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Youthink you know your dog. 36 She probably recognizes you when she sees you.Butcan a dog tell by simply looking at you whether you have a happy or an angryexpression on your face?Researchers in Austria have taught pet dogs to know thedifference.

37When dog owners shout or speak in a strong,sharp voice,dogs often act guilty andquietly move away from the area.

Recently,researchersfound that dogs can look at our faces,and tell the difference between a smileand a frown.The animals were able to recognize a look of approval from one ofdisapproval.Researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine performed aseries of experiments. 38 They showed the dogs two pictures of either the upperor lower half of a person’s face.On one picture,the person looked happy.Theother appeared angry.The dogs were then shown images of the eyes or mouths ofpeople they had never seen before.

39Once the dogs learned to recognize which image was happy or angry,they couldeasily identify the same expressions in pictures of any face.Future studies willtry to show whether dogs can learn the meaning of facial expressions. 40

Theresearchers’findings were published in the journal Current Biology.They providethe first solid evidence that humans are not the only species that can read thebody language of another species.

A.Dogsare very aware of sound.

B.Dogshave feelings just as you do.

C.Buthow well does your dog know you?

D.Theywere also shown the left half of the faces used in training.

E.Somedogs are very unhappy when they are left alone for a long time.

F.Theytaught dogs to recognize facial expressions.

G.Forexample,whether a frown shows that someone is angry.





Aswe drove off from Columbia,I wanted to write a letter to you to tell you allthat is on my mind.First,I want to tell you how proud we are.Getting intoColumbia College shows what a great well-rounded student you are.Youracademic,artistic,and social skills have truly blossomed in the last fewyears.Whether it is getting the highest grade in mathematics,completing yourelegant fashion design,successfully selling your painted running shoes,orbecoming one of the top speakers in Model United Nations,you have become atalented and accomplished young woman.You should be as proud of yourself as weare.

Collegewill be the most important years in your life.It is in college that you willtruly discover what learning is about.This will be the period where you go fromteacher-taught to master-inspired,after which you must become self-learner.So dotake each subject seriously,and even if what you learn isn’t critical for yourlife,the skills of learning will be important to you forever.

Followyour passion in college.Take courses you think you will enjoy.Don’t be trappedin what others think or say.Do your best in classes,but don’t let pressure getto you.Your mother and I have no expectations for your grades.If you graduateand learn something in your four years,we would feel happy.So please don’t giveyourself pressure.

Itold your mom I’m writing this letter,and asked what she wanted me to say.Shethought and said:“Just ask her to take care of herself.”Please listen to yourmother and take care of yourself.

Soplease treasure your college years,make the best of your free time,and become anindependent thinker;learn and grow through your successes and challenges.



21.Sara’performancein the last few years makes his parents ____________.

A.annoyedB.proud C.upset D.concerned

22.Whatdid Father mainly write about in Paragraph 2 ?

A.Learningskills. B.College courses.

C.Learningattitude. D.Ways of self-learning.

23.Whatdo we know about Morn and Dad from the letter?

A.Theyexpect too much of Sara.

B.Theyput lots of pressure on Sara.

C.Theylove their daughter very much.

D.Theyadvise Sara to make more friends.


Christmasin the United States is traditionally a time of gift-giving and familygatherings.But small towns across the country have their own traditions.

Middleburg,asmall town in the state of Virginia,is known for its horses.For more than 50years,Middleburg has organized a yearly Christmas parade(游行).Men and women ridehorses through the woods and fields.They follow hunting dogs as they search fora wild fox.But first,these hunters ride in the yearly parade,wearing theirbright red hunting clothes and hats.

JohnHale,a citizen of Middleburg says many city people visit his town.“We have a lotof people from an urban area that come to visit,but it incorporates a lot of theo1d traditions.” The nighttime hay ride is one such tradition.Small groupsgather under the moonlight on an open wagon filled with hay.The passengers singas farm horses pull the wagon slowly across the fields.

Thereare some newer traditions,too.Trey Matheu works at the nearby SalamanderResort.He says a visit to Middleburg is a chance to slow down for a day.He saysMiddleburg can be a calming,peaceful place without tension.

“Middleburgis an opportunity to take a step back,to take a deep breath,and understand thateven though life is moving on at a very fast pace,there’s really an opportunitywhere you’re allowed to step off for a little bit.”

