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第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)



听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例:How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19. 15. B. £ 9. 18. C. £ 9. 15.

答案是 C。

1.What are the speakers talking about?

A. Getting Lydia a gift. B. Doing some exercise. C. Having a birthday party.

2.What is the woman going to do?

A. Help the man. B. Take a bus. C. Get a camera.

3.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A. Tell Kate to stop. B. Call Kate’s friends. C. Stay away from Kate.

4.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a wine shop. B. In a restaurant. C. In a supermarket.

5.What does the woman mean?

A. Turn on the fan. B. Go out for fresh air. C. Keep the window closed.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.What is the man going to do this summer?

A. Teach a course. B. Work at a hotel. C. Repair his house.

7.How will the man use the money?

A. To buy books. B. To hire a gardener. C. To pay for a boat trip.


8.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Schoolmates. B. Colleagues. C. Roommates.

9.What does Frank plan to do right after graduation?

A. Start his own business. B. Travel around the world. C. Work as a programmer.


10.Why does the woman make the call?

A. To book a hotel room . B. To ask about the room service.

C. To make changes to a reservation.

11.When will the woman arrive at the hotel?

A. On September 15. B. On September 16. C. On September 23.

12.How much will the woman pay for her room per night?

A. $179 B. $199 C. $219


13.What is the woman’s plan for Saturday?

A. Going boating. B. Going camping. C. Going shopping.

14.Where will the woman stay in Keswick?

A. In her aunt’s home. B. In a five-star hotel. C. In a country inn.

15.What will Gordon do over the weekend?

A. Visit his friends B. Watch DVDs C. Join the woman.

16.What does the woman think of Gordon’s coming weekend?

A. Relaxed. B. Busy. C. Boring.


17.Who is Wang Ming?

A.A student B. An employer. C. An engineer

18. What does the speaker say about the college job market this year?

A. It's unpredictable B. It's not optimistic C. It's quite stable

19. What percentage of student job seekers have found a job by now?

A. 20% B. 22% C. 50%

20.Why are engineering graduates more likely to accept a job?

A. Their choice is limited. B. The salary is usually good.

C. They need more work experience.


第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Welcome to Holker Hall & Gardens

Visitor Information

How to Get to Holker

By Car: Follow brown signs on A590 from J36, M6. Approximate travel times: Windermere-20 minutes, Kendal-25 minutes, Lancaster-45 minutes, Manchester-1 hour 30 minutes.

By Rail: The nearest station is Cark-in-Cartmel with trains to Carnforth, Lancaster and Preston for connections to major cities & airports.

Opening Times

Sunday-Friday (closed on Saturday)11:00 am-4:00pm, 30th March-2nd November.

Admission Charges

Hall & Gardens Gardens

Adults: £12.00 £8.00

Groups: £9.00 £5.50

Special Events

Producers’ Market 13th April

Join us to taste a variety of fresh local food and drinks. Meet the producers and get some excellent recipe ideas.

Holker Garden Festival 30th May

The event celebrates its 22nd anniversary with a great show of the very best of gardening, making it one of the most popular events in gardening.

National Garden Day 28th August

Holker once again opens its gardens in aid of the disadvantaged. For just a small donation you can take a tour with our garden guide.

Winter Market 8th November

This is an event for all the family. Wander among a variety of shops selling gifts while enjoying a live music show and nice street entertainment.

21. How long does it probably take a tourist to drive to Holker from Manchester?

A.20 minutes. B.25 minutes. C.45 minutes. D.90 minutes.

22.How much should a member of a tour group pay to visit to Hall & Gardens?

A.£5.50. B. £8.00. C.£9.00. D.£l2.00.

23.Which event will you go to if you want to see a live music show?

A. Winter Market. B. Producers’ Market.

C. National Garden Day. D. Holker Garden Festival.


With the explosion of consumer choices in recent history, the latest must -haves would surely need to be upgraded more often than every 10 years. In 2002 a computer and basic mobile phone would have been enough for most people, but now? The public need a trendy notebook computer and a smart phone with WiFi connection to feel they are up -to -date. So when will we have enough things? When will we finally be happy? Well, it looks like the things we buy today will barely keep us satisfied for a few months.

In the eyes of some psychologists, far from making us happy, greater consumer choice creates many serious psychological problems. A fundamental principle of the society is that more freedom is better and more choice in the marketplace means more freedom. Therefore more choice leads to more happiness. This is not the case, however.

Imagine you go to a cafe offering chocolate and vanilla ice cream. You choose the chocolate and eat it happily. But what if the cafe serves 50 kinds of ice cream? You choose chocolate and then start to worry, maybe blueberry would have been better, perhaps the half-fat ice cream would have been healthier. Stupid me all these choices and I didn’t make the best one!

In China’s major cities we have now passed the point where more consumer choice is making us happier. We are annoyed by all the options we have, disappointed because our expectations are so high and angered at ourselves when we don’t make a perfect choice every time.

A newSPAper reporter tells a story about traveling on a plane with high -speed Internet access. He thought this was amazing---- the newest piece of technology he had heard of. Then the service went down. The man next to him was angry and swore. The reporter thought, “How quickly the world owes him something he knew existed only 10 seconds ago!”

24. What is the text mainly talking about?

A. Hi-tech and consumer needs.

B. Computers and smart phones.

C. Wireless products and WiFi connection.

D. Diverse choices and consumer satisfaction.

25. What may some psychologists think of the consumer demand in the café?

A. Variety leads to unhappiness.

B. More choice means more freedom.

C. The consumer has mental problems.

D. The shop provides too many choices.

26. Why was the man next to the reporter quite annoyed?

A. Someone owed him money.

B. The air hostess offered poor service.

C. The net connection was interrupted.

D. The pleasure lasted only 10 seconds.

27. What does the underlined word “swore” in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. Fell asleep. B. Said rude words.

C.Made promises. D. Became amazed.


Teens and younger children are reading a lot less for fun, according to a Common Sense Media report published Monday.

While the decline over the past decade is steep for teen readers, some data in the report shows that reading remains a big part of many children’s lives, and indicates how parents might help encourage more reading.

According to the report’s key findings, “the proportion (比例) who say they ‘hardly ever’ read for fun has gone from 8 percent of 13-year-olds and 9 percent of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 percent and 27 percent respectively(分别地)today.”

The report data shows that pleasure reading levels for younger children, ages 2—8, remain largely the same. But the amount of time spent in reading each session(学期)has declined, from closer to an hour or more to closer to a half hour per session.

When it comes to technology and reading, the report does little to counsel(建议) parents looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading. It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.

The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to reading. Data shows that kids and teens who do read frequently, compared to infrequent readers, have more books in the home, more books purchased for them, parents who read more often, and parents who set aside time for them to read.

As the end of school approaches, and school vacation reading lists loom(逼近) ahead, parents might take this chance to step in and make their own summer reading list and plan a family trip to the library or bookstore.

