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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1. What does the woman decide to do?

A. Stay at home. B. Go fishing. C. Hang out with her friends.

2. What’s wrong with the man?

A. He is sad. B. He is tired. C. He got sand in his eye.

3. How does the man manage to dress so well all the time?

A. By watching TV.

B. By surfing the Internet.

C. By reading fashion magazines.

4. What will the boy do?

A. Read a book. B. Do some cleaning. C. Play the video game.

5. What does the man suggest they do?

A. Keep it a secret.

B. Report it to the board of directors.

C. Let the news reporter know it.




6. What probably are the speakers going to do soon?

A. Sing some songs. B. Do some exercise. C. Watch a movie.

7. What do we know about the woman?

A. She always supports her words with actions.

B. She is unfit.

C. She doesn’t like the man.


8.What probably is the woman’s job?

A. A waitress. B. A hostess. C. A teacher.

9. Why can the man get the coffee for free?

A. He knows the coffee shop owner well.

B. He owns the coffee shop.

C. His friend works here.


10. When does the conversation happen?

A. In the morning. B. At noon. C. In the evening.

11. What does the man need a new suit for?

A. A business meeting. B. A birthday party. C. A wedding.

12. How much does the grey suit cost?

A. £500. B. £1,500. C.£2,500.


13. What did the man do in his holiday?

A. He enjoyed the sunshine at the beach.

B. He stayed at home watching TV.

C. He worked out in the gym.

14. What’s the advantage of going back with the car?

A. It’s less stressful. B. It’s easy to explore the coast. C. It’s time saving.

15. Where did the woman live probably?

A. In Long Beach. B. In London. C. In Seattle.

16. How long did it take the woman to return?

A. 1.5 hours B. 3 hours C. 5 hours.


17. What kind of routes should be chosen?

A. Routes with lots of tree cover.

B. Routes with lots of people.

C. Routes with lot of rivers nearby.

18. What’s the best time to hike in summer probably?

A. In the early morning.

B. Between 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

C. Around the sunset.

19. What kind of clothing should be avoided when hiking in summer?

A. Shorts. B. Pants. C. Jeans.

20. What is recommended besides water?

A. Milk. B. Sports drink. C. Fruit juice.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)



Before you know it, the sound of sleigh(雪橇) bells will be heard on your rooftop. If you love the holidays but hate the cold, why not wear your coat and wool gloves this year and celebrate a warm Christmas?

Beaufort, South Carolina

Beaufort is a small town with a huge heart and is located in heart of the Lowcountry. It is close to Savannah and Charleston, and a short drive to the beaches of Hilton Head Island. Its location is great for visiting the larger cities and enjoying the sights and sounds of a small town. December temperatures average in the low 60s.

Orlando, Florida

Enjoy everything in Orlando without the huge crowds of summer. Theme parks have special attractions this time of year, such as “Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas”, but be aware that some of the special attractions require a separate ticket. Orlando temperatures average around 72 degrees in December.

San Francisco, California

The City by the Bay comes alive in December as it transforms into a wonderland of lights. Stay near Union Square so you are close to all the activities and can easily get around via the historic cable cars. San Francisco’s December temperatures average in the high 50s.

New Orleans, Louisiana

Celebrate Christmas season in the Big Easy. The Oaks, visited by over 122,000 people last year, has one of the most beautiful Christmas exhibitions in the country. Many hotels in the area offer Papa Noel specials, making this a very affordable holiday destination. December temperatures average in the 60s.

21. You can easily travel through San Francisco by .

A. bike B. taxi C. cable car D. bus

22. Spending the Christmas in New Orleans, you can .

A. enjoy a wonderland of lights B. avoid the huge crowds

C. visit various theme parks D. enjoy Papa Noel specials

23. What’s the purpose of writing this passage?

A. To describe different celebrations during the Christmas.

B. To introduce four places to spend a warm Christmas.

C. To introduce four places’ special Christmas traditions.

D. To attract readers to spend Christmas there.


Doing their best to clean up their reputation—vultures(秃鹫)equipped with cameras have become the main heroes of a creative social media campaign aimed at raising awareness about illegal rubbish dumps in Lima.

Besides its four official landfill sites(垃圾填埋场), the Peruvian capital has a lot of illegal dumps, where an estimated 20 percent of its trash ends up as an open-air environmental and health danger. “We have ten vultures equipped with a GPS. We also have a bigger group of vultures, just over 20, that are only equipped with a wing tag. In all, the project is designed to last two years,” explains vulture trainer Alfredo Correa. The vultures are the perfect bird to take on such a task. No preparation was needed: the birds naturally fly together to the landfill sites to feed. They have been trained to fly back to their keepers after each outing. The video they recorded is then posted online.

A TV and radio campaign has been launched to promote the program, which shows the birds as heroes who are helping clean up the city. While the scavengers(食腐动物)are mostly terrified by Lima’s residents, it’s hoped that they might take a different view from now on. “Generally the majority of people have a negative view of the vulture, which is often associated with death and other negative things. People don’t realize that they play a very important role in nature, especially in Lima as they help control a small amount of the large quantity of rubbish we dump,” says Correa. Since the project was launched, other Peruvian cities have reportedly expressed interest in joining.

24. People use vultures equipped with cameras to .

A. record the life of vultures B. help people get rid of trash

C. improve awareness about illegal dumps D. find the GPS

25. What is the advantage of using vultures to take on the task?

A. They don’t need preparations. B. They have no enemy in the open air.

C. They can find some illegal dumps quickly. D. There are so many vultures in the wild.

26. Usually, people dislike the vultures, because .

A. vultures have something to do with accidents

B. vultures are linked with death

C. vultures are associated with hunger

D. vultures are the symbol of money

27. What can we infer from the last sentence of this passage?

A. No other city will use vultures.

B. There will be no illegal trash dump in Peru.

C. Vultures will be used in other cities of Peru.

D. Peruvian villages have no interest in using vultures.


Did you know that the Navy trained dolphins to find mines(地雷) which often blow up? Apparently, it was a cost effective method; now, the Navy are preparing to replace the dolphins with robots, not because they were doing a bad job or because they want to do a more human job, but because, guess what? Robots are more cost effective.

Not particularly known for being humans, they’re also not planning to release or retire the dolphins, but they’re considering what other jobs they could be assigned to —probably some just as dangerous.

“Everyone is familiar with security patrol dogs. You may even know that because of their exceptionally keen sense of smell, dogs like beagles are also used to detect drugs and bombs, or land mines. But a dog would not be effective in finding a sea mine,” reads the Navy’s site. “But just as the dog’s keen sense of smell makes it ideal for detecting land nines, the U.S. Navy has found that the biological sonar(声呐) of dolphins, called echolocation, makes them uniquely effective at locating sea mines so they can be avoided or removed.”

The Navy will now equip underwater robots which will do the same job at a bigger distance, without needing constant rest and manned monitor. I, for one, hope the dolphins will be given a break and assigned to a safer task.

