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Writing Part 笔答部分

Ⅵ. Read and fill in the blanks.(读一读,用所学语音知识填空) (5%)

1. 2. 3.

m___ntain popc___n expl___n

4. 5.

h___da___e l_____n

Ⅶ. Reorder the words and write the sentences correctly. (请将所给单词重新排列,组成句子抄写在四线格中)(10%)

1. don’t have to / They / wash the windows

2. that T-shirt / does / How much / cost

3. late / You / shouldn’t / go to bed

4. to shop / hate / We

5. she / How often / does / write

Ⅷ. Read and choose. (读一读,选出合适的词语,并将其前面的字母标号填在题前的括号里)(10%)

( ) 1. Remember you shouldn’t play computer games ________ doing your homework.

A. before B. after

( ) 2. I’ll meet you _____ _____ hour.

A. on a B. in an

( ) 3. ---Oh, no! The printer was ________.

---Don’t worry. You didn’t _______ it. Check again.

A. break, broken B. broken, break

( )4. These clothes ____ only $10. They still have $20 _____.

A. cost, to spend B. spend, to cost

( )5. We are ice-skating _____ Sunday _____ 10 A.M.

A. with, of B. on, at

Ⅹ. Read and choose. (读短文,选择正确答案,将其前面的字母标号填在横线上) (10%)

Dear Uncle Booky,

I went to Africa last year and I lived in Egypt. You were on vacation in Italy. So we weren’t in the stories. The kids in Qingdao missed us so much.

Ken and Ann grow up quickly. They move to a new neighborhood called Redrock Bay. They make some new friends. They join the Bingo Kids Club. And they do sports at Redrock Bay Health Club every Tuesday and Thursday.

Children everywhere have to do chores. The kids in my neighborhood help wash the dishes and clean the rooms. But they don’t do any chores on the weekends. They go to the children’s club and have fun there.

I have an e-mail friend called John. John likes surfing the net. He has a lot of e-mail friends all over the world. He has a problem, too. He spent too much time on computer and did badly on his test. He should work hard.

John’ sister Jane is tall and thin. Sweatpants are her favorite style. She has five pairs. One of them is from me.

I had a good time here in Africa. I learned a lot about Egyptian history. I will stay in Egypt for another two years. Where are you going in 2008? To Beijing? It’ll be great and fun there because of the Olympic Games.

I miss you. Hope to see you again soon!



1. Ken and Ann go to the health club _________.

A. at the weekend B. twice a week C. every Tuesdays

2. The kids in Mocky’s neighborhood _____ on the weekends.

A. help wash the dishes B. clean the rooms

C. never do chores

3. John shouldn’t ___________ .

A. work hard B. have a problem

C. spend too much time on computer

4. Mocky ________ Jane.

A. bought a pair of sweatpants for B. wrote an e-mail to

C. spent one afternoon with

5. The word “miss” in the story probably means(意思是) _____.

A. 小姐(指未婚女士) B. 想念 C. 错过

Ⅺ.Composition 小作文(5%)

A Special Gift

你一定有过(或将要)为家人、朋友买生日(或节日)礼物的经历(或打算)吧,还有你为什么要给他/她选择这份礼物呢?请写下来。要求:1. 作文内容至少是前后连贯,符合实际的五个英文句子。2. 书写规范。






c e g i k


young black short big fat

small thin white tall old


()1A pencil B eraser C ruler D plane

( ) 2 A pork B fruit C chicken D fish

( ) 3 A window B hotel C park D school

( )4 A blue B yellow C picture D green

( ) 5 A doctor B sister C driver D nurse


()1Do you have a football ? a. It’s Saturday.

()2 Can you wash the clothes? b. Yes, we do.

()3What is seven and four ? c. No, there aren‘t.

()4What day is it today? d. Yes, I can.

()5Are there any fish in the river? e. .Eleven


( )1.晚上睡觉前和父母晚安,说:

A. Goodbye, Mum and Dad. B. Good night, Mum and Dad.

( )2.你想知道对方能否拼某个单词,你问:

A. What’s this? B. Can you spell it?

( )3.要值日生把教室打扫干净,你说:

A. Clean the classroom, please. B. Let’s clean the classroom.

( )4.你想知道对方身体怎么样,说:

A.What would you like? B. How are you? C. How nice!

( )5.想问同学周末做些什么,你问:

A. What do you do on Sundays?

B. What’s your favourite ?

C. Today is Sunday.