28. What is the Common Sense Media report probably about?

A. Parent-child relationships. B. Children’s reading habits.

C. Quality of children’s books. D. Children’s after-class activities.

29. Where can you find the data that best supports “children are reading a lot less for fun”?

A. In paragraph 2. B. In paragraph 3.

C. In paragraph 4. D. In paragraph 5.

30. Why do many parents limit electronic reading?

A. E-readers are expensive. B. It could be a waste of time.

C. E-books are of poor quality. D. It may harm children’s health.

31. How should parents encourage their children to read more?

A. Act as role models for them. B. Ask them to write book reports.

C. Set up reading groups for them. D. Talk with their reading class teachers.


We’ve all been there: in a lift, in line at the bank or on an airplane, surrounded by people who are, like us, deeply focused on their smartphones or, worse, struggling with the uncomfortable silence.

What’s the problem? It’s possible that we all have compromised conversational intelligence. It’s more likely that none of us start a conversation because it’s awkward and challenging, or we think it’s annoying and unnecessary. But the next time you find yourself among strangers, consider that small talk is worth the trouble. Experts say it’s an invaluable social practice that results in big benefits.

Dismissing small talk as unimportant is easy, but we can’t forget that deep relationships wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for casual conversation. Small talk is the grease(润滑剂) for social communication, says Bernardo Carducci, director of the Shyness Research Institute at Indiana University Southeast. “Almost every great love story and each big business deal begins with small talk,”he explains. “The key to successful small talk is learning how to connect with others, not just communicate with them.”

In a 2014 study, Elizabeth Dunn, associate professor of psychology at UBC, invited people on their way into a coffee shop. One group was asked to seek out an interaction(互动) with its waiter; the other, to speak only when necessary. The results showed that those who chatted with their server reported significantly higher positive feelings and a better coffee shop experience. “It’s not that talking to the waiter is better than talking to your husband,” says Dunn. “But interactions with peripheral(边缘的) members of our social network matter for our well-being also.”

Dunn believes that people who reach out to strangers feel a significantly greater sense of belonging, a bond with others. Carducci believes developing such a sense of belonging starts with small talk. “Small talk is the basis of good manners,”he says.

32. What phenomenon is described in the first paragraph?

A. Addiction to smartphones.

B. Impatience with slow service.

C. Inappropriate behaviours in public places.

D.Absence of communication between strangers.

33. What is important for successful small talk according to Carducci?

A. Showing good manners. B. Focusing on a topic.

C. Relating to other people. D. Making business deals.

34. What does the coffee-shop study suggest about small talk?

A. It improves family relationships. B. It makes people feel good.

C. It matters as much as a formal talk. D. It raises people’s confidence.

35. What is the best title for the text?

A. Benefits of Small Talk B. Ways of Making Small Talk

C. Conversation Counts D. Uncomfortable Silence

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


If you are already making the time to exercise, it is good indeed! With such busy lives, it can be hard to try and find the time to work out. 36 Working out in the morning provides additional benefits beyond being physically fit.

l Your productivity is improved. Exercising makes you more awake and ready to handle whatever is ahead of you for the day. 37

l Your metabolism(新陈代谢) gets a head start. 38 If you work out in the mornings, then you will be getting the calorie(卡路里) burning benefits for the whole day, not in your sleep.

l 39 Studies found that people who woke up early for exercise slept better than those who exercised in the evening. Exercise energizes you, so it is more difficult to relax and have a peaceful sleep when you are very excited.

l 40 If you work out bright and early in the morning, you will be more likely to stick to healthy food choices throughout the day. Who would want to ruin their good workout by eating junk food? You will want to continue to focus on positive choices.

There are a lot of benefits to working out, especially in the mornings. Set your alarm clock an hour early and push yourself to work out! You will feel energized all day long.

A. You will stick to your diet.

B. Your quality of sleep improves.

C. You prefer healthy food to fast food.

D. There is no reason you should exercise in the morning.

E. You can keep your head clear for 4-10 hours after exercise.

F. After you exercise, you continue to burn calories throughout the day.

G. If you are planning to do exercise regularly, or you’re doing it now, then listen up!


第一节 完形填空(共20 小题,每小题1.5分 ,满分30分)

When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, we usually say "sorry, ___41___ number!" and move on. But when Dennis Williams ____42____ a text that clearly wasn’t intended for him, he did something ____43____.

On March 19, Dennis got a group text ____44____ him that a couple he didn’t know were at the hospital, waiting for the ____45____ of a baby.

"Congratulations! But I think someone was mistaken," Dennis ____46____. The baby was born and update texts were ____47____ quickly from the overjoyed grandmother, Teresa. In her ____48____, she didn’t seem to realize that she was ____49____ the baby’s photos with a complete stranger. "Well, I don’t ____50____ you all but I will get there to take pictures with the baby," replied Dennis before asking which room the new ____51____ were in.

Much to the family’s surprise, Dennis stuck to his ____52____! He turned up at the hospital ____53____ gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy. Lindsey’s husband was totally ____54____ by the unexpected visit. "I don’t think we would have randomly invited him over but we ____55____ it and the gifts."

Teresa ____56____ a photo of the chance meeting on a social networking website ____57____ by the touching words: "What a ____58____ this young man was to our family! He was so ____59____ and kind to do this." The post has since gained the ____60____ of social media users all over the world, receiving more than 184,000 shares and 61,500 likes in just three days.

41. A. unlucky B. wrong C. new D. secret

42. A. copied B. translated C. received D. printed

43. A. reasonable B. practical C. necessary D. special

44. A. informing B. reminding C. convincing D. warning

45. A. wake-up B. arrival C. growth D. recovery

46. A. predicted B. interrupted C. responded D. repeated

47. A. passing down B. setting out C. coming in D. moving around

48. A. excitement B. anxiety C. opinion D. effort

49. A. comparing B. sharing C. discussing D. exchanging

50. A. accept B. bother C. believe D. know

51. A. patients B. doctors C. parents D. visitors

52. A. dream B. principle C. schedule D. promise

53. A. opening B. collecting C. bearing D. making

54. A. astonished B. relaxed C. discouraged D. defeated

55. A. appreciate B. need C. admit D. expect

56. A. found B. posted C. developed D.selected

57. A. confirmed B. accompanied C. clarified D. simplified

58. A. pity B. problem C. relief D. blessing

59. A. sweet B. calm C. smart D. fair

60. A. sympathy B. trust C. control D. attention



第二节 语法填空(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Diets have changed in China — and so too has its top crop. Since 2011, the country 61 (grow)more corn than rice. Corn production has jumped nearly 125 percent over 62 past 25 years, while rice has increased only 7 percent.

A taste for meat is 63 (actual) behind the change: An important part of its corn is used to feed chickens, pigs, and cattle. Another reason for corn’s rise: The government encourages farmers to grow corn instead of rice

64 (improve) water quality. Corn uses less water 65 rice and creates less fertilizer(化肥) runoff. This switch has decreased 66 (pollute) in the country’s major lakes and reservoirs and made drinking water safer for people.

According to the World Bank, China accounts for about 30 percent of total 67 (globe) fertilizer consumption. The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture finds that between 2005 — when the government 68 (start) a soil-testing program 69 gives specific fertilizer recommendations to farmers — and 2011, fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons. That prevented the emission(排放) of 51.8 million tons of carbon dioxide. China’s approach to protecting its environment while 70 (feed) its citizens "offers useful lessons for agriculture and food policymakers worldwide." says the bank’s Juergen Voegele.

