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(一) 听句子,选择适当答语。每个句子听两遍。(5分)

1. A. I know. B. Yes, I do. C. With pleasure.

2. A. No, I don’t. B. Sorry, I won’t. C. That’s right.

3. A. Thank you. B. Not at all. C. Don’t say so.

4. A. What a pity! B. Good idea! C. Don’t mention it!

5. A. I enjoy it. B. No problem. C. I don’t think so.

(二) 听对话,选择符合对话内容的图片。每段对话听两遍。(5分)

6. Where are the man going next holiday?

A. B. C.

7. What’s Anna’s favorite exercise?




8. What is the boy doing?




9. Which vegetable does Silly’s mother like best ?




10. What’s John’s favorites subject?

A. B. C.

(三) 听下面两段对话,根据内容选择每个问题的最佳答案。对话和问题听两遍。(5分)


11. How often does the bus run on Saturday?

A. Once an hour. B. Twice an hour. C. Three times an hour.

12. How far is the school from here?

A. About 5 miles. B. About 15 miles. C. About 25 miles.


13. What was Susan doing when Robert called her last night?

A. She was seeing a film. B. She was singing. C. She was reading.

14. Why can’t Susan climb the Yuelu Mountain tomorrow morning?

A. Because she’ll call up Robert.

B. Because she’ll see a film in the cinema.

C. Because she’ll have to stay at home and study.

15. How will they get there?

A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By taxi.

(四) 听一段对话,选择正确答案。对话听两遍。(5分)

16. Who will go to Haikou Park?

A. The woman. B. The man. C. The woman and the man.

17. How many times has the woman been to Haikou before?

A. Never. B. Once. C. Twice.

18. What places has the woman already visited here?

A. Hawaii. B. Monkey Island and Sanya City. C. Haikou.

19. What does the woman like of Sanya?

A. She likes its sky, clouds and forests.

B. She likes its food and people.

C. She likes its beaches and fruit.

20. Hainan is the largest island of China, isn’t it?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is the second largest island. C. No, it’s the third island.

(五) 听短文,完成下列表格,每空一词。短文听两遍。(5分)

What the kids found in Japan

Speakers What Japanese do

Li Ping Buy products made from 1. materials.

Zhang Qi •Use cups as 2. as possible.

•3. things instead of throwing them away.

Li Yu •Use cups made of 4. .

•Never use a paper cup or a paper 5. .


21. Doing lots of listening practice is one of best ways of becoming good language learner.

A. the; the B. the ; a C. 不填;a D. the; 不填

22. ! Our grandpa is sleeping.

A. Go ahead B. Be careful C. Keep quiet D. Speak loudly

23. You may ________the story book for two weeks.

A. keep B. borrow C. lend D. buy

24. There are many kinds of pollution around us, _________ air pollution, noise pollution and light pollution..

A. such as B. for example C. such like D. as well as

25. Kate knew nothing _______ her mother told her.

A. because B. until C. since D. if

26. Teenagers like reading the books ________ are written by Guo Jingming.

A. who B. what C. whose D. that

27. It isn’t warm today, the sun is shinning.

A. or B. althouth C. because D. and

28. Tom, you the exam! Congratulations!

A. pass B. have passed C. will pass D. are passing

29. —Must I do my homework now?

—No, you . You may have a rest.

A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. wouldn’t

30. — Zongzi to students for free in our dining hall on Dragon Boat Festival.

—Really? That sounds cool!.

A. offer B. have offered C. are offered D. will be offered.


Mr. Black was over fifty years old. He sometimes made some mistakes in his work, and he lost his work. So he had 31 time every day to do something. Then he often met his old friends under a big tree. They had drinks there and talked 32 anything they liked.

One day, some old men were sitting together again and talking about young people in this world. They all agreed that the old people were 33 than young people. Then one of the old 34 said that young men were stronger than old men. 35 of them agreed that this was true, 36 Mr. Black didn’t. He said, “No. I am as strong now as when I was a young man.” His friends were surprised 37 what he said. “Well,” said Mr. Black, “Near my house there is a big stone. When I was a young man, I used 38 to move it, but I couldn’t because I was not 39 . I am an old man now, and when I try to move it, I still 40 . So, I am as strong as when I was young.”