28. Why will robots take the place of dolphins to find mines?

A. Because dolphins do very bad jobs.

B. Because dolphins are endangered animals.

C. Because scientists want to be friendly to dolphins.

D. Because using robots is cheaper.

29. Dogs can be used to detect drugs due to .

A. e xcellent sense of smell B. higher IQ compared with dolphins

C. echolocation D. biological sonar

30. The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 3 refers to .

A. security patrol dogs B. dolphins

C. sea mines D. the US Navy

31.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Robots are going to take the place of dolphins to find mines.

B. Dolphins are good at finding mines.

C. Robots are welcome by humans because of their efficiency.

D. Compared to security patrol dogs, dolphins do well in finding sea mines.


When I entered high school, I was very slim and short. Though I had always been cute, my height was an issue. My parents were considering growth hormones(荷尔蒙).

That summer, I tolerated some of the worst pains I have ever felt, worse than any broken bone I had experienced. Yet I did not mind these constant pains, recognizing it as growing pains. Upon some research, I discovered that there is no medical term for growing pains, because there is no proof of a relation between growth and pain, and that these pains generally do not occur in children of over eleven or twelve. As a teenager of 15 at the time, I conclude that there is a very real relation between growth and pain, and that the only treatment doctors prescribed for this medical mystery is Aspirin, and that my body decided to be incredibly lazy for nearly 5 years.

Now my particular growth patterns could not keep my own mother interested. However, the ideas people have kept of me are in fact worth noticing. To the majority of my high-school colleagues I am still the little kid I was when I walked into the school on my first day; however, my perceptions of them vary little from their first day at school. I am still often made to sit in the middle seat of a car, while my shorter, lighter friends sit on the outside because everybody assumes it will make sense.

Having a fairly mild character, my friends’ inability to see the person I’ve grown into does not bother me. Instead, I just wonder what will happen next year at college, with a fresh slate. I know what it is like not to be short, but I have yet to experience the feelings associated with my new figure. Perhaps next year, I will be defined by my memory for random events and numbers, my taste in music, or even my love for Japanese food. Almost anything would be a step up.

32. What was the author worried about at high school?

A. Her stud y. B. Her slimness.

C. Her relationship. D. Her height problem.

33. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?

A. The author’s growing pains. B. The author’s experience of being treated.

C. The author’s feeling to her school. D. The relation between growth and pain.

34. What is the author’s main concern now?

A. Where she will sit. B. How people treat her.

C. When she can grow up. D. What people expect of her.

35. According to the passage, all of the following can be inferred Except that ___.

A. in order to become tall, the author suffered a lot.

B. the author is still slim and short.

C. it matters to the author what she is like in others’ eyes.

D. we can conclude the author is a positive and optimistic person.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Some parents wonder how they can help their children in the performance of education. Richard W. Riley once said, “The American family is the rock on which a solid education can be built. I have seen examples all over this nation where two-parent families, single parents, stepparen ts, grandparents, aunts, a nd uncles are providing strong families support for their children to learn. If families teach the love of learning, it can make all the difference in the world to their children. 36 ”

Read together

37 Show your kids how much you value reading by keeping good books, magazines, and newSPApers in the house. Let them see you read. Take them on trips to the library and encourage them to get library cards. Let children read to you, and talk about the books. What was the book about? Why did a character act that way? What will he or she do next?

Look for other ways to teach children the magic of language, words, and stories. 38 Point out words to children wherever you go—to the grocery, to the pharmacy, to the gas station. Encourage your children to write notes to grandparents and other relatives.

Use TV wisely

Academic achievement drops sharply for children who watch more than 10 hours of television a week, or an average of more than two hours a day. Parents can limit the amount of viewing and help children select educational programs. 39 This will help children understand how stories are structured.


Studies show that successful students have parents who create and maintain family routines. Make sure your child goes to school every day. Establish a regular time for homework each afternoon or evening, set aside a quiet, well lit place, and encourage children to study. Routines generally include time performing chores, eating meals together, and going to bed at an established time.

A. Be honest with children.

B. Establish a daily family routine.

C. Parents can also watch and discuss shows with their kids.

D. Tell stories to your children about their families and their culture.

E. So here are steps you can take to improve your children’s education.

F. Children who read at home with their parents perform better in school.

G. How ever, not all parents have realized that being with their children is so beneficial.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小 题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


It was a cold morning and there was almost nobody walking on the icy road. James, an elderly man, walked with great 41 on the road. As is well—known to us ,aging is something that everybody must 42 . Both his eyesight and 43 failed. Just as he was 44 his steps cautiously, a 45 was approaching by and sent him falling into the ditch(小水坑) by the road. 46 what h ad happened, the driver was scared but he didn’t 47 . On the contrary, he fled away in no time. 48 and overweight James was 49 injured and he couldn’t move a bit. He could only lie there 50 , hoping 51 kind man could aid him. Cold and injured, James gradually lost his 52 .

About 10 minutes later, another car 53 near. When the driver, Steven, saw someone lying in the ditch by the roadside, he 54 stopped and went out of the car. He put one finger in front of James’s nose and 55 the breath, knowing he was still living. He shouldered him up and carried him into his car. Having wrapped a 56 blanket around James, he took off his own coat and covered James. After that he 57 for the nearby hospital. Because of the warmth of the blanket and Steven’s coat, James slowly 58 . Knowing it was the young man who had saved him, he erupted into tears ,saying “Thank you, kind boy! 59 you I would have died! ”

60 for Steven it is a small case, we should always remember these who have helped us when we are in great need.

41. A. care B. patience C. force D. strength

42. A. fight B. think C. learn D. experience

43. A. sense B. ability C. hearing D. appearance

44. A. noticing B. minding C. seeing D. witnessing

45 . A. man B. car C. horse D. train

46. A. Frightening B. Feeling C. Conducting D. Observin g

47. A. pick up B. pull over C. go over D. cut down

48. A. Poor B. Sad C. Strong D. Frightened

49. A. greatly B. badly C. slightly D. sharply

50. A. quiet B. still C. calm D. safe

51. A. every B. other C. some D. another

52. A. consciousness B. life C. way D. concept

53. A. pulled B. pushed C. dragged D. drew

54. A. immediately B. unwillingly C. bravely D. suddenly

55. A. touched B. felt C. smelt D. confirmed

56. A. warm B. beautiful C. cold D. elegant

57. A. set B. ran C. headed D. rowed

58. A. gave back B. got up C. came to D. looked around

59. A. For B. With C. Without D. Besides

60. A. When B. As C. Because D. While


第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Kenya signed an 61 (agree) with China in 2013 to construct a new standard railway from Nairobi to Mombasa, part of 62 will run through the Tsavo National Park. The section of the railway that passes through the park is being built at a raised level 63 (allow) space for underpasses (地下通道) for the animals.