第四部分:写作(共两节 满分35分)

第一节 短文改错 (共 10题 ,每小题1分,满分 10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

71.Mr. and Mrs. Zhang all work in our school. They live far from the school, and it takes them about a hour and a half to go to work every day. In their spare time, they are interesting in planting vegetables in their garden, that is on the rooftop of their house. They often get up earlier and water the vegetables together. They have also bought for some gardening tools. Beside, they often get some useful informations from the Internet. When summer came, they will invite their students pick the fresh vegetables!


72. 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter 来信询问你校学生体育运动情况。请给他回信,内容包括:

1. 学校的体育场馆;

2. 主要的运动项目;

3. 你喜欢的项目。

注意:1. 词数100左右:

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。








1-5 ABABC 6-10BAACC 11-15BBACB 16-20CABAB



21-23 DCA 24-27 DACB 28-31 BBDA 32-35 DCBA


36-40 GEFBA



41-45 BCDAB 46-50 CCABD

51-55CDCAA 56-60 BBDAD




61. has grown 62. the 63. actually 64. to improve 65. than

66. pollution 67. global 68. started 69. that/which 70. feeding


第一节 短文改错(满分10分)

71. Mr. and Mrs. Zhang all work in our school. They live far from the school, and it takes


them about a hour and a half to go to work every day. In their spare time, they are interesting in

an interested

planting vegetables in their garden, that is on the rooftop of their house. They often get up earlier

which early

and water the vegetables together. They have also bought for some gardening tools. Beside, they

去掉for Besides

often get some useful informations from the Internet. When summer came, they will invite their

information comes

students ∧pick the fresh vegetables!


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


Dear Peter,

I am more than delighted to hear from you. You asked me in your last letter about the physical exercise in our school and the following information may give you a rough sketch.

To begin with, an excellent new stadium has been built up, which has become the new landmark in our school. Moreover, with the stadium set up, a wide range of sports events are able to be held, of which ping-pong, football as well as running competitions enjoy great popularity. As for me, basketball is my favourite since it has been giving me strength to face the challenges in my life.

All in all, I sincerely invite you to come to our school and see for yourself.


Li Hua



Text 1

W: What are we going to get for Lydia’s birthday?

M: How about a pair of running shoes?

W: You know she hates doing exercise.

M: Then I guess we can buy her a birthday cake.

Text 2

M: Excuse me. Do you have time to help take a picture of us?

W: Oh, I'm sorry. I've got to catch a bus.

M: That's OK.

Text 3

M: It really annoys me when Kate calls her friends during office hours.

W: If I were you, I would tell her to stop.

M: Maybe you're right. I will talk to her sometime.

Text 4

M: Here's the menu, Madame. Would you like something to drink?

W: Yes, please. May I see the wine list?

M: Certainly. Here you are.

Text 5

M: We need to have some fresh air. Do you mind my opening the window?

W: As a matter of fact, I'm feeling a bit cold.

Text 6

M: Guess what I'll be doing this summer?

W: What?

M: I'm going to work at the Riverside Hotel.

W: What exactly will you be doing?

M: Let's see. I'll be doing some small repairs inside and outside the hotel. I'll be cutting grass and taking care of the flowers.

W: Sounds interesting. What's the pay?

M: Well, uh…about fifteen dollars an hour, five hours a day, and Sunday free.

W: That's good money. What are you going to do with it?

M: I'll pay for the textbooks for next term.

Text 7

M: Hi, Sue. How's it going?

W: Oh, hi, Frank, just fine. How are your classes?

M: Pretty good. I'm glad this is my last term here, though.

W: Why is that? I thought you were enjoying school.

M: I was. But now I'm getting tired of it. I'm ready for the real world.

W: What are you planning to do when you graduate?

M: First, I want to get a job as a computer programmer, and then after five years or so, I'd like to start my own business.

W: Sounds good. I still have three terms to go until I'm done.

M: You'll make it for sure. Well, see you later.

W: Bye!

Text 8

M: Hello, Milton Hotel Reservations. How may I assist you?

W: Hi, I'm calling to make some changes to an existing reservation.

M: Certainly. Do you have the reservation number?

W: Sure, it's 219.

M: That's a reservation for Sally Menkel. Is that right?

W: Yes, that's right. I'd like to change the check-in date from September 15 to September 16.

M: Certainly. I can make that change for you. Is that the only change?

W: No, the check-out date will also change from the 23rd to the 24th.

M: No problem. We have you arriving on the 16th of September and leaving the 24th of September - altogether, eight nights. Will there be anything else?

W: Yes. Instead of a courtyard room, I'd like a room with a view, preferably on an upper floor.

M: I can certainly change that for you, but there will be a change in the room rate. The new rate is $199 per night, instead of the original $179.

W: That's OK. These are all the changes. Thank you very much.

M: You're welcome. Have a nice day!

Text 9

W: Gordon, I'm going to Keswick in the Lake District this weekend.

M: Really?

W: Yeah, five of us. Why don't you join us? We're getting to Keswick on Friday. Then we're going boating on Saturday. And on Sunday, we're going to do some shopping. Then I will take some time to visit my aunt Lucy.

M: You're not going to camp, are you? Isn't it a bit cold?

W: No, we're not. It is a bit cold. We're staying in a country inn. It's not like five-star hotels or anything. But it's really comfortable.

M: Hmm, sounds interesting. You know, it's the boating that I don't like.

W: Well, what are you up to?

M: Sit on my sofa all weekend and watch the DVDs I've just bought. And that will be a busy weekend. I may finish watching Friends.

W: I don't know how you can do that all weekend, Gordon. I'd get bored.

M: I know, I know. But that's really what I want to do.

Text 10

M: Hello. Welcome to the program. In America, May and June are the traditional months for graduations. A listener in China, Wang Ming, who is about to get an engineering degree, wants to know how American college graduates find jobs. Right now, the answer is: not very easily. A latest study on the college job market showed that employers wanted to hire 22% fewer graduates this year than last. The study also showed that just 20% of those who looked for jobs before graduation have found one by now. This is compared to half of students who had looked for a job by this time two years ago. But one difference: fewer of this year's graduates have started to search for jobs. Engineering graduates were more likely to have started their job search already, and to have accepted a job. This is among the best-paid professions for people with just a college degree. On average, engineering majors expect to start at about $62,000 a year.


第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)

第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)[来源:学|科|网]

听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15.

B. £9.15.

C. £9.18.


1. Where will the woman probably go first?

A. To a cinema. B. To a supermarket. C. To a bank.

2. Why does the man refuse the woman’s request?

A. The heating is broken.

B. He can’t afford the heating bill.

C. He doesn’t like to use the heating.

3. What does the woman most probably want to do?

A. Apply to Island Air for the job.

B. Get some work experience first.

C. Take a training course.

4. What does the man think of his history teacher?

A. Respectable. B. Annoying. C. Talkative.

5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A website. B. A piece of music. C. A T-shirt.

第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. What age group is the game good for?

A. From 10 to 19. B. From 8 to 13. C. From 6 to 12.

7. Where is Black’s PC shop?

A. On Marsden Street. B. On Hunter Road. C. Next to Walker’s store.


8. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Advertiser and advertising agent.

