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Dear _,

I was a self-trained marketing talent even before I completed my highschool. In the summer of 2001 when I was just 18, I promoted the _ by _ (_)in the entire _ region. I first produced a detailed business proposal and thenput it into practice. I established business relations with ten local swimmingpools (by signing contracts on behalf of _), where I put up large-size posters,did questionnaire surveys, took pictures of all the major activities, and themback to the Headquarters. I conscientiously executed all my duties and I earned800RMB (about 50 pounds) plus a 200RMB bonus, the sole bonus in China’s 5northern cities where _ launched the promotion.

This event has a defining influence on my course of academic pursuit when Istarted my college education. I chose to major in business administration uponentering the International College at _ University (_). _ is a top 20comprehensive university in China, ranked No. 1 among institutions of itscategory. One thing special about my program is its international character—allthe courses were taught in English by British and American instructors and thetextbooks we used were the same as those by the UK students. Naturally, I wasmost attracted by marketing-related courses and excelled in them all. It wastrue that doing case study was challenging, but it was most useful in enhancingmy ability to perform cogent logical analysis.

My understanding of marketing deepened as I delved deeper into my studies.From a simple definition of marketing, I proceeded onto a classification ofdifferent categories of marketing until case analyses taught me practicalmarketing skills. Marketing requires comprehensive knowledge across a diversityof fields and the challenging nature of the subject motivated me to study itwell. A qualified marketing professional should be able to cope with thecomplicated problems of this rapidly changing business world. As the soul of anenterprise, successful marketing is what an enterprise depends on for its smoothand successful operations.

My understanding was further deepened by reading classic books onmarketing. In reading Listening to the Voice of the Marketing by Axel Johne and4R Marketing, I learned about latest theories in the academia. The classic caseanalyses in those books illustrate how to apply marketing skills flexibly andeffectively. I also derived useful lessons from the cases of marketing failures.My study of marketing has also been strengthened by input from other fields. Iattended workshops launched by public relations experts from _, a leadingadvertising firm, and gained insights into how productive PR resources cancontribute to successful marketing.

Marketing requires strong leadership and communication skills and I havedeveloped them through my extensive extracurricular activities. I was thedirector of the External Liaison Department of the Student Union, organizingmany important campus events such English Talents Show and Cultural Weeks. Iacted as assistant to Student Union president and was the hostess of all themajor occasions of our College. Through those activities, I honed myorganizational capacities both as a leader and a team player. In particular, Iimproved my verbal expressiveness, improvisational and interpersonal skills,qualities indispensable to a marketing career.

One thing special about my undergraduate program is that, after completingtwo-year education in China, I have undertaken a joint program between myuniversity and the UK’s University of _. Over the past semester, I haveachieved headway in three major aspects—becoming adapted to rigorous Britisheducation and training in accordance with British academic standards,integrating myself into a new culture, and making rapid progress in my Englishproficiency. Furthermore, my coursework in marketing, my part-time job at thelocal _, as well as the graduation thesis entitled _ that I am to complete,have further reinforced my interest in seeking a postgraduate programme inmarketing.

Yes, I am definitely interested in studying marketing at a postgraduatelevel and pursuing a future career in the field. For one thing, I have boththeoretical knowledge and practical experience in marketing. For another thing,I have found that marketing is where my true talent lies and a successful careerdepends first and foremost on the adequacy of motivation. Only when onepossesses aptitudes in a particular field will one’s motivation in that fieldbecome justified. In this respect, I find myself both goal-oriented and trulymotivated in my proposed program in marketing.

As I will have one-year study experience in the UK by the coming summer, Iam naturally interested in looking for a UK institution to continue with mystudy of marketing. My careful research of the UK institutions makes the _Business School my top priority. While the University of _ has secured itsplace as one of the UK’s leading research universities, your Business School hasa worldwide reputation as a center of excellence in business teaching andresearch, combining academic excellence with real business relevance. Throughyour program in Marketing and Strategy, I hope to understand the centralproblems facing global managers and leaders in business. Based on myobservations of the marketing practices in the UK’s business industries, I willtry to deepen my understanding of marketing through advanced coursework.

Apart from my _ marketing experience, your program will be another majorchallenge in my life. However, both of those two challenges are bound to make meproud of myself because I will be challenged to exercise my potential to thefullest possible extent. Just as I succeeded in facing the first challengethrough perseverance and strategy, I will face the future challenge with anequally undaunted spirit. I hope that both of those challenges can lead to thesame outcome—improved excellence in marketing both as a student and as a futureprofessional.

Yours sincerely,