The Tsavo National Park is home to Kenya’s 64 (large) elephant group, according to non-profit organization the Tsavo Trust. It says there were just over 12,000 elephants in the Tsavo National Park in 2011. Robert O’Brien is Assistant Director of the Tsavo National Park at the Kenya Wildlife Service. He says monitoring the 65 (elephant) movements will help also to reduce conflict 66 humans, which has been 67 key issue in this area. Sospeter Kiambi, an office worker of the Kenya Wildlife Service elephant program, 68 (say) the project is 69 (potential) dangerous for both elephants and people, but he also says that authorities will make full use of this exercise and avoid 70 (make) silly decisions to damage the relation to wildlife.

In all, projects like this one could help elephants and people live together a little more harmoniously.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)








For my birthday, my mother bought me model plane, that was so lovely that my best friend, Li Hua, wanted to play with it too. Therefore, he couldn’t handle it and the plane got beyond my control, falling onto the ground and breaking into pieces. Seeing my plane breaking, I felt so angry that I beat him. Tear in his eyes, he ran away saying nothing. From then on, we didn’t play with together and even avoided meeting each other. But after a few days, I felt extreme unhappy without his company. Finally, I couldn’t bear it any more, going to Li Hua and asked him to forgive me. Only then did I realize the importance of forgiving.

Forgiving others’ faults actually bring happiness to ourselves.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)









参考词汇:突出的,显著的prominent 紧急事件emergency

家用机器人the household robot

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I’m glad to recommend to your company my latest household robot.

Yours Sincerely

Li Hua


第一部分 听力

1—5 ACCBA 6—10 ABBCB 11—15 CBABB 16—20 CAACB

第二部分 阅读理解 21—23 CDB 24—27 CABC

28—31 DACA 32—35 DABB 36—40 EFDCB

第三部分 英语知识运用



61. agreement 62. which 63. to allow 64. largest 65. elephants’

66. with 67. a 68. says 69. potentially 70. making

第四部分 写作

第一节 短文改错

For my birthday, my mother bought me model plane, that was so lovely that my best


friend, Li Hua, wanted to play with it too. Therefore, he couldn’t handle it and the plane


got beyond my control, falling onto the ground and breaking into pieces. Seeing my plane


breaking, I felt so angry that I beat him. Tear in his eyes, he ran away saying nothing.

broken Tears

From then on, we didn’t play with together and even avoided meeting each other. But after a few days, I felt extreme unhappy without his company. Finally, I couldn’t bear it any


more, going to Li Hua and asked him to forgive me. Only then did I realize the importance


of forgiving.

Forgiving others’ faults actually bring happiness to ourselves.


第二节 书面表达

Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m glad to recommend to your c ompany my latest household robot.. As you know, with the development of economy, people have to face various pressures. They don’t have enough time to attend to the old people in their families, which has become a prominent social problem. To solve this problem, I invented the household robot, which is designed to take care of old people.

It can cook meals at a fixed time which can be adjusted according to individual needs. It can also accompany old people in having a chat, playing chess, and doing exercise. Moreover, it can deal with emergencies. For example, if an old man falls ill suddenly, the robot will call doctors for help.

I’m sure your company will benefit a lot from it if you own such a robot.

Yours Sincerely

Li Hua


Text 1

M: What a fine day to go fishing! Will you join us?

W: I think I’ll pass. I want to spent some time alone at home.

Text 2

W: Jim, are you crying? What’s wrong?

M: Oh, I’m okay, Joan. Just got a grain of sand in my eye.

Text 3

W: Hayden, how do you manage to dress so well all the time?

M: Oh, I buy this fashion magazine every month. It really helps me keep up-to-date with trends.

Text 4

W: Terry, you are playing the video game again! How many times have I told you that you need to keep your study tidy at all times?

M: Okay, mum, I’ll clean it now myself. Just don’t move my stuff.

Text 5

W: Should I report it to the board of directors?

M: We need to keep it just between us. If the newspaper gets to hear about this, our share price will drop.

Text 6

M: ⑥Rosie, hurry up! Look, here is the karaoke bar.

W: (Breathing heavily) Dean, why is the bar on the top floor? So many stairs. Help me, please.⑦Oh, I’m so unfit. I need to start doing more exercise. I’m going to join the gym tomorrow.

M: Tomorrow? Why don’t you join the gym today?

W: I will join tomorrow, and then I will go every single day. I will, I really will.

M: Rosie, you’ve been saying that for months, but you never actually do it.

W: This time I will. I promise.

M: That’s what you always say.

Text 7

W: Thanks for the coffee, Rocky!⑧What a good idea to present our talk show from a coffee shop!

M: Yes, Leigh. It’s good to get out of the studio. Anyway, I got the coffee for free here.

W: You don’t pay for it? So why do you get it for free?

M: Er… Contacts.

W: Contacts?

M: Yeah, people I know. Don’t tell anyone, but⑨ my friend works here and well, when the boss isn’t around, he gives me the coffee for free!

W: (Speaking loudly) He gives it to you for free!

M: Shush! Keep your voice down. If he gets found out, he’ll lose the job!

Text 8

M: Violet, ⑩it’s great that you’ve come with me during our lunch break to do some shopping. ○11 I need to buy a suit to go to a wedding and I have to look very sm art.

W: And I will make sure of that, Aaron. Everybody says I have good taste.

M: Glad to hear that.

W: Aaron, I love that grey suit in the window!

M: Wow, it looks really smart, actually. It will make me look great.

W: Exactly. Let’s go into the shop. You must try it.

M: Look, Violet. The color suits me well.

W: Definitely. It looks good on you, but a size smaller would fit better. I’m sure everybody in the wedding will think you are a powerful man.

M: Hmm, yes. Oh, wait, Violet. Look at this price tag-○121,500pounds! It really costs an arm and a leg! Let’s just leave this suit here. I’m sure we can find a good suit with a more reasonable price.

Text 9

W: Good to see you, Joshua. How was your holiday in Sunny Spain?

M: Ah, ○13it was fantastic: the sun, the beach, the sea, the food and the people. It was perfect. How about you, Lucy? Did you manage to get away for the weekend?

W: We had a good start of our weekend at the seaside, but it was just awful on the way back.

M: Oh, dear. What happened?

W: Er, we decided to drive down instead of getting the train.

M: Hmm, good idea. Well, ○14 with the car, you can explore the coast easily, can’t you? But the train can be less stressful.

W: And the return journey was absolutely crazy-○15so many people going back to London after the weekend.

M: So you were caught in a traffic jam?

W: Yeah, we were not moving at all on one stretch of the motor way. ○16A ninety-minute journey in the end took us five hours!

M: Oh, poor, you. It’s so frustrating, isn’t?

W: You bet.

Text 10

M: For those who like hiking, it’s hard to keep this hobby during summer. Here I’d like to share some tips on how to stay cool when hiking in the hot weather.

