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第I卷(选择题 共80分)

一、 听力部分(共30分,每小题1.5分)


1. What is Tom’s animal sign?

2. How will the man go to Beijing?

3. Which festival does Jack like best?

4. What’s Mike’s favourite hobby?

5.What are they talking about?

A. Clothes. B. Colours. C. Books.

6. When did Mike come back?

A. At 6:45 B. At 7:15 C. At 6:15

7. How much is the ticket for the students?

A. Ten yu an. B. Fifteen yuan. C. Five yuan.

8. What does the woman want to drink?

A. Black coffee. B. White coffee. C. Tea with milk.

9. What does Jim want to be?

A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A nurse.

10. Will Tom go to Amy’s birthday party?

A. Yes, he will. B. No, he won’t. C. He is not sure.


11. Who made Mr Hu angry this morning?

A. Fred and Tim B. Jack and Fred C. Tim and Jack

12. What would they never do again?

A. They would never be angry with Mr Hu.

B. They would never be noisy in the classroom.

C. They would never talk with each other.


13. How does the man seem to feel after this interview?

A. Nervous B. Hopeful C. Excited

14. Who is John ?

A. Mark’s friend B. Mark’s father C. Mark’s teacher

15. What does the man’s girlfriend want?

A. She wants to find a job near Mark. B. She hopes Mark offered the job.

C. She hopes Mark will find a job near her.


16. What do many people like to do during the holidays?

A. To stay at home. B. To do something interesting. C. To take buses or trains.

17. Why do many people take cars or buses for traveling?

A. Because cars or buses run faster. B. Because cars or buses are comfortable.

C. Because train or plane tickets are difficult to buy.

18. When did the writer’s family go out for their holiday?

A. Last May Day. B. Last Christmas Day. C. Last Mid-Autumn Day.

19. How long did it take them to get out of the town?

A. Half an hour. B. About an hour. C. One and a half hours.

20. What did the writer think of the holiday?

A. It was a happy holiday. B. It was a wonderful holiday.

C. It was a terrible holiday.

二、 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)

21. One of the suspects is ____ schoolboy.

A. an 18-year- old B. an 18-years-old C. a 18 years old D. a 18-year-old

22. It is very kind ____ you to help me with these maths problems because it is very difficult ____ me to work them out.

A. of; for B. of; of C. for; of D. for; for

23.The man said that he was ________ to buy this expensive house.

A. too rich B. so rich C. rich enough D. quite rich

24.My friend doesn’t like western food. He would rather go hungry than _______ hamburgers.

A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. to eating

25. ---He never stays up late at night, _____ he?

---_________. He usually does his homework till midnight.

A. doesn’t, Yes B. does, Yes C. doesn’t, No D. does, No

26. --- I’m sorry I ____ your MP4 at home.

--- That’s all right. Don’t forget ____ it to me tomorrow.

A. forgot; bringing B. left; to bring C. left; bringing D. forgot; to bring

27. My mother was doing the cleaning in the sitting room ________ the telephone rang.

A. when B. while C. since D. as soon as

28. ---May I go home right now?

---No, you____. You must finish your work first.

A. don’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t

29. She says she will come to visit our school _____ next week.

A. sometime B. some time C. some times D. sometimes

30. ---Could we have _______ bread, please?

---Sorry, we have ___________.

A. some; none B. some; no C. any; none D. any; no

31. The number of the stude nts in our school ___ 1,000, and a number of them ___ boys.

A. is, are B. is, is C. are, is D. are, are

32. Could you tell me how long do you _________ on your homework every day?

A. cost B. spend C. take D. pay

33. They______ 1,000 English words before they came to England.

A. are learning B. would learn C. will have learned D. had learned

34. Could you tell me _______? A. which team won the first prize in the NBA finals last year B. how long has Obama been the President of the USA C. when did the terrible earthquake happen in Sichuan D. why can't so many college students find jobs

35. In my home town, the old over 100 not only by their families but also by the government.

A . are taken good care B. are taken good care of

C. is taken good care D. is taken good care of


I was looking for a Christmas present for my daughter in a toy store. A nicely dressed little girl, with some money in her little hand, was looking at some beautiful (36). When she saw a doll she liked, she would ask her father (37) she had enough money. He usually said yes.

At the same time, a boy, with (38) and small clothes, was looking at some video games. He, too, had money in his hand, but it looked no more than five dollars. Each time he (39) up one of the video games and looked at his father, he shook his head.

