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August 17, 1893 (Qing Guangxue nineteen years) A Bing was born in Wuxi Lei Zun Temple next to the "one and mountain house." Hua Yanjun 4 years old when the loss of mother, accompanied by the same family aunt.

In 1901, he was a priest in the reign of his father. Began to study in the private school for 3 years, after learning from the father drum, flute, erhu, pipa and other musical instruments.

In 1905, A Bing began to learn flute, his father often asked him to meet the wind blowing, and in the flute on the iron ring to enhance the wrist, then simply replaced the ring into a weight; A Bing in the study of erhu, more hard, The string was Le bloodstains, fingers also pulled out a thick cocoon, A Bing playing with the eruption of the outer chord is much stronger than the average string, which is inseparable from his perennial practice.

In 1910, A Bing officially participated in Taoist music playing, he looks a table of talent, there is a good voice, was known as the "little teacher."

In 1918, his father died, and he succeeded the priestess of the temple. After Huayan Jun due to friends inadvertently began to take opium and prostitutes, and later suffering from eye disease caused by blindness, unable to participate in the work of the law, then the street for a living.

In 1929, with Jiangyin rural widow Dong Cai Di married.

In 1933, with the widow reminder brother cohabitation. He sang "nineteen army in Shanghai heroic fight against the enemy," the news, and the home of the mahogany huqin playing "volunteer march." After the Japanese occupation of Wuxi, A Bing and reminders brother to both sides to his home asylum. Soon went to Shanghai, in the Kunqu class Banxian Ni served as a teacher, playing Sanxian, and in the movie "seven days" as the performance of the masses of the blind role. At this time he created the "listen to loose", is a bold and bold, full of erotic erhu solo, pouring out do not want to die of slavery patriotism enthusiasm. Republic of 28 years to return to Xicheng, then the old industry. He went to the teahouse every morning to collect all kinds of news, come back to the idea of creation, in the afternoon in front of Chong'an Temple teahouse singing; night in the street holding erhu, playing his creation of "cold spring song." His piano is very superb, can be placed on the top of the lute playing, you can also use erhu imitation of men and women speak, sigh, laughter and cock crow called the sound. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he had been banned from raping the news in Chong'an Temple. In 36 years, he was lung disease attack, bed and throat hematemesis, no longer took to the streets to sell, at home to repair Huqin industry, hard to survive,

April 23, 1949 Wuxi liberation, A Bing and his "Erquan Yingyue" and other music to get a new life. 1950 summer, the Central Conservatory of Music teachers and students in order to explore, study and save folk music, commissioned Professor Yang Yin Liu made a special trip to Wuxi for his recording "Erquan Yingyue" "listen to loose" "cold spring song" 3 song "Ebb Tide" "Dragon Boat" "Zhaojun out of the plug" 3 Pipa song.

December 4, 1950 aborted, 57 years old, buried in the western suburbs of Wuxi at the foot of Mount Xia "one and mountain house" Taoist tomb.

In May 1979, the tomb was destroyed, by the Wuxi City Museum in situ pick up bone.

In 1983 the funeral Huishan Dong Lu, two springs south of the site. Cemetery area of 742 square meters, the main body by the tomb walls and wing wall composition, like the music station; old tombstone is the Tibetan Museum, the tombstone by the China Music Research Institute, Wuxi City, the text of the legislation, Yang Yin Liu Shu, Like, by Qian Shaowu sculpture.


A Bing (August 17, 1893 - December 4, 1950), formerly known as Hua Yanjun, folk musicians, is a school of priests. Suffering from eye disease and blindness. He studied and remembered Taoism music, excellence, and extensive absorption of folk music tunes, life created and performed more than 270 folk songs. His father Huaqing and the city of Wuxi City Sanqing Temple Road view Lei Zun Temple priests, good at Taoist music. Hua Yanjun 3 years old when the loss of mother, accompanied by the same family aunt. 8 years old with the father in Lei Zun Temple when a small priest. Began to study in the private school for 3 years, after learning from the father drum, flute, erhu, pipa and other musical instruments. 12 years old has been able to play a variety of musical instruments, and often participate in worship, chanting, music and other activities. 18 years old by the Wuxi Taoist music industry as a play expert.

A Bing is retained in the erhu song "Erquan Yingyue", "listen to loose", "cold spring song" and pipa song "Ebb Tide", "Dragon Boat", "Zhaojun out of plug" six.


