challenge Cup NationalEntrepreneurship Competition for College Students, being a leader of my teamwith 8 team members from 5 different majors and 4 different grades I designed awork mode of systematization and noted the deadlines of the phases thenpresented them with a flowchart. I emphasized the communication with ouraccounting department regularly and give feedbacks to me so I can adjust theprocedure just in time. The efficiency of work was promoted and at the finallywe save 400 RMB and 15days compared to other teams. The Prize was the SilverMeddle and a lifetime career I would like to pursue.

To further combine knowledge I learned from classroom and competitions withthe real-world cases, I applied to become RA of Vice President of ModernManagement Research Center. Take advantage of Nankai university's bestreputation in academic circle in China as well as the great location (similar toSeattle in US), Our five-member team keep close contact with managers of thelocal companies and solve accounting and financial problems for them. By takingthe advice of introduce an unified Inventory management system based onclassification and grading of the warehouse model , HuiYuan, the top1 fruitjuice maker in China reduced inventory costs and enhance their marketcompetitiveness. I strongly believe that the internal control quality has aneconomically significant effect on the performance of the company.

However, from the study of many similar cases in my RA experience, Irealized that the accounting systems in China are far from perfect and muchimprovement is needed. This August, when HuiYuan was bought by Coco-Cola, mydesire of becoming an accounting professional and a leader in the field gotstronger. What people saw was just another case of M&A, but I and myco-workers knew that HuiYuan didna??t have strong enough internal control systemto fight with rivals. As a student major in marketing, I understand how mucheffort to take to build a brand name and how painful when you lose it. Thisexperience gave me my clear view of future study plan which had inspired me tostudy further. I would like to concentrate on the accounting and controllershiptrack. And it is my sincere desire to return to my home country as adistinguished Master of Accountancy degree holder to help China develop itsaccounting practices to be among the world leaders in this area.

I have already born some qualities of being a successful leader in businessworld. My talent of analyze ability revealed ita??s self when I was a juniormiddle school student. I pass the National Computer Rank Examination grade2which was a tough task even for a senior college student at that time. The factthat being a leader in 2 student clubs and a member of top student chorus Istill won the third class scholarship in my university shows that I can workunder pressure and guarantee the high quality of each task. What I truly neednow is the professional education in ### program

The advanced accounting courses will strengthen my foundation inaccounting, while the financial management and Auditing courses will help toprepare me for my future career in company controllership. The outstandingfaculty, along with the excellent selection of courses available within yourprogram will equip me with the latest in accounting theories and practices andallow me to obtain my professional goals My extensive education experience hashelped me to define my future goals a?“ to study in the best accounting programin #### business school which has the strongest curriculum and the bestlocation(NY) where I can get first-hand experience as well as the crucialperspective to understanding global business.

I know that I am now fully qualified and prepared to take on thischallenge. I strongly believe that my passion in the accounting and futurecareer, my courage in facing challenges and my strong ability to adapt and solveproblems as they arise have fully prepared me for the MAcc program at the _College of Business at _ University.

Yours sincerely,