The little girl had (40) her doll, a very beautiful one. (41), she noticed the boy and his father. She saw the boy give up a video game with disappointment (失望) and walk to another corner of the store.

The little girl put her doll back to the (42) and ran over to the video game. After she talked to her father, she paid for the video game and whispered to the (43).

So the boy got the video game that he wanted (44) —he was told it was a (45) from the store. He smiled happily, although he felt it was so incredible (不可相信的).

The girl saw all this happen. She (46), too.

When I walked out of the store to my car, I heard the father ask his daughter why she had done that. I would never (47) their short talk. “Daddy, didn’t Grandma want me to buy somethin g that would (48) me happy?”

He said, “Of course, she did.”

“Well, I just (49)!” With that, the little girl started skipping (蹦跳) towards their car (50) .

36. A. shops B. dolls C. flowers D. girls

37. A. when B. that C. if D. why

38. A. poor B. expensive C. fashionable D. old

39. A. looked B. picked C. carried D. caught

40. A. chosen B. completed C. brought D. d ecided

41. A. However B. Finally C. So D. Again

42. A. floor B. seat C. store D. shelf

43. A. boy B. father C. shop assistant D. shoppers

44. A. at once B. for free C. in time D. on sale

45. A. prize B. surprise C. memory D. return

46. A. smiled B. cried C. was surprised D. felt sorry

47. A. repeat B. remember C. forget D. forgive

48. A. make B. bring C. find D. lead

49. A. see B. did C. will D. had

50. A. carefully B. happily C. luckily D. angrily



A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in the year.You may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam.

Do not remember only grammar when you are learning English.Try to read stories in English and speak in English as often as you can.A few days before the exam you should go to bed early.Do not study late at night.Before you start the exam,read carefully over the exam paper.Try to understand the exact meaning of each question before you pick up your pen to write.When you have at last finished your exam,read your answers again.Correct the mistakes if there are any and make sure you have not missed anything out.

51. If you want to do well in an exam,you must_____.

A. work hard every day in the year B. study hard a few days before the exam

C. get up early a few days before the exam D. keep doing your homework day and night

52. It is_______ to go to bed late at night before the exam.

A. useful B. not helpful C. important D. difficult

53. Do your best to get the meaning of each question________.

A. after you write down your answers B. before you write down your answers

C. as soon as you write down your answers D. while you are writing down your answers

54. In the last sentence“miss...out”means“______.”

A. think it hard B. be important enough C. be wrong D. forget to answer

55. If you want to learn English well,you must_______.

A. try to read as many English stories as you can B. learn grammar well

C. try to speak in English as much as possible D. both A,B and C


The Spring Festival is the biggest festival for Chinese people all around the world. The celebration usually lasts for 15 days. There is a lot to do.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, family members get together and have big meals. Their favorite dish on this day is dumplings.

Days before the Spring Festival, families will clean their homes. People think cleaning sweeps away bad luck. It makes the house ready for good luck.

The color red is everywhere during the Spring Festival. People think red is a happy color and will bring them a bright future. People wear red, too. They decorate (装饰) their homes with pieces of red paper. Kids get a lot of “hong bao”. It is a red paper bag with money in it. Usually, older people give younger ones hong bao. They think it brings good luck.

The Spring Festival is the time to make everybody happy. So don’t say any bad words or do anything that will bring unhappiness to other people.

For instance, you’d better not say any bad words like “death”. Don’t break anything. People think that it means your luck is running out.

Also, don’t borrow or lend money on these days. If you have borrowed money, return it before the Spring Festival.

56. What do most people do on the eve of the Spring Festival?

A. Family members gather for a big meal.

B. Friends eat dumplings together.

C. They borrow money from friends.

D. They give each other hong bao.

57. Why do people clean their houses days before the Spring Festival?

A. Because they enjoy being clean.

B. Because it is believed that cleaning will sweep away bad luck.

C. Because they think it will bring happiness to others.

D. Because it is thought that cleaning brings in money.

58. We can tell from the story that the Spring Festival is _________.

A. a time of harvest and fun

B. celebrated for one whole month

C. only celebrated in China

D. a time for families to get together


Do you know more and more Chinese artists have made regular donations to charity or put their efforts into charity work in China? Here let’s know some of them.

Faye Wong and her husband Li Yapeng started the Yan Ran Angel Foundation(基金会) for harelipped(兔唇的) children three years ago. It was named after their daughter. Its purpose is to help children under 14 to cure their harelips. The couple donated one million yuan (about $ 133,000) to start the organization.

