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Dear _,

Among the 26 English alphabets, the one I like most is the capitalized Dbecause this alphabet, simple as it is, is the most beautiful one. The twostrokes, one vertical line and one curve, adumbrate two totally divergenttrajectories as if serving as constant indicator of the psyche of theprofessionals in the advertising industry: to travel from one point to another,there is an infinite number of routes to choose; but ultimately speaking, thereare only two routes: one is along a straight line, the other along a curve.While the general public may opt for the first, advertising professionals shoulddecide on the second. A curved trajectory may well enable one to expand hishorizon, enrich his experience of life, and cultivate his capability forexcellent interpersonal exchange and communication. I maintain the convictionthat the longer the journey of life that one travels, the richer the experienceone can derive from life and hence the greater the novelty that he can createout of the apparently commonplace.

In 1998, I entered _ University with remarkable performance at theNational College Entrance Examination (among the top 10 percent of theparticipants majoring in Humanities Disciplines). During the first year of myundergraduate studies, I majored in International Law but it immediately dawnedon me that I was not meant for studies in this field and my real interest liedin advertising. Therefore, with extra efforts I audited all the major courses inadvertising and in the second year, with a solid command of all the theoreticalknowledge of the basic courses, I transferred to Advertising Speciality. Once Iembarked on studying what really interested me, I made rapid progress and my GPAreached 3.5 (among the top three for 26 students of my class). In addition, Iachieved the highest score of the class in four most important courses in thefield: History of Chinese and Foreign Advertising, Principles of Advertising,Advertisement Planning, and Mass Communication.

As I delved deeper into my subject, I came to acquire an increasinglyprofound understanding of the nature of advertising. As a matter of fact,advertising is an art of persuasion, concerned with how the advertiser caninfluence the behavior and value orientation of the general public with hisindividually unique mentality and perspective. It is an integral branch of masscommunication, inextricably intertwined with both art and economics. At the sametime, it requires a framework of scientific management. In the course of mystudies, I learned to exploit another form of language, my advertising designs,to conduct dialogues with my audience and to convey through those work my ideasand perceptions in order to achieve the objective of affecting the recipients'psychology and conduct and realizing the value of communication. But I venturedbeyond the mere designing of individual advertisements. I also attempted at aseries of coordination work that included the planning, execution, solution andeffect of advertising. This process helped me to perfect my framework oftheoretical conceptions concerning such notions as personal communication,interpersonal communication and mass communication. I immersed myself in a widevariety of advertising courses. By studying advertising, I could feel the joy ofthinking and the charm of knowledge.

Advertising is an art more to be practiced than theorized. For myextra-curricular practice, I worked part-time for the WuHan Silver-HorseAdvertising Corporation, an advertising agency which enjoys very prestigiousreputation in and around WuHan. After being subjected to the most rigorousscreening test, I was recruited as one of the five undergraduate students frommy university and worked on several projects under the direct leadership of thechief supervisor of the Planning Department. On account of my distinctive notionand original creativity, my design for an advertisement for an automobilemaintenance center was adopted, a fact which adequately evinces my professionalqualities and tremendous potential. Later, with strong recommendations from myteacher, I worked at a medium-size advertising company in Beijing, responsiblefor the advertising agent business in the magazine Global Weekly. With thecompany's support, I participated in a number of designing contests ranging fromthe 10th Golden Calf Advertising Contest sponsored by the Taiwan's China Times,the 2nd Academy Advertising Competition sponsored by China AdvertisingAssociation to the Annual CAC Public Welfare Advertising Competition sponsoredby the publishing house of International Advertising Magazine. My participationin those events not only brought me important awards but also enabled me toderive much professional knowledge from the exchange and cooperation with otherstaff, apart from enhancing my hands-on ability and practical problem-solvingskills.

I took part consecutively in two authoritative Competitions for YoungAdvertisers, which aroused my attention to the discrepancies in the advertisinglevel and the advertising consciousness between Taiwan and mainland China aswell as the diSPArity in the advertising management. In order to call theserious attention of China's advertising industry to those problems, I publisheda full-length academic paper entitled On the Eve of WTO Accession: A Perspectiveon the Present Conditions of Advertising Management on Mainland China on thewebsite of China Advertising Communication and Research (this website islaunched by XiaMen University, the first university in China to have establishedan Advertising Department and which enjoys a very high academic prestige).

Historically speaking, China's advertising industry can only be describedas underdeveloped compared with that of the advanced Western countries. AlthoughChina's advertising industry is achieving remarkable development around the turnof the century, challenges and obstacles are equally serious. For instance, therelationship between the client, the media and the advertising company has notbeen properly established. The advertising agent system and the relevant legalregulations of advertising are not fully developed. The awareness ofself-discipline is weak within this profession and a sound system of socialsupervision over unlawful advertising practices is lacking.

With China's immediate accession into WTO, China's overall advertisingindustry will face severe challenges presented by major internationaladvertising agencies. On the other hand, China promises a bright and alluringprospect in advertising industry as China has the largest advertising marketamong the developing countries. The profit of the advertising industry maintainsan annual growth rate of 39.73. Such a growth momentum is sufficient to indicatethe tremendous dimension and the exciting prospect of China's future advertisingindustry. This situation necessarily calls for the emergence of a large numberof highly qualified advertising professionals, especially those who canincorporate both their intimate knowledge of China's domestic advertising marketand international advertising background.

It is precisely against this backdrop that I, equipped with a solidgroundwork (at once theoretical and empirical) in the field of advertisingacquired from my undergraduate education, wish to apply for a graduate program.My motivation is fairly simple: only the United States, a country with the mostunparalleled development in advertising industry and the most prestigiousinstitutions of higher learning in mass communication of which advertising is apart, can offer the necessary environment in which I can mature toward myprofessional goals.

Now that I have charted my course of action, I am on the verge ofproceeding from one point of my life to another point. To return to my metaphorof the alphabet D, I have decided to relinquish the effortless straight line infavor of the beautiful curve, for I believe that whatever the turns and twistsalongside it, it will ultimately lead to my prescribed ideal. The profound truthinherent in it has already been given the most poetical pronunciation by thepoet Robert Frost at the conclusion of his The Road Not Taken: Two roadsdiverged in the wood, and I - / I took the one less traveled by / And that hasmade all the difference.

Yours sincerely,











很多留学欧洲的同学们会选择在中东国家的机场、或者欧洲知名机场转机。因为这些机场大多设施齐全,机场里有免税店、餐厅、电 影院、网吧等休闲场所。在部分国家,如果在此转机有一定的时间,还能免签游览当地美景。



