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八年级下册英语重点知识汇总:Unit 1

1. collect shells收集贝壳

2. skating marathon滑冰马拉松

3. your first pair of skates你第一双滑冰鞋

4. raise money募捐

5. the first one to do sth. 第一个做某事

6. the whole five hours整整五个小时

7. three and a half years三年半

8. run out of用光,用尽

9. on my seventh birthday在我七岁生日时

10. by the way顺便说一下

11. the most common最常见的

12. think of想起

13. famous characters著名人物

14. with a colorful history具有丰富多彩的历史

15. family history家史

western history西方历史

II. 重要句型

◎She said she was having asurprise party for Lana on Friday night.

on Friday night

We often have a meeting on Monday morning. 我们经常在周一早晨开会。

On a raining cold morning, he left hishometown. 在一个寒冷的雨天的早上,他离开了家乡。

泛指“在早晨/上午”“在下午”或“在晚上”要用in themorning, in the

afternoon或 in the evening/ at night。


辨析at, on 和in表示的时间:


at 11:00 在11点钟

at half past five 在5点半

at noon 在中午

at this time of that day 在那天的这个时刻

on 表示具体的某一天或特殊的某一天的早上、下午、晚上等。例如:

on Tuesday 在星期二

on April 8 在4月8日

on the night of May 25 在5月25日的晚上

on a sunny morning 在一个晴朗的早晨


in 2008 在2008年

in spring 在春天

in May 在5月

in the morning/ afternoon/ evening 在上午/下午/晚上


①—Whenwere you born?

—I wasborn 1989.

A. at B. on C. in

②TheWomen’s Day is March 8th.

A. in B. at C. on

③Miss Green goes to the doctor’s Monday morning.

A. on B. in C. at


Peter usually gets up early the morning.

A. on B. in C. at D. of (北京市)

②I go to school 8 o’clockin the morning.

A. at B. in C. on D. for (重庆市)

③We will never forget whathappened the afternoon of May 12,


A. in B. by C. at D. on (河南省)

④ May 27th, 2008, millions of peoplewatched the Beijing Olympic Torch Relay in Nanjing.

A. On B. In C. At D. For (南京市)

⑤—When was the car invented?

—It wasinvented 1885.

A. at B. in C. on D. for (温州市)

◎I’m good at speaking.

be good at…意为“在……方面做得好,擅长”,其反义词组为 be weak/ poor in/at…“在……方面很差”。例如:

He is good at singing. 他擅长唱歌。

Sam is weak/poor in/at high jump. 萨姆不擅长跳高。

be good at…的比较级形式为 bebetter at…。例如:

In English, I’m better at reading thanlistening. 在英语方面,我的阅读比听力好。


be good at 和do well in辨析:

be good at和do well in是近义词组,意思接近,但be goodat强调一种笼统情况,意思是“在……方面出色,擅长”;而do wellin可以表示一种情况,也可以指在具体的一次活动中表现出色。比较级形式为dobetter in,表“在……方面做得更好”。例如:

Mike does well in physics. 迈克物理学得好。

Mike is good at physics. 迈克物理很好。(指笼统的情况)

Tom did well in that sports meeting. 汤姆在那次运动会中表现出色。(指具体一次,不宜用be goodat )

I can do better in math. 在数学方面我能做得更好。


①—Li Leidid very well in the English exam.

—Oh,yeah! He is English.

A. weak in B. angry with C. good at D. afraid of

②Robert does well inplaying table tennis.(选出与所给句子划线部分意思相同或相近的选项)

A. is good at B. is interested in C.likes D. hates

◎Half the class won’t come.


They stayed there for half an hour. 他们在那里呆了半个小时。

Half the boys are playing football. 半数的男孩在踢足球


A year and a half has passed. 一年半的时间过去了。

half of…意为“半数的……”,此结构作主语时谓语动词应和of 的介词宾语在数上保持一致,即 half of后面的名词或代词如果是单数,谓语也要用单数,如果是复数,谓语也用复数。例如:

Half of the books are old. 这些书有一半是旧的。

Half of the time is wasted. 一半的时间被浪费了。


①Half ofthese bananas bad.

A. is B. are C. has D. had


theapple into .

◎… you’ll be famous.


The doctor is very famous. 那位医生非常有名。

He is a famous doctor. 他是一位著名的医生。

famous 的常用搭配有:


Einstein was famous for his Theory ofRelativity. 爱因斯坦以他的相对论闻名。

Edison was famous as an inventor. 爱迪生作为一个发明家而著名。

Paris is famous for its fashions. 巴黎以其时装而闻名。

Lasa is famous as the sun city. 拉萨作为“日城”而出名。



Hangzhou its beautiful scenery.


Yao Ming a basketball star.

③Hangzhou is famous producing silk in China.