Paradeorganizers say more than 13,000 people attend even in below-freezing weather.But if you ask,you will hear many different reasons why people come to watch theparade:

“Icome here because I’m from a small town. I like how everybody comes together.”“Ilive right down that street;right there.And that’s my dog.”

Middleburglooks its best at Christmastime.That may be why so many people return eachyear.

24.Whichof the following can be the best title for the text?

A.MiddleburgChristmas parade

B.Asmall town known for horses

C.Christmastraditions in Middleburg

D.Newer traditions at Christmastime

25.AtChristmas,people in Middleburg usually ___________.

A.visitfriends and families

B.feedfarm horses with hay

C.huntfor dogs in the woods

D.ridein the yearly parade

26.Accordingto Trey Matheu,why do people visit Middleburg?

A.Torelax themselves.

B.Toenjoy the fresh air.

C.Toescape competition.

D.Tochallenge themselves.

27.Whatdo we know about the small town Middleburg?

A.Itmakes a large profit from tourism.

B.Itattracts many people each year.

C.Itis a good place for family gatherings.

D.Itdoesn’t respect Christmas traditions.


Buildinga company website is one of the most important parts of creating a successfulbusiness.But designing a website can be time consuming and expensive.Webdesigners are difficult to,work with,and even though you’re paying them.Thereare cheaper ways to establish your company online,and Wix.com stands out amongthem.

Wix.comoffers free HTML5 and Flash website design that you can do on your own,withouthaving to pay for a pricey web designer.With unlimitedSPAce for as many pagesas you want,customized looks,photo galleries,and blog platformcapabilities,social networking buttons,Wix has everything a business of any sizeneeds to make an impact online.You get full control over what information fillsin the blanks,and you don’t have to know a thing about HTML to make thiswork.The way your website looks says a lot about your company.Wix does that,andit does it for free.Another thing that makes Wix the most affordable option increating a website is that you don’t have to pay for a separate web host—everypage created on Wix is hosted on Wix,free of charge.

TheInternet is the marketplace of ideas:your company needs to share what youthink.If you think just because you don’t sell a product online you don’t need awebsite,you’re dead wrong.No matter what kind of business you have,if you wantto reach an audience,you want to have a website that speaks to people.Wix letsyou do that as quickly and easily as possible for free.

Ifyou have a bigger budget,Wix has more options than just the free website design.You can choose to upgrade(升级)to the ad-less version which won’t fill up yourcustomer’s screens when they visit your site.But if the most important thing toyou is getting your company’s name online right now,try Wix.com today.

28.Wix.comis meant to _____________.

A.sellproducts on the Internet

B.attractmore customers online

C.builda company’s website cheap

D.collectany possible information

29.Whatis Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A.Waysof finding free service.

B.Advantagesof Wix.com.

C.Skillsof creating websites.

D.Tricksof running a company.

30.Ifyou create a company website on Wix,you ____________.

A.haveto be a good web designer

B.won’tdo it easily and quickly

C.canshare ideas with customers

D.mustupgrade to the ad-less version

31.What’sthe purpose of the text?

A.Toteach a budget lesson.

B.Tomake an advertisement.

C.Topresent a website design.

D.Tointroduce a new business.


Ifyou think that running marathons will help you live a long and healthy life,newresearch may come as a shock.According to a recent scientific study,people whodo a very strenuous workout are as likely to die as people who do no exercise atall.

Scientistsin Denmark have been studying over 1,000 joggers and non-joggers for 12years.The death rates from the sample group indicate that people who jog at amoderate pace two or three times a week for less than two and a half hours intotal are least likely to die.The best speed to jog at was found to be about 5miles per hour.The research suggests that people who jog more than three times aweek or at higher speeds of over 7 mph die at the same rate as non-joggers.Thescientists think that this is because strenuous exercise causes structuralchanges to the heart and arteries(动脉).Over time,this can cause seriousinjuries.

PeterSchnohr,a researcher in Copenhagen,said,“If your goal is to decrease risk ofdeath and improve life expectancy,jogging a few times a week at a moderate paceis a good strategy.Anything more is not just unnecessary,and it may beharmful.”

Theimplications of this are that moderate forms of exercise such as tai chi,yogaand brisk walking may be better for us than“iron man”events,triathlons andlong-distance running and cycling.According to Jacob Louis Marott,anotherresearcher involved in the study,“You don’t actually have to do that much tohave a good impact on your health.And perhaps you shouldn’t actually do toomuch”.

32.Theunderlined word“strenuous”in Paragraph l is closest in meaningto“___________”.



