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Moral thought

Confucius built a complete "moral and moral" thought system: at the individual level advocate "benevolence, ritual" virtue and virtue. The moral system of thought is based on the theory of goodness and sorcerer (" Humane and heaven, authentic meet, humane and timely into a methodology of the perfect ideological system.

Confucius's Ren said, embodies the humanitarian spirit, Confucius's ritual, it embodies the spirit of ritual, that is, the modern sense of the order and system. Humanism This is the eternal theme of mankind, for any society, any time, any government is applicable, and order and institutional society is the establishment of human civilization, the basic requirements of society. Confucius's spirit of humanism and order is the essence of ancient Chinese social and political thought.

Confucius in his later years of the highest ideal called "Datong", in the world of Datong, the world's people, not only their own family for the pro, not only to their parents and children for love, but love each other, love all the people The So that the old end, strong use, the children can get warm and caring, lonely people and people with disabilities have to rely on, men have their own things, women have a satisfactory destination. There is no fraud in the world, no thieves, the road is not picked up, the night is not closed, everyone stresses the letter repair, election Yin Teng can, the road trip also, the world for the public.

political ideology

The core content of Confucius' political thought is "ritual" and "benevolence". On the strategy of governing the country, he advocated "governing morality" and using morality and ritual to govern the country is the most noble way of governing the country. This strategy is also called "rule of virtue" or "rule of law". This strategy to Germany, the courtesy of the people, strict hierarchical system, the aristocracy and the common people divided by the rulers and the rulers. Breaking the aristocracy and the common people between the original an important line.

Confucius lived in the Western Zhou Dynasty patriarchal tradition of deep Lu, when the ruling power of the Zhou dynasty has been in name only, the princes fighting each other constantly, there has been "Wang Daowei, ritual waste, regime loss, family vulgar" social reality , "Jun is not Jun, Chen Chen, father is not the father, son of child" has become the characteristics of that era. The intensification of social contradictions hinders the development of productive forces, and the human spirit and beliefs have also been unprecedentedly devastated. These together constitute the historical and social conditions of Confucius' political thought. "Ren" and "Li" are the basic spirit of his political thought.

Confucius' highest political ideal is to establish the "world for the public" of the Datong society. "Datong" the basic characteristics of society is: Avenue smooth, "the world for the public", which can "choose Yin and can, faith repair Mu", "people are not only pro-pro, not only son of his son, so old end, The use of the young people, young people have long, lonely lonely people who have nothing to do, "conspiracy to cheat, theft can not afford, this is an idealized legend of Yao and Shun era of primitive social scene, but also Confucius The vision of the highest ideal society. "Well-off society" is a lower political goal advocated by Confucius. "The well-off society," the basic characteristics of society is: the road hidden, "the world for home", "the pro-pro, the child of his son, the goods for themselves", and this rich and poor, A series of rules and regulations, ethics, "to the monarch and grandchildren, to Benedict and his son, to the brothers, to and the couple", "to stand in the field, to Xianxiong know", accordingly also set " , By, "to seek is for, and the soldiers from this." This society is clearly not "Datong" as perfect as the world, but there are normal order, polite, benevolence, faith, justice, so called well-off. This society actually describes the "prosperity" of class society after "private ownership".

Confucius' "Datong" society, "well-off" social ideal has far-reaching impact on China's later generations. Later, different periodicals, different stages of the thinkers put forward the different content of the vision of the blueprint and the goal, this idea for the progressive thinkers, reformers also have some inspiration, Hong Xiuquan, Kang Youwei, Tan Sitong and Sun Yat-sen are affected.

Economic thought

Confucius' economic thought is the most important thing of righteousness and lightness, "righteousness" and "enriching the people". This is also the main content of Confucian economic thought, has a greater impact on future generations.

Confucius called "righteousness", is a kind of social morality, "Lee" refers to people's pursuit of material interests. In the relationship between "righteousness" and "profit", Confucius puts "righteousness" in the first place. He said: "see the righteousness." Ask people in the material interests of the face of BC, the first should be considered how to meet the "righteousness." He believes that "justice and then take", that is only in line with "justice", and then to get. Confucius even in the "Analects of Confucius Zi" advocated "rare words", that is to say "benefit", but not not "benefit". "Zuozhuan into the public two years" records, do not meet the moral things and get rich, just as clouds, disdain with unreasonable means to obtain wealth. Confucius also believes that the treatment of "righteousness" and "benefit" attitude, can distinguish between "gentleman" and "villain". A moral "gentleman", easy to understand the "righteousness" of the importance of the lack of moral cultivation of the "villain", only know "benefit" and do not know "justice." This is Confucius in the "Analects of Confucius in the" said "gentleman Yu Yi, villain Yu Li." Some people think that since Confucius "righteousness", it is bound to underestimate the manual labor. This view is wrong. "The Analects of Confucius" in the record of his disciples who want to learn agriculture Fan Chi very dissatisfied, called him "villain", it is because Confucius that people have greater ideals and pursuits, to bear the greater responsibility. He wants his students to be the bearers of value rather than a farmer.