Firstly, choose a route according to your fitness. Generally, stick with easier routes and ○17choose routes that have a lot of tree cover, so the sun is not beating down on you directly. If possible, avoid hiking during the hottest hours of the day, which are usually between twelve to four p.m. ○18If you start hiking earlier in the morning, the temperature is a lot cooler. Secondly, wear clothing that is breathable and comfortable. Some people prefer shorts. Some prefer pants. But whatever you prefer, make sure the material keeps you cool and dry. ○19Avoid jeans or clothing that stay wet when you sweat. Bring a towel to wipe away sweat and wear a hat and sun glasses to avoid the sunlight. Bring a change of clothes so that when your hike is over, you can change into something dry. A backpack is always practical to put everything in.

Finally, ○20bring water and sports drink. Water is essential, but if you sweat a lot, water is not sufficient. You need to drink a sports drink to supply minerals and salt lost through sweat. Otherwise, you might feel dizzy.



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分7.5分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. What has Paul been doing lately?

A. Writing short stories. B. Writing songs. C. Writing poems.

2. What happened to Patrick this morning?

A. He was hit by a car. B. His dog was dead. C. He was ill in hospital.

3. What does the man probably do now?

A. He’s a waiter. B. He’s an opera singer. C. He’s a student.

4. What does the woman want to do?

A. Buy a coffee maker. B. Make some coffee. C. Learn to make a video.

5. How does the woman probably feel in the end?

A. Anxious. B. Surprised. C. Confused.

第二节:(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. Where are the speakers?

A. In a bookstore. B. In a church. C. In a library.

7. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Technology. B. Security. C. Books.


8. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In Thailand. B. In Japan. C. In England.

9. According to the man, what is Manchester mostly known for?

A. Its industry. B. Its museums. C. Its music.


10. Why does the man take vitamins?

A. To help with stress. B. To fight illness. C. To have more energy.

11. Which vitamins does the man decide to buy?

A. Vitamin B and Vitamin D. B. Vitamin K and Vitamin B. C. Vitamin C and Vitamin D.

12. How much money will the man spend?

A. $30. B. $18. C. $36.


13. Which month is it now?

A. November. B. January. C. December.

14. What does the man invite the woman to do?

A. Go out to eat at the mall. B. Go shopping with him. C. Have dinner at his house.

15. What does the man’s family like to do?

A. Watch TV. B. Go online. C. Read books.

16. What does the woman suggest the man get for his wife?

A. A romance novel. B. A new computer. C. Some jewelry.


17. What does the speaker do for a living?

A. He plays baseball. B. He sells cars. C. He sells groceries.

18. What does the speaker think of being famous?

A. He hates it. B. He’s annoyed by it. C. He enjoys it.

19. Who pointed at the speaker the other day?

A. A boy. B. A mother. C. A reporter.

20. Who is listening to the speaker right now?

A. Little kids. B. Customers. C. School workers.

第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中 ,选出最佳选项 ,并在题卡上将该项涂黑。


One of the most exciting and interesting international cities to visit is London, England. Here is a look at four free things to do during a vacation to London.

Visit the Trafalgar Square

Built more than 200 years ago, Trafalgar Square is a popular gathering place for locals and travelers, too. The area is close to good shopping and dining opportunities, and there are usually some sorts of public events or celebrations going on there during most weekends.

Wander Along the Thames

Visitors wanting to see some great architecture, attractions and views should spend an afternoon walking along the River Thames. The best place to start is at the world-famous London Bridge crossing over the river and you can walk all the way to Westminster Bridge a short distance away. Travelers doing this will find themselves passing by a great many historic buildings.

Explore the Local Markets

While purchasing items at any of the open markets in London is not necessarily free, walking through them to view the merchants , their products and the other shoppers is of great fun. Some of the popular open markets in London worth visiting include Spitafields Market, Portobello Road Market and Leadenhall Market.

Visit the British Museum

One of the top museums in the entire United Kingdom can be found in London, and it charges no admission for entry. This museum is so highly regarded that it is not only popular with locals and tourists, it is also seen as a major and valuable scholarly resource.

21. What can we know about the Trafalgar Square?

A. It borders the Thames.

B. From here visitors can easily do some shopping.

C. There are many factories around it.

D. It has a history of over three centuries.

22. What will attract visitors’ attention while they’re walking along the Thames?

A. Famous buildings. B. Local products.

C. Great restaurants. D. Some old trees.

23. We learn from the text that .

A. London Bridge is far from Westminster Bridge

B. Portobello Road Market is located in Manchester

C. visitors should pay some money to enter the British Museum

D. the British Museum is a major and valuable scholarly resource


IT’S always exciting to think about the future and what kind of technology might exist in years to come. But what if that future is closer than you think?

The name Magic Leap is starting to spread across the Internet, and for a good reason. The Magic Leap technology company in the US has been working on something new and exciting, keeping it so secret that even the people working on the project have been hidden from the media. But recently they have started to release more information, and it seems like the future of computing is about to change dramatically.

Magic Leap’s preview shows the possibility of a classroom where you can interact with a miniature 3-D man and watch animals floating in front of your eyes. You could come face to face with fierce creatures like tigers and sharks, and more might be possible very soon.

The company hopes to create new technology that mixes reality and virtual reality computing. This means that the way we interact with computers could change completely, and so could the gaming industry.

Imagine a game in which you can not only look after a dragon on a screen, but also see it walking around your home, feed it and play with it. This is a world where movies will make you jump as things come, flying at you. Rio Caraeff, the company’s chief content officer, said that instead of staring at a phone screen, “the world becomes your screen”.

All of this could be the next step for Magic Leap, and their newly-released video suggests so. The video shows a small elephant floating in the hands of its user, a virtual reality pet that the user can interact with. Exciting to think about, no?

It seems that the excitement has inspired other companies who are lining up to join in on this new project. The technology, called Cinematic Reality, is attracting the attention of large companies like Google, who are already investing large sums of money in the project hoping to see it become a reality.

24.Which of the following is TRUE about the Magic Leap technology company?

A. The company is working on new technology that could improve the future of computing.

B. The company has just discovered a way to mix reality and virtual reality computing.

C. The company keeps updating the media on its progress.

D. The company’s newly released video is about the interaction between a dragon pet and its user.

25. What could a classroom in the future look like, according to Magic Leap?

A. A miniature 3D man could take the place of teachers.

B. The gaming industry could be invited to help students improve their studies.

C. Students could be encouraged to raise a virtual reality pet on campus.

D. Students could interact with virtual reality animals.

26. How could Magic Leap’s technology change the world according to the article?

A. It could discourage people from playing a lot of computer games.

B. It could help people improve their ability to interact with others.

C. It could turn the whole world into an interactive screen for its users.

D. It could make it hard for people to distinguish between virtual reality and reality.

27. What is Google’s attitude toward the technology named “Cinematic Reality”?

A. Worried. B. Negative. C. Optimistic. D. Unconcerned.


Since so much written language we see today comes from a glowing screen, language has begun to change through our interaction with technology. Social media and the Internet have had a rapid and great effect on the English language, and not necessarily for the better. More and more people have found themselves writing in pieces of words and using unclear acronyms(单词首字母) both in written and spoken language.

