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( )1. A school B subject C Science

( )2. A Maths B mucic C match

( )3. A what B when C where

( )4. A aboutB again C afternoon

( )5. A forty B fifty C thirty

( )6. A welcome B Wednesday C watch

( )7. A flower B river C great

( )8. A lakes B cakes C plays

( )9. A have dinner B have lunch C have a match

( )10.A have a try B try again C try to fly


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( )1. A PE is fun. B I like Maths . C I have Maths.

( )2. A Yes,I have. B I like Music. C Two.

( )3. A Go to school. B Watch TV. C Have lunch.

( )4. A At seven.B Seven o’clock. C On Monday.

( )5. A Yes, I am. B Sure. C No, I don’t.


1.--What do you have? --I have and Art.

2.-- do you get up ? -- At seven .

3.--What Monday? --All right.

4.--Can you draw a for me? --It’s .But I can try.



1.在星期二 2.some flowers and trees

3.会画画 4.do her homework

5.干得很棒。 6. a swimming match

7.去操场 8. go home every day

9.再试试。 10.see a football in the park


but at on of to in for under after

1.What Saturday?

2.I have a Maths lesson Wednesday morning.

3.I go to the playground three o’clock.

4.What do you do school.

5.When do you get .

6.We go school at seven fifty every Monday.

7.This flower is you.

8.What can you see the river.

9.It’s difficult. I can try.

10.This is a picture the park.


( )1.What about ?

A.your B.yours C.you

( )2.--What subjects you ? --We have Maths and English.

A.do like B.would like C.do have

( )3.-- subjects do you like? --We have six subjects.

A. What B.How C.How many

( )4.We don’t have lessons today.

A.some B.any C.a

( )5.Yang Ling some lessons this Saturday.

A. has B.have C.having

( )6.Let’s table tennis.

A.go and play B.play and C.going and playing

( )7.--It’s time PE. --Let’s to the playground.

A.to go B.for going C.for go

( )8.--Who are we? --Jack, Tom and .

A.me B.I C.my

( )9.-- time is it? --It’s seven.

A.when B.What C.what time

( )10. -- do you have dinner? --At seven.

A.Where B.When C.What

( )11.Can you see a boat the river?

A.in B.at C.on

( )12.-- this a lake? --Yes, it’s.

A. Are B.Is C.Can


( )1.Nice to see you. A.All right.

( )2.Can you draw them? B.At twelve.

( )3.What day is it today? C.They are Tom,Jack and Nancy.

( )4.What do you usually do after school? D.It’s difficult. But I can try.

( )5.When do you have lunch? E.We can see a tree and some flowers.

( )6.Who are they? F.Nice to see you,too.

( )7.What about Sunday? G.I usually fly a kite.

( )8.What can you see over there? H.It is Sunday.


( )1.You can see a lot of flower and tree at my school.


( )2.I can see any boats on the river.


( )3.Let’s drawing some pictures.


( )4.I get up at six at the night.


( )5.We go to school at Wednesday.



1.--What those over there?

--They’re .①

--Let’s go there and a look.

2.--What is it today? --It’s .

--What is it?②

--It’s o’clock.It’s time for a swimming lesson.

3.It’s five .I t’s time to .③

4.--What subjects do you like? ④

--I like and .


My Room

This is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can see some books, a ruler, a pen and some flowers in the vase(花瓶). On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock on my bed . I can put my football under my bed. There is a chair near the desk . I sit there and I can see the trees and the flowers outside(外面) .

( )1. What can you see on my desk?

A. Some books B. Some flowers. C. A ruler and a pen. D. A, B and C

( )2. Where is the picture? It’s _________ .

A. on the desk B. on the wall C. above the end of the bed D. under the bed

( )3. What’s under the bed?

A. A ruler. B. A football. C. A cat. D. A clock.

( )4. Can you see any trees outside(外面)?

A. Yes , I am. B. Yes, I can. C. No, I am not. D. No, I can’t.

( )5. The clock is ____ the bed .

