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1. on the left ____ 2. on the right ____ 3. all the time ___

4. Chinese ink painting ___ 5. oil painting____ 6. be going to___

7. take drawing lessons ____ 8. in the firstsecond lesson _____

9. put...on the table ___ 10. ask sb. to do...____

11. Look carefully___ 12. work hard____ 13. all the time___

14. 画笔____ 15. 颜料 _____ 16. 油____ 17. 画家___


1. like--___ 2. say -- ____ 3. take-- ___ 4. put-- ___

5. ask -- ____ 6. feel -- ____ 7. work -- ___ 8. become-- ___


( )1. Chinese ink painting is usually in____.

A. black and red B. red and blue C. black and white

( )2. There are two maps ____ the wall.

A. on B. at C. In

( )3. That is _____ oil painting.

A. a B. an C. /

( )4. Mr Liu is telling the students____some paintings.

A. about B. for C. To

( )5. The teacher asked students _____ thefish.

A. draw B. drawing C. to draw

( )6. My picture is _____ the right.

A. on B. to C. In

( )7. Peter likes drawing very much. He wantsto be ___.

A. a writer B. a farmer C. an artist

( )8. The name ____ the picture issunflowers.

A. to B. of C. In

( )9. Many ____ are in the art museum.

A. painting B. sunflower C. paintings


( )1. black A. become B. yellow C. The

( )2. left A. right B. like C. of

( )3. usually A. never B. paint C. going

( )4. look A. oil B. sky C. beautiful

( )5. it A. too B. this C. ink


( )1. Which one do you like?

( )2. Why do you like the horse?

( )3. What are they going to do ?

( )4. What are you going to draw?

( )5. Why do you like the oil painting?

A. Because it’s colourful.

B. I am going to draw an apple.

C. They are going to play football.

D. The left powerful.

E. The left one.


Look!This is a famous painting. Its name is MonaLisa. It was

painted by a great artist. His name isLeonardo da Vinic. The painting

is in the Louvre(卢浮宫) in Pairs. The Louvre is a famous museum in

the word.

1. What’s the name of the painting?


2. Who painted the picture?


3. Where is the painting now?


4. What is the Louvre?




1. 表示以前没有某物的句型

There was no + 单数名词或不可数名词 + 过去时间。There was no library in my old school.

There were no + 复数名词 + 过去时间。There were no computers or Internet in my time.

注意: no+ 名词相当于not a / an / any + 名词。 There weren’t any computer rooms at all. There was no gym ,either.

2. 表示不喜欢的句型

I didn’t like + 名词或动名词。如:

Before I didn’t like dogs. Before I didn’t like beef. Before I didn’t like going running.

3. 表示过去不能做或不会做的句型

I couldn’t + 动词原形。 I couldn’t go cycling before. People couldn’t use the Internet in the Tang dynasty.

4. 如何描述某人过去和现在的不同情况

① 外貌和性格:Before, 主语+was / were +形容词. Now,主语+am / is / are +形容词.

Before I wasn’t tall. I was quiet. Now I am tall. I am active.

Before she had short hair. Now she has long hair.

Before he didn’t wear glasses. Now he wears glasses.

②能力方面:Before, 主语+couldn’t +动词原形. Now, 主语+can +动词原形.

Before I couldn’t swim. Now I can swim very well.

爱好方面:Before, 主语+didn’t like +名词 / 动词ing. Now, 主语+like +名词 /动词ing.

Before he didn’t like reading books. Now he likes reading books.


1.What are you good at?你擅长什么?

2.What your faborite sport?你最爱的运动是什么?

3.How often do you play it?你多久玩一次?

4.What sport did you take part in?你参加了什么运动?

5.I took part in the boys’ 100-meter race and the long jump.我参加了男子100米赛跑和跳远。

6.How about the long jump?跳远怎么样?

7.Iwas the first in the 100-meter race.我是100米赛跑的第一名。

8.Anyway, you did well.无论如何,你做的很好。

9.Did he win it? No, he didn’t. He lost it.他赢了吗?不,他没有,他输了。

10.We will have a sports meeting next weel.我们下周要举行运动会。


have a sports meeting(has having had)举办一场运动会

throwing(throws throwing threw)投掷运动

100-meter race 100米赛跑

long jump跳远

high jump跳高

running race(runs running ran)赛跑

take park in参加

boys’ 100-meter race男子的100米跑



at the school sport学校运动会

throw far投的远

run fast跑得快

jump high跳得高