How many times have you typed “LOL” in response to a humorous message? Referred to someone as your “BFF”? Exclaimed, “OMG!” during a particularly shocking event? Social media has affected the words we use in our everyday life. Abbreviations and acronyms commonly known as “text talk” have made their way into both spoken and written language. These are becoming increasingly popular as people struggle for brief expressions to meet word limits on social media like Weibo and Twitter. In addition, the speed of the Internet means language is changing faster than ever. You no longer have to be published through physical and traditional means to bring word trends to public attention.

Many people believe the overuse of these new terms is a passing trend, and nobody will be using them in just a couple of decades. With the change of language, older terms will surely disappear and fall out of style, and newer and more Internet language will take their place.

But the Oxford English Dictionary thinks the contrary. In 2011, a lot of Internet terms including, “LOL,” “BPB,” “OMD,” and “BFF” were added to the dictionary, making these acronyms official parts of the English language. According to the dictionary writers, these terms aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

The words you use in everyday life are a reflection of yourself; this is especially true on the Internet with the lack of interaction in real life. With the Internet and social media rapidly getting popular, soon your words may be all you have left. Make them good ones.

28. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Social Media and the English Language

B. The Use of New Internet Language

C. The Internet and Social Media

D. The Change of the Internet and English

29. What is one reason for people’s use of acronyms?

A. The decrease of physical and traditional books

B. People’s need for quick response to different messages

C. The lack of people’s interaction with technologies

D. People’s need to meet word limits on social media

30. The “new terms” are considered to be part of a passing trend because_________ .

A. they are not published in a traditional way

B. they are not used as formal language

C. they’ll be replaced by even newer ones

D. they are not supported by dictionary writers

31. The writer of the passage thinks that Internet languages ________.

A. have positive influence B. should be properly used

C. are getting more popular D. are useless for interaction


There was a time when a trip to the supermarket in the United States often ended with a seemingly simple question from the cashier: “Paper or plastic?” Well, which type of bag would you choose?

While all types of bags have some influence on the environment, it has long been supposed that paper bags are kinder. They are made from a renewable source, break down easily, burn without giving off thick smoke and can be recycled. However, the producing process behind paper bags uses more energy than that of plastic ones. How can this be true?

Studies show that paper bag production requires four times as much energy as plastic bag production. And the amount of water used to make them is twenty times higher. Besides, the influence on forests is very serious. It takes about fourteen million trees to produce ten billion paper bags, which happens to be the number of bags used in the United States yearly. In terms of recycling, the idea that paper bags are more environment-friendly than plastic ones can be quickly discarded. Research shows it requires about 98% less energy to recycle plastic than it does paper.

Even though paper bags might be more harmful than plastic ones, plastic still seems to be considered by governments as the more harmful of the two. In Ireland, for example, a tax has been introduced to discourage the use of plastic bags. People have to pay 22 cents for every plastic bag, and as a result, their use has dropped quickly.

There’s no doubt that it makes more sense to reuse these bags. However, we don’t seem to be doing that at present. That may be because they fall apart quickly. If so, cloth bags are a better choice, but still, their production also has a bad influence on the environment. So what to do? How should we answer the question of “Paper or plastic?” It seems that we first need to ask ourselves one more general question: “What can I do to help the environment?”

32. The questions in Paragraph 1 are used to___________.

A. introduce points for discussion

B. tell readers how to save money

C. express the author’s doubts

D. show the kindness of the cashier

33. Compared with plastic bags, paper bags___________.

A. take more time to break down

B. require less energy to recycle

C. need more water to produce

D. have less influence on forests

34. The underlined word “discarded” in Paragraph 3 probably means “______”.

A. shared B. put forward C. discussed D. given up

35. Which question does the author probably hope the cashier will ask?

A. Paper or cloth?

B. A new bag or your own one ?

C. A small bag or big one?

D. Paper or plastic?



Everything is online these days, and its so easy to search online for whatever you want. The Internet is a valuable tool, but it s easy to find yourself disturbed by it. For example, you’re working on an essay, and you need to do some search online. _36_ Before you know it, you’ve spent an hour reading more information than you’ll be able to use. Maybe you notice an attractive title or something else that draws you away from your work. _37_

Addiction to social media is closely related to our general addiction to the Internet. Everyone is always on their phones. _38_ As a result, when I get to work, I don*t have enough attention and energy to put toward the task. If this sounds like you, then your productivity has suffered because of the way you use the Internet.

_39_ So we should learn to live with it. The only way to stop the Internet from occupying all your time and concentration is to disconnect. When you disconnect, you’ll get your attention back and work productively. Thus, when working on a challenging task, keep your phone out of reach. Meanwhile, go into your work with the intention of having greater focus and energy so that you’ll be discouraged from using the Internet. _40_ This pressure will help you get the job done on time.

A. As a result, time disappears but you still don’t finish your work.

B. It will draw your attention to more important matters.

C. I have surely caught myself checking my phone every ten minutes.

D. Besides» you can force yourself to complete your task in the fixed time.

E. On the whole, the Internet can be a help or a block.

F. Your search terms bring back 20 pages of results.

G. The Internet has changed the way our world functions.




A woman professor was giving a lesson to her students on ___41___ management. As she raised a glass of water, everyone in the class ___42__ they would be asked the “half-empty or half-full” question.___43___, that was not the case. With a smile on her face, she asked the students, “How much do you think this glass of water weighs?”

Answers called out ___44__ from eight to twenty ounces (盎司).

She quieted the students down and then replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t ___45___. But it counts how long you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is OK. If I hold it for an hour, I will have an ache in my ___46___. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb. In each case, the ___47___ of the glass of water doesn’t change, but the ___48___ I hold it, the heavier it becomes. Why?”

Lost in ___49_, all the students kept silent and listened to the professor carefully.

“Our stresses and ___50___ in life are like that glass of water. If we ___51___ our burdens all the time, sooner or later, we will feel exhausted, even unable to ___52___.”

___53___ you have to do is put all your burdens down, as ___54__ in the evening as possible. Don’t carry them through the evening into the night; by doing this, we can get ___55___ next morning and are ___56___ to move forward.

More often than not, life gets terrible when we ___57___ too much. And the moment you ___58___ your burdens, you’ll find yourself feeling so much more relaxed.

So rather than being upset and feeling ___59___ for yourself, start doing something about it. After all, life is too short to ___60___ yourself to anything that is not making you happy.

