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johannes vermeer的个人英文简介汇编3篇



In this picture, the painter portrayed a woman who was looking at the letter, and she looked attentive, solemn, as if she were being attracted to the contents of the letter, and everything around her was gone in silence exist. This is an ordinary citizen family, the room isSPAcious and simple, only the curtains, the tattoo looks thick texture calm, with a noble and solemn beauty. Vermeer has also painted another standing in the room under the light of the pregnant woman has been pregnant. In addition to a slight change in the environment furnishings, the dynamic image of people is similar.

"Lace women workers" is Vermeer's outstanding works, but also one of his masterpiece. The painting is a poetic way to describe a woman who is knitting lace in the kind of calm and peaceful look, with a lyrical mood to the beauty of the enjoyment. The difference between Vermeer and contemporary painters is that he expresses light with extreme, even trembling senses, and likes to use a mixture of blue and lemon yellow in a very harmonious tone. His work in a special sense of light, in fact, by a new skill to achieve. This technique relies heavily on optical experiments, but mainly relies on observation, as well as intuition that reflects the subtle penetration of color. He captures the color of the bright method quite special, with tiny objects such as pearl highlights the contours of objects, the average distribution of the focal length in the works, so it appears calm and objective.

"Wearing pearl earrings girl" for Vermeer's greatest works, and Da Vinci "Mona Lisa" par.

This picture came to the world for three hundred years, the world is amazing for the woman in the painting: that soft clothes lines, earrings of the changes in light and shade, especially the woman sideways back, hesitantly, laughing also anger look back, only "Mongolia Na Lisa "smile can be comparable. The true identity of the woman in the painting, like "Mona Lisa", is an eternal mystery


Vermeer was born in Delft a painting family, his father died after inheriting his father, while engaged in painting creation. 21-year-old Vermeer joined the Delft Artists Association, and has twice done the guild leader, at the time of the painting to enjoy a certain reputation. But because of the large number of children (born 11 children), life is very poor, and sometimes had to use oil painting to cover the bread of the debt, so impoverished, so that his works scattered serious. In 1675, the painter took part in the defense of the invasion of the French army and overworked, life and trapped in extreme poverty, in the sick and sick, leaving his wife and children died, 43 years old. Vermeer disappeared from the Dutch painting. It was not until the 1950s that it was discovered by a French art critic Dürre and tried to sort out his legacy for the rehearsal of the great painter who had buried nearly two centuries.

Most of Vermeer's works depict quiet and harmonious family life, and he particularly likes to draw women's images and activities. He handed down the portrait, the female characters have 40, only 13 male characters. Its oil painting content is usually one or two people in the room labor or leisure, light generally from the left side of the photo.

Vermeer likes yellow, blue and gray, his grasp of color and light processing is very outstanding. Usually simple layout, size is not large, but often gives a huge visual impact. He uses a combination of tiny dots (point painting), and is good at using the light source, so that the screen produces a flowing, elegant atmosphere, which is known as the master of light and shadow.

No one knows Vermeer's technique, but it is certain that he often uses the rare camera technology (Camera Obscura), to capture the light and color. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, a famous Dutch scientist at the time, was a friend of Vermeer, who was proficient in microscopes and optical perspectives, and Vermeer apparently learned the technology from him.

He is very particular about the picture, whether it is picture composition, the proportion of characters, light and shadow changes are as realistic as realistic photo. So that some critics think this is not art, but in the golden age of the Netherlands, people did not put painting as an art, but only a handicraft, a life skills only. His paintings usually take a long time, basically take two or three years to complete a work, but each one is fine. Johannes Vermeer is the representative of the outstanding customist painter and the Delft custom school in the mid-17th century.

Vermeer's vast majority of painting content is his daily life, he is more to the local family of women as the main image, deliberately depicting the sun filled with the furnishings, environment and character activities, often using a flat perspective, so that the screen produces a certain depth , Usually painted two suites, indoor suspension and furnishings, reflecting the Delft region rich family life calm, comfortable, and self-satisfied spiritual realm.

He describes the fabric art skills so that countless artists sigh, the application of light and color is so straightforward painting.His works, often in the ordinary show the distant meaning and profound philosophy, both popular simple and mysterious. His works reveal the warmth and tranquility, that small and exquisite strokes enough to make him in his own era together into a dazzling light. 35 pieces of live realism, on behalf of as "with pearl earrings girl".