education doctrine

Confucius in the history of China, the first proposed similar to the quality of human talent, personality differences mainly because of the acquired education and social environmental impact ("similarity is also similar"). So that everyone may be educated, everyone should be educated. He advocated "teach no class", founded private school, wide recruit students, breaking the slave owners aristocratic school education monopoly, the scope of education extended to civilians, conform to the trend of social development. He advocated "learning and gifted", learning andSPAre capacity, went to an official. His education aims to cultivate a gentleman in politics, and a gentleman must have a high moral quality of cultivation, so Confucius stressed that the school education must be moral education in the first place ("disciples into the filial piety, out of Ti, Panting the public, and the pro-people. Line of spare capacity, then the text ").

Confucius in the teaching methods require teachers to "teach no class", "by the state economy" education concept, "individualized", "heuristic" methodology, pay attention to Tong Meng, enlightenment education. He educated students to have honest learning attitude, to be modest and studious, often review the knowledge learned, so that "warm and know the new", new knowledge extended broad, in-depth, "one and the other."

The main contents of Confucius' moral education are "ritual" and "benevolence". Which "ceremony" for the moral norms, "benevolence" for the highest moral standards. "Ceremony" is the form of "benevolence", "benevolence" is the content of "ritual", with the spirit of "benevolence", "ritual" really fulfilled. In the moral cultivation, he proposed to establish ambition, self-denial, practice line, introspection, courage to turn over and other methods. "Learning and learning" is the dominant thought of Confucius' teaching thought. While advocating the shamelessly asked, modesty, he emphasizes the combination of learning and thinking ("learning without thinking, thinking and not learning is almost"), but also must "learn to use", the knowledge learned social practice.

He first proposed heuristic teaching. He said: "Do not be angry, do not speak without hair." Means that teachers should seriously think in the students, and has reached a certain degree of just right to inspire and enlighten, he is the first practice in teaching practice teaching Family. Through the conversation and individual observation and other methods, he understood and familiar with the personality characteristics of students, on this basis, according to the specific circumstances of each student, to take different educational methods, cultivate a virtue, speech, politics, literature and other talents The Confucius loves education and is engaged in educational activities all his life. He learns tirelessly and tirelessly. Not only teaching, more emphasis on teaching, to their own model behavior students. He loves students, students also respect him, teacher-student relationship is very harmonious. He is a typical example of the ancient Chinese teachers.

Confucius' educational activities not only cultivate many students, but also put forward the theory of education on the basis of practice, laying a theoretical foundation for ancient Chinese education. Because of the conservative political attitude of Confucius, the reform of the economic system also reflects the conservative thinking. For example, Lu Xuan Gong fifteen years (AD 594 BC) to implement the "early tax mu", from the legal recognition of the legal status of private land, is the Spring and Autumn period of major economic reform; but according to "Zuo Zhuan" Spring and Autumn "when the record" early tax mu ", the purpose is to criticize its" indecent assault ". And the people are not rich, the monarch is not rich. In the "The Analects of Confucius Yao Yue" also recorded, Confucius advocated "for the benefit of the people and benefit", that is beneficial to the people to do things. On the other hand, he also advocated tax to be lighter, corvee apportionment do not delay agriculture. "The Analects of Confucius," the record, Confucius also on the time for the people to preach, ask the government do not be too extravagant, pay attention to thrift. He said: "extravagant is not bad, thrifty is solid. With its not inferior, Ninggu." At the same time, also advocated "section with love." This includes the use of Confucius' "benevolence" in the economic field.


The core of Confucius' aesthetic thought is the unity of "beauty" and "goodness", and also the unity of form and content. Confucius advocated "poetry teaching", that is, the combination of literature and art and political morality, the literature and art as a means of changing social and political means, cultivate an important way of sentiment. And Confucius believes that a perfect person, should be in poetry, ritual, music self-cultivation. Confucius' aesthetic thought has a great influence on the later literary theory.

