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Ⅰ. 听力(10分)

(Ⅰ)录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分)

1. A. Cotton. B. Windows. C. Glass.

2. A. Yes, it does. B. No, it doesn’t. C. Yes, it is.

3. A. It is well known for tea. B. It is well known for its kites. C. It is famous for its apples.

4. A. Trees are planted in spring. B. We plant them in winter. C. We plant them on the hill.

5. A. The science museum is great. B. That sounds interesting. C. They are made in China.

(Ⅱ)录音中有一段对话, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分)

6. Has Frank heard of paper cutting?

A. Yes, he has. B. No, he hasn’t. C. We don’t know.

7. How long has this kind of traditional art been around?

A. About 1, 000 years. B. Over 500 years. C. Over 1, 500 years.

8. What do people cut paper with?

A. Knives. B. Forks. C. Scissors.

9. Where do people put them?

A. In the box. B. In the sky. C. On the windows.

10. Does Frank want to have a look at it?

A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. We don’t know.

Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)

1. —What is the fork made of?

—It is made of.

A. silk B. cotton C. steel D. grass

2. Flowers in my classroomevery week.

A. water B. watered

C. are watered D. were watered

3. —were these cars produced?

—In Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

A. What B. Where C. How D. When

4. —Does she like singing English songs?

—Yes. Sheto sing English songs in her room.

A. often does B. is often heard C. often hears D.is heared

5. No matter, please keep quiet in the library.

A. where are you B. where you are

C. who are you D. who you are

6. —Why does your uncle buy ahouse?

—Be cause he doesn’t have enough money to buy a new one.

A. use B. using C. used D. is used

7. —Why do they often fly kites on the beach?

—They fly kiteshealthy.

A. keep B. stay C. to staying D. to keep

8. People often lit a fire to ask for help whenin the old days.

A. in trouble B. in person C. such as D. send out

9. My grandparentsmany chickens on the sides of mountains.

A. keep B. are keep C. are kept D. to keep

10. —The noodles in this restaurant are very delicious.

—Yes, you’re right. They make them.

A. use hand B. use hands C. by hand D. by hands

Ⅲ. 完形填空(10分)

Look around in your1, and you’ll see2inventions. These inventions have3our lives a lot. For example, the light bulb, the microwave oven, the alarm clock, the TV, the4. I think all these inventions are very5. The light bulb is used for seeing at night, so we have more time to work and6every day. The microwave oven is used for7meals. The alarm clock is used to8us time. Sometimes it can wake us up. The TV lets us know more9the world and brings us pleasure. The computer is used for playing game s and studying. What do you think is the most10invention? Can you tell us?

1. A. familyB. house C. desk D. bed

2. A. much B. a lot C. many D. lot of

3. A. change B. changing C. to change D. changed

4. A. computer B. car C. plane D. train

5. A. use B. useful C. used D. help

6. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played

7. A. make B. cook C. made D. cooking

8. A. tell B. telling C. ask D. asking

9. A. with B. to C. into D. about

10. A. help B. helped C. helpful D. helping



When we think of paper, we think of newSPApers and books. But there are many other uses. Only half of the world’s paper is used for books and newspapers.

Paper is very good for keeping you warm. You have perhaps seen homeless men asleep on a large number of newspapers. In Finland, it is sometimes-40℃in winter. The farmers wear paper boots(靴子)in the snow. Nothing could be warmer.

Each year, more and more things a re made of paper. We have had paper cups and plates for a long time. But now we hear that chairs, tables, and even beds can be made of paper. With paper boots and shoes, you can wear paper hats, paper dresses, and paper raincoats. When you have used them once, you throw them away and buy new ones.

The latest use of paper seems to be paper houses. These are not small houses for children to play in, but real, big houses for people to live in. You can buy a house with three rooms for about 500 dollars. You can put it up by yourself in a few hours, and you can use it for about five years.

1. Only half of the world’s paper is used to.

A. build houses

B. help the homeless people

C. make chairs, tables and beds

D. print(印刷)newspapers and books

2. The farmers in Finland wear paper boots in winter.

A. to feel much better

B. to go for a walk

C. to keep their feet warm

D. to save a lot of money

3. Long before we began to use paper to make chairs, tables and beds, .

A. we could buy paper boots and shoes in paper shops

B. we could wear paper hats and paper dresses

C. we had already had paper cups and plates

D. we had no paper cups and paper plates

4. The latest use of paper seems to be paper houses. These houses are.

A. big and strong enough to live for many years

B. made for children to play in or for homeless men to live in

C. made only for the rich people

D. not expensive and easy to build up

5. After you use a paper raincoat, you may.

A. use it for a long time

B. sell it to others

C. lend it to others

D. throw it away



After losing her job and home in 1984, Lynn Carr was living with her five-year-old son. “We slept in our car for about a week,” she said, “but then it was sold.