B. Business partners.

C. Workmates.

9. Why was the company unsuccessful in Japan?

A. The target group between Japan and Ameri ca is different.

B. The name of the company scared off customers.

C. The marketing strategies(策略) didn’t work.


10. What is the man doing?

A. Giving directions. B. Offering an invitation. C. Asking for information.

11. Where is the registrar’s office?

A. Opposite the library. B. In the classroom building. C. In the red brick building.

12. What does the man offer to do for the woman?

A. Have dinner with her.

B. Show her around the school.

C. Accompany her to the registration.


13. Why did the man miss his connecting flight?

A. His plane arrived late.

B. He took a wrong plane.

C. He didn’t catch the earliest flight.

14. When will the man’s connecting flight depart?

A. At 3:00. B. At 4:30. C. At 7:00.

15. Where is the man now?

A. In Munich. B. In Denver. C. In Chicago.

16. What does the man want to do?

A. Ask the technicians for help.

B. Attend the meeting online.

C. Have the meeting videotaped.

听第 10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. Who are the listeners?

A. Servers. B. Cashiers. C. Students.

18. Which is mentioned by the speaker?

A. Where to apply for a dotcom job.

B. Why to choose a dotcom job.

C. How to get a dotcom job.

19. What do students enjoy most when doing dotcom jobs?

A. Respect. B. High pay. C. Good experience.

20. Why do some university students drop out to start their own dotcoms?

A. Dotcoms need little money and few skills.

B. Dotcoms demand little working experience.

C. Dotcoms require few formal qualifications.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)

第一节(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


You may be familiar with the following famous people, but have you heard of their graduation speeches, in which they either share their unforgotten experiences or give you some great inspiration.

●Michael Dell, University of Texas at Austin

And now you've accomplished something great and important here, and it's time for you to move on to what's next. And you must not let anything prevent you from taking those first steps. ... You must also commit to the adventure. Just have faith in the skills and the knowledge you've been blessed with and go.

●J. K. Rowling, Harvard University

Half my lifetime ago, I was striking an uneasy balance between my ambition and the expectation from my parents who were not rich...But what I feared most for myself at your age was not poverty, but failure.

●Steve Jobs, Stanford University

Sometimes life's going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith...Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work, and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle.

●Bill Gates, Harvard University

We need as many people as possible to have access to the advanced technology to lead to a revolution in what human beings can do for one another. They are making it possible not just for national governments, but for universities, smaller organizations, and even individuals to see problems, see approaches and deal with the world's inequities(不公平)like hunger, poverty, and so on.

21.What Michael Dell said is to urge us to .

A. listen to our heart B. pursue our dreams

C. follow others' example D. learn from our mistakes

22.Who wants to express "Keep looking for what you believe in"?

A. Michael Dell. B. J. K. Rowling. C. Bill Gates. D. Steve Jobs.

23.What does Bill Gates suggest people do?

A. Make contributions to the environment.

B. Take responsibility for their own behavior.

C. Make joint efforts to rid some global problems.

D. Master as much advanced technology as possible.


Many people in high school cannot wait to go to college and leave their hometowns behind. Questions arise, though, when it comes to all of the decisions involved in choosing a college.

One of the first considerations may be financial. State and public colleges are often the least expensive. Often, though, the better colleges are private and more expensive. It is sad when gifted students cannot attend a college of their choice just for financial reasons.

Another major factor is location. Whether the college is in a small town or large city can have a major impact on its activities. Those who cannot tolerate heat will probably be more comfortable at a northern college.

School size also plays a major role in the decision process. If you want to get to know your teachers and avoid feeling like just a number, a small college is suitable. For those of you who consider yourself a "people person" and want a wide range of activities, a large college is more fitting.

Your area of interest is another factor to consider in the decision-making process if you want to get the most from your education.

Finally, one must take into consideration the colleges to which you can realistically be accepted. An Ivy League school for an average student would probably not be a good match. Similarly, an average school for an above-average student would not work well. The college should provide enough of a challenge for the student to work hard. Although there may not be the perfect college out there, there probably will be one that is close. Those who cannot find a suitable college are probably not looking hard enough.

24.What's the main idea of the text?

A. Procedures of choosing a college. B. Difficulties in attending a school.

C. Pros and cons of going to college. D. Considerations in choosing a college.

25.We can infer from the passage that .

A. an Ivy League school is probably a state college

B. a small college may bring you a sense of emptiness

C. gifted students with financial aid are likely to choose private colleges

D. an average school isn't suitable for an average student

26.A "people person" in Paragraph 4 probably refers to .

A. a person who tends to be alone

B. a person who is good at sociality

C. a person who is afraid of teachers

D. a person who is accustomed to a noisy atmosphere

27.What does the author think of choosing a college?

A. A small college is a better choice for shy students.

B. A northern college has a more comfortable climate.

C. The location of a college is more important than the size of it.

D. You will always find a suitable college if you look hard enough.


Every year billions of pounds are spent on hair loss treatment. If we succeed in curing hair loss with 3D printed hair follicles(毛囊), it will be a huge revolution.

L’Oreal, the cosmetics firm is partnering with a French bio-printing company called Poietis, which has developed a form of laser(激光) printing for cell-based objects. Poietis’ technique begins with the creation of a digital map that determines where living cells and other tissue components should be placed to create the desired biological structure. This involves how the cells are expected to grow over time. About 10,000 of these micro-droplets are created every second.

Poietis is not the only company working on bio-printing, but most others use another way, which involves pushing a bio-ink through a nozzle(喷嘴), rather than lasers to build their tissue. Poietis suggests its technique puts less stress on the biological matter, meaning there is less risk of causing it damage.

Alopecia UK—a charity that provides support and advice about hair loss—has mixed feelings about the development. “It is encouraging to know that companies such as L’Oreal are investing in technology that may help those with hair loss in the future,” said spokeswoman Amy Johnson.

“However, we would suggest it’s still very early to be getting excited about what this potentially could mean for those with medical hair loss. At this point it is unclear as to whether this technology could benefit those with all types of hair loss.”

“Also, if this new technology does lead to a treatment option, given the high costs of existing hair transplant procedures, how many people will be able to realistically afford any new technological advances that may become available? As with any other research and development into processes that may be able to help those with hair loss, we watch with great interest.”

28. What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?

A. How the printing process is carried out.

B. Where the living cells should be placed.

C. How long the cells are expected to grow.

D. What the printing equipment is made up of.

29. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. hair follicle B. biological matter C. nozzle D. bio-ink

30. The passage implies that the new technology may ______.

A. meet some practical challenges

B. help people with hair loss at present

C. offer solutions to all problems of hair loss

D. cost a large sum of money to transplant hair

31. What is Amy Johnson’s attitude towards the new technology?

A. Disapproving. B. Optimistic. C. Cautious. D. Negative.


It's the holiday season, the time when we connect with family and friends. Social media sites like Twitter and Facebook are full of festive pictures, featuring parents' catching and sharing those special family moments, their child's wish list, and maybe even a cute video of their child dancing to "Jingle Bell:Rock" while wearing a diaper(尿片) and Santa hat. Swelling with pride, parents can't wait to get approval with a "thumbs up" or better yet a personalized message on their treasured post.

Adults should be able to post what they want online. However, when exposing family moments online, are they sharing too much information? Do parents have the right to share those cute now, but embarrassing later moments about kids? Have children willingly given their agreement to sharing their cute but funny video online?

