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Early experience

1889 (Qing Guangxu fifteen years) October 26, Li Siguang was born in Huangzhou County, Hubei Province, Huanggang County, under the town of Zhang Village (now Hubei Huanggang City Mission County) of a poor people, named " Li Zhongkui ".

1902 (Qing Guangxu twenty-eight years), childhood study in his father Li Zhuohou coaching private school Li Zhongkui farewell parents, alone came to Wuchang apply for high school, and renamed Li Siguang.

In the same year in December, Li Siguang met at the time of the Tokyo University of law and politics to study the modern democratic revolutionaries Song Jiaoren, by the Song Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, the Song dynasty, Jia Ren introduction and understanding in Tokyo, Beijing University of Science and Technology to learn the art of Ma Junwu. At this point, he accepted more democratic revolutionary ideas, began to embark on the path of revolution. And resolutely cut the long braids on the head, indicating that he stood on the side of the revolution.

In 1905 (Qing dynasty thirty-one years), Li Siguang learning task is very heavy, but he is still often out of the International Student Hall, went to the rally, listening to speech, decided to follow Mr. Sun Yat-sen "he also actively involved in the formation of revolutionary political parties, On the 30th, he participated in the preparatory meeting of the China League, held at the Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Matsumura, Tokyo, and will be entrusted by Sun Yat-sen to join the League. Among them, Li Siguang's book from the book: the Union of Huangzhou County, Hubei Province, Huanggang County, Li Siguang, sworn that day: to get rid of the Tartars, the restoration of China, the establishment of the Republic of China, the average land rights. Yusen Yazhong, there are beginning to die. Such as or Yu this, Renzhong punishment. On July 30, 2007, Li Siguang, member of the China League. Li Siguang was the youngest member of the first group of members of the League. On August 20, Li Siguang attended the establishment of the China League, which was held at the residence of Mr. Tian Liangping in Matsumura, Akasaka, Tokyo, Japan.

1907 (Qing Guangxu thirty-three years), into the Osaka high industrial school marine organs, learning shipbuilding machinery, Xuantong two years (1910) graduate. Because in Japan by the Han nationalism with the anti-full of revolutionary ideas, as Sun Yat-sen led the league's youngest members to "expel the Tartars, to restore China" as their responsibility. And won the praise of Sun Yat - sen, to send its eight words: "hard to learn, for the country.

Cut a striking figure

1911 (Qing Xuantong three years), the Revolution of 1911 broke out, overthrew the imperial government of the Qing Dynasty, Li Siguang as the Hubei military government minister; Nanjing provisional government was established, the Ministry of Industry to the Industrial Division, Soon, Yuan Shikai usurped the revolutionary fruit, Li Siguang angrily resigned from the Secretary for Industry duties.

1913 (the Republic of China two years), traveled to the ocean, went to study in the UK, admitted to the University of Birmingham, the first mining, after the study of geology, graduated in 1919, was awarded a master's degree.

In 1920 (the Chinese Republic of China nine years), to accept the Peking University President Mr. Cai Yuanpei's letter of appointment, returned to the Department of Geology, Peking University professor, head of the Department, also served as the Peking University Council members of the council and the general manager of the Institute.

In 1922 (the eleventh year of the Republic of China), Li Siguang with Zhang Hongzhao, Ding Wenjiang, Weng Wenhao co-sponsored the establishment of the Chinese Geological Society, he was elected as the first vice president, and later served as a longer president, Chairman of the board.

After 1928, Li Siguang served as director of the Institute of Geology of the former Central Research Institute. In August the same year, the National Government decided to set up the National Wuhan University, the National University Graduate School (Ministry of Education) Dean Cai Yuanpei appointed Li Siguang for the Wuhan University Construction Committee Chairman; In November the same year, the Committee decided to Wuchang outside the East Lake near the Luojia Hill area for the new school address (Wuhan University, there are Li Siguang site statue).

In 1929 (the Republic of China eighteen years) in October, the new school completed, he and Cai Yuanpei, etc. to participate in the completion of the new campus of Wuhan University and the opening ceremony, to achieve his long time in the mountains and water, to do a modern university aspirations The

In 1931 (two decades of the Republic of China), he was awarded a doctorate in natural sciences from the University of Birmingham in the "Northern China Branch".

1932 (the Republic of China twenty-one years), the Central University (now Nanjing University) Acting President.

From 1934 to 1936, in the United Kingdom London, Cambridge, Birmingham and other eight universities to teach "Chinese geology", by the British academia welcome praise.