41. A. class B. stress C. time D. emotion

42. A. wondered B. argued C. agreed D. expected

43. A. Anyhow B. Meanwhile C. However D. Therefore

44. A. replied B. ranged C. read D. exchanged

45. A. matter B. change C. exist D. increase

46. A. head B. leg C. arm D. stomach

47. A. weight B. position C. shape D. size

48. A. better B. deeper C. further D. longer

49. A. fantasy B. dreams C. thought D. discussion

50. A. doubts B. worries C. surprises D. joys

51. A. cover B. show C. hide D. carry

52. A. carry on B. work out C. pick up D. break off

53. A. Something B. Nothing C. All D. Anything

54. A. eagerly B. early C. quickly D. naturally

55. A. depressed B. entertained C. refreshed D. amazed

56. A. ambitious B. anxious C. passive D. able

57. A. think B. fear C. rest D. get

58. A. catch up with B. 1et go of C. look down on D. put up with

59. A. sorry B. happy C. disappointed D. greedy

60. A. help B. treat C. abandon D. drive

第II 卷



I was once asked to deliver a speech titled “A Real Test in My Life” before the whole class ! You can imagine how 61 (terrible) shy I was with so many eyes fixed upon me. I had no choice but 62 (prepare ) for it, though. First of all, I was to write the speech, 63 was just a piece of cake for me, a good writer. But the hardest part 64 (lie) in my oral presentation from my memory— for to read from the paper was not allowed. The real moment began when I stood in the classroom with my legs 65 (tremble) and my mind blank. But my listeners were waiting patiently without any signs of rushing me. Gradually I found myself back, 66 (deliver) my speech with difficulty. After 67 seemed to be a hundred years, I found my audience satisfied — I made it ! From then on, my fear of talking before an audience disappeared. Actually with my 68 (confident) building up, I now turn out to be a great speaker. Looking back, I know the greatest difficulty on our way 69 success is our fear. Overcome it and we 70 (achieve )our goals.









I brought Rose to home five years ago. My neighbor, Mrs. Black, fell in love with her immediate she saw her. Two years ago, however, Mrs. Black gets cancer. Having treated in hospital, she decided to receive treatment at home. Since my husband and I were busy with our works, we seldom went to see her. Sadly, Mrs. Black passed away three months ago. To our surprised, her husband came to thank us for keep Rose one day. He said in the past several months, Rose went to accompany his wife every day before my husband and I went to work. With her around, his wife felt so warm but wasn’t in so much painful.









Dear Tom,

How’s everything going? In your last letter you were asking about the current situation of the Bike-sharing Program in China._______________________________________ _____________-____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What’s your opinion ? I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


Li Hua


1—5 ABCBB 6—10 CBBAA 11—15 BACCC 16—20 CACAB

21—23 BADAD 26—30CCADC 31--35BACDB 36—40 FACED

41—45BDCBA 46—50 CADCB 51—55DACBC 56—60DABAC

61. terribly 62. to prepare 63. which 64. lay 65. trembling 66. delivering 67. what 68. confidence 69. to 75. will achieve


I brought Rose to home five years ago. My neighbor, Mrs. Black, fell in love with her immediate she saw her. Two years ago,

去掉 immediately

however, Mrs. Black gets cancer. Having treated in hospital, she decided to receive treatment at home. Since my husband and I

got 后加been

were busy with our works, we seldom went to see her. Sadly, Mrs. Black passed away three months ago. To our surprised, her

work surprise

husband came to thank us for keep Rose one day. He said in the past several months, Rose went to accompany his wife every


day before my husband and I went to work. With her around, his wife felt so warm but wasn’t in so much painful.

after and pain


Dear Bob,

How’s everything going? In your last letter you were asking about the current situation of the Bike-sharing Program in China. I’m writing to tell you something about it and share some of my ideas with you.

The Bike-sharing Program can bring lots of benefits. To begin with, riding a bike is not only economic but also time-saving, especially when your destination is not far away. What’s more, the program makes contributions to reducing air pollution. However, there is also some disturbing news connected with it. Some shared-bikes are parked everywhere, making the city roads messy and dangerous. Worse still, some shared-bikes have been damaged, stolen or even burnt.

As far as I’m concerned, as long as people park the bikes in the right places and obey the traffic rules, I’m in favor of such a program. What’s your opinion ?I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


Li Hua


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A. B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. What does the woman want to buy online?

A. Some books. B. A pair of shoes. C. A skirt.

2. What is the weather like today?

A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.

3. How many students have taken the exam?

A. Twenty-five. B. Forty. C. Fifty-five.

4. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. At an airport. B. At a railway station. C. At a bus stop.

5. Which bus should the woman take to the shopping center?

A. The No.30 bus B. The No.3 bus C. The No. 300 bus.



听第6段材料, 回答第6至7题。

6. How much will the woman pay for the suitcase?

A. 400 yuan. B. 450 yuan. C. 500 yuan.

7. What color does the woman want?

A. White. B. Blue. C. Black.


8. When will the show, Survivor Games, be on?

A. At 7:50. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:10.

9. What does the man think of Survivor Games?

A. It’s exciting. B. It’s boring. C. It’s relaxing.

10. Who will watch Survivor Games tonight?

A. The man alone. B. Both of them. C. Neither of them.


11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Customer and manager.

B. Customer and waiter.

C. Husband and wife.

12. Why does the man want to talk to the manager?

A. To get a waiter’s service.

B. To complain about the food.

C. To get free drinks.

13. What dissatisfied the woman last time?

A. The drinks. B. The long distance. C. Her seat.


14. Which language does the woman wish to learn?

A. Chinese or English B. Chinese or Japanese. C. French or Japanese.

15. What is the woman’s native language?

A. French. B. Spanish. C. Italian.

16. Who is working in China now?

A. The man. B. The woman. C. The woman’s boyfriend.

17. Which country will the woman visit this summer holiday?

A. France. B. China. C. Spain.

听第10段材料,回答第 18至20题。

18. At what age did Dayna start writing her book?

A. Eight. B. Nine. C. Ten.

19. What was the most difficult thing for Dayna?

A. Writing the first paragraph of a book.

B. Writing compositions at school.

C. Learning about writing styles.

20. Why did Dayna write the book?

A. To inspire people to write.

B. To make people happy.

C. To encourage people to read.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



If you plan to visit Fiji, you are probably looking for some fun things to do. Below are four unusual places.

The Poseidon Resort

The Poseidon resort is an underwater resort that gives visitors a beautiful view of sea life. This resort covers 255 acres. It’s covered and surrounded by a lagoon (咸水湖) that covers 5,000 acres and is about 90 feet under water, giving you a beautiful view of sea life right before your eyes. This resort even has a hotel for those who would prefer to have the unusual experience of sleeping and waking up to the beautiful scenery all around them.

The Sabeto Mud Pool

If you’re looking for something unusual to do, you can’t pass up the mud pool at Sabeto. It is located in a mountain range with a huge group of Geothermal (地热的) pools full of nice, warm mud. Getting down and into the mud in the pool is believed to have benefits for healthy skin. This is unusual, but adults and especially kids will love it.

Fire Walking

Fire walking in Fiji is believed to have originated on the island of Beau. Fire walking is when you walk on white-hot stones barefoot. To do this, you have to be mentally prepared for it. Trust me; there is a lot of preparation and strict rules that travelers follow in order to do this safely.