A recent study found that 75% of parents turn to social media for parenting-related information and social support. There is even a term: used to describe the overuse of sharing too much information about kids on social media: "sharenting".

While there's no reliable information on how young children feel about things posted online, we do have information about how teens feel. According to a report by the Family Online Safety Institute, 76% of teens are concerned about their privacy. Many teens constantly search for new apps that allow anonymity. When names are required, they use screen names that don't reveal real information. If our teens are doing a better job of protecting themselves online, shouldn't parents take the lead and do the same? Plus, with more and more college admission representatives and potential employers surfing the internet for potential candidates, we'd hate for one of our posts to change an important decision. Think about it... online reputations are now becoming inseparable with real life ones.

Of course, we can secure our privacy settings, only allowing our friends to view pictures, posts and videos, but that doesn't stop others from uploading our pictures, Adults need to be cautious of sharing information online, especially information about children.

So. this holiday season, enjoy family time and share those special memories with family and friends. Before clicking the app to upload photos or videos, stop and think twice.

32. Which of the following behaviors is "sharenting"?

A. A girl attends a live performance online.

B. A father tells his son's story to his colleagues.

C. A mother posts her baby's pictures on Facebook.

D. A boy invites his friends to his birthday party at home.

33. What does the underlined word "anonymity" in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. One's real name. B. Using strange names.

C. Unchangeable names. D. Being unknown by name.

34. What's the author's attitude toward "sharenting"?

A. Sympathetic. B. Negative. C. Neutral. D. Unconcerned.

35. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To state an argument. B. To support an opinion.

C. To compare different ideas. D. To question a point of view.

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Do you usually feel you're working hard but still can’t reach your study goals? Here are some quick tips to help you study better.

♦ Study with a partner or in groups

Rather than living in a cave with your nose in the books all day, grab a friend from your class and study with him. 36

♦ Step into your teacher’s shoes

Ask yourself “If I were the teacher, what would I put on the test?” You have probably experienced a lot of your teacher’s tests and quizzes by now. 37 Teachers have specific types of information that they want you to learn. The structure is usually the same.

♦ Paint pictures on the paper

You can build your knowledge structure in the form of pictures. It’s harder to remember each piece of a puzzle individually than it is to recall the completed picture. 38

♦ 39

A hungry brain is an ineffective one. Your brain needs the proper nutrients to keep it going. Because of this, what you eat and drink also plays a huge role in how sharp your brain is. Healthy foods provide nutrients to your brain cells to keep them energized.[来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K]

♦ Take breaks to relax your brain

Your brain is like a muscle. 40 It can also be tired if you overwork it. If you divide studying into 15 to 30 minutes blocks with quick breaks in between, your brain will feel refreshed, grateful and ready for the next challenge you throw at.

A. Feed your brain from time to time.

B. It needs exercise to make it stronger.

C. Relax your brain by eating and drinking.

D. You’d better learn from them for the next test.

E. It’s necessary to have a long holiday and have n ice food.

F. Find ways to connect what you are learning to real life or to other concepts.

G. Group studying helps you to engage and process the information more deeply.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B. C 和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Two years ago, Dubuque, Iowa, started its first annual "Back-to-School Bash" program. It offered needy families an opportunity to learn about free 41 in the community. Holmes decided to 42 by providing help to kids. He was 43 two jobs at the time, one of which was working as a barber. Saturday was his 44 day, but he chose to 45 his time and gave free haircuts to lower-class kids on condition that the kids should 46 their free haircuts by having to read a book to him.

The idea was so 47 that he continued it for the next two years. Many kids would 48 a favorite book, settle into the barber chair, and read aloud 49 Holmes was doing their hair. After the haircuts, they'd review the book, from the 50 and vocabulary to the themes-just like in school, only more fun.

Holmes, who is married 51 two sons, recognizes that not every parent has the time to 52 with their kids. So he hop es to offer some 53 in this way. And he admits he, 54 , benefits from doing that.

There was a seven-year-old kid who 55 stuttered (结巴) over words while reading. He had the boy take the book home and 56 . When the child came back a few days later, he read it with no problems. That 57 Holmes to do more.

Holmes and his family have recently moved to a Chicago suburb. When they get 58 , he plans to restart his 59 as the Storybook Barb er. "Today's world is full of guns and violence," he says. "The barbershop is a 60 place for the kids to come and read books."

41. A. materials B. resources C. methods D. connections

42. A. participate B. perform C. develop D. withdraw

43. A. faced with B. caught in C. presented with D. occupied with

44. A. happiest B. worst C. busiest D. best

45. A. spend B. waste C. save D. donate

46. A. recommend B. earn C. demand D. request

47. A. popular B. ordinary C. complex D. practical

48. A. put away B. take over C. pick up D. give out

49. A. before B. after C. while D. until

50. A. kids B. heroines C. barbers D. characters

51. A. with B. to C. for D. about

52. A. stay B. read C. talk D. learn

53. A. guidance B. criteria C. assistance D. insurance

54. A. again B. still C. then D. too

55. A. usually B. hardly C. merely D. necessarily

56. A. write B. practice C. remark D. reflect

57. A. surprised B. excited C. inspired D. impressed

58. A. settled B. relaxed C. pleased D. refreshed

59. A. ownership B. hobby C. promise D. role

60. A. secret B. safe C. rough D. crowded

第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5, 满分15)

阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

A story about violinist Fritz Kreisler tells how he once came across a beautiful instrument he wanted to acquire. When he finally raised the money for the violin, he returned to buy it but learned that it 61 (sell) to a collector.

He went to the new owner's home in order to try to persuade him to sell 62 violin. However, the collector said it was one of his valuable 63 (possess) and he could not let it go. The 64 (disappoint) Kreisler turned to leave, but then asked a favor. " May I play the instrument once more, 65 it is put away?"

Permission was given and th e great musician began to play. The violin sang with a quality of music so beautiful that the collector could only listen 66 amazement. "I have no right 67 (keep) that to myself," he said after the violinist finished. "The violin is 68 (you) , Mr. Kreisler. Take it into the world, and let the people hear it."

I want to live my life that way-to take it into the world and live it 69 (full). I'd rather be used up than die not having done whatever I could. Happiness is found in investing our lives in others. Say yes when 70 (ask) for a hand. Volunteer some time for a worthwhile organization.

第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。


修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

It is clear shown that many middle school students have physical and mental problems. 68% of the students surveying have studying anxiety as well as poor eyesight too. And a larger percentage lacks sleep. 52% are short of physical exercise. 42% of the students won't obey our parents or teachers. Personally, I think we student should balance our physical exercise and studies. Without sound body, one can't achieve anything. However, too much attention has been paid only on studies. As a result, I suggest we are given less homework or more time for out-of-classroom activities. Only in this way can we live a happy and healthy life.