33.Theauthor presents some figures in Paragraph 2 to ___________.

A.suggestgiving up jogging

B.showrisks of doing sports

C.providesupportive evidence

D.introducethe research process

34.Accordingto the scientists,why is too much exercise harmful?

A.Itmay injure the heart and arteries.

B.Itcan make the body tired out.

C.Itwill bring much pressure.

D.Itconsumes too much energy.

35.Whatcan be inferred from the text?

A.Noexercise at all is the best choice.

B.Moreexercise means a healthier life.

C.Marathonsrunners are least likely to die.

D.Properexercise contributes to good health.



Observerssay Americans want more choices and fresh food when 61 (choose)where and what toeat.This trend is one reason why the fast food restaurant McDonald’s hasstruggled financially.

McDonald’sis one of the best-known 62 (restaurant)in the U.S.and even around the world, 63these days the company leaders are seeing numbers they probably do not like.Inthe last quarter of 2014,McDonald’s income dropped by about$300 million.TheJanuary earnings report brought more bad news.Worldwide sales dropped for the 64(eight)month in a row and even more than expected.

McDonald’sis 65 (work)hard to get their customers back.In January,the company ran anadvertisement during the Super Bowl.The football game is the most watched TVevent every year in the U.S.McDonald’s has wanted 66 (reach)those viewers.

ShakeShack is 67 new kind of restaurant becoming popular in the U.S.The restaurantsare not“fast food.” They are known as“fast casual.” 68 McDonald’s is strugglingto get their customers back,Shake Shack is doing well financially.The NewYork-based burger chain had a very 69 (success)IPO,or initial public offering,ofshares at the end of January. 70 its first day of trading,Shake Shack went from$21 a share to just under $ 46 a share.

ShakeShack’s a quality hamburger.It’s fast food,but not‘fast food’food.”Being part ofthe“fast casual”trend has helped Shake Shack.




Mr.Jacksonwas blind from birth.He owned a fruit 41 on a very busy street. 42 he wasvisually disabled,he ran his business pretty handsomely.He could see nothing andhe could only 43 the things within his reach. 44 ,he was able to handle it andwas content with everything he had.

Oneday his son came to him.He told Mr.Jackson in 45 that he read in the newspaperof a 46 who could operate on his eyes and allow him to see.The father and sontraveled to the doctor and paid for the 47 .

Afterthe operation,the doctor asked Mr.Jackson:“What is the first thing you are 48 tosee when I take the bandages off?”He replied,“I really want to see my beautiful49 on my stand!”

Thedoctor and the son 50 Mr.Jackson down to the busy street where his fruit standhad been located for so many years.The doctor 51 unwrapped the bandages 52 hecould lay his eyes on the beautiful fruit!Mr.Jackson was so full of 53 that hecould finally see his life’s work—taking care of his fruit!After a few hours of54 his beautiful fiuit stand, he looked down the street both ways and saw therewere quite a few fruit stands in both directions.He looked 55 the street and sawmany other fruit stands.He spent so much time looking at other people’s fruitstands and 56 the competition that soon his own business 57 .

FromMr.Jackson’s failure,we should know that everyone is a 58 individual withdifferent fingerprints,DNA and thinking.What we need to do is just be ourselvesand 59 everyone else to be who they are.Mind our own business and we shouldnever be afraid of 60 .

41.A.standB.company C.store D.center

42.A.BecauseB.As C.Although D.When

43.A.rememberB.describe C.imagine D.feel

44.A.ThereforeB.However C.Otherwise D.Besides

45.A.prideB.doubt C.excitement D.surprise

46.A.doctorB.nurse C.chemist D.volunteer

47.A.informationB.medicine C.service D.operation

48.A.nervousB.1ucky C.eager D.afraid

49.A.flowersB.vegetables C.fruit D.clothing

50.A.sentB.accompanied C.followed D.invited

51.A.suddenlyB.curiously C.carefully D.firmly

52.A.sothat B.in case C.even if D.if only

53.A.regretB.joy C.courage D.relief

54.A.enjoyingB.checking C.judging D.making

55.A.aboveB.within C.through D.across

56.A.preparingfor B.focusing on C.worrying about D.taking up

57.A.improvedB.failed C.appeared D.expanded

58.A.simpleB.reliable C.unique D.perfect

59.A.forceB.require C.persuade D.allow

60.A.competitionsB.changes C.differences D.disabilities