As she moved from one friend’s house to another, Lynn began working toward a high-school-equivalence diploma (高中同等学历证书), listening to self-help tapes and making cakes.

After developing some new ways to make better cakes, she offered her cakes to a restaurant. The restaurant sold out all the cakes in several hours.

The following year, she met a man at a church and before long, they married. Lynn began selling the cakes out of their home. Later she opened a cake company. As business became better and better, Lynn didn’t forget where she came from.

All the women she hires (雇用) are mothers or high-school dropouts (退学者). Her twelve workers make 100 to 150 cakes a week and Lynn owes (归功于) her success to her workers. She says, “We’re going to have a learning center and a day-care center in the company. Part of the workday will be spent studying for high-school-equivalence diplomas.”

Recently, a 33-year-old woman with three children came to Lynn. She hired her at once. “It is a real happy thing,” the woman said.

( )6. After her car was sold, Lynn Carr moved to her friends’ houses.

( )7. At first, few people bought Lynn’s cakes at the restaurant.

( )8. Lynn met her husband at a restaurant for the first time.

( )9. Lynn is trying to help people who have the similar background as she did.

( )10. Without finishing high school, one cannot even make good cakes.


Ⅴ. 词汇运用(20分)


1. The quilt is made of cand cloth.

2. The cow eats g. It doesn’t eat meat.

3. Paris is the capital of F.

4. —What mis it made of?

—Bamboo and paper.

5. There are too many taccidents on the road these days.


6. The song is so popular that it is(wide)sung by young people.

7. As a student, you should avoid(fight)with your classmates.

8. Mary is a(live)child and popular with everyone.

9. The girl has no time because she(make)to practice playing the piano all day.

10. These characters come from a(history)story.

Ⅵ. 完成句子(10分)

1. 手机被年轻人用来听歌。

Mobile phoneslistening to music by the young.

2. 这种冰淇淋是用牛奶做的吗?

the ice-creammilk?

3. 这家博物馆是什么时候建造的?

the museum?

4. 这辆自行车不是上海生产的。

The bikeShanghai.

5. 我弟弟喜欢听童话故事

My brother likes to listen to .

Ⅶ. 补全对话(10分)

从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。

A. What can I clean with such a duster?

B. What are they made of?

C. What shall I do?

D. Can I help you?

E. How can I remove dirty particles from it?

F. Are they new materials?

G. Then what’s the difference between this duster and the traditional ones?

A: Good morning.

B: Yes. I’d like to buy a duster (掸子).

A: Look at this one. It’s the newest.

B: Oh, it looks nice and it’s so light. The feathers(羽毛)feel soft, too.

A: The feathers are made of space-age fibers(非常先进的纤维).

B: Space-age fibers?

A: The traditional ones just move dust particles(尘埃)around while this duster attracts(吸引)dust particles and holds on to them.

B: Really?

A: You can safely clean chairs, tables, beds, cupboards, TVs, chandeliers(吊灯), etc. . .


A: Put it into water each time after you have finished cleaning and it will become clean.

B: It is really magic. I’ll take one.

A. What can I clean with such a duster?

B. What are they made of?

C. What shall I do?

D. Can I help you?

E. How can I remove dirty particles from it?

F. Are they new materials?

G. Then what’s the difference between this duster and the traditional ones?


从方框中选 择合适的词填空完成短文, 使短文完整、通顺。

put, environment, covering, lost, invented,

mobile, washed, heat, danger, common

In the new century, “smart clothes” are used not only for1your body, but for many other kinds of uses. Some kinds of smart clothes have come into the market. A German clothing maker has2the“MP3 blue jacket”. This kind of jacket can be used as an MP3 player and a3phone. An English company has developed a cloth keyboard that can be4onto your pants. You can control your computer with it easily anywhere. If it gets dirty, the keyboard can be5and even ironed.

As the technology improved, smart clothes will get much smarter. Researchers are developing clothes that can show your body temperature and6you up before you feel cold. Other smart clothes to wear are special medical ones. They can tell the doctor when you are in7. This technology can also provide(提供)important information about your8. Shirts can warn you of high pollution levels. Jackets with GPS technology can keep you from getting9.

People have begun to love the ideas. Probably smart clothes will one day be10on Paris’ streets—and even in your own home.

Ⅸ. 书面表达(20分)

手机是现代人必备的通讯工具之一。它不仅可以用来打电话, 还可以用来做很多其他事情。例如: 听歌、玩游戏、上网聊天、发邮件、看电影等。它一般是用塑料(plastic)和金属(metal)制造的。

请根据以上提示写一篇短文, 介绍一下手机。词数80个左右。