Vermeer, the master of the painting that was buried for two centuries after his death, was the third most important representative of Dutch painting in the seventeenth century. The Dutch in the seventeenth century is the power of European economic prosperity, culture and art is quite developed, produced Hals, Rembrandt, in the history of European art occupies a special status.

Vermeer is the only one in the mid-seventeenth century after Harris and Rembrandt. As the Dutch culture and art gradually lost their democratic tradition, the Dutch city of Delft became an advanced art center, and Johannes Vermeer (1632-- 1675) was born in the city and finally born here The However, the great painter in his lifetime, although known but poor and shabby, heavily in debt, when the year when the strong, but suddenly died, only live 43 years old. Died and was forgotten until the mid-nineteenth century was art critics to rediscover, from the reputation of the day, gave him the right place. He is known as "sleeping for two centuries of Sphinx" and "mystery-like painter". His life has gradually explored the text, was informed of its overview.

Vermeer was born in Delft, the Netherlands, and a middle-class family who runs inn and sells paintings. According to research, he had to Rembrandt's most talented disciple Fabrius learned painting. In 1653, he was the hometown of the artist, joined the guild, and in 1663, 1669 twice was elected president of the Association. According to 1663, a country collector who made a special trip to visit Dimerme to draw the picture to infer that he had been honored during his lifetime, and his position in the painting has also been recognized by the community. According to the experts identified, Vermeer coexistence of 34 authentic, the rest of the more than thirty pieces are false pseudo-fake. In addition to a small number of portraits, landscapes and religious paintings, the vast majority of these works depict the customary paintings of the daily life of the public and the vast majority of the middle class women's life, the performance of their reading, playing piano, woven lace, All kinds of chores.

Vermeer left the landscape is very small, but each painting is very delicate, well known for the "Delft's landscape", "alley" and so on. In the "alley" in a picture, the whole picture completely time to solidify, whether it is in the alley in the laundry woman, sitting in front of the stitching of women, or children in the roadside game, they were the original action, Vermeer's pen, completely stuck down. Before this painting, our hearts were able to precipitate, issued a light sadness, in which we feel the side of the time is quietly across the toes.

Vermeer likes to paint a busy servant, like "the maid of the milk", "the girl who takes the glass", "the girl who reads the blue", the "lace woman", even though the characters in these paintings are mostly employed by Vermeer Portrait and dressed as a maid like a rich girl, but in Villemere created the picture, they are so generous rustic, did not contrived of the gas. Vermeer, who lives for the sake of life, is hard to survive, but he does not degrade his art because of money, and every piece of work reveals his true heart. Because Vermeer is very clear that he is painting for himself, and even in some cases in order to adhere to their creative intentions at the expense of painting business. In these pictures, Vermeer bold use of blue and lemon yellow, often in the corner of the screen set a window, that light into the room of the soft sun to make the whole picture look fresh and natural.

Vermeer's life is to capture the subtle changes in light, the color of light, seems to be his quiet inner thinking, glimpse of the glory of the dwellers, and then in the picture revealed, and then penetrate every viewer's heart.

In today's view, Vermeer is a good custom artist, more often is a sun under the lyric poet. We opened the tiny strokes, through the surface of the painting, still can feel his inner "thinking". That "thinking" of the trajectory is the flashing light in the picture, in the subtle beating, immersed in the depths of our souls.


Dutch Golden Age painting master, and Van Gogh, Rembrandt collectively known as the Netherlands three painters. Vermeer is one of the greatest painters in the Netherlands, but has been forgotten for two centuries. Vermeer's works are mostly custom themes of painting, basically based on the ordinary life of the public. He painted the whole picture warm, comfortable, quiet, giving a solemn feeling, fully demonstrated the Dutch people that kind of clean environment and elegant and comfortable atmosphere of the preferences. He is also unique in artistic style, his paintings are solid, delicate structure, bright colors and harmony, especially in the performance of indoor light and space sense. Vermeer's painting gives a kind of authenticity, in addition to the real life of everyday life also makes a sense of faith on the realism.