A near B. in C. on D. behind


一、1、subject 2、match 3、when 4、afternoon 5、fifty

6、welcome 7、river 8、lakes 9、have lunch 10 have a try


二、1、What lessons do you have in the morning? I have Maths and English.

2、What do you usually do in the evening? I usually read some story books.

3、We don’t have any lessons on Saturday and Sunday.

4、Can you draw the tree on the hill?

5、Can you see a dog in the river? No,I can’t.But I can see a boat on the river.

6、Can you play the piano?Yes, I can.I like Music.

7、What day is it today?Let me see.Oh,it’s Thursday.

8、When do you watch TV every day? At seven.

答案:2 6 4 7 8 3 1 5

三、1、What subjects do you like?

2、How many lessons do you have today?

3、What do you usually do in the evening?

4、When do you watch TV every day?

5、Can you draw a picture for my sister?

答案:B C B A B

四、1.--What lessons do you have? --I have Chinese and Art.

2.-- When do you get up ? -- At seven twenty .

3.--What about Monday? --All right.

4.--Can you draw a picture for me? --It’s difficult .But I can try.


Ⅰ. 选出划线部分发音不同的一项,将序号写在括号里。(10分)

( ) 1. A. name B. cat C. bag

( ) 2. A. car B. water C. tiger

( ) 3. A. bed B. he C. red

( ) 4. A. fish B. window C. rice

( ) 5. A. bird B. girl C. sister


1.go to bed上床睡觉 ( ) 2.second floor一楼 ( )

3.next to 在……上面 ( ) 4.English class英语课 ( )

5.weather 天气 ( ) 6.get up 去上学 ( )

7.warm 暖和的 ( ) 8. just a minute 快点 ( )

9. two o’clock 两点整( ) 10. windy and rainy 刮风又下雨 ( )

Ⅲ. 根据图片提示,选出拼写正确的单词。(20分)

( ) 1. A. do sports B. do homework C. read books

( ) 2. A. playground B. library C. classroom

( ) 3. A. computer B. office C. light

( ) 4. A. twelve o’clock B. ten o’clock C. eleven o’clock

( ) 5. A. PE class B. music class C. English class

( ) 6. A. rainy B. cloudy C. snowy

( ) 7. A. go home B. get up C. go to bed

( ) 8. A. windy B. sunny C. rainy

( ) 9. A. go to school B. get up C. do homework

( ) 10. A. art room B. playground C. library


1. It’s time (for to) go home.

2. It’s 28 (degree degrees ) .

3. My new book is (in on) the schoolbag.

4. (Where What) is the teachers’ office?

5. It’s nine (o’clock clock) .


( ) 1. That is________classroom.

A. me B. my C.I

( ) 2. My classroom is on the _______floor.

A. first B. one C. two

( ) 3. --Do you have a library? --____________.

A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, we do. C. No, it isn’t.

( ) 4. It’s 9:45.It’s time ____ music class.

A .to B. for C. of

( ) 5. It’s cold ____ Beijing.

A. on B. is C. in

( ) 4. --Wow, your school is cool! --____________.

A. Yes. B. Thank you. C. You’re welcome.

( ) 5. --What’s the weather like today? --___________.

A. It’s near the desk. B. It’s cool. C. It’s red and yellow.

( ) 6. It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time ____ go to school.

A. to B. for C. of

( ) 7. What ____ is it? It’s 9:oo.

A. class B. time C. can

( ) 8. --Can I go outside? --___________.

A. No, you can. B. Yes, you are. C. No, you can’t.

( ) 9. Is that the ________ office?

A. teachers B. teach C. teachers’

( ) 10. --What’s the ________ like in Xi’an? --It’s cloudy.

A. weather B. time C. weether


( ) 1. Is it cold? A. It’s on the first floor.

( ) 2. Where is your classroom? B. It’s 8:00.

( ) 3. Is this the computer room? C. Yes, it’s 4 degrees.

( ) 4. It’s 7o’clock. D. No, it’s the library.

( ) 5. What time is it? E. It’s time for breakfast.

Ⅶ. 阅读短文,判断句子的正(√)误(×)。(15分)

( ) 1. This letter(信) is from Sam’s father.

