百文网 > 学习 > 小学学习方法 > 六年级方法 > 六年级英语






1、种植更多的树 2、继续走路

3、朝…外看 4、上一节英语课

5、打电话给他 6、smoke from cars

7、feel tired and hungry 8、at first

9、wait for you 10、pick them up


1.carefully(形容词) 2.we(宾格)

3.family(复数) 4.watch(三单)

5.write(过去式) 6.can(过去式)

7.twenty(序数词) 8.Sep.(完全形式)

9.bring(过去式) 10.windy(名词)


( )1、Rubbish in the water the fish dead.

A、makes B、make C、maked

( )2、I know about signs.

A、a lot of B、lots of C、a lot

( )3、Bobby is about the fashion show.

A、excited B、excitingC、excite

( )4、There’s much in our city.

A、museums B、rubbish、C、schoois

( )5、Mr Smith looks .

A、at B、around C、for

( )6、Yesterday,they newSPApers.

A、read B、readC、readed

( )7、Please don’t here.


( )8、She often go in the park.


( )9、I can the flowers very well.

A、look after B、look forC、look at

( )10、It’s time for .

A、have classB、have lessonC、class


( )1.What can we do to keep the room clean? A.Our mothers.

( )2.Who makes our clothes clean and tidy? B.Me too.

( )3.What does”No littering”mean? C.He slips and falls on the floor.

( )4.What’s the matter with Billy? D.It means you can’t litter.

( )5.I like living in the city. E.We can clean our rooms.


1.Do you like (plant)trees.

2.Your (idea)are great.

3.I’d like (wear)that paper clothes.

4.Mary (eat)lots of nice food every day.

5.It (rain)yesterday morning.


1.I’d like a balloon as a present.(改成一般疑问句)

you a balloon as a present?

2.Do you want some juice?(改写成同义句)

you some juice?

3.Mr Green went to ShangHai two days ago.

Did Mr Green two days ago?

4.Park here.(改写成否定句)


5.and ,street,dirty,the,messy,rubbish,makes(.)(连词成句)



You that.


Is someone ?I can it.


Mike has from all over the .


What the air .


It’s time .


Mr. Smith is taking a walk in the park. Suddenly(突然), he sees a ten-yuan note on the grass. He looks around. There’s no one nearby. He quickly walks to the note and picks it up. Then a park keeper comes up to him. The park keeper points to a sign and says to Mr Smith, “Can’t you see the sign over there? It says ‘Please keep off the grass. Fine¥10’Now you should give me ten yuan.”

( ) 1. Mr Smith is talking a walk in the street.

( ) 2. There’s a ten-yuan note on the grass.

( ) 3. Mr Smith doesn’t see the park keeper at first.

( ) 4. The sign on the grass means we shouldn’t walk on the grass.

( ) 5. Mr Smith gives the policeman ten yuan at last.




( )1. A. same B. April C. China

( )2. A. earth B. hear C. ear

( )3. A. dry B. sunny C. cloudy

( )4. A. kid B. hill C. drive

( )5. A. wet B. merry C. he


( )1. rain A.风 B.雨 C.云

( )2. party A.聚会 B.生日 C.晚会

( )3. map A. 照片 B.地图 C.植物

( )4. yesterday A.明天 B.今天 C.昨天

( )5. driver A. 司机 B.工人 C. 农民


( )1. ________ up A.运动

( )2. ________ meeting B. 对……有害

( )3. _________ down C. 打扮

( )4. be bad ____________ D. 挨家挨户

( )5. _________ door to door E. 砍倒


( )1. -- __________ is your birthday?

-- Next Sunday.

A. What B. When C. How

( )2. Would you like _________ ?

A. to come B. comes C. coming

( )3. __________ are you going to ___________ ?

A. Where; to B. When; do C. What; to

( )4. It is Children’s Day, __________ ?

A. was it B. isn’t it C. is it

( )5. It will be _______ tomorrow.

A. cloud B. clouds C. cloudy

( )6. When is Christmas? – It’s on _________.

A. December 25th B. June 1st C. October 31st

( )7. – Is Eve going to have a party tomorrow?

-- ___________

A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, she does. C. Yes, she can.

( )8. -- _________ is Class Five?

-- It’s on the ___________ floor.

A. What; two B. Where; two C. Where; second

( )9. __________ nice house!

A. What a B. What an C. How

( )10. –The doll is for you, Bess.


A. Thank you. B. Yes,it is. C. Yes, I will.


1. are you going to have a ___________ ___________?

2. Happy ___________ _____________!

3. Did you have a _________ ________?

4. I will __________ __________.

5. It’s on the _____________ __________.


( )1. I will go to the bookshop.

( )2. I’m going to play basketball.

( )3. it will be rainy.

( )4. What was the date yesterday?

( )5. Merry Christmas!

A.圣诞节快乐! B.昨天是几号 C.我打算打篮球

D. 我将会去书店。 E.天将会下雨。


1. friends some for to cards want I make my (.)

2. older am you than I (.)

3. eighteenth new on our home is the floor (.)

4. do for the cleaning I’ll you (.)

5. birthday is your when (?)