In 1937 (the Republic of China twenty-six years), the Central University College of Science Department of Geology Professor Emeritus; the same year in November, the rate of the Central Institute of Geological Research Institute moved to Guangxi Guilin.

In 1944 (thirty-three years of the Republic of China), the Institute of Geology, Central Research Institute moved to Chongqing by Guiyang.

From 1944 to 1946, he served as professor of Chongqing University, and in Chongqing University opened the country's first oil professional.

In 1948 (the Republic of China thirty-seven years), was elected as the Central Academy of Sciences; the same year in early February, Li Siguang and his wife Xu Shubin together from Shanghai to London to attend the 18th International Geological Conference, the same year to accept the Oslo University of Norway Of the Ph.D.

At the beginning of April, the Chinese delegation headed by Guo Moruo went to Prague to attend the World Peacekeeping Conference. At the beginning of April the same year, the Chinese delegation headed by Guo Moruo went to Prague to write to the World Peacekeeping Conference. Before leaving the country, Guo Moruo according to Zhou Enlai's instructions, to Li Siguang with a letter, ask him to return home soon. Unfortunately, due to the impact of the Second World War, from the UK to the Far East passenger liner tickets to book one year in advance, due to delay.

Hard to return home

In the autumn of 1949, the People's Republic of China was established soon, Li Siguang was invited to serve as CPPCC members, but do a good job in preparation for the United States was London friends (Ling Shuhua, Chen Yuan couple) told the Kuomintang government ambassador in Britain has received a secret order to its public The statement refused to accept the CPPCC members, or will be detained. Li Siguang act decisively, leaving London alone to France. Two weeks later, the couple bought in Basel from Italy to Hong Kong tickets, in December 1949 set a secret return, until May 6, 1950, Li Siguang finally arrived in Beijing.

In May 1950, he served as vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, director of the China Geological Work Program Instructor, and chairman of the National Federation of Natural Sciences.

In April 1951, he was elected vice chairman of the Executive Committee of the World Association of Scientists. In August of the same year, China Changchun Geological College, Department of Geology and Mineral Resources of Shandong University, Department of Geology and Physics of Northeast Institute of Technology merged into Northeast Geological College After the name of Changchun Institute of Geology, Jilin University is now the Department of Geography), Li Siguang as the first dean.

In 1952, Li Siguang was again invited to work back to the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; the same year in September, the People's Republic of China Geological Minister.

In 1955, was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (later renamed academician).

In February 1956, the establishment of geomechanics research room, and room director; in 1958, the room changed its office, as director.

In June of the same year in September, he served as chairman of the Chinese Science and Technology Association; the same year in December, by He Changgong, Zhang Jinfu introduced to join the Communist Party of China. In the same year, he was appointed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

After the 20th century, 60 years, Li Siguang due to overwork the body getting worse, or with great enthusiasm and energy into the earthquake prediction, forecasting and geothermal use and other work to go.

In April 1969, he was elected member of the Ninth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

In August 1970, he served as head of the Science and Education Department of the State Council.

April 29, 1971, Li Siguang died due to illness, at the age of 82 years.


Li Shengguang, the ancient Mongolian, geologist, educator, musician and social activist, is the founder of China's geomechanics, China's modern earth Scientific and geological work, one of the leading leaders and founders, the first batch of outstanding scientists after the founding of new China and the outstanding contribution to the development of new China, was elected in 2009 as the 100 new China since the founding of the Chinese people moved one.

Was born in July 1918 in Osaka, Japan. He was appointed as the Minister of Industry of Hubei Military Government. In 1928, he was appointed as director of the Institute of Geology of the Central Research Institute. In 1948, he was elected as a member of the Academia Sinica. In 1952, he was elected vice chairman of the Executive Committee of the World Association of Scientists; in September 1952, he was appointed Minister of Geology of the People's Republic of China. In 1955, he was appointed as the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 1969, he was elected the ninth member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In August 1970, he was appointed as the head of the Science and Education Department of the State Council.

Li Siguang founded the geomechanics and made important contributions to the development of China's petroleum industry. In the early years, the fossils of the fossils and their stratigraphic layers were studied in the early years, and the existence of the Quaternary glaciers in eastern China was put forward. The concept of "geomechanics" and "tectonic system" are established, the concept of "tectonic system" is established, and the geomechanics school is created. The three ups and downs of the new Huaxia tectonic system have a broad understanding of oil prospecting, In - situ stress observation combined with the prediction of seismic.



