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Ⅰ. 听力(10分)

(Ⅰ)录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择与其相符的图片。(5分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. Jeff went paragliding yesterday.

2. My father went to the beach on vacation.

3. They went shopping last Sunday.

4. Peter goes to the Summer Camp every year.

5. I visited Huangguoshu Waterfall last week.

答案: 1~5. BDACE

(Ⅱ)录音中有一段对话, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分)

6. Where did Susan go on vacation?

A. She went to the beach.

B. She went to the countryside.

C. She stayed at home.

7. What did Susan and her friends do there?

A. They climbed mountains.

B. They went hiking and fishing.

C. Both A and B.

8. How did they go there?

A. By bus. B. By car. C. By bicycle.

9. Who did they meet there?

A. Some foreigners. B. Some farmers.

C. Some actors.

10. How was Susan’s vacation?

A. Great. B. Not good. C. Terrible.

M: Hi, Susan. Where did you go on vacation?

W: Well, I went to the countryside with my friends.

M: Really? What did you do there?

W: We climbed the mountains, went hiking and fishing.

M: Sounds good. How long did you stay there?

W: For two days.

M: And how did you go there?

W: We rode our bicycles.

M: Really cool! How was the weather there?

W: It was sunny and warm.

M: Did you meet any farmers there?

W: Of course. And we talked to them. Their life is getting better and better now. Most of them have computers or cars in their homes.

M: Great! Did you have a good time there?

W: Yes, we did. And I hope to go there next vacation.

答案: 6~10. BCCBA

Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)

1. (2013•齐齐哈尔中考)—Have you read today’s newSPAper?

—No, I haven’t. Is therein it?

A. something important B. anything special

C. new anything

【解析】选B。考查不定代词的用法。something多用于肯定句, anything常用于疑问句或否定句中, 且形容词修饰不定代词时, 要放在不定代词的后面。故选B。

2. —Believe in, Jack! I’m sure you can make it.

—Thank you, Mum.

A. myself B. yourself C. himself D. herself

【解析】选B。考查反身代词。句意: ——杰克, 相信你自己!我确信你能成功。——谢谢你, 妈妈。yourself“你自己”。故选B。

3. (2013•泰安中考)—Who helped you clean the bedroom yesterday, Kitty?

—. I cleaned it all by myself.

A. Nobody B. Everybody

C. Somebody D. Anybody

【解析】选A。考查不定代词。句意: ——Kitty, 昨天谁帮你打扫卧室了?

——没有人。我自己打扫的。nobody“没有人”; everybody“每个人”; somebody“某人”; anybody“任何人”。由句意可知选A。

4. The Greens arrivedNew Yorka sunny day.

A. in; in B. at; in C. at; on D. in; on

【解析】选D。考查介词辨析。arrive“到达”, 后加介词in或at, 表示到达“某地”; 到达一个大地方, 用介词in, 小地方用介词at; 表示在具体的某一天用介词on。故选D。

5. Oh, the food smells good. But what does itlike?

A. seem B. sound C. taste D. feel

【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。seem“好像; 看来”; sound“听起来”; taste“尝起来”; feel“感觉”。由句意“哦, 这食物闻起来很好。但是尝起来怎么样呢? ”可知选C。

6. —What a nice watch! Whenyouit?

—Three days ago.

A. do; buy B. did; bought

C. were; buy D. did; buy

【解析】选D。考查时态。由答语Three days ago. 可知问句应用一般过去时态。行为动词的一般过去时态中, 要借助于助动词did构成疑问句, 且did后要用动词原形。故选D。

7. (2013•随州中考)—Is your friend Michael still in Australia?

—I don’t know. I haveinformation about him because we haven’t seen each other foryears.

A. a little; a few B. little; a few

C. a few; a little D. few; a little

【解析】选B。考查代词的用法。由语境知答语意为: 我不知道。对于他我了解的信息很少, 因为我们几年没见面了。information是不可数名词, 表示否定含义用little修饰; years是可数名词, 表示肯定含义用a few修饰。故选B。

8. The Great Wall isfamouslots of visitors all over the world come to visit it every year.

A. so; that B. such; that

C. enough; that D. very; that

【解析】选A。考查固定句式。句意: 长城如此著名以至于每年世界各地的许多游客都来旅游参观。so/such. . . that“如此……以至于……”, so修饰形容词、副词或其前有many/much/little/few修饰的名词; such修饰名词。由空格中间的famous“著名的”可知选A。

9. Janeto Mount Tai with her family last summer vacation.

A. go B. goes

C. went D. is going

【解析】选C。考查时态。由时间状语last summer vacation可知用一般过去时态。故选C。

10. (2013•呼和浩特中考)—I’m going to spend my summer holiday in Hawaii.

—What a lucky boy!And don’t forget to send me a postcard.

A. That sounds good. B. Have a good time!

C. Good luck! D. Can I go with you?

【解析】选B。考查情景交际。句意: ——我将在夏威夷度过我的暑假。——多么幸运啊!祝你玩得开心!并且不要忘记给我寄明信片。A项“那听起来不错”; B项“玩得高兴!过得愉快!”; C项“祝你好运!”D项“我能和你一起去吗? ”故选B。

Ⅲ. 完形填空(20分)

This week, I asked my classmates about their vacations. Here are some of their answers.

Linda1to Sydney, Australia. The2was sunny and the people3friendly to her. She went there by4and the air trip was relaxing. She went to Sydney Opera House. It’s wonderful. She had a5vacation.

Alice went6her aunt. At first the weather was7and wet, she had to stay at the house. She watched TV8the TV shows were boring. Later on the weather got better. So she went shopping with her aunt. The shop assistants were all9and kind. She bought something nice for herself.

Peter stayed at home. First he did his homework. It was a little difficult. Then he10computer games. They were interesting. He thought his vacation was OK.

1. A. go B. goes C. went D. going


2. A. place B. weather C. museum D. beach


3. A. were B. was C. is D. are

【解析】选A。考查时态。根据语境可以判断要用一般过去时态; 而people为复数名词, 系动词应用were。故选A。

4. A. bike B. train C. bus D. plane

【解析】选D。考查语境理解。根据后面的“the air trip was relaxing. ”可以推知答案。

5. A. bad B. terrible C. great D. boring


6. A. to visit B. visiting C. visited D. visits

【解析】选A。考查非谓语动词。表示目的, 应用不定式(to do)作目的状语。故选A。

7. A. sunny B. rainy C. windy D. wind


8. A. but B. and C. or D. with

【解析】选A。本题考查连词。前后文有转折之意, 故用表示转折意思的“but”。

9. A. friend B. impolite

C. unfriendly D. friendly


10. A. play B. played C. listened D. wrote

【解析】选B。考查词义辨析。句意: 然后他玩了电脑游戏。玩游戏要用动词play, 且由语境知时态为一般过去时, 此处要用played。故选B。




