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1.( ) A. apple B. lion C . pear

2. ( ) A. pen B. ruler C. horse

3. ( ) A. my B. our C. it

4. ( ) A. table tennis B. basketball C. pineapple

5. ( ) A. nice B. green C. great

6. ( ) A. three B. there C. thirteen


1. these(单数) _____________ 2. do not(缩写形式)____________

3. mango(复数)_________ 4. let’s (完整形式)_____________

5. grapes(单数)__________ 6. thanks(同义词组)_____________

7. boy(对应词)____________ 8. some (同义词)_____________


1.制作一个水果色拉 5. this tiger________________

2.一些葡萄 6. many balls_______________

3.十五张贴纸 _______________ 7. in that box________________

4.一头大象 _______________ 8. play table tennis ______________


( ) 1. This is ________. I like_____________.

A. a dog; dogs B. dog; dogs C. a dog; a dog

( ) 2. How many do you have?

A. toy car B. ball C. crayons

( ) 3. -----Look at my toy cat.

------ .

A. They’re nice. B. I’m sorry. C. How beautiful!

( ) 4. ----- you play table tennis?

----- Yes, I can.

A. Do B. Can C. Are

( ) 5. ---- books do you have ?

---- I have five.

A .How old B. What C. How many

( ) 6. Do you have _____ grapes? Yes, I have ______grapes.

A. any, some B. some, any C. some, some

( ) 7. 当你问别人是否喜欢马时你应该说:

A.Would you like a horse ? B. Do you like horses?

C. I like horses.

( ) 8.当你想说自己喜欢那只猫时,你可以说:

A. I like cats. B. I like that cat. C. I like this cat.

( ) 9. 当你去商店买吃的,营业员应该说:

A.I have a pie. B. Do you like a pie? C. Would you like a pie?

( ) 10.当你想看别人的钢笔时,你可以说:

A. Thank you. B. Can I have one? C. Can I have a look?

五、连词成句。注意标点和大小写。 (5分)

1. many, you, do, how, have, robots,

2. look, a, I, have, can,

3. box, they, in, are, that,

4. toys, beautiful, are, those, very ,

5. any, have, bananas, do, you,

六、对号入座,请将II中相应的序号填入I栏的括号内。 (12分)

( ) 1. Would you like a pineapple ? A. Yes, I do.

( ) 2. Do you have any monkeys? B. Twelve.

( ) 3.Your skirt is very beautiful. C. Sure.

( ) 4. Can I have one? D. Yes, please.

( ) 5. What do you have? E. Thank you.

( ) 6. How many pencils do you have? F. I have two oranges.



A:Is a tiger? B:No, isn’t. It’s a .


A: Do you pineapples? B: No , I don’t.


A: How many do you have? B: .

4. 你喜欢熊猫吗?是的,它们又胖又可爱。

A:Do you ______ pandas?

B:Yes, I do. They are _______ and _______ .


Helen: Look, I have a new doll and some toy pandas.

Liu Tao: Oh, they’re very lovely. How many pandas do you have?

Helen: I have sixteen.

Liu Tao: Do you have any toy pandas, Mike?

Mike: No, I don’t like pandas.

Liu Tao: What do you have?

Mike: I have some toy lions. What about you, Liu Tao?

Liu Tao: I have many stickers, they’re in my bag.

Helen: Great! I like stickers. Can I have one?

Liu Tao: Sure. Here you are.

Helen: Thanks.

( ) 1. Helen has a new doll and seventeen toy pandas.

( ) 2. Mike has some toy lions.

( ) 3. Mike don’t like pandas.

( ) 4. The stickers are in Liu Tao’s bag.

( ) 5. Helen gives(给) Liu Tao a sticker.




一. 英汉互译.(每空1 分,共30 分)

1.毛衣______2._ 鞋__________ 3.裤子 _______4. 连衣裙_______ 5.星期日_______ 6.卧室______7. 玩具________ 8.旧的____________ 9.星期五______ 10.新的_______ 11.衬衫_________ 12.短袜__________ 13.穿上__________14.他们_________15. 做家庭作业_________________ 16.和•••一起玩________________ 17.读书________________ 18.看电视____________ 19.在桌子上___________ 20.太大___________ 21.play on the computer__________ 22.write a stroy_____________ 23.wash my face __________24. comb my hair____________ 25.skipping rope_____________ 26.a pair of shoes___________ 27.old skirt _____________ 28.listen to the radio__________ 29.across from _____________ 30.walk home_______________

二。单项选择。(每小题2 分,共20 分)

( )1 This coat is ___________. A . my B. mine

( )2. These ________ my boots. A. is B. are

( )3.The pants ________ too small. A.is B.are

( )4. ________hat is this? A. What. B. Whose

( ) 5.She _______ wearing a pink and purple skirt. A. is B. am

( )6.These slippers ______old A.is B. are

( )7.We wash the clothes________ a Sunday morning. A. in B. on

( )8.-I like _______jump rope. A. to B. for

( )9. Sundays ______ fun. A. are B. is

( )10.They are _______ sweaters. A. she B.her C. he

( )11.______ is a new shirt. A. These B.This C. They

( )12----Is it new? ----__________. A. Yes,they are B.No,they aren’t C. No,it is old.

( )13.There_____two chairs and a bed in the bedroom. A. is B.are C. am ( )14.You ______ a student. A. is B.are C. am

( )15.Jenny is wearing a red skirt. ____likes red. Red is ______ favourite colour. A. She she B. She her C. She his

三.完成下列句子.(每空1 分,共12 分)

1. They are his

socks .(改为一般疑问句) ______ _____ his socks ?

2.This is a sweater.(改为对应的复数形式的句子) _____ _____ ______ .

3.It is a book. (改为一般疑问句) ______ ______ a book ?

4.This is Li Ming’s hat. (对画线部分提问) _______ _______ is this?

5.Are they new ? _______,they are old.

6.The book is ______the desk.(书在桌子的上面)

7.The desk is_______the bed.(桌子在床的旁边)

四。选出不是同一类的单词。(每题2 分。共10 分)

( ) 1.A. shirt B.sweater C.shoes D. old

( ) 2.A. beside B.below C.hat D between

( ) 3.A. Sunday B Today .C Tuesday .D Friday

( )4. A. he B.we C.are D.they

( )5. A. lamp B. radio C.gloves D.computer.

五。阅读理解。(每题2 分,共10 分) My name is Jenny. I am wearing a pink and white shirt.It’s an old shirt. My favourite colour is red. I like to draw pictures.It is Sunday.I do my homework in the morning and fly kites with my friends.

( )1. What is Jenny wearing? A.Jenny is wearing a pink and white shirt. B. It’s an old shirt. C.Jenny is wearing a red and white shirt.

( )2.What colour is the shirt? A. pink and white B.red and white C.pink and red

( )3.What is Jenny’s favourite colour? A. red B. pink C.white

( )4. Jenny likes to __________. A. draw pictures B. do her homework C.fly kites

( )5. What day is it? A. It’s Tuesday B.Sunday. C.It’s Sunday.



