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( ) 1. A . China B. Sunday C. England

( ) 2. A. December B. PE C. January

( ) 3. A. sing B. piano C. flute

( ) 4. A. fruit B. bread C. light

( ) 5. A. men B. children C. draw

( ) 6. A. camel B. swimsuit C. lion

( ) 7. A. jump B. run C. clothes

( ) 8. A. park B. people C. station

( ) 9. A. fifteen B. ninteen C. friend

( ) 10. A. plane B. train C. love


( ) 1. ____are you going?

A. Where B. What C. When

( ) 2. I’m going to ___ a picture.

A. drawing B. draw C. draws

( ) 3. Can I have ___ rice?

A. many B. any C. some

( ) 4. How many months in a year?____

A. 12 B. 11 C. 13

( ) 5. Can you ride fast? No, I ___.

A. don’t B. can’t C. can


August plane writing high from

1. We’re going to go to Hainan by_____.

2. Sam is ______England.

3. There are 5 birthdays in ______.

4. I’m going to do the ______jump.

5. Look! She’s ______ a letter.


( ) 1. Can I have some bread? A. No, I can’t.

( ) 2. Where is the park? B. She ‘s writing a letter.

( ) 3. What is grandma doing? C. Go straight on then turn left.

( ) 4. Can you run fast? D. I am going to go to England.

( ) 5. Where are you going? E. Yes, you can..

十 、阅读下列对话,并判断正(T)误(F)

Billy: Dad! Today is Children’ s Day. Shall we go out for a picnic?

Dad: Good idea!

Billy: Mom, let’ s go.

Mom: All right.

Dad: Billy, have some juice.

Billy: No, thank you. Can I have some water?

Dad: Here you are.

Mom: Can I have some bread?

Dad: Certainly.

Mom: What a fine day!

Billy and Dad: Yes, and we all have a good time.

( ) 1. Today is in July.

( ) 2. Billy goes out for a picnic with his parents.

( ) 3. Billy likes juice.

( ) 4. Billy wants to have some bread.

( ) 5. They all have a good time.






( )1. Sam put the watermelon________his bike.

A. in B. on C. at

( )2. We________to the top yesterday.

A .climb B.climbed C.go

( )3. He invented this bicycle________1839.

A in B of C on

( )4. The weather________Beijing isn’t cold.

A for B in C on

( )5. What happened________ you?

A on B on C to

( )6. Sam fell________his bike.

A over B off C to

( )7. Wang Fei’s got a________.

A head B tooth C cold

( )8. I________my finger.

A cut Bcutted C cuts

( )9. Some English children________to China last week.

A come B came C comes

( )10. When did they come? They came________.

A last week B half past six C tomorrow


1. lots of _______________ 2.吃药 _______________

3. paint a picture _______________ 4.从---上跌落_______________

5. stay at home _______________ 6.听音乐 _______________

7. have a good time _______________ 8.回来 _______________

9. National Day ______________ 10.长城_______________


1. I ________ thirty biscuits yesterday. (ate , eat)

2. The monster wanted to ________ the children. (ate ,eat)

3. An old woman didn’t________food. (have, had)

4. Yesterday, I________over. But I didn’t ________ . (fall/hurt , fell/hurt)


1. special , was , yesterday , a , day


2. happened , you , to , what


3. there , children , how many , were


4. had , we , good , a , time


5. bike , we , yesterday , went , for , a , ride



Yesterday was Sunday. I went to the park with my friends. First, we played football. I fell over. But it didn’t hurt. We were thirsty and bought some ice creams. Then we went for a bike ride. We were very fast. I fell off my bike. My head was hurt.

1. Yesterday was Monday. ( )

2. We played football. ( )

3. We bought a watermelon. ( )

4. I fell off my bike. ( )

5. I hurt my head. ( )


请你写出刚过去的星期日你做了些什么。可以选用的词:last Sunday, went, saw, ate, clean, wash, had, learn, ran, fell off, hurt, bumped (不少于60个词)