第二节 书面表达(共1题;满分25分)

假如你是李华,你校外教Mr. Brown春节期间看到邻居房门上的福字是倒贴,感到很好奇。写信向你询问此事。请给他回一封信,介绍福字倒贴的原因和这一传统的寓意,同时邀请他在高考后来你家过端午节

注意:1. 词数120左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。

参考词汇:福字 the character Fu 高考 the College Entrance Exam

颠倒:upside down

高二英语期末考试 答案


1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A

11. C 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. C 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. C


21-25: BDCDC 26-30: BDABA

31-35: CCDBA 36-40: GDFAB


41-45 BADCD 46-50 BACCD 51-55 ABCDA 56-60 BCADB


61. had been sold 62. the 63. possessions 64. disappointed 65. before

66. in 67. to keep 68. yours 69. fully 70. asked


71. clear改为clearly 72. surveying改为surveyed

73. 去掉too 7 4. lacks改为lack

75. our改为their 76. student改为students

77. Without后加a 78. on改为to

79. are改为be 80. or改为and


Dear Mr. Brown,

In your last letter you have told me that you are confused why the Fu stuck on your neighbor’s door is upside dow n. What I can explain to you is that the upside down character “Fu” merely represents the coming of happiness. It is one of our traditions to which people often attach great significance.[来源:Zxxk.Com]

By the way, there are only three months left before the arrival of the College Entrance Exam. After that, another vital festival which serves as an honor of an outstanding poet called “Qu Yuan” is just around the corner. I sincerely invite you to celebrate the Dragon Boat festival with my family and have a taste of the delicious zongzi. I’m sure you will be satisfied with your journey.

I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


(Text 1)

W: I’m going to the supermarket. But before that, I have to go to the bank.

M: Then could you buy tickets for The Plant of the Apes on your way back?

W: Sure.

(Text 2)

W: It’s really cold in this apartment. Can we turn up the heat?

M: No, my last heating bill was too high. I had trou ble paying it. Would you like a sweater?

(Text 3)

W: Island Air is now accepting applications for flight attendants. It says no experience necessary, and training is provided.

M: Sounds great. What are the requirements?

W: It says you must have a pleasant character and attitude. Is that me?

(Text 4)

M: Do you like our new history tea cher?[来源:Zxxk.Com]

W: I’m fed up with his endless talking.

M: You can’t say that! He’s a very knowledgeable person.

(Text 5)

W: Hey, Mark. Cool T-shirt.

M: Thanks. I just got it from a website that sells high-tech clothing.

W: Oh yeah? What are all those lights moving up and down on your T-shirt?

M: They show the beats of my music playing.

(Text 6)

W: I bought my brother a computer game called City Two Thousand and Ten. He plays with it for hours.

M: How old is he?

W: 10.

M: Oh, my brother is 12.

W: That’s OK. This game’s good for 8 to 13 year olds.

M: Great! Where did you buy it?

W: In Black’s PC shop. I looked everywhere in Cambridge and Peterstown, but I had to go to a shop in London to find it.

M: Where is the shop?

W: On Marsden Street. You know Hunter Road? Turn left at the end and it’s opposite Walker’s store at number 19.

M: I can get there next Thursday. Thanks, Jenny.

(Text 7)

W: Hey, John. Do you have a moment? I want to talk about the marketing in Japan.

M: Sure.

W: First, do you know that sometimes just the name of a company can be enough to scare off customers. I heard about a company that tried to sell gas in Japan. It was unsuccessful there because of its name.

M: Really?

W: Yeah. It was called Enco — E-N-C-O. They opened a few shops in Japan and advertised using their American name. Unfortunately they didn’t know Enco is a short way of saying “engine stop” in Japanese.

M: Hmm. We should consider that when we do our marketing.

(Text 8)

W: Excuse me. Do you know where registration is?

M: Sure. You see that tall building over there?

W: Uh-huh.

M: It’s the shorter building to the right of it.

W: Oh, thank you. Do you also know where I pay my school fee?

M: Yes, you have to go to the registrar’s office.

W: Where’s that?

M: It’s behind us. You have to go through the library. And then you turn right and you can see the classroom building. Next to it is the red brick building. The registrar’s office is on the 3rd floor.

W: Great. Thanks for all your help.

M: Say, I could show you around our school later.

W: Thanks, but I’m having dinner with my friend.

M: OK. Well, good luck. See you later.

(Text 9)

M: Hello, Sue? This is Damon Guenther. My plane had an electrical problem, so my flight from Munich was delayed and I missed my connecting flight here.

W: I’m sorry to hear that, Damon. Can you come to the meeting on time?

M: The earliest flight I can catch leaves at 4:30 and arrives in Denver at 7, so I’m going to miss the meeting at 3 today.

W: Unfortunately, we can’t change the time of the meeting, because Sam Hawthorn has come from Boston, and he has to return tonight. But I’d really like you to attend it.

M: I know. Is there any way you could set it up as a video meeting on the Internet? That way, I could take part in it in Chicago.

W: That’s a good idea. I’ll try. Let me talk with our technical support staff, and I’ll get back to you soon. Meanwhile, go ahead and book the 4:30 flight. In a worst-case, we’ll videotape the meeting and you can watch it tonight after you arrive.

(Text 10)

M: Hello, everyone. First let me introduce myself. My name is John Barker, and I work at an institution. As most of you know, I’m here to talk about students’ summer jobs. In many parts of the world, university students work in the summer. They need the money, and they can get some working experience. Traditionally, they get jobs as servers, cashiers, and lifeguards at swimming pools.

These days, however, more and more students are working at dotcoms. Dotcoms are Internet-based companies which offer goods and services online. Today’s young people already know a lot about computers, and they can quickly learn more. The pay is usually much better than at the traditional summer jobs.

There are other advantages besides the pay. Students see dotcom jobs as a good start on their future. In addition to providing good experience, the work is also enjoyable for most. On top of this, their co-workers treat them with respect.

Dotcoms are new and need new ways of thinking. Imagination is more important than formal qualifications. So some students are even quitting school to start their own dotcoms.


第一部分: 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)



Lost cities that have been found

The White City

In 2015, a team of explorers to Honduras in search of “the Lost City of the Monke God” led to the discovery of the White City. They found the ruins in the Mosquitia region of the Central American country which is known for poisonous snakes, vicious jaguars and deadly insects. It is believed that local people hid here when the Spanish conquerors(征服者) occupied their homeland in the16th century.

Canopus and Heracleion

Modern researchers were teased by the ancient writings about the Egyptian cities Canopus and Heracleion -- where Queen Cleopatra often visited. But the cities weren’t found until 1992, when a search in Alexandria waters found that the two cities had been flooded for centuries. Artifacts(史前器物) showed that the cities once highly developed as a trade network, which helped researchers piece together more about the last queen of Egypt.

Machu Picchu

A Yale professor discovered “the Lost City in the Clouds” in 1911. A combination of palaces, plazas, temples and homes, Machu Picchu displays the Inca Empire at the height of its rule. The city, which was abandoned in the 16th century for unknown reasons, was hidden by the local people from the Spanish conquerors for centuries keeping it so well preserved.


The ancient city of Troy in Homer’s The Iliad was considered a fictional setting for his characters to run wild. But in 1871, explorations in northwestern Turkey exposed nine ancient cities layered (层叠) on top of each other, the earliest dating back to about 5,000 years before. It was later determined that the sixth or seventh layer contained the lost city of Troy and that it was actually destroyed by an earthquake, not a wooden horse.