The Fiji Museum

The Fiji museum is unusual due to all the amazing artifacts you’ll see dating back 3,000-4,000 years. This museum has a certain attraction that makes it funny—a shoe. It’s been said that a man named Thomas Baker was eaten by the locals several centuries ago and the only thing left was his shoe. This unusual museum is a great idea if you bring the whole family to Fiji.

21. Visitors who have the unusual experience of sleeping at the Poseidon resort can _________.

A. enjoy the excellent service in the hotel

B. open windows to see sea life swimming

C. see sea life around them in the room

D. only watch videos about sea life

22. Why do adults like to get down into the mud pool?

A. To float on the warm mud

B. To make them strong

C. To play with the warm mud

D. To keep their skin healthy

23. Which of the following things needs more courage and stricter rules?

A. Trying fire walking

B. Visiting the Poseidon resort

C. Getting into the Sabeto Mud Pool

D. Visiting the Fiji museum

24.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. How to travel.

B. Introducing some interesting places for fun.

C. How to choose the places of interest.

D. Why people love to visit the places.


Lita Cabellut is one of Spain’s most successful artists. Her paintings now sell for more than $100,000, but she spent her early years living on the streets.

Cabellut was born in 1961. While she was a baby, she was left with her grandmother by her parents. In fact, she spent most of her time out with other homeless children on the streets.

She didn’t go to school and it never crossed her mind that one day she would become an artist. So what changed Cabellut’s life so greatly?

Cabel lut’s grandmother died when she was about 10 years old. And she lived in an orphanage(孤儿院) before being adopted by a family at the age of 12. They took her to museums and introduced her to art. One painting by Goya, a famous Spanish painter, made a deep impression on her. She even tried to copy one of Goya’s other paintings. The result was not very good, but her adopted family encouraged her to keep painting.

And for the first time in her life, she also started going to school. She says, “It’s hard to start learning to read and write when you are 13. I had a lot of private classes at home because I had to learn everything.” She slowly made progress at school and started to listen to t he radio program Voice of Art. After graduating from university, she kept painting.

Today, Cabellut is best known for her portraits (肖像画),which include not only paintings of famous people such as Charlie Chaplin, but also ordinary people who some might consider ugly.

“I don’t see ugly people,” says Cabellut. “I paint different people. I paint people in whom you need to find the real beauty behind the skin.”

She always says, “People are not buying just paintings---it’s the magic and emotion that is the spirit of art.”

25.We can learn from the text that Cabellut_______.

A. hasn’t succeeded as an artist

B. is more than fifty years old now

C. dreamed of being an artist as a little girl

D. was sent to an orphanage after her birth

26.What happened when Cabellut was about 10 years old?

A. She went to school for the first time.

B. She was adopted by a family.

C. Her grandmother passed away.

D. Her talent for painting was first found.

27.What do Cabellut’s paintings mainly focus on?

A. The appearance of different people.

B. The real beauty behind every person.

C. Famous people in different times.

D. People who are usually considered ugly.


Melbourne(墨尔本) is the second largest city in Australia, and is the capital city of the state of Victoria, always in competition with Sydney in different fields such as sport and economy. Melbourne is located near the Yarra River and for some time was the main city in Australia. It is called the Marvelous Melbourne for its unique environment; it has modern buildings, beautiful beaches and is the most multicultural city in the country. It attaches a lot of importance to sports. That is shown by the city hosting the famous Australian Tennis Open, the Melbourne Cup and the Australian Grand Prix.

Melbourne can be considered the world’s largest city in area, being about 6,110 square kilometers. It has many gardens and parks which occupy a third of the area.

The city was founded in 1835 by John Batman, and its name is in honor of 2nd Viscount Melbourne, William Lamb, during the British occupation of Victoria. After that, Melbou rne began to grow as a city and business centre on the north end of Port Phillip. In 1847 Melbourne wa s declared a city by Queen Victoria.

In 1850, with the gold discovery, Melbourne turned into a major port of Victoria region. The Melbourne’s hustle and bustle was unbelievable then, with ships from all over the world arriving there. In 1854 its population increased by nearly 400%. The city developed quickly and the service industry was introduced, and with all of this Melbourne became a main financial center in Australia.

Because of the gold rush, Melbourne received many migrants(移民)from many parts of the world, especially from Italy, Greece, Poland, Turkey and Vietnam. All of this contributed to making Melbourne a very special and varied city, and this mixture can also be seen in its restaurants, architecture and festivals.

28. Melbourne is called the Marvelous Melbourne because of ___________.

A. its large population B. its wonderful sports

C. its special his history D. its unique environment

29. When was Melbourne declared a city?

A. In 1835. B. In 1847. C. In 1850. D. In 1854.

30. What do the underlined words “hustle and bustle” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. Status. B. Success. C. Being busy. D. Being popular.

31. What brought many migrants to Melbourne?

A. Melbourne’s cultural diversity.

B. The British occupation of Victoria.

C. The service industry.

D. The gold rush.


It is generally accepted these days that reading a book will help you relieve stress. And it may actually make you a more thoughtful person as you learn to connect with the various characters. But there’s more. A new study discovered that reading more than 3.5 hours per week actually increased a person’s lifespan(寿命)by 23 percent---about 12 years for the people involved in the study.

The study was led by a group of researchers at Yale University. It looked at 3,635 people, both men and women but all older than 50. The researchers divided them into three categories: those who didn’t read books; those who read up to 3.5 hours a week; those who read more than 3.5 hours a week.

After the researchers adjusted for factors like education, health and income, the data showed that, on average, those who read about 3.5 hours a week were 17 percent less likely to die.

In addition, the study examined people who read newspapers and magazines and found that they were 11 percent less likely to die than non-readers, but only if they spent more than seven hours reading each week. That may be due to the different forms of these items. When people read newspapers or magazines, they tend to skim the material rather than read it fully. Avni Bavishi, the study’s leader, said, “We believe people need to know, learn and understand more things when they are reading books, because

They’re longer and there are more characters, more plots to follow, and more connections to make.”

From all of this, the authors concluded that, as with a healthy diet and exercise, books appear to promote a “significant survival advantage.”

Clearly, there is a need for more study. We’re certain that book lovers all around the world will be glad to provide the data needed to make further conclusions.

32. What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A. A few people think that reading can help them relax.

B. Reading can make a person more sensitive.

C. Reading can help a person to live a longer life.

D. Most people think that reading can help them to live a better life.

33. What can we learn about the people in the study from the text?

A. All of them were older than fifty.

B. Most of them were women readers.

C. More than half of them were college students.

D. They were divided into four groups by the researchers.

34. Generally speaking, those who read newspapers and magazines______ than those who read books.

A. live longer

B. are more likely to be positive

C. have a better ability to understand

D. get fewer benefits in terms of the lifespan

35. In the last paragraph, the writer aims to_________.

A. tell readers about the importance of reading

B. tell readers that the study needs more data

C. call on book lovers to provide more data for the study

D. encourage readers to make further conclusions by themselves



Having met someone interesting, you may want to learn more about that person. 36._______ However, it will be easy to do with some careful plans.