31. A. many B. a lot C. lots of D. lot

32. A. for B. to C. with D. about

33. A. clever B. cleverer C. cleverest D. a clever

34. A. man B. woman C. men D. women

35. A. All B. None C. Both D. Neither

36. A. so B. or C. and D. but

37. A. at B. to C. of D. on

38. A. trying B. try C. to try D. to trying

39. A. strong enough B. enough strong C. weak enough D. enough weak

40. A. can B. can’t C. could D. couldn’t



Hello, everyone. Because of the high rate of school violence(暴力) in some areas, teenagers’ safety becomes a serious problem. We are planning to set up an organization named School Watch to make sure that students have a safe school environment. Please be part of our plan!

What is School Watch?

School Watch is a volunteer project in our school. It helps us stop violence and improve the quality of school life. It will keep yourself and your schoolmates safe. The other members of School Watch care for you and your classroom, and you do the same for them.

Is it for everyone?

Anybody can become a member of School Watch because everyone has something to offer.

What else can it do?

School Watch makes it possible for us not only to help each other but also to make friends with each other. Some members may offer to help the schoolmates who have problems with their homework.

Who is the School Watch?

Our school will look for the School Watcher and give him or her lots of prizes. You could be the one!

How do you start?

To be part of this plan, the only thing you need to do is to talk to the director of the plan in your grade. You can check the official website at www.schoolwatch.com if you want to get more information.

41. The members of School Watch are probably_______.

A. teenagers B. doctors C. parents D. policemen

42. Anyone can become a member of School Watch because _______.

A. everyone may have problems B. everyone can give help to others

C. everyone doesn’t go to school D. everyone isn’t busy

43. The best School Watcher will get a lot of prizes from _______ every year.

A. the website B. the school C. the parents D. the director

44. If you want to become a member of School Watch, you should _______.

A. check the website B. talk to the director of the plan in your grade

C. be good at school work D. go to the police


One day, a woman walked into a pet store to buy a bird for her Thanksgiving Day party. The guy said, “We only have one parrot. But I think you do not want it because it can talk…”

The woman said happily, “That’s great. I’ve always wanted a talking bird.”

So the guy said, “Since you are a nice lady, I’ll give it to you as a gift.”

And the lady went home and put the bird on her bed and walked out of the room. But as soon as she walked into the kitchen, the bird started to speak dirty words as loud as it could. The woman walked back into the room thinking, “I can’t have this at my party!” So she took the bird and put it in the fridge.

A few hours later, while the woman was eating, she remembered that her bird was still in the fridge. Quickly, she opened the door and found it was shivering. Then she took out the bird at once. She said to the bird, “I’ll keep you out of there if you don’t use that language again. Do you agree with me?”

The bird nodded and asked, “Can I just ask a quick question?” The lady nodded and said, “Yes, you may.”

The bird pointed at the turkey behind him and asked, “What did he do?”

45. The woman went into the pet store because .

A. she wanted to buy a bird for Thanksgiving Day party

B. she wanted to buy a bird to make a big meal

C. there were lots of nice birds in it

D. she wanted to buy a bird for his son’s birthday

46. The woman put the bird in the fridge because .

A. she wanted to cook it on Thanksgiving Day

B. she thought it’s the best place for it to live in

C. the bird liked living in the cold place

D. the bird spoke dirty words

47. The underlined word “shivering” means .

A. 睡觉 B. 发抖 C. 生气 D. 跳动


Once upon a time, there was a lion and a mouse.

One day, when the lion was sleeping, the mouse ran onto his face. The lion woke up. He was very angry and caught the mouse. “I will eat you!” the lion said angrily.

The mouse cried out,“If you do not kill me, I would be happy to give you a reward(回报).”The lion laughed at the idea. He did not think a little mouse could help such a big strong animal like himself. But he still let the mouse go.

After a few days, it happened. The lion was caught by hunters’ net. He tried his best to leave, after half a day, but he still couldn’t get out of the net. He was very sad, he thought he was dying. At that time the lion felt something nibbling(啃,咬) on the ropes. It was the mouse. Just before dark, the work was done. There was a hole in the net. The lion got free through the hole. He was very happy and thanked the mouse, “My friend, you have saved me. I will never doubt the power of small animals like you.” From then on, the lion and the mouse became friends.