A.from B. at C. in D. for

◎And if you become rich, youwill have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are.

have a difficult time (in)doing sth 意为“难于做某事,做某事有困难”。例如:

We have a difficult time (in) solving theproblem. 我们很难解决这个问题。


⑴have some problems doing sth.表示“做某事遇到困难(麻烦)”。例如:

They have some problems getting to the top ofthe mountain. 他们到达顶有困难。

⑵have fundoing sth. 表示“愉快地做某事”。例如:

We’re going to have fun learning and speakingEnglish this term. 这学期我们要愉快地学英语、说英语。

The children have lots of fun playing games. 孩子们开心地玩着游戏。


①Theyhave a difficult time it out.

A. work B. to work C. working D. works

②He is going to stay at homeand listen to music. He will have a good


He is going to at home and to music.

◎If I eat too much lunch…

too much 意为“太多”,它有以下三种用法:


My father drank too much beer last night. 我爸爸昨晚喝了太多的啤酒。


Parents have given me too much 父母已经给我太多了。


She talks too much. 她说得太多了。


much too的用法:

much too 用作副词词组,too是副词,意思是“太,过分”,much在此处也作副词,意为“很,非常”。much too意为“太,非常,过分”,它可修饰形容词、副词,但不可以修饰名词或动词。例如:

It’s much too cold. 天气实在太冷了。

My friend said I was much too heavy. 我的朋友说我太重了。


①Don’tspend time watching TV.

A. too much B. much too C. many too D. too many

②The classroom is dirty, we should clean it at once.

A. too much B. much too C. more much D. much more

◎When did you get your firstpair of skates?

a pair of 意为“一双,一对,一副”等,通常修饰由两个组成、或者由两部分合在一起而成的单件物品。例如:shoes“鞋”,pants“裤子”,glove“手套”,socks “袜子”,scissors“剪刀”等。例如:

There is a pair of shoes under the chair. 椅子下放着一双鞋。

My sister bought two pairs of socks yesterday. 我妹妹昨天买了两双袜子。



A pair of gloves is a welcome present. 一副手套是受欢迎的礼物。

Many pairs of shoes are in that box. 那个箱子里有许多双鞋。


Jack bought a in a shoe shop yesterday.

A. pair of shoes B. pairs of shoes C. pair of two shoes D. pair of shoe

◎Three and a half years.



a year and a half / one and a half years一年半

an hour and a half / one and a half hours 一个半小时

two kilos and a half / two and a half kilos 2.5千克


He has been swimming for three and a halfyears.(找出与划线部分同义的选项)

A. three and half years B. three years and a half

C. three years and half D. three and half year

◎My mom says I have to stop,because we’ve run out of room to store them.

run out of后接something, 意思是have nomore of something,指不再有某物,意为“用完,用尽”,主语通常是表示人的词,后面要接宾语。例如:

Two weeks passed. They ran out of money. 两个星期过去了,他们的钱用完了。



The time is running out. 没有时间了。


There is only standing room in the bus. 公共汽车上只有站的地方了。

A piano takes up a lot of room. 钢琴占了很大的地方。

make room for 意为“给……腾出地方”。例如:

Can you make room for the old woman? 你能为这位老妇人腾点地方吗?


①Couldyou on that shelf the new books?

A. make room; for B. make a room; for C. give room; to

②—Oh, there isn’t enough for us in the lift.

—Nothurry. Let’s wait for the next.

A. ground B. floor C. room


—Wouldyou please this old man?

—Sure. Takemy seat, please. (扬州市)

A. prepare a room for B. make room for

C. givea room to D. take up room for

◎I didn’t finish writing mytest because…

finish 作动词,意为“完成,结束”,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不可接动词不定式。例如:

I finished reading the book last night. 我昨晚看完了那本书。

When did you finish your college? 你什么时候大学毕业的?



I enjoy walking in the park. 我很喜欢在公园里散步。

Would you mind my smoking here? 我在这儿抽烟你介意吗?

They kept working all the morning. 整个上午他们不停地工作。

My brother practise reading English every day. 我哥哥每天都练习读英语。



1. 原句:There will be fewer cars. There will be less pollution.



(1)Therewill be +名词,意为“将会有……”,这里的will相当于begoing to,即:There is/are going to be…

(2)few,a few, fewer 修饰可数名词的复数;

little, alittle, less 修饰不可数名词。

典型例题:(1)There__________a movie tonight.

A. will have B. is having C. is going to be D. has

(2)Willthere __________ more people in 100 years?

A. have B. has C. be D.is

(3)Thereis __________ coffee left, but __________ people want to drink it.

A. few/little B. little/ a few C. a little /few D. little/ few

(4)Ifyou want to keep fit, you have to eat ________ meat and take ________ exercise.

A. more/less B. less/ more

C. fewer /more D. little /more

2. 原句:I think she will be a doctor.

句型:Ithink +(that)宾语从句

典型例题:(1)Ithink he will get better soon. (变为否定句)

I __________think he __________ get better soon.

