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我欣喜若狂,三步并作两步就跑过去。I quickly ran over to tread onair.……小编带你了解更多有趣的内容,接下来要给大家提供的是:2020英语作文一封信,希望你认真看完,会对你有帮助的!


After you come back from guilin to play, in order to let me have a full,and happy summer vacation, I made a plan.

In the aspect of learning in the first place. Because I read too much time,so in the summer vacation I want to read some books more, ensure to read 1 hoursa day, and to "engagement" and the book. Every day recite an ancient even, towrite a diary, practice calligraphy for 20 minutes. In order to let my Englishimproved, I will read English for 15 minutes. On the basis of doing these, atthe end of the holidays in order to I learn more easily, I'm ready to preparethe grade five major courses.

Secondly in other ways. I want to go out to travel more, hope I can in thesecond classroom and learn some knowledge not learn in school. I also want to goto learn swimming, visiting relatives and friends. In addition to these, I willstick to my special skill learning, such as the erhu enough to practice everyday 1 hour, Latin dance for distinction, painting teacher assigned homework,etc.

To do well, of course, the health is the most important, so in order tocomplete my plan, I want to insist to take exercise every day, or cycling, orswimming, or walking.

Since the plan, must be completed on schedule, if not completed onschedule, is white. So I must seriously to complete his plan, notperfunctory.


My idol in my heart is liu xiang. He is the world famous athlete. In allkinds of game, he has won 50 gold MEDALS, 13 silver and 6 bronze MEDALS.

In the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, he won the men's 110 m hurdles hurdlesworld champions at a stroke, become the pride of Chinese people, but also thepride of Asia.

Because of hard training and competition, liu xiang has left a lot ofinjuries, especially tendon injury is serious. In 2008 the Olympic Games, liuxiang as pain failed to enter the finals, I regret to quit.

He to the United States after treatment, and participated in manyinternational and domestic competition, repeatedly won the champion, second,third, also broke the records.

This year's London Olympic Games, liu xiang took part in the game again,sadly he injured in the preliminaries and fell, but he stubbornly stood up, withone leg hard to jump to the end, he occasionally to stop pain, take a deepbreath.

Although many people have criticized him, because liu xiang out of the racebut I think he's achievements and fight for the honor is the vast majority ofpeople can't do it. His spirit is worthy of my study.

We both in learning, and doing other things, not to need the indefatigablespirit?

I am in real life, whenever encounter difficulties to retreat, the thoughtof liu xiang, the tenacious spirit, will inspire me to go to overcome. So, he ismy idol in my heart.


Nowadays, there are more and more people playing with their phoneseverywhere, hence it has been a big issue in our society. Some people think thatphones are necessary for them because they have to keep in touch with theirfriends, customers and parents. Instead, some people think that phones not onlydestroy their relationship with friends but also are not good for theirhealth.

Some doctors say that if you spend a long time on using it every day, itmay cause your eyesight problem. In addition, you can see unusual scenery in oursociety. For example, people become indifferent and cold-blooded because theymainly talk with each other on phone. It not only affects your physical healthbut also your spirit health. What’s worse, phones also produce some harmfulradiation which really hurts your brain because it may cause your memoryproblems and even get a cancer.

However, phone is not always negative in your life. There is a researchshows that it not only can kill your time but can also reduces your stress.Therefore, we have to learn that how to control our time when we use it, andalso know that how to use it correctly.


I like travelling very much, this year's winter vacation I went to wuxi,Shanghai, wuzhen and zhouzhuang, really appreciate the beauty of them!

Wuzhen is the place where I was like, it is so quiet, so has the charm, leta person fondle admiringly! It has the very big difference and zhouzhuang,although is "small bridge, flowing water, somebody else's style, but the quietwuzhen is zhouzhuang not comparable! Wuzhen is not so busy, zhouzhuang so noisy,but it's style is one big scenery!

Listening to zhouzhuang singing tune, let I as if place oneself in the oldjiangnan dragon boat, a beat my heart a position. There is no noise, only thesweet ship tune! This is shen three thousand hometown -- zhouzhuang! Beautifulriver, ancient, and with a style of old bridge, guarded the beautiful land ofthis one party!

Today's wuxi, let me have to admire it, though the beautiful night viewthan Shanghai, but it is also the mainland top ten charm city! The charm of itis still in the scenery around it. For example: li garden, three kingdoms city,water margin and Tang Cheng beautiful scenery of wuxi city, it is no wonder thatwuxi would be so charming. Shanghai is a city that never sleeps, this word istrue. On the beauty of the bund, looking at star of the Oriental pearl tower, akind of want to stay in Shanghai, live in Shanghai will be instantly. In theOriental pearl tower in Shanghai at night is really an enjoyment,SPArkling thehuangpu river, those dots of lights, and there will be a very romantic feeling!I live in the hotel in nanjing road, visit the store every night, feeling reallyvery good!!!!!!

Each and every one has different opinions on each place scenery, want youto personally experience in all things.


Schoolmates, you guessed, which scenery I most do like in the campus?Tells you, I most like in the campus the big pine tree! As soon as whenever Ienter the school gate time, can pass through that big pine tree.In the summer,that big pine tree's leaf deep green, about the whole body is sending out onekind of full of vitality breath.The heavy rain has come, in the school flowersand plants are blown all curved have gotten down the waist, but, only then thatbig pine tree chins up and chest out, stands erect in the wind and rain.The windand rain, the big pine tree will from now on appear even more tall and straightunder the clear sky, bigger.The ancient and modern in China and abroad, manypoets all use the verse to praise the big pine tree, like Bai Juyi "Pine tree",Hu Zhonggong "Chants Pine" and so on.Class recess time, I can be calledschoolmates to look the big pine tree, makes the game under the big pine tree,also can lead schoolmate who comes newly to appreciate that big pine treetogether.Whenever we are on vacation from school goes out the school gate time,also can pass by that big pine tree, we can cannot help but turn headfrequently, with the big pine tree farewell, said the sound: “Will seetomorrow”. Schoolmates, you like our school the big pine tree? Likes the speech,welcome you to look to ours school oh!


When I was a kid, the river was very clear and beautiful, so I alwayswentswimming and fishing. Recently, I discover that there is more and moregarbage around the river. Garbage doesn’t reduce even though some people are notwilling to throw that into the trash. It not only affects human health but alsodestroys our beautiful environment.

My teacher told me that if people still did not protect the environment, wewould be in trouble. For example, you eat a gum, but you throw it on the road.Some animals will die because of the gum. If some animals die, it will causesomeinfectious disease. Nevertheless, there are still more and more bottles on thebeach. Some people don’t know how to protect the environment, it may make waterbecome poisonous. Nowadays, researchers has discovered that human will getcancer owing to the water.

What’s worse, some factories still break the law to pollute the river inorder to get more money. They don’t know how important the water is. We use iteverywhere, and we should treasure it. Therefore, we need to try our best toprotect the environment because there is only one earth in the world. We have toremember where the happiness comes from and also learn how to protect everythingwhere we live forever.