A Bing's life is like a drama full of plot ups. It is said that the only surviving image of his life, only a Japanese rule of the rule of Wuxi "good evidence" on the standard photo. Photo with the blind glasses, to describe the thin middle-aged, in a broken fence hat below the face, reveals the hardships and vicissitudes of life. Perhaps the fate of the suffering of the Bing, it is the achievements of his moving soul of the reasons. This Huaqing and the illegitimate child, was born to be deprived of the right to family love. When his mother to helpless to end their lives to resist secular discrimination, the child's character in some of the hidden part has been visible clues. Foreign foster a few years of juvenile return to the father of Hua Qing and his side, his eyes see where, maybe there is more puzzled doubts. Know from the information, he is called "master" came to the priest's father side. Huaqing and since Xu Mei, proficient in a variety of musical instruments. A Bingqin learn hard practice, and soon to master the erhu, Sanxian, pipa and flute and other musical instruments playing skills. At the moment A Bing also when he was just a well-intentioned people care orphans. However, when he was 21 years old, A Bing suddenly in Huaqing and died before the illness to understand their own life experience.

Wuxi City Road in the view of the palace of the virtual palace in the new house of Taoist Taoist Yan Yanjun seems to laissez-faire, eat and drink prostitution or even smoking opium. Absurd life brings absurd results: because syphilis inflicted him blind and lost control of Taoism. After the streets, the tribe arranged Jiangyin rural widow Dong Cai Di to take care of him. Things are so contradictory. The pain of deSPAir in the A Bing did not break the jar break. And then the days later, a rap current affairs, in the street art, "blind man Bing" famous creative folk artists new.

A Bing created his most moving music in the period of his career. Around the erhu song "Erquan Yingyue" spread there are many stories that the Nanjing Normal University professor Li Songshou childhood and A Bing is a neighbor, juvenile favorite erhu, playing techniques often get Bing's coaching. Later he was admitted to the Nanjing Art Institute of folk music. Day cold, he was outside the teacher piano activities outside the fingers, readily pulled up to teach his music. At the end of the day, a man questioned what he was pulling. The teacher told him that the gentleman who asked him was Professor Yang Yin Liu from the Central Conservatory of Music. Li Songshou said that this song is a hometown of folk artists to teach, no name. Yang Yin said that the song is good, and said they are collecting folk music, just to use imported steel wire recorder from abroad to record such a good folk music. Professor Li Songshou and Professor Yang, returned home until the end of September, Yang Yin and Cao An and two professors came to Wuxi. This time they bring the task is to record the Taoist music in Wuxi. And so finished these Taoist music, Li Songshou insisted that they go to record Abing's music. And so on A Bing La finished a song, Professor Yang Yin Liu softly asked the name of this song, A Bing said no name. Professor Yang said no name not, to a. A Bing then said it was called "Erquan printed month" it. Professor Yang said, "printed month" this name with the Guangdong music heavy, or call the moon, Wuxi Yingshan Lake Mody, A Bing said, well, your knowledge, listen to you.

On this matter, Mr. Li Songshou in his memories of the article said: September 2, 1950, my wife and I accompanied Yang Yin Liu, Cao An and two gentlemen to find A Bing recording, that day from 7:30 pm record. Recording time, A Bing because the body is very bad, hand strength is not enough, the piano is also temporary to find, so the recording saved "two spring reflection month" is not the best effect. A Bing's last performance is September 25, 1950, that is, the first 23 days after the recording, it seems that the establishment of the Wuxi Dental Association of theatrical performances. A Bing support the disease to go out, because he walked slowly, to the venue when the show ended soon. I leaned on the stage and sat in front of the microphone. This is the first time to face the microphone performance, is the only time. A Bing is the beginning of the flute, then the audience was called to A Binga erhu, my wife and I called the attention of the body, do not pull. A Bing said one sentence: "I gave the Wuxi villagers pull the piano, pull death also willing." Then he pulled up he did not know how many times the "two springs on the moon." I remember all the people are full, even the windows are also full of people. At the end of the show, the audience applause and applause continued, A Bing heard off his head and nodded his head.

80 years ago, the streets of Wuxi often flying over the art of begging the performance of the piano. Not to say how difficult people live, or the ancients hanging in the mouth of the "days will drop any people then", but the real behavior of their own. A great work is a spiritual history, which reflects the reason why people want to stand. I often feel in the A Bing music, in that moment, is able to distinguish many right and wrong.