知识链接:Ithink +宾语从句,常用来表达自己的观点,意思是“我认为……”,变为否定句时,否定词应前移到think之前,即Idon’t think +宾语从句。类似think的词还有believe(相信),guess(猜)等。

3. 原句:What do you think Sally will be in five years?

句型:疑问词+doyou think(插入语)+主语+谓语?

典型例题:(1)__________do you think Sally will come here? -By bike.

A. What B. Where C. How D.When

(2)Whendo you think __________?

A. will theyleave

B. they willleave

C. did theyleave

D. they didleave

4. 原句:… predicted that no one would want to see actors talk.

句型:see sb. do sth.

典型例题:(1)Doyou often see him __________ basketball?

A. plays B. to play C. playing D. play

(2)Lastweek I saw them __________ fishing

A. went B. to go C. going D.go

知识链接:seesb. do sth. 表示“看见某人做(过)某事”。动词see,watch, hear等接省略to的不定式作宾语补足语,表示已经发生或经常发生的动作。

5. 原句:Maybe you should buy some new clothes.

句型:Youshould/ could do sth.

应该 可以

知识链接:情态动词should,could 没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。

should 意为“应该”,could意为“可以”,用来向别人提出建议,但could语气比should更委婉,更客气。


(1)我认为你可以去他家。Ithink you __________ __________ to his home.

(2)我该怎么办呢?What__________ I do?

(3)你可以给他写信。You__________ write him a letter.

6. 原句:What’s wrong?

知识链接:若问别人发生了什么事情,则用“What’swrong? ”或“What’s the matter?” 或“What’s thetrouble?”或“What happened?”

典型例题:(1)What’sthe __________?(多选)

A. wrong B. matter

C. trouble D.happened

(2)What’swrong __________ your computer?

A. to B. for

C. with D.of

(3)Whathas happened __________ you?

A. to B. with C. for D. of

7. 原句:I need to get some money to pay for summer camp.

句型:主语(人)+need+todo sth.



(1)Heneeds __________ (practice) listening.

(2)Youdon’t need __________ (worry) about it.

(3)Theroom needs __________ (clean).

(4)Weneed some __________.

A.helps B.to help C. help D. helping

8. 原句:They are the same as my friends’ clothes.

句型:…the same as…

知识链接:…the same as… 意为“与……一样”。same前必须有定冠词the,the same可以单独使用,也可以加名词,如:thesame color.

例题:(1)Youlook the __________ your father.

A. like B. same

C. same as D.different from

(2)Your pen is red. My pen is red, too. (合并为一句话)

Your pen has__________ __________ __________ as mine.

(3)Hiscar is the same as __________.

A. she B. her C. hers D. me

9. 原句:You left your homework at home.

句型:leave sth. somewhere(某个地点)“把某物忘在某处”


(1)Sorry,I __________ my book on the bus.

A. lost B. forgot C. left D.forget to

(2)Whenyou go back, don’t __________ anything on the beach.

A. take B. bring

C. forget D.leave

(3)Let’sleave a message __________ mother.

A. to B. with C. of D. for

10. 原句:What were you doing when theUFO arrived?



例题:(1)He__________(cook) at six yesterday evening.

(2)What__________ he __________ (do) when you got back home?

(3)They__________ (have) a meeting at that moment.

11. 原句:The boy was walking down thestreet when the UFO landed.

=Whilethe boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed.





__________the UFO took off, we __________(stand) in front of the store.

同义句:__________we were standing in front of the store, the UFO took off.


What__________ you __________ __________ I called you?

(3)Heis singing __________ he is working

12. 原句:I’m sorry to hear that hehad a cold last week.

句型:be sorry to do sth.

知识链接:be+表示感情色彩的形容词+todo(不定式),表示“因做……而感到……”,表示感情色彩的形容词有:happy/glad/ pleased, sorry, afraid, surprised, excited 等。

例题:(1)见到他我很高兴。I’mhappy to see him.

(2)我不敢开车。I’mafraid __________(drive) a car.


He is__________ to hear the news.

A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised

13. 原句:I will also be able to workoutside.

句型:be able to +V原

知识链接:beable to do sth. 意为“能够做某事”。它与情态动词can意义相同,但can 只有一般现在时和一般过去时,而be able to 则有多种时态,并且,can不能和助动词连用。

例题:(1)她会弹钢琴。She__________ play the piano. (can, is able to)


He__________ play tennis when he was ten years old.

(3)Ifyou work harder, you will __________ get better grades.

A. can B. can be able to

C. be able to D. are ableto

14. 原句:If you become rich, you willhave a difficult time knowing who your real friends are.


句型:have a difficult time doingsth. (同义词为hard)

知识链接:本句型的意思是“难于做某事”,后面只能接动名词。类似的用法还有havea good time doing sth. /have fun doing sth.


They had fun__________ (play) computer yesterday.



