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Early experience

Li Shimin in the year 598 (Sui Wendi emperor seventeen years) lunar calendar in December Wu Wu day (one that 599 AD, open emperor eighteen years in December Wu days), was born in the martial arts of the House Museum, Father is then the Sui Dynasty officials of the Li Yuan, the mother is the Northern Zhou Dynasty tribe. Li Shimin 4 years old, the family came to a self-proclaimed scholar, his father Li Yuan said: "When you see Li Shimin, the scholar actually said:" Longfeng posture, The day of the table, until the age of twenty, will be able to help the world. "Li Yuan will be" Ji Shi An Min "for the son named" the world ". Childhood Li Shimin smart decisive, informal, to accept Confucian education, learning martial arts, good riding and shooting.

AD 613 (Emperor of the great cause of nine years), Li Shimin married Gao Xilian's nephew Sun's wife. AD 615 years (great cause eleven years), Li Shimin to participate in the cloud of Xingxing army, go to Yanmen off the rescue by the Turks siege of the Emperor.

AD 616 years (great cause of twelve years), his father Li Yuan as Jinyang left behind, Li Shimin followed to Taiyuan and his father several times set off, flat service occurred in this province of Shanxi rebellion and the invasion of the East Turkic invasion.

Jinyang uprising

AD 617 (Yining first year), Li Shimin encouraged his father Li Yuan uprising, is for the Jinyang troops. Li Yuanfeng Li Shimin for the Dunhuang County public, right collar military governor, commander of the right army, troops attack Chang'an, and destroy the Sui. Li Shimin official worship Guanglu doctor, Tang history, resettlement Qin Guogong, food business million households.

AD 617 (Yining first year) Lunar New Year in December, Li Shimin for the right marshal, resettlement Zhao Guogong, led troops to attack the Sui Dynasty in the east of Luoyang, not yet, three-way ambush in the three tombs, beat Sui will reach. AD 618 (the first year of the military) lunar calendar in May, Li Yuan deposed Yang Yoo, emperor, change the country for the Tang, Feng Li Shimin for the Shangshu order, right Yiwei general, into the seal king.

Quartet war

After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, the territory is limited to Guanzhong and Hedong area, has not yet fully ruled the country, therefore, Li Shimin often set off, and gradually eliminate the separatist forces around. Since AD 618 (the first year of the military), Li Shimin personally involved in four major campaigns.

First, broken Xueju, Sham Shui Po of the war put aside Longxi Xue Ren Gao (Xue Ju's son), the eradication of the Tang Dynasty from the Western threat.

Second, beat Song Jinang, Liu Wu Zhou, recovered, and lost territory, to consolidate the north of the Tang Dynasty.

Third, in the war of war, in one fell swoop to annihilate the two separatist elements of the Central Plains: Henan Wang Shicheng and Hebei Doujian De Group, so that the Tang dynasty made control of North China.

Fourth, the creation of Dou Jiande Yu Liu and black Liu and Huang Yuan Lang.

Since then Li Shimin prestige day, especially in the war after the war of duty after returning to Beijing, Changan military and civilian by the grand welcome. AD 621 (Wende four years) lunar calendar in October, sealed for the day policy will be, lead singer, Shaanxi Road, Tai Tai Tai Shangshu order, located in the princes, the food increased to thirty thousand households. Li Yuan and then under the licensing of the days of the government set up their own official, Li Shimin opened a literary museum, received the Quartet Yan Shi admitted to the consultant, the museum and the Qin government combined, as if the formation of a small government agencies.

Basaltic change

Taiyuan troops is Li Shimin's strategy, Li Yuan has promised him as a matter after he was Prince, but Li Yuan established after the Tang Dynasty, Li Jiancheng as Prince. After the world put down, Li Shimin fame, Li Jiancheng Li Yuanji then combined, exclusion Li Shimin. Li Yuan's indecisive, but also to confrontation between the DPRK and China, to accelerate the philosophers of the soldiers meet each other.

Long brother and his wife Li Jiancheng Li Shimin know that Li Shimin finally refused to mercy, and Li Shimin also think that he laid the foundation of the Tang Dynasty founding, then with Li Jiancheng, four younger brother Qi Wang Li Yuanji suspicion deep, between the two factions between each other. Li Jiancheng had poisoned Li Shimin. Which prime minister Pei silence, counselor Wang Gui, Wei Zheng, East Palace Guardian General Xue Wancai follow Li Jiancheng, Li Yuanji.

Qin government counselor Du Ruhui, Fang Xuanling, generals Qin Shubao, Yuchi Jingde, Duan Zhixuan, Hou Junji, Wang Junlu and other follow Li Shimin. Prime Minister Chen Shouda, courtiers Sun Wuji and so secretly support Li Shimin. The remaining generals Li Jing, Xu Shi plot, Minister Yu Wen Shi and so remain neutral.

AD 626 (Wu De nine years), the Turkic invasion of the Tang border, Li Jiancheng to Li Yuan suggested that by Li Yuanji commander expedition to the Turks. In the East Palace of Prince Edward as the rate of more Cheng (in charge of the officials of the official) Wang Wang, has been Wang Li Shimin bought, as Li Shimin in the East Palace of the eyeliner, he quietly told Li Shimin: "Li Jiancheng would like to take control of the king of soldiers and horses, and Ready to set up soldiers in Kunming pool to kill the king. "So Li Shimin decided to pre-emptive.