Cong Fei was born in a poor family. He became a successful singer in Shenzhen. He helped 178 poor students and disabled people for more than 10 years. Before he died of an illness at the age of 37 in 2006, he decided to donate his cornea(角膜) to people with eye diseases. He helped six people see the world.

Guan Mucun has donated money to Project Hope to help poor students finish primary education. Thirty of these poor students have already finished high school with her support. Guan has also helped with charity work for environment protection, HIV/AIDS prevention, blood donation and “Mother Water”.

Guan had an unlucky childhood: her mother died when she was only 10. years old. With the help of the government and her neighbours, she grew up and was successful as a famous singer.

Action star Jackie Chan is a wholehearted supporter of charities including UNICEF, Operation Smile and his own Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation. In 2007, he used much of hisSPAre time to visit the farthest parts of China on his Dragon’s Heart Charity Missions. The Dragon’s Heart Foundation aims to meet the needs of poor children and the elderly in the hardest-to-reach areas of the country. Chan has made several trips to these poor villages, bringing warm clothing, wheelchairs and school supplies, and helping to build schools.

59. Who can get help from the Yan Ran Angel Foundation?

A. Harelipped children under 14. B. All disabled children.

C. All disabled children under 14. D. All harel ipped children.

60. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Faye Wong and Li Yapeng don’t like their daughter.

B. More than 7 people’s eyes were cured thanks to Cong Fei’s Cornea.

C. Guan Mucun was once helped by the government and her neighbours.

D. Jackie Chan didn’t have chance to visit the people he helped.

61. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Chinese charity work.

B. Charity work of some Chinese artists.

C. Some famous Chinese artists.

D. Organizations started by Chinese artists.


When we talk about intelligence(智力),we do not mean the ability to get good scores on certain kinds of tests or even the ability to do well in school.By intelligence we mean a way of living and behaving(表现),especially in a new situation.If we want to test intelligence,we need to find out how a person acts instead of how much he knows what to do.

For example,when in a new situation,an intelligent person thinks about the situation,not about himself or what might happen to him.He tries to find out all be can,and then he acts immediately and tries to do something about it.He probably isn’t sure how it will all work out,but at least he tries.And if he cannot make things work out right,he doesn’t feel ashamed(羞愧)that he failed,he just tries to learn from his mistakes.An intelligent person,even if he is very young,has a special outlook(看法)on life,a special feeling about life,and how he fits into it.

If you look at children,you’ll see great difference between what we call“bright”children and“non-bright”children.They are actually two different kinds of people,not just the same kind with different amount of intelligence.For example,the bright child really wants to find out about life-he tries to get in touch with everything around him.But the unintelligent child keeps more to himself and his own dream-world:he seems to have a wall between him and life in general.

62.According to this passage,intelligence is the ability to__________.

A.get some high score s on some tests

B.do well in school

C.deal with life

D.have a lot of book knowledge

63.In a new situation,an intelligent person________.

A.knows more about what might happen to him

B.is sure of the result he will get

C.cares more about himself

D.keeps his mind on what to do about the situation

64.If an intelligent person failed,he would_______.

A.try not to feel ashamed

B.learn from his mistakes

C.try to find all he could

D.make sure what result he would get

65.Bright children and non-bright children________.

A.are two different types of children

B.are different mainly in their degree of cleverness

C.have difference only in their way of thinking

D.have different knowledge about the world

第II卷(非选择题 共60分)

五、 词汇部分(共15分,每小题1分)


66. We should be brave enough to __________ (面对) all the difficulties.

67. When did Audrey __________ (come into) the film industry?

68. The students always ___________ (拒绝) to do so much homework every day.

69. The detective thought he had a criminal ___________.

70. Our earth is becoming more and more crowded and (受污染的).


come short week decide die

71. He became famous __________ after he finished university.

72. The concert will be held this __________ weekend.

73. The magazine is published _______________.

74. It’s very hard for him to make an important ___________ by himself.

75. The detective said that the victim was attacked with a knife and bled to ____________.


ring, rain, take, weigh, make

76. Everything _________ more on the earth than on the moon because of gravity. 77. --Oh, dear, you _____________ my new dress dirty. --Oh, so I have. I’m really sorry.

78. Father promises me that he _____________ us to Harbin in two days..

79. --There was a heavy rain yesterday, wasn’t there?

-- Yes. When I came back home, it ______________ hard.