48. The lion didn’t eat the mouse at last, did he?

A. Yes, he did. B. Yes, he didn’t. C. No, he did. D. No, he didn’t.

49. How was the lion when he was caught by hunters’ net?

A. Happy. B. Nothing. C. Terrible. D. Free.

50. The underlined word “doubt” in the passage means________.

A.相信 B.怀疑 C.创新 D. 喜欢

51. Which is NOT wrong from the passage?

A. The lion didn’t catch the mouse first. B. The lion was killed by the hunters.

C. The lion ran away by himself. D. The lion ran away with the mouse’s help.


Do you want to live a happier, less stressful(有压力的) life? Try laughing for no reason at all. That’s how millions of people start their day at Laughter(笑声) Clubs around the world and many doctors now think that having a good laugh might be one of the best ways to stay healthy.

The first Laughter Club was started in Mumbai, India, in 1995 by Dr. Madan Kataria.“Young children laugh about 300 times a day. Adults laugh between 7 and 15 times a day,” says Dr. Kataria. “Everyone is naturally good at laughing—it’s the common language. We want people to feel happy with their lives.” There are now more than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and over 1,300 in the world.

Many doctors are also interested in the effects(效果) of laughter on our health. According to a 5-year study at the UCLA School of Medicine in California, with laughing there is less stress in the body. Laughter improves our health against illness by about 40%.

So what happens at a Laughter Club? I went along to my nearest club in South London to find out. I was quite nervous at the beginning of the class, to be honest, I wasn’t interested in laughing with a group of strangers, and I was worried about looking silly. Our laughter teacher told us to clap our hands and say “ho ho ho, ha ha ha” while looking at each other. However, our bodies can’t tell the difference between real laughter and unreal laughter, so they still produce the same healthy effects.

Surprisingly, it works! After ten minutes everybody in the room was laughing for real and some people just couldn’t stop! At the end of the class I was surprised by how relaxed and comfortable I felt. So if you’re under stress, then start laughing. You might be very pleased with the results.

52. The first Laughter Club was started in _________.

A. India B. America C. Britain D. China

53. How many Laughter Clubs are there in the world today?

A. Over 300. B. Over 500. C. Over 1,800. D. Over 1,300.

54. How did the writer feel at the beginning of the class?

A. Surprised. B. Pleased. C. Nervous. D. Tired.

55. The article mainly tells us _________.

A. young children laugh much more often than adults in a day

B. laughing is one of the best ways to stay healthy

C. many doctors are also interested in the effects of laughter on our health

D. real laughter and unreal laughter are both good for health





请将 I卷中每小题的最佳答案代号写在下表中相应题号后或横线上。

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

听力测试(五)xKb 1.C om

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题45分)



I have lived in Beijing all my life. I will tell you about my life today and in the past. My family lived in a tiny house in the past. There (1)_____(be) no electric lights, only candles. My father was a postman, and he often (2)_______(work) twelve houses a day outside in the winter cold or in the summer heat. My mum was a farm girl before she met my father. She was a kind and loving mother. She (3)_______(not go ) out to work. There were five (4)______ (child) in my family and looking after us was more than a full-time job.

I remember the family meals. The food was simple. We could only eat meat (5)_____(one) or twice a year. I (6) _______ (not send) to school because my family couldn’t afford it, and what’s more, because I was a girl.

Today, life (7)_______(change). Families have got (8)________(small) than they were in the past. Most people only have one child! The role of women has changed too. My daughter is

Really (9)_______ (luck) .She has a good education, and she goes to work even after getting (10)________(marry). I’m happy to see she’s busy (11)_______(work) every day, but sometimes I feel lonely because she can’t come (12)_______(see) me often.

1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.___________ 5.__________ 6. ___________

7.___________8.___________9.__________ 10. __________ 11.________ 12.


1. 他是去年赢得摄影比赛的那个男孩!(win)

2. 这些废品对我们的环境有害。(be harmful to)

3. 我们必须都努力的工作来减少污染。(reduce)

4.他们有时工作会更加努力。 (sometimes)



The Clean Your Plate Campaign was set up by nongovernmental organizations, which urged people to save food by not wasting anything on the dining table and finish all the food on the plate. The campaign, launched on weibo, was soon joined by millions of netizens across China in order to control food wastage.

