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第二部分 笔试 (共64分)

4. 选择正确的意思,请将番号填入提前括号内。

A. Chinese B subject C make the bed D favorite E math F do homework

G boring H baseball cap I listen to music J art K clean my room

L. do karate M play bowling N.have a headache O. have a toothache

P.should Q.pop music R.twice a week S.every day T.dizzy

1. _____流行音乐 2. _____应该 3._____每天 4. _____一周两次

5. _____做家庭作业 6._____头痛 7.____听音乐 8. ____打空手

9. _____打扫房间 10._____牙痛 11._____打保龄球 12. ____棒球

13. _____最喜欢的 14. _____美术 15._____学科、科目 16. ___整理床铺

17. _____ 无聊的 18. _____语文/中国人/中国人的 19._____数学 20. ___头晕的

5.Fill in the blanks with “a” or “an”. 用a 或 an 填空。

1)_____apple 2) ______ orange 3) ____ computer 4)______ egg

5)_____ yellow egg.6) ______ octopus 7)______ small octopus.

8) ____umbrella 9)_____ raincoat 10)______CD

6. Read and choose. 选择最佳答案。

( )1.They ____ go to their new school tomorrow. A. will B. can C. do

( )2.Ann and her father__shopping yesterday. A. goes B. go C. went

( )3. Who is the ____ boy in your class? A. taller B. tallest C. tall

( )4. She ___ clean the rooms once a week. A. have to B. has to C. don’t have to

( )5The shirt is cheap,but that shirt is ______ A. good B. small C. Expensive

( )6 They ________ on Tree Planting Day last year.

A. went to plant trees B. to plant C. go to planted

( )7. Can I help _______? A. your B. you C. yours

( )8. You need a partner _____tennis.A. to B. for C. on

( )9. They’re _____ at ten o’clock tomorrow.

A. go bowling B. going bowl C. going bowling

( )10.She loves_________ . A.ski B.skiing

( )11.The gloves_________ $10. A.costs B.cost

( )12.It was__________ accident. A.a B.an

( )13.She can talk __________ Mom. A.to B.about

( )14.He played a game__________ your computer.A.on B.in

( )15.The TV stopped__________ .A.to work B.working

( )16.His father isn’t angry___ me. A.with B.for

7. Read and match. 从B栏中选择与A栏对应的句子番号填在题前括号内。


( ) 1 A

( ) 2 B

( ) 3 C

( ) 4 D

( ) 5 E

( ) 6 F

( ) 7 G

( ) 8 H


Hi! I am Lisa. Ken received an invitation from BINGO Kids Health Club and today we all go to the club. I want to learn to play tennis and I need a partner for the tennis lesson tomorrow. I ask them but they all have plans for tomorrow. Sue and Ann are ice-skating tomorrow. Charlie is going bowling with his friends. Daniel is having a ski class and Matt is going to the gym. I can’t find a partner. What should I do?

( )1. Who received an invitation from BINGO Kids Health Club? A Ken B Lisa C Sue

( )2.Who need a partner for tennis? A Ken .B Lisa C Sue

( )3.Is Daniel having a ski class tomorrow? A.Yes B No C I don’t know

( )4.Is Matt working out at gym tomorrow.? A.Yes B No C I don’t know

( ).5.Does Lisa find a partner at last(最后)? A.Yes B No C I don’t know




学习英语 ______ 健康的食物 _______ 做眼保健操_______ 取出书______ 讲笑话_______

散步______ 划船 ______ 立刻______ 在某些方面做得好 _______ 弹吉他_______

二、找出下列单词与众不同的一项 10

( )1. A. Day B. Sunday C. Train D. Paid

( ) 2. A. Usually B. Brush C.Study D But

( ) 3. A. Tea B. Healthy C.Bread D. Bed

( ) 4. A.Apple B Past C Have D. At

( ) 5. A.Picnic B Driver C Twice D. Like

二、连词成句 20

(1)good, it, is, for, me → ______________________________

(2)often, how, do,you, sports, play__________________________

(3)time, the, violin, it, is, to, play__________________

(4)have, rest, I’ll, have, a now, right_________________________

(5)she, with, her, tennis, plays,friends, a, twice, month__________________________

三、用所给词语的适当形式 10

1、She______ (brush) her teeth at half past six.

2、It’s time______ (have) a rest.

3、She is a______ (health) girl.

4、Tom goes boating______ (two) a week.

5、Lucy______ (do) well in her study.

四、按要求完成句子 10

1. She goes to school once a month (划线部分提问)________________________________

2. He eats a lot of vegetables (改为一般疑问句)__________________________________

3. Do you often play football on Sunday? (用否定回答)_______________________________

4. 该到休息的时候了。(汉译英)________________________________________________

五.单项选择题 20

1. It’s a little far_____ my home. A. to B. from C for D. In

2. How often _____ your mother run? A. do B. does C. to do D. did

3. She goes _____ once a year. A. swim B. swiming C. to swim D. swimming

4. Can I have a rest? -_____ A. Of course, you can B. I’m afraid you can C. Yes, I can D. Ok

5. They do _____ every day in the school. A. eye exercise B. eyes exercise C. eye exercises

6.______ did you do last weekend? A. Where B. What C Who D. How

7.What do you think ______ this film? A. to B. from C for D.of

8.Why not______ on a picnic? A. going B. go C went D.goes

9.I’m afraid they ______lost. A. is B. are C were D.was

10.I like sports and I eat ______. A. good B. well C delicious D.funny