AD 2 6 6 6 6 (Wu De nine years in June the first four days of China), Li Shimin in the imperial city of Chang'an City Miyagi near the Xuanwu Men shooting the Crown Prince Li Jiancheng, Qi Wang Li Yuanji, known as "Xuanwumen change." Later, Li Shimin killed Li Jiancheng, Li Yuanji philosophers, and they removed from the membership. Li Yu-yuan was elected to the Crown Prince, under the imperial edict said: "since the military affairs, regardless of the size of the full appointment of the military, the Ministry of the People's Republic of China, Prince, and then the emperor. "

September 6, 626 AD (Wu De nine years in early August Jiu Jiazi), Li Yuan retreat was called the emperor, Zen in Li Shimin. Li Shimin ascended the throne for the emperor, the following year to change the yuan concept.

Zhenguan of the rule

Due to the war in the Sui and the population dropped sharply, AD 628 (Zhenguan two years), the Tang Dynasty only 2.9 million population, Li Shimin often to death Sui for the ring, pay attention to exhort self-restraint desire, And the economy, the thin Fu is still thrifty, prudent for the government; also committed to the revival of culture and education, so that the turmoil in the Sui Dynasty to stabilize the Bureau of the United States and the United States, the United States and the United States, the United States and the United States, Down.

Li Shimin attaches great importance to the civil service of the Ching Ming, had ordered the village of the province and redundant staff, sent Li Jing and other 13 dismissed ambassador to inspect the country, study wind assessment; and personally selected captaincy, provincial governor and other local officials, and its merits written in the palace On the screen, as the basis for ascension and punishment. Another provision for more than five items of Beijing official rotation value of the book in the province, so that at any time Ting see, ask the people suffering and governance gains and losses, Baiguan then self-reliance, directly improve the efficiency of the government.

In the military, Li Shimin many foreign troops, has put aside the Turks, Xue Yantuo, Huihe, Gaochang, Yanqi, Kuchi, Tuyuhun, etc., by the Tang Dynasty sound Wei broadcast, Quartet.

After 20 years of hard work, social stability, economic recovery and stable development, external martial arts prominent, to the year 652 (Tang Gaozong emperor emblem three years), population reached 3.8 million, lay the Tang Gaozong, Wu Zetian , Tang Xuanzong years of the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, known as Zhenguan of governance.

Emperor Fan

AD 643 (Zhenguan seventeen years) in April, Prince Li Cheng dry to conspiracy to be abolished, Tang Taizong then his ninth son Jin Wang Li Zhili as Prince, and Prince Edward strict teaching. Li Shimin in his later years, "Emperor Fan," a book to teach Prince Edward Lee governance, summed up his political experience, while self-evaluation merit.

AD 648 (Zhenguan twenty-two years) the first month, Tang Taizong will write his "Emperor Fan" twelve awarded to Prince Li Zhi, and told him: "You should be the ancient sage of the king as a teacher , As I am, it is absolutely impossible to follow, because if you take the law, only only one of them, if the law in the only one can only be the next I have since the base, the fault is a lot: The beads are not in the front, the palace Taiwan perennial rookie, dog horse eagle falcon no far, travel to the Quartet for trouble, all of these are the biggest mistakes I made, do not take me as an example to follow suit.

Died of illness

AD 649 (Zhenguan twenty-three years), Tang Taizong sick (one said to take Tianzhu long raw medicine lead to violence), treatment eventually invalid, life Li governance to Jinye door agent state affairs.

July 10, 649 AD (Zhenguan twenty-three years in May twenty-six has been days), Taizong died in the Zhongnanshan on the Cuiwei Palace containing the wind house. At the beginning of the emperor, the temple Taizong, buried in Zhaoling.

AD 674 years (Tang Gaozong on the first year) plus Shi Wen Wu Sheng emperor, AD 749 years (Tang Xuanzong Tianbao eight years) plus Shi Wenwu Da Sheng emperor, AD 754 years (Tianbao thirteen years)) plus Shi Wenwu Da Sheng Da Guang Filial piety


Tang Taizong Li Shimin (January 28, 598 [a said 599 January 23] - AD 649 July 10), native of Longxi Cheng Ji, Tang Gaozu Li Yuan and sinus Queen's second son, the Tang Dynasty Two emperors, distinguished politicians, strategists, military strategists, poets.

Li Shimin juvenile army, went to Yanmen off to save the Emperor. After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin official residence Shangshu order, right Wuhou big general, by the closure of Qin Guogong, after the seal for the Qin Wang, has led his troops to settle the Xue Rengao, Liu Wuzhou, Dou Jiande, Wang Shicong and other warlords, in the Tang Dynasty to establish and unify the process Neutral under the illustrious military exploits.

AD 6 6 6 6 (Wu De nine years in June fourth day), Li Shimin launched Xuanwu Men of change, to kill his brother Prince Li Jiancheng, four brother Qi Wang Li Yuanji and two sons, was established Prince, Tang Gao Zu Li Yuan soon abdicated, Li Shimin ascended the throne, change Yuan Zhenguan.

Li Shimin after the emperor, and actively listen to the views of the ministers, to the text of the rule of the world, modesty remonstrance, the implementation of conservation, to persuade farmers mulberry, so that people can recuperate, peace and prosperity, and created a famous Chinese history of Zhenguan governance. To open up the territory of the extension of the earth, attack the East Turkic and Xue Yantuo, conquered Gaochang, Kuchi, Tuyuhun, hit Goguryeo, the establishment of Anxi four towns, the people get along well, by the people of all ethnic groups known as the days of Khan, later Tang Dynasty Years of prosperity to lay an important foundation.

On July 10, 649 AD, the Li Shimin died in the windy temple at the age of twenty-three years, the temple was Taizong and was buried in Zhaoling. The Li Shimin love literature and calligraphy, there are ink handed down.