A study show that the grain that people waste every year in China is about 50 million tons , enough to feed about 200 million people for one year.

Nearly 750 restaurants in Beijing have joined the Clean Your Plate campaign against wasting food by offering smaller dishes, half dishes and assorting dishes to reduce waste, and encourage customers to take leftovers home.

Now (1) (share) the empty dishes after dinner is popular with many youngers, and they are proud of it.

(2) Our government is trying its best to put an end to food wastage, and is taking the lead to save food.

1. 本文第一句“…which urged people to save food by not wasting anything on the dining tab…”中的“urged”意思是“ ”。

A. 监督 B. 奖励 C. 强迫 D. 力促

2. 请用(1)“share”正确形式补全句子。



4. 根据短文内容回答问题: How do most restaurants reduce waste?


5 请给短文拟个标题。









As the saying goes, roses given, fragrance in hand. In our daily life, we will meet with a lot of trouble.




(一) 听句子,选择适当答语。每个句子听两遍。

1. Could you please take a photo for me?

2. Jenny, don’t be late again!

3. Wow! You look cool with your sunglasses.

4. What about going for a walk?

5. What do you think of your school life?

(二) 听对话,选择符合对话内容的图片。每段对话听两遍。

6. W: Where are you going next holiday?

M: I’m going to Australia with my friends.

7. M: What’s your favorite exercise, Anna?

W: I like flying kites.

8. M: What is your brother doing?

W: He is writing a letter.

9. M: Which vegetable does your mother like best, Silly ?

W: I think she likes tomatoes best.

10. W: What’s your favourite subject, John?

M: I like maths best.

(三) 听对话,根据对话内容选择每个问题的最佳答案。对话和问题听两遍。


W: The bus is late, isn’t it?

M: No, today is Saturday. The buses only run twice an hour on Saturday.

W: Oh, I didn’t know that. I usually take the bus on the weekdays.

M: Do you take the bus to school?

W: Yes, I do.

M: Is your school far from here?

W: Yes. It’s about 25 miles.

听第二段对话, 回答第13—15小题。

M: Hello!

W: Hi, Robert. It’s Susan. I’ve got your message.

M: Thanks for calling me back. What were you doing when I called you last night?

W: Oh, I was seeing a film in the cinema. So, what’s up?

M: Well, would you like to climb the Yuelu Mountain tomorrow morning?

W: Tomorrow morning? I am afraid I can’t. I’ll have to stay at home and study.

M: Oh, it’s a pity. How about Sunday morning?

W: Sure, I’d love to. How shall we get there, by bike or by bus?

M: What about taking a bus?

W: OK.

(四) 听一段长对话,选择正确答案。对话听两遍。

W: Excuse me. Could you tell me how I can get to Haikou Park?

M: Sure, I’m going there, too. Is this your first time coming to Hainan?

W: Yes, but for this May holiday, I’ve been staying here for a week.

M: What places have you been to?

W: Many. We’ve visited Xinglong, Monkey Island and Sanya City.

M: Oh, great! Sanya is known as “Eastern Hawaii”. How do you like it?

W: A very beautiful seaside city. I like the blue sky, the white clouds and the green forests there.

M: Oh, you know much about Hainan.

W: Yes, It’s the second largest island of China. There are many other interesting places in Hainan—Hairui Tomb, Hot Spring, Wanquan River and so on.

M: So you must have a good time here.

W: Right.

(五) 听短文,完成下列表格,每空一词。短文听两遍。

During their stay in Japan, the kids spent three days with Japanese families. They found Japanese families very environmentally friendly.

Li Ping said, “In Japan, most families have taken part in recycling programs. They buy products made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper. They think this can save money and help save trees.”

Zhang Qi said, “Japanese use things as long as possible. They repair them if they can instead of throwing them away and buying new ones.”

Li Yu said, “The cups they use are made of china. I have never seen them use a paper cup or a paper bag. It can make a difference to the environment.”

It’s not a difficult to protect our environment, is it? Let’s begin with simple activities from now on.