Confucius in the easy to learn clearly put forward the "beauty in which", "a matter of opinion" and other famous aesthetic proposition. Published by the People's Publishing House, "the boy asked easy" on the basis of Yi Zong proposed the United States - masculine, feminine beauty; the beauty of life; the beauty of freedom; That "the beauty of yin and yang, the beauty of life, the beauty of freedom, and beauty can be described as aesthetics of the case."

Historical thought

An important proposition of Confucius' history is "straight", that is, the study of history to seek truth from facts, not only to attach importance to the basis, but also to "know it, I do not know I do not know" ("politics"), he tried to oppose those arrogant not straight "He is not straightforward, but he does not want to do so, and he does not believe, and I do not know it." ("Taber").

Confucius' view of history is not only reflected in the attitude of history and history, but also in the historical development view. Confucius believes that history is constantly "gains and losses", he said: "Yin Yin Xia Li, the profit and loss can be seen also; Zhou because of Yin Li, the profit and loss can be seen" ("government"), Zhou is in the summer, On behalf of the foundation to reach an unprecedented civilization. History is not a retrogression, but come from behind, is the development of the forward. Although this idea is very hazy, but it is the history of Chinese history, the evolution of the valuable beginning.

Tourism concept

Confucius is rich in life. He realized the incisive philosophy of life from the long travel career and formed a unique view of tourism. Confucius' "tour" has three main forms: tour, study, tour. In other words, Confucius in the tour to ask the teaching, travel in the official Shi Shi, travel in the affectionate, travel in the enlightenment. His travel behavior and study, into the official is inseparable. Confucius' travel ideas can be broadly summarized as follows:

Confucius' s View of Distance and Near

Confucius said: "gentleman Huaide, villain nostalgia", "people and the nostalgia, not enough for the men." Means a gentleman do not nostalgia for their homeland, should learn through the four parties to learn and realize the lofty ideals and aspirations. It can be seen that Confucius "re-travel", against "Huohuo", "nostalgia" and other psychological and behavior, even to live in love, nostalgia for the gentleman and villain distinction. But Confucius also said: "parents in, not far tour, travel must have", clearly expressed his idea of promoting near travel. "Parents in, not far tour" is also Confucianism to promote the implementation of filial piety, serve their parents, pay attention to the embodiment of human thought.

So Confucius both "re-travel", but also against "far travel" to promote "near tour", would it be self-contradictory? Confucius' near-sight and distant view is not contradictory, but the unity of opposites, similar to the relationship between "fish and bear's paw". Travel and near travel, in fact, reflects the Confucian "loyalty" and "filial piety", serve the country and serve the parents of the unity of opposites. Although Confucius advocated "near travel", but also do not blindly exclusion of travel, although advocating the implementation of filial piety, but more advocated "rule the country world." In the end suitable for travel or near travel, choose the standard is whether there is "good". In fact, follow the Confucius travel around the country 14 years of disciples there are many parents who are alive. Confucius opposed only to the legitimate purpose but beyond the reasonable degree of "travel".

Confucius focus on cultural tours, natural tour, advocate "landscape than Germany"

Confucius life trip to the world, pay attention to listening and enjoyment ceremony, creating a precedent for Chinese cultural tourism. According to historical records: "Confucius was the West into the room, asked the ceremony in the old Dan, Xue Yu Changhong, view of the emperor of the rule." Zuiwangyi not wine, Confucius thought is to learn from the old Dan music. In addition, Confucius visit, and Qi Taishi exchange on the "music" of the views and to achieve the realm of ecstasy. "The Analects of Confucius and": "Son in the Qi Wen" Shao ", learn, March I do not know meat, said: 'not figure for the music of the Sri Lanka also.'" Confucius travel in the four parties to learn, appreciate the ancient ceremony Music civilization, which in fact is now talking about cultural tourism.

In addition to promoting the cultural journey to listen to music, Confucius also focus on the natural landscape of the tour. For the landscape of the natural landscape, Confucius pay more attention to the "beauty" of the feelings, such as familiar for us: "Know who Lok water, benevolent Leshan; know who move, benevolent static; knowledge of music, benevolent life." In Confucius, The clever and flowing water has a metaphysical commonality; the generosity of the benevolent is interlinked with the solemn and steady mountains. This is the "landscape than Germany," the aesthetic, experience. "Bi" refers to the symbol or comparison, "moral" refers to the moral or spiritual quality, means that in the enjoyment of landscape natural landscape, according to its characteristics analogy of people's moral character, that is, the natural landscape of humanization.

