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Dear customer:

Welcome to our shop. We are a cosmetics enterprise with 20 years ofproduction experience. For the first time, we put on the "coat" of the brand tocome to you. Maybe we don't know marketing, maybe we have few products, maybe wedon't have gorgeous packaging, maybe we don't pay enough attention to greeting,but we can guarantee that every product we sell is a conscientious productresearched and developed by heart. We don't pursue variety, we only pursue Keepimproving; we don't pursue the glory of big brand, only pursue every detail tomake you satisfied.

Our customer service is a very lovely little beauty, sincere and warm, butin order to better serve you, she can't even drink a sip of water when she isbusy, and even sits in front of the computer all day waiting. Even so, she maymiss your information because of many things. I hope you can be moreconsiderate.

The annoying express brother's attitude is incompatible and often makes youangry, which is also a headache for us. We will try our best to negotiate andbring you a satisfactory shopping experience. Please give us a littleencouragement when you are satisfied. Five points of praise is the driving forcefor us to adhere to. Of course, the twists and turns of shopping always hinderour communication, If you have any dissatisfaction, please don't rush toevaluate, contact our customer service as soon as possible, we will give you abeautiful mood in the best way. Thank you again for coming to our shop and lookforward to your coming again.

If you give five points of praise, we have prepared a small idea for you:screenshot to customer service, give you five yuan discount, unlimited,universal.



Dear customers

Hello! The new year is coming, we are grateful to you with cordialgreetings and sincere thanks: Thank you for your support and love in this year,so that our business has made continuous progress and development.

We know that every progress and success of _ can not be separated fromyour attention, trust, support and participation. Your understanding and trustare the powerful driving force for our progress. In the course of _'sdevelopment, you have given us incomparable strength. With your strong concernand support, as well as the diligent efforts of all the staff of our company, wehave made outstanding achievements one after another by virtue of ourhigh-quality projects and good reputation. On the occasion of the new year andChristmas, thank you for your support and love in the past days. I would like toexpress my heartfelt thanks to you in this letter!

In the process of cooperation, if you have any questions, please don'tforget to call us. You are welcome to put forward any opinions and suggestions,so that we can communicate and improve more smoothly, and provide you withbetter projects.

In the future, all staff of _ will continue to work hard, explore andinnovate, and create sustainable value for new and old customers. At the sametime, I hope you can continue to support and help us, and also wish us to worktogether to create brilliant!




Beautiful, kind and tasteful sister _X:

With incomparable excitement and excitement, I bring up my pen to tell youmy heart's gratitude to you: it is your smile that has infected my love for lifeand made me firmly determined to choose the beauty industry; it is your wordsthat awaken my understanding of life and make me understand the love of work,dedication and hard work; It is your help that makes me feel that I am a personworthy of trust Thank you so much, I don't know where to start. I think of agood metaphor. You are really the "light bulb in the dark, bread in hunger, icecream in summer and cotton padded jacket in winter" in my life. Although it'sfunny, I still think it's very appropriate. If you don't have you, I won't havemy present life. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I sincerely thank you - my good sister _X, of course, I still have a lotof shortcomings, but also need your care and help; If you are not satisfied withmy service, please tell me and my leaders to help me correct my mistakes in timeand help me move from green to mature! If you are satisfied with my service,please tell your intimate friends to come and enjoy my most intimate andprofessional service. I will use enthusiasm, wisdom and diligence to exchangefor the beauty and health of you and your friends in your life! Sincerely lookforward to your presence and your friends! Thank you again, my sister _X!


Dear customers


Since its establishment, _ beauty salon has received your strong supportand help. On the occasion of the coming New Year's day and new year's day, _beauty salon is grateful to you with cordial greetings and sincere thanks.

Time flies, and in a flash it is another year. Looking back on the progressand success of _ beauty salon this year, we can not do without your attention,trust, support and participation. Your understanding and trust is a powerfuldriving force for our progress, and your care and support are the inexhaustiblesource of our growth. Your every suggestion, let us excited, prompted us tocontinue to work hard. With you, we will have a steady stream of confidence andstrength in our journey forward; with you, our cause can flourish and developendlessly.

In the new year, we hope to continue to get the trust, care and support ofyou and all consumers. You and all consumers are welcome to make suggestions andcriticisms to us. We will serve every customer with sincerity, sincerity,sincerity and enthusiasm. Customer satisfaction is our eternal pursuit! We willcontinue to provide you with the most sincere service, and constantly strive toachieve "no best, only better"! (original from blog 138)

Thank you again for your trust and support!

I wish you good health! Happy family! Everything goes well!




To all partners and riders:

How do you do!

It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar. Five years of windand rain, five years of love, all the way hard song!

In the course of development in the past year, I would like to thank everypartner and the vast number of riders for their support! Every little progressand small success of our company can not be separated from your attention,trust, participation and support.

Your attention and trust give us the greatest impetus to progress; yourparticipation and support are the source of our success.

There are thousands of friends in the world. We have not been fullyrecognized as far as possible, but we have been working hard. Although we can'tachieve the consistency of all people's needs, we are also constantlyinnovating. In the course of running this marathon, I have encountered manyhardships and setbacks. Thank you very much for your understanding andtolerance. Every time you participate and support, we are very excited and makeus keep forging ahead. Every brand is our motivation and encouragement. Withyou, you will be prosperous forever.

We hope that in the years to come, we can continue to get the attention andsupport of our friends. We will continue to provide you with the most sincereservice. We cherish the hard won friendly cooperative relationship with you. Ifthere is any deficiency, please do not hesitate to criticize. We will try ourbest to do better!

Finally, I would like to thank Yueqi's hardworking partners for their hardwork and hard work in this year. Perseverance; keep up; fight for 20_.

On the occasion of the lunar year of the monkey, Yueqi wishes you all goodhealth, family harmony, good luck, rich money!





