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traffic lights ________ Saturday __________ turn right____________ doll__________ bicycle street

drive a car _________ January ____ ___ restaurant


two fifty-eight twelve forty one hundred

1.Thirteen plus ____ equals twenty-five

2._______ plus eight equals forty-eight.

3.Forty-five plus fifty-five equals ______

4.Twenty-four plus _______ equals eight-two.

5.Eight plus _____ equals ten


( )1.--Is this a cab?--___. A、 Yes, it is. B、 Yes, it isn’t. C、 No, it is.

( )2.She’s wearing red pants _____a Sunday morning. A. on B. at C. in

( )3. _____shoes are they? A. What B.Where C.Whose

( )4. Please turn left the traffic lights! A. in B. at. C.on

( )5. Green is ________. A stop B wait C go

( )6.--___ is the gym?--I can show you A、What B、 How C、 Where

( ) 7.--It’s June. The weather is ___. A.cold and snowy B.windy and cloudy C. hot and sunny

( )8.--Let’s go _________. A、 shop B、shopping C、 city

( )9. Where______ the dresses. A. is B. am C. are.

( )10. He is a_______. He works in a restaurant A. teacher B. waiter C. waitress


( )1、当你邀请别人一块去打乒乓球时,你应说:

A、I want to play ping-pong. B、Lets play ping-pong. C、You can play ping-pong.

( )2、当你想告诉同学李明在学校,你可以说:

A. Li Ming is in front of the school. B. Li Ming is inside the school.

C. Li Ming is outside the school.

( )3、当你给别人指路,想告诉他向左转,你应说:

A、Turn left. B、Turn right. C、Go straight.

( )4、当你看到黄灯亮时,你可以对同学说:

A、Red is stop. B、Yellow is wait. C、Yellow is go.

( )5、当你不想买裙子时,你应该说:

A、I want to buy a dress. B、I don’t want to buy a shirt C、I don’t want to buy a dress.

( )6、当你想给别人指路时,你应该说:

A、I can show you. B、I can see you. C、I can work.

( )7、当你看到一只戴着红色帽子的山羊,你可以说:

A. I see a dog in a purple hat. B. I see a goat in a purple hat

C. I see a goat in a red hat.

( )8、当你想打扑克,但不知道好朋友会不会玩,你可以说:

A. Can you fly? B. Can you play cards? C. Can you swim?






( )1.I’m going to make ___invitation. A.a B.an C./

( )2.I have ____. A.scisors B. scissors C. scissor

( )3.Happy ____day. A.Teacher B. Teacher’s C. Teachers’

( )4.Do you have glue? ______. A.Yes. I do. B.No. I do. C.Yes.I don’t.

( )5.Is it time for lunch?_______. A.Yes. it is. B. No. it is. C. Yes. it isn’t.

( )6.Do you have a pen? _______. A.Yes. I don’t. B. No. I do. C. Yes. I do.

( )7.Can I have more turkey?_______.

A.Yes, you can . B.No ,you can’t. C.Yes, you can’t.

( )8.She often ____cycling. A.play B.go C.goes

( )9.He often ___tennis. A.go B.goes C.plays

( )10.Lily____hockey. A.are good B.is good at C.are good at

( )11.Do you often play tennis?_____.

A.Yes, I am. B.Yes, I do. C.No, I’m not.

( )12.Are you good at it? ______.

A.Yes, I am. B.No, I don’t. C.Yes, I do.

( )13.Tthey can’t play ___the field. A.in B.on C.at

( )14.They can throw it ___player___player.

A.from•••to••• B.from•••for••• C.for•••to•••

( )15.I have some ___. A.boxs B.boxes C.box

( )16.Today basketball need 2teams of ___player. A.6 B.7 C.5

( )17.___do you do for fun? A.How B.What’s C.What

( )18.One student ___to do puzzles. A.like B.does like C.likes

( )19.Do you like to go to concerts? Yes,____.

A.I do. B.I like. C.I can.

( )20.Is here your homepage? Yes, ___.

A.it is. B.here is. C.there is.

( )21.why do you like to drive bumper cars?

____it’s exciting.

A./ B.Because C.Do

( )22.I’m___firecrackers. A.light B.lights C.lighting

( )23.___careful! A.You B.I’m C.Be

( )24.My leg____. A.hurt B.is hurt C.hurts

( )25.Call_____ambulance. A.a B.an C.the

( )26.We are taking you ___the hospital. A.for B.go C.to

( )27.Good morning!_____.

A.Hello. B.Goodbye! C.Good morning!

( )28.Can you help me? ______.

A.Yes, I can. B.Sorry, I’m using it. C.Here you are.

( )29.What do you do for fun. _____.

A.Go to the concerts. B.I’d like it. C.I’m good at it.

( )30.Don’t cross the street here. ______.

A.Yes, I won’t. B.Sorry, I won’t. C.No, I will.

( )31.Do you like to go jogging? _____.

A.Sorry, I don’t go. B.Yes, I like. C.Yes, I do.


( )1.A.Saturday B.Sunday C.summer

( )2.A.from B.first C.finally

( )3.A.interesting B.invitation C.boring

( )4.A.baseball B.basketball C.bread

( )5.A.write B.pen C.stick

( )6.A.boring B.cool C.cold

( )7.A.hiking B.spring C.jigging

( )8.A.water B.pen C.glue

( )9.A.name B.next C.then

( )10.A.tennis B.puzzle C.baseball

( )11.A.write B.card C.invitation

( )12.A.sidewalk B.footbridge C.touch

( )13.A.sometimes B.glue C.scissirs

( )14.A.hockey B.practice C.tennis

( )15.A.concert B.puzzle C.stick

( )16.A.ruler B.cook C.teacher


A.salesclerk B.dentist C.hairdresser D.teacher E.mailman

F.computer programer

1.He works in a hospital. He is a ___.

2.She works in a beauty shop. She si a ___.

3.My aunt works in a hospital. She is a ___.

4.My uncle works in a hospital. He is a ___.

5.My dad works in a hospital. He is a ___.

6.My mum works in a hospital. She is a ___.






1.Can you help me? A.Yes, here you are.

2.What can I do for you? B.Yes, I’m good at it.

3.Can I use your ruler? C.Yes, what’s the matter?

4.Can you help me with math? D.I want that skirt.

5.Can you help me call a doctor? E.Yes, you can take the bus No. 10.

6.Can you tell me way to the park? F.Yes, I’ll call 120.


1.Can I ____you___? A.use, here you are.

2.___you ____me the dictionary? B.help, good at

3.Can I ___your eraser? Yes. C.use, ruler

4.Can you ___me with math? D.can, pass

Ok.I’m ___it.


( )1.当你想让别人帮你时,你硬说:

A.Can I help you? B.Can you help me?

( )2.当你想让别人把尺子递给你时,你应说:

A.Give me the ruler. B.Pass me the ruler, please.

( )3.当你想用别人的字典时,你应说:

A.Can I use you dictionary? B.Can you give me your ruler?

( )4.当你想让别人帮你解决数学问题时,你应说:

A.Can you help my math? B.Can you help me with math problem?