Confucius advocates tourism to be healthy, against lion

Confucius said: "Benefit three music, loss of three music. Festival rituals, music people of goodness, music more virtuous friends, benefits carry on. Le proud music, music lost travel, music Yan Le, loss carry on." Said to be proud of to play, to play around, idle for fun, the size of the feast for the music, are harmful to the happy. Visible, Confucius against idle, swinging pleasure, unrestrained play and other lost travel behavior. He believes that lost travel beyond the individual physical and mental capacity and social ritual license, lost travel is a temporary, limited, and will bring their own great damage.

Concept of life

◎ angry forgotten, happy to forget

Confucius 62 years old, had described himself as: "It is also people, angry, happy to forget, I do not know the old will be to the cloud Seoul." At that time, Confucius has led his disciples around the country 9 years, gone through hardships, not only did not get Princes of the appointment, but also almost killed, but Confucius is not easy to retreat, is still optimistic about uphold their own ideals, and even know that it can not do it.

◎ poor music Road

In the eyes of Confucius, justice is the highest value of life, in the rich and the poor and moral contradictions, he would rather be poor will not give up morality. But his poor music and music can not be seen as not seeking wealth, just to maintain the Road, this is not consistent with historical facts. Confucius also said: "rich and expensive, people do not have their own, not the way, not the same. Poor and cheap, people of evil also; not its Road, not to also." " But also for the rich, but also for the whip of the people, I also, if not, from my good.

◎ learning and tireless, tireless tirelessly

Confucius is known for his knowledge, and he has a strong interest in all kinds of knowledge. Therefore, he is versatile and knowledgeable. He was famous at the time and was almost regarded as an omniscient saint. But Confucius did not think that Confucius said: "Confucius schoolless division, who has knowledge, who there is something he did not know, he worship who is a teacher, so that" three lines, will be Have my teacher, choose the good and from it, its poor and changed.

◎ straight and line

Confucius nature of integrity, but also advocate straight and line, he said: "I also in the people who, who destroyed who reputation, such as the reputation of those who have the test." Sri Lanka people also, the reason why the three generations of the line also. "" Historical Records "contained more than thirty-year-old Confucius in his eloquence in the Lao Tzu, parting when I gave the words:" clever and close to the dead, good people who also. Bo debate the majority of the body, This is the reminder of Confucius in good faith, but also pointed out that some of the problems of Confucius, is to see the problem is too deep, the speech is too sharp, hurt some of the status of the people, Of people, will bring their own great danger.

◎ good with people

Confucius founded the moral theory of benevolence, and he himself was a very kind person, compassionate, helpful and sincere and generous. "Do not want to do, do not impose on people", "gentleman adult beauty, no adult evil", "bow and thick and thin people" and so on, are his life criteria. Confucius said: "I have five and learn to learn, thirty standing, forty and no doubt, fifty and know destiny, sixty and earning, seventy and from the heart, not overdue." This is the life of their own Stage of the summary.


Confucius (September 28, 551 BC - April 11, 479 BC), sub-surname, Kong, Mingqiu, word Zhongni, Lu Guoyi people (now Shandong Qufu), ancestral home Song Li Li ( This summer Xia Yi), China's famous big thinker, big educator. Confucius pioneered the atmosphere of private lectures, the founder of the Confucian school.

Confucius had been employed by Lao Tzu, led some of the disciples travel around the country for fourteen years, the late revision of six classics, namely, "poetry" "book" "ceremony" "music" "easy" "Spring and Autumn." According to legend, he has three disciples, of which seventy-two sage. After the death of Confucius, his disciples and their disciples to Confucius and his disciples of words and deeds and thoughts recorded, compiled into the Confucian classics "The Analects of Confucius."

Confucius in ancient times was revered as "heavenly holy", "days of wood duo", was one of the most scholars in the community at that time, was later rulers respect for the saints, holy, holy first division, Dacheng The holy text of the beginning of the first division, million Shi table. Its Confucianism has a far-reaching impact on China and the world, Confucius was listed as "the world's top ten cultural celebrities" first. Confucius was revered as the ancestor of Confucianism (non-Confucianism). With the expansion of Confucius influence, Confucius worship became once and even God, and the ancestral god of the country.



