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Dear _,

A fourth-year student grounded solidly in the basics of computer science, Iam writing in pursuit of graduate studies that I hope can help me acquirecutting-edge expertise in software programming in general and parallelprocessing in particular.

Intrigued by the power of the computer since high school, I have beentrying to stay on top of the computer science by concentrating my undergraduatestudies on those subjects that underpin the discipline, particularly mathematicsand electronics. To build up my solid knowledge in these subjects, I have takenvirtually all the related courses that the university has had to offer. Thesecourses include Algorithm & Data Structure, Mathematical Modeling, NetworkTheory, Digital Circuit, Discrete Mathematics, and Electric Circuit. With asophisticated understanding in these areas, I have been well positioned toappreciate the basic theories of computer science and their applications tosoftware development.

Aided by the firm command of the basics, I have found it not only easy butalso exciting to study the various subjects covered by my major. As most of myclassmates, I took a variety of courses ranging from AI to Computer Network,from AI Programming to Knowledge Engineering, from Pattern Recognition toSoftware Engineering, and from Database Design to Programming Language Design.But I distinguished myself by my academic record, which places me as one of thevery top students in my class. My grades in these course never went below A orB. I have also stood out as one of the few who have taught themselves Real TimeSystem and Computer Graphics.

Armed with sound training in the basic theories and applied technologies, Ihave been able to move on into deeper and wider areas of computer science. Earlyin my university life, I began to understand that the modern computer's base,the Turing machine, was reaching its limits in AI. Gradually, I have narroweddown my research interest to parallel & distributive computing, which Iunderstand can significantly boost the performance of personal computers bygiving them some of the functions of mainframe computers.

Of all the areas of computer science, parallel processing fascinates me themost. The term first came to me when I read the book Computer Organization &Design: the Hardware/Software Interface as part of my Computer Architecturecourse. By teaching me how the performance of computers can be improved throughpipelining and parallel processing, the book reshaped my thinking in computerscience.

My lab experience deepened my understanding of parallel processing. In mythird year, I worked on a GIFT project with Dr. Komatsu, chief researcher of IBMTokyo Research Laboratory and Dr. Koseki, one of Dr. Komatsu's colleagues. Theproject was to introduce the architecture supports that can allow compilers toderive more parallelism from programs. These architecture supports include threedesigns, a conditional execution mechanism to execute instructions withoutnormal conditional jump instructions, speculative execution mechanism, and adynamic memory disambiguation mechanism to execute memory access instructionssimultaneously.

As undergraduate students seldom get to be involved in actual research, Itook full advantage of the opportunity of working in the lab. I particularlyenjoyed the seminars held twice a week as part of the lab work. At theseseminars, I engaged in in-depth discussions with Master's students under Dr.Komatsu's seasoned guidance. The lab experience is adding weight and insights tomy graduation paper An Improvement of Software pipelining using LoopTransformations. In this paper, I will introduce a translation algorithm usingloop interchange and loop skewing. This algorithm can minimize the initiationinterval of loop nest to improve the performance of software pipelining.

Through my lab experience and other research, I have developed a long-termprofessional objective: the advancement of the parallel processing technology.While I have strong faith in this technology, I also know its limitations as itis today. Some sequential algorithms can't be easily translated into fastparallel algorithms and most compilers can only distribute works on oneplatform. Another unsettled problem is that programming parallel computers isnow still a manual work. But even the modern language (like Java, C++) can dosome automatic translation work. If a compiler can be developed to translate anddistribute work into different platforms, personal computers will be able towork like mainframe computers at a fraction of the mainframes' costs. This willmake it possible to connect all the computers in the world and speed up all theprocesses.

To help take the parallel processing technology beyond what is capable oftoday, I have to undertake more advanced studies. This, I believe, can only beaccomplished in a quality graduate program like yours. I plan to pursue amaster's degree with a concentration on paralleling and distributing compilers,operating systems or computer networks, a combination thereof. With the trainingthat goes into such an advanced degree, I think I will be able to take greatstrides towards fulfilling my professional objective. When I do, I think I willbe standing on the cutting-edge of the computer science.

Yours sincerely,




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这类专供大学生租用的私营公寓分布于法国各大城市。为弥补公立大学公寓住房的不足,最近几年来,法国的私营大学生公寓得到了很快的发展。私营大学生公寓通常提供带家俱和设备的单间套房( Studio);内设简易厨房,视情况可配带餐具;公用设施包括:咖啡厅、电视室、会议室、复印室、自动洗衣房,等等。这些单间套房根据适用于私营部门的租赁法规出租;须签订租约并按要求缴纳押金。如在离开住房时,房屋设施保持搬入时的原样状况,则可退还押金。




这类住房通常需要通过物业中介管理公司寻找;也可通过报刊广告直接向房主租用。按照法国的习惯,房租由两个部分组成:一是归属房主的住房租金,另一部分称作“杂费负担 (Charges)”,主要用于支付日常公共开支,例如:信件、门房、楼房公共部分的清洁打扫,等等。杂费金额视住房大小和楼房档次而不同。学生住房的杂费大约在每月50欧元左右。在租房广告中,如有缩写注明“CC”,也即“charges comprises”,其意思是所列的房租中已经包含了“杂费”;否则,还应另加杂费。为谨慎起见,应随时询问房东或房产经纪公司房租是否包含杂费。