37.________ If you show the person who you are, he or she can easily expose himself or herself to you. You can also learn about the interests of the person by displaying yours.

Pay attention to the person’s reactions to different incidents. 38.______Every day you have many chances to see what the person does when different things happen. This will help you to see through the person.

Pay attention to the person’s body language. Observe if the person is facing you or looking at you frequently. 39.________

Ask personal but not too deep questions. Be sure to make it natural; otherwise, it won’t make the person willing to continue the conversation.

40.______ There is a saying that “birds of a feather flock(聚集)together”, and it is often true. Spending time with these friends may help you to really learn more about the person.

A. Show the person who you are.

B. Don’t ask any private questions.

C. Show your kindness to the person first.

D. Finally, hang out with the person’s close friends.

E. Without any guidance, you may not know how to do it.

F. If the gestures seem nervous, they might mean something bad.

G. Getting to know someone better is more than just knowing what the person says.

第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分;满分30分)

阅读下面短文.从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B. C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项小涂黑。

Like many families in Sanyati, a small countryside town in western Zimbabwe(津巴布韦), Johnson’s family does not have a television. One day after school, Johnson arrived home and 41.______ something unusual in the house. At first, he 42.______ his father had bought a television, but when his mother said it was a computer, he was 43.______.

It’s not that Johnson didn’t like the 44.______; he just didn’t know how to use it. Johnson and his father didn’t even know how to turn it on. "Nobody in our neighborhood knew how to 45.______ a computer," Johnson said.

But things 46._____ when Nikon, a young family friend, came from a big city to visit. Nikon knew all about computers.

“At first, I was always 47.______ the wrong button,” Johnson recalled. “But I kept on going 48.______I was eager to learn.” After three weeks, Johnson had mastered some computer 49._______, such as opening and closing files.

Johnson kept on practicing after Nikon 50.______. His speed slowly improved. Soon, Johnson felt 51.______ with the computer. Meanwhile, Johnson’s friends 52._____ what had happened to him. He no longer played soccer after school like he used to. Johnson’s friends 53.______. Were Johnson’s parents 54._____him from playing with them? Did he have new friends?

One day, three of Johnson’s friends surprised him at home. They couldn’t 55.______ what they saw — a computer, and Johnson was operating it. After that, Johnson began to teach them how to use the computer.

It wasn’t long before the neighborhood kids wanted to learn, too! The computer began to experience 56._____ because the kids were pressing too many buttons. So he 57.______a plan. He began charging for lessons. But this did not stop more kids from coming. Those whose parents did not have money 58._______with chickens or goats.

Johnson has taught computer skills to 30 students from his local school. With the money earned from 59.______, Johnson has bought a television and a radio for his 60._______. And he plans to buy a new computer and keep on teaching.

41.A. realized B. noticed C. received D. achieved

42.A. felt B. found C. thought D. decided

43.A. disappointed B. interested C. satisfied D. excited

44.A. television B. radio C. telephone D. computer

45.A. operate B. repair C. manage D. control

46.A. finished B. ended C. changed D. corrected

47.A. editing B. pressing C. pulling D. putting

48.A. but B. and C. because D. so

49.A. systems B. files C. languages D. basics

50.A. left B. returned C. arrived D. disappeared

51.A. confused B. comfortable C. valuable D. considerable

52.A. remembered B. discussed C. suspected D. wondered

53.A. screamed B. hoped C. worried D. laughed

54.A. preventing B. escaping C. protecting D. separating

55.A. understand B. admit C. prove D. believe

56.A. challenges B. problems C. tasks D. chances

57.A. kept up with B. put up with C. came up with D. caught up with

58.A. paid B. greeted C. filled D. played

59.A. working B. begging C. teaching D. competing

60.A. friend B. neighbor C. student D. family

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Today I went to a conference, 61.______ two students had a debate about the strengths and weaknesses of the Inte rnet.

The first speaker talked about the positive 62._______(effect) of the Internet on our lives. The first is its value for people who 63._______(look) for information. For example, with the touch of a button 64.______ the click of a mouse, a student will find abundant information at his or her command. The second is our ability 65.______ (relate) to others through the Internet and it is especially important for disabled people 66.______ can’t leave their homes.

The 67._____ (two) speaker talked about the negative effects of the Internet on our lives. For example, some experts think that the outcome of spending too much time on the Internet is difficulty in 68._____________(form) social bonds. They were also quite explicit about how heavy Internet users spend 69.______(much) time with their Internet friends than their real-life friends from school and work.

Both sides presented lots of statistics to support their arguments. My own judgment is that though the Internet is 70._______(benefit), we should use our intelligence and not be a slave to it!

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

During the winter holiday I took part a special winter camp with my classmates.

There we made some new friend. They were senior students from Canvey Island, a

small island in the River Thames, where is to the east of London. As hosts, we

showed them around many places of interest in Beijing, such as the Palace Museum,

the Great Wall or the Summer Palace. We also told them about the changes that had

been taken place in Beijing. They said Beijing was quite different from that they had

heard. It was very beautiful and most Chinese people was very friendly. Meanwhile,

we improved their spoken English when communicate with them. I think the winter

camp was wonderfully and unforgettable.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


1. 注意阅读的姿势和环境;

2. 避免长时间的看电视、玩电脑游戏和手机等;

3. 多做运动(眼保健操;户外运动等)。





Dear Cathy,

I’m glad to have received your letter.



Li Hua


1-5 CBBAB 6-10 BBBAC

11-15 CACCB 16-20 CBCAC

A篇 21-24 CDAB B篇 25-27 BCB

C篇 28-31 DBCD D篇32-35 CADC

36-40 EAGFD

41-45 BCADA 46-50 CBCDA

51-55 BDCAD 56-60 BCACD

61. where 62. effects 63. are looking 64. or 65. to relate

66.who 67. second 68. forming 69. more 70. beneficial


第一句: 在part和a之间加in

第二句: 把friend 改为friends

第三句: 把where改which

第四句: 把or改and



第七句:把was 改were

第八句:把their 改our ; 把communicate 改communicating


A sample:

Dear Cathy,

I’m glad to have received your letter.

From your letter, I learnt that your eyesight has decreased recently. It’s my pleasure to give you some suggestions on how to protect your eyes.

First of all, you should have a proper reading posture. Don’t read in bed, as it can do great harm to your eyes. Meanwhile, there should be plenty of light while you are reading. Besides, avoid watching TV, playing computer games or mobile phones

for a long time. What’s more, it’s important for you to do eye exercises twice a day and get a good sleep at night. Doing outdoor activities and looking out of the window to enjoy green trees and grass during break times are also good ways to make your eyes relaxed.

If you follow my suggestions above, your eyesight will be sure to improve gradually. I’m looking forward to receiving good news from you!


Li Hua