21. Why did people hide in the White City in the 16th century?

A. To survive the war. B. To search for a lost city. []

C. To protect their country. D. To avoid dangerous animals.

22. Which of the following was related to a royal family member?

A. The White City B. Canopus and Heracleion

C. Machu Picchu D. Troy

23. What can we learn about Troy?

A. It was built by Homer. B. It consisted of nine cities.

C. It had a history of 5,000 years. D. It was ruined by a natural disaster.


When 1 was a boy we used to live across the road from a big hill with huge oak trees growing out of it. When winter arrived, thick, heavy snow would fall, and my two brothers would grab their sleds heading over to the hill for a day of fun.I remember watching them with envy because 1 was still too small to go sledding. Finally, one winter 1 was considered big enough and joined my brothers as they carried their sleds up the long hill and prepared to ride down it.

The first few trips I rode with one of my brothers and had the time of my life. It was so exhilarating when the wind whipped across my face as I flew down the hillside on the wooden sled. Near the end of the day 1 was overjoyed too when my oldest brother decided to let me try riding the sled all by myself. I climbed on it full of excitement and lay on my stomach. Then with one big push my brother sent me down the snowy hillside. 1 was doing pretty well too until I hit an old stump hidden by the snow and went off course, straight towards one of those big oak trees. My heart pounded in my chest and I could hear myself screaming. At the last possible second I rolled off and the sled crashed into the tree. I could hear my brothers running down the hill yelling, “You have to steer(操控)! You have to steer!”

Sadly, that wasn’t the last time I failed to steer when some obstacle knocked me off course in my life. Many times problems, troubles, and my own failures have sent me crashing into the trees of anger, frustration, and despair. I am still learning that life isn’t always safe sledding I am still learning that it is up to me to steer myself back to love, back to kindness, back to goodness, and back to God.

Life is a trip, but no one ever said it was a smooth ride. Steer well then. Steer straight. Steer your soul towards the light and the love we are all meant for.

24. What do we know about the author when he was very young?

A. He lived on a big hill with huge oak trees on it.

B. He was frightened to go sledding with his brothers.

C. He longed to go sledding with his brothers.

D. He carried his brothers’ sleds as they went sledding.

25. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “exhilarating” in Paragraph 2?

A. delightful B. terrifying C. ordinary D. violent

26. Why did the author fall off his sled?

A. Because his sled crashed in an oak tree.

B. Because he lost control of his sled.

C. Because his brother pushed it so hard.

D. Because the hillside was snowy.

27. What does the author mean to tell us?

A. Losing control of a sled can be dangerous.

B. Courage and determination can change one’s life.

C. Life can be controlled by one himself.

D. Life is a mystery full of coincidences.


Chinese audiences seemed not to have been satisfied with the third season of the highly anticipated food documentary A Bite of China.

Picky viewers complain that some of the narration is not accurate, while others pinpoint misleading content. At the same time, food blogger @barbara questioned whether it is appropriate to give a close-up shot of the poisonous plant Nandina(南天竺)in a food program.

A Bite of China, which debuted in 2012, became hugely popular nationwide for its quality introduction of some rarely-known and mouth-watering domestic cuisine. In the new show, however, watchers are not satisfied with “irrelevant” food references, such as lipsticks made of Chinese traditional medicine and martial arts master.

The first episode introduced a hand-made iron frying pan from east China’s Shandong province, which prompted thousands of Chinese Internet users to buy one from China’s leading e-commerce website Tmall in the next few days. Sales of the pan at “Zhensanhuan” surged 6,000 times compared with a year ago, according to Beijing Youth Daily.

In response to overwhelming criticism and questions, A Bite of China production crew responded on Weibo that they seek innovation despite the risks following the first two phenomenal seasons.

“It is unavoidable to make comparisons with the first two, and some audiences may not accept the changes,” the crew said. “We explore the culture and civilization behind food, and give food a historic touch. That’s why we feature culinary(烹饪的)tools, feast and rituals, as well as a healthy diet to show Chinese wisdom and philosophy, which has not been shown in any food programs before.”

28. Why does the passage mention Nandina?

A. Because some of the narration is not accurate.

B. Because it may be improper to give a close-up shot of a poisonous plant.

C. Because it is misleading content.

D. Because it is not attractive at all to most picky viewers.

29. Which of the following elements leads to viewers’ dissatisfaction with the new show?

A. some mouth-watering domestic cuisines B. food-unrelated items

C. some rarely-known cuisines D. the increasing sales of the pan at “Zhensanhuan”

30. According to its production crew, what is unique to ‘A Bite of China III’?

A. It makes comparisons with the first two episodes.

B. It tells the story of some martial arts related to food.

C. It receives overwhelming criticism and questions from audience.

D. It focuses on cooking tools, rituals and healthy eating.

31. What is the best the title for the passage?

A. A Bite of China III' Draws Criticism from Audiences

B. A Bite of China III' Maintains High Viewership Ratings

C. A Bite of China III' Changes for the Worse

D. A Bite of China III' Explains its Purposes


The organic food has gained a lot of popularity as they are being considered as healthier and tastier. A fair number of people advocate a large-scale shift to organic farming from conventional agriculture. But this might not seem well-founded.

Since the mid-19th century, conventional industrial agriculture has become incredibly efficient on a simple land to food basis. Conventional farming gets more and more crop per square foot of land, which can mean less wilderness needs to be transformed to farmland.

To make farming more efficient, conventional agriculture uses a significant amount of synthetic fertilizer(合成肥料) each year, and all that nitrogen(氮) enables much faster plant growth. However, the cost is paid in vast polluted dead zones at the mouths of many of the world’s rivers, because much of the nitrogen ends up running off the soil and into the oceans. This also makes conventional farming one of the major threats to the environment.

To weaken the environmental impact of agriculture, improve soil quality as well as produce healthier foods, some farmers have turned to organic farming. Environmentalists have also welcomed organic food as better for the planet than the food produced by agricultural corporations. Organic practices—refusing artificial fertilizers and chemical pesticides—are considered far more sustainable. Sales of organic food rose 7.7% in 2010, up to $26.7 billion—and people are making those purchases for their moral senses as much as their tongues.

Yet a new meta-analysis in Nature does the math and comes to a hard conclusion: organic farming produces 25% fewer crops on average than conventional agriculture. This is definitely a downside of organic farming, especially when global population is still growing rapidly.

In the Nature analysis, scientists performed an analysis of 66 studies comparing conventional and organic methods across 34 different crop species, from fruits to grains. They found that organic farming delivered a lower output for every crop type, though the difference varied widely. For crops like fruit trees, organic trailed conventional agriculture by just 5%. Yet for major grain crops and vegetables—all of which provide the world’s main calories—conventional agriculture outperformed organics by more than 25%.

What that means is that while organic farming may be more sustainable than conventional agriculture, there are trade-offs(此消彼长) with each. So an ideal global agriculture system may borrow the best from both systems rather than upholding merely organic or conventional practices.

32. The purpose of the passage is to ___________.

A. compare two types of farming

B. criticize conventional agriculture

C. discuss the development of farming

D. argue for a realistic agriculture system

33. According to the passage, conventional farming ___________.

A. produces more crops with fewer fertilizers

B. achieves efficiency at a huge cost to the environment

C. offers a long-term solution to global demand for food

D. performs far better for each crop type than organic farming

34. The author may agree with ___________.

A. employing organic farming to plant rice

B. adopting organic practices to grow potato

C. using conventional methods to plant cabbage

D. applying conventional farming to growing apple

35. Which of the following shows the development of ideas in this passage?

A. B.

C. D.

CP: Central Point P: Point Sp: Sub-point(次要点) C:Conclusion



Whether you want to improve your writing skills as a creative writer or simply perfect your skills for schoolwork, you can take some steps to learn how to be a better writer.

