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Module 2

look back at 回顾

work at/on… 工作/致力于

be pleased about 对…感到满意/高兴

share sth with sb 和某人分享某物

as far as I am concerned 就我而言

in my view 从我的观点/角度出发

be considered as 被认为是…

be likely to do 可能去做

in other words 换句话说

except for 除了

once a fortnight 每两周一次

as time passed 随着时间的推移

take turns to do 轮流做(take turns doing sth; do sth by turns)


Module 1

be named/called… 被称作/命名为

be named after 以…命名

change one’s name to 把名字改为…

in one’s career 在某人的职业生涯中

hold the record 保持纪录

attend the university 上大学

win the championship 赢得冠军

admire one’s ability 崇拜/羡慕某人的能力

one after another 一个接一个

be delighted to do 很高兴去做

feel nervous about 对…感到紧张

be disappointed with 对… 感到失望

the same…as… 和…一样

bring up 抚养,养大

in reply to 回应

draw one’s attention to把某人的注意力吸引到…上

be absorbed in 全神贯注于…

obtain control of 取得…的控制权

take possession of 掌管/接管…

base A on B 把A建立在B的基础上

be based on 建立在… 的基础上


Module 4

side by side 并排

be bored with 厌烦

be in decline 处于下降/衰退期

take advantage of 巧妙利用

stay in order 保持秩序;秩序井然

try out 试用,测试

be blessed with 幸运地拥有

come out 出版;开花;发芽

far from 远非

be devoted to 专注于;全身心投入于

beg for 恳求

make an impression on sb给某人留下印象

make up 编造;捏造

no longer 不再

according to 根据

consist of 由…构成

provide sb with sth 给某人提供…

be supposed to do 被期望做;假定去做

approve of 赞成

be enthusiastic about 对…热心

the other day 那天

in vain 白费

be amazed at 对…感到惊奇/惊讶

get down to (doing) sth 开始动手做


Module 3

in astonishment 吃惊地;经验

in a…voice 用… 的嗓音说

a huge amount of 大量的

bring sth to the attention of sb 使某人关注某事

stare at 盯着;注视

believe in sb 信任某人

as a result 结果

in one’s early twenties 在某人二十几岁时

be come fond of 喜欢上

hold on to 抓紧;不放手

intend to do 打算做某事

suffer from 受…折磨

a lack of 缺乏

feel at home 舒适自在

let go of sb/sth 放开


Module 5

in use 在使用中

out of use 不再使用

make use of 利用

come into use 开始被使用

come across 偶然遇见

make up 组成;构成;编造;捏造

hear of 听说

go on 继续

put up 为…提供食宿

fall for sb/sth 倾心/喜欢…

think over 仔细考虑

green with envy 十分嫉妒

how come 怎么会

have a population of 拥有…的人口

in the style of 以…的风格

point to 指向

stare at 凝视

set off 动身;启程;引发;引爆

set out 动身;开始做

set up 建立

set aside 预留出;腾出