1. Use active instead of passive voice.

In English, the most basic sentence structure is S-V-O: Subject-Verb-Object( 主-谓-宾). The passive voice(被动语态) usually requires more words and use of a “to be” verb form, which can suck the energy out of your writing. Learn to avoid these constructions as much as you can. 36 It conventionally uses the passive voice to put the emphasis on the results, rather than the researchers.

2. 37

Finding the right verb or adjective(形容词) can turn an uninspired sentence into one people will remember and quote for years to come. Look for words that are as specific as possible. Strong doesn't mean obscure, or more complicated. Don't say "utilize" when you could say "use." 38

3. Cut the chaff.

39 You don't get points for saying in 50 words what could be said in 20, or for using multi-syllable(音节) words when a short one does just as well. It might feel good at first to pack a lot of ideas and details into a single sentence, but chances are that sentence is just going to be hard to read. If a phrase doesn't add anything valuable, just cut it. 40 If you notice that your writing is filled with "-ly" words, it might be time to take a deep breath and give your writing more focus.

A. Use strong words.

B. Show, don't tell.

C. Good writing is simple, clear and direct.

D. The main exception to this is science writing.

E. Cutting the chaff is best done at the editing stage.

F. "He sprinted" is not necessarily better than "he ran."

G. Don't write "screamed fearfully" -- "scream" already suggests fear.

第二部分: 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



Ask someone for their first memory and they will often give some fairly dull possibilities and not be sure which comes first. However, I have no __41 at all about mine. The earliest thing I recall is looking down and seeing flames coming out of my__42 .

It was a Sunday afternoon in July 1981 when I __43 fire. I was in the garden with my dad. It was a sunny day but slightly breezy (有微风的).I was standing nearby as my dad __44 to light the barbecue. After several failed attempts, __45 he had to use some sort of accelerant (助燃剂).It caused a small fireball, which was flying towards me __46 the breeze suddenly__47 in my direction. That’s where the__48 memory of my burning ankles kicks in. My dad __49 fast. He dashed indoors, grabbed a large blanket and__50 to wrap me in it.

The next thing I remember is sitting on a box, feeling hot and __51 water over and over again; then being driven to a__52 . I underwent lots of skin operations and for weeks I wasn’t able to bend my legs, which had to be wrapped in bandages. __53 this period, I don’t recall experiencing pain. It was only when I__54 what an exciting summer my sister was having that my situation began to seem __55 .

My dad and I have never talked much about the__56 — my dad has never been an especially__57 person. Now that I have kids of my own, I do sometimes wonder what he__58 . I’ve never felt any __59 towards him, and I recognize that but for his swift actions the situation could have been__60 . But I’d certainly never have a barbecue with my kids.

41.A. choice B.idea C.doubt D.worry

42.A.ankles B.blanket C.sleeves D.belly

43.A. exchanged B.set C.held D.caught

44.A. pretended B.struggled C.refused D.managed

45.A. eventually B.gradually C.interestingly D.fortunately

46.A. before B.unless C.though D.as

47.A. stopped B.howled C.changed D.dropped

48.A. vivid B.sweet C.precious D.vague

49.A. hid B.acted C.escaped D.approached

50.A. got away B.broke in C.stood by D.ran back

51.A. waiting for B.asking for C.paying for D.searching for

52.A. hospital B.pool C.café D.gym

53.A. Thanks to B.But for C.Throughout D.After

54.A. realized B.attended C.requested D.explained

55.A. ridiculous B.acceptable C.satisfactory D.unbearable

56.A. illness B.conflict C.accident D.visit

57.A. strict B.open C.shy D.honest

58.A. gave away B.took over C.went through D.looked into

59.A. sympathy B.anxiety C.guilt D.anger

60.A. worse B.simpler C.stranger D.clearer



The world-known Silk Road across the Eurasian Continent is a friendship bridge 61 (link) the Europe and Asian people. It is one of the most important theme tourist routes in the world and the most 62 (value) tourist product in China. From the time Zhang Qian 63 (open) up the world-famous Silk Road during the Han Dynasty, until the collapse of the Yuan Dynasty, it enjoyed 64 history of about 1,600 years.

Silk Road with 65 (it) 2,000 years history has witnessed the historical changes and the progress of culture exchanges between China and the Western countries. The section in China, many ethnic cultures 66 (include), is also as a jade belt. The 67 (people) of these ethnic groups such as Mongolians, Huis, Uyghurs, Hazaks have maintained their unique traditions and cultures, living habits and religious beliefs, 68 form the soul of the Silk Road and attract many tourists to visit. In fact, 69 the Silk Road in the northwest of China, there are another two trade roads in the southwest of China and by sea, which also contribute 70 (great) to the development of the world. They are called the “Southern Silk Road” and the “Silk Road on the Sea”.

第三部分: 写作(共两节;满分35分)



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





Dear Jack,

Welcome to my school!Upon your arrival,there will be a party for you organizing by my classmates. You may attend to English classes to feel a differently learning style. After that,you can go to your host family that you can experience the Chinese way of life. You can have meals together chatting about whatever interest you.

The host family will also show you off some famous scenic spots. You can see people selling kites everywhere because our city was home to kites. There are varieties of kites to choose. So isn't that a good idea to buy some for your friends?Write to me unless you have any questions about the schedule.


Li Hua



1. 表示祝贺;

2. 赞赏与评价;

3. 对他的祝愿。




第一部分: 阅读理解(共20 小题; 每小题2分,满分40分)

第一节21-23 ABD 24-27 CABC 28—31 BBDA 32-35 DBCA

第二节36-40 DAFCG

第二部分: 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节完形填空(共20 小题; 每小题1.5分,满分30分)

41-45 CADBA 46-50 DCABD 51-55 BACAD 56-60 CBCDA


61. linking 62.valuable 63.opened64. a 65. its 66. included 67. peoples 68. which

69. besides 70. greatly

第三部分: 写作(共两节;满分35分)


1. 第二句organizing改成organized 2.第三句 attend to的to 去掉3. 第三句 differently改成different

4. 第四句that 改成 where 5. 第五句interest改成interests 6. 第六句 off 改成 around 7. 第七句 was 改成is 8. 第八句to choose 后加上from 9. 第九句that改成it 10. 第十句 unless 改成 if或when


Dear Henry,

Excited to hear the host announce that you won the first prize in the competition of singing Chinese songs intended for foreigners on TV, I’m writing to express my congratulations to you.

On the stage, you are like a shining star. Through beautiful songs, you expressed your passion to China and left a deep impression on the audience. Every note of your song conveys the intimate friendship with Chinese people. What impressed me most is your perfect Chinese pronunciation, which definitely add a lot of color to your performance. Just as the old saying goes, “No pains, no gains”. I know you practice speaking Chinese every day and no wonder you have made such great progress. It’s your hard work and persistence that made you succeed. I’m so proud of you.

Congratulations once again and I hope your future will be successful and glorious.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