( ) 2. Sam’s dad is in Australia.

( ) 3. It’s cold in Sydney now.

( ) 4. Sam’s dad can swim outside.

( ) 5. Sam is in Sydney, too.


Ⅰ 每小题2分 ,共10分


Ⅱ 每小题1分 ,共10分

1—5 √ × × √ √ 6—10 × √ × √ √

Ⅲ 每小题2分 ,共20分

1—5 B A A C B 6—10 C A B B C

Ⅳ 每小题2分, 共10分

1. to 2. degrees 3. in 4. Where 5. o’clock

Ⅴ 每小题3分 ,共20分

1—5 B A B B C 6—10 A B C C A

Ⅵ 每小题2分 ,共15分


Ⅶ 每小题3分 ,共15分

√ √ ×√ ×




( )1.A. first B.second C.floor D.wall

( )2.A. library B.gym C.garden D. flower

( )3.A. breakfast B. get up C. go home D. o’clock

( )4.A. cold B. cloudy C. outside D. weather

( )5.A. degree B.hot C. warm D.cool


beautiful playground welcome breakfast snowy

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

office computer English sister library

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


4:30 P.E.

10:05 music class

3:00 go home

6:50 get up

12:00 lunch


( )1.A. We have a new computer room B.we have a new gym.

( )2.A. That is a blackboard B. This is a black bird.

( )3.A. They are books. B. Those are pens.

( )4.A. Just a minute B. Hurry up.

( )5.A. It’s on the first floor B. It’s on the second floor.


( )1. A. Yes, it is . B. Yes, I am.

( )2. A. It’s a book. B. They are books.

( )3. A. No, it isn’t B. Yes, I am.

( )4. A. It’s Amy B. It’s Mike’s.

( )5.A. It’s on the first floor B. It’s art room.



Is this the teachers’ office? No, it isn’t.

Time to go home , kids.


( )1. – What is it? --It’s 10:00.

A.weather B. time C. color

( )2. The library is the second floor.

A. in B. on C. at

( )3 .____ is the music room? -- It’s next to the art room.

A. What B. Who C. Where

( )4. It’s 12 o’clock, it’s time _______ lunch.

A. to . B. at C. for

( )5. It’s 9 o’clock. It’s time to __________.

A. go to bed B. go bed C. bed

( )6. Go to the ________ and play football.

A. library B. teachers’ office C. playground

( )7. Look _____ our computer room ,it’s new.

A. in B. on C. at

( )8. I go outside now ?

A. Is B. Do C. Can

( )9. It’s cold _______ snowy in Harbin.

A. but B. and C. or

( )10. What’s the weather ________ today?

A. like B. love C. Have


( )1. A. tiger B. computer C.dinner

( ) 2. A. girl B. first C. thirty

( ) 3. A. rainy B. sunny C. fly

( ) 4. A. car B. art C. arm

( ) 5. A.ball B. wall C. tall


⑴computer ⑵windy ⑶London ⑷English ⑸cool

⑹sunny ⑺Moscow ⑻snowy ⑼cold ⑽music

⑾art ⑿New York ⒀Beijing ⒁PE ⒂Sydney

① 城市类 ___________________________________

② 课程类 ___________________________________

③ 天气类 ___________________________________


( )1. What time is it ? A. Yes, it is.

( )2. Do you have a canteen? B. Yes , we do.

( )3. Is that an art room? C. Thirty one.

( )4. Go to the garden? D. It’s 10:20 .

( )5. How many students are there ? E.Water the flowers.

十一、阅读理解:根据上面短文的意思判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”. (10分)

Today is Thursday(星期四). It’s sunny today. I get up at 6:30 in the morning. Then I have breakfast at seven. I go to school at 7:30. My classroom is on the second floor . It’s 10:00. It’s time for computer class. The computer room is on the first floor. I like computer class very much. It’s 3:00 now. It’s time for PE class. I clean the classroom at 4:10. Then I go home at 4:30. I go to bed at nine.

( ) 1. Today is windy.

( ) 2. I like music class very much.

( ) 3. I get up at 6:30 in the morning.

( ) 4. The computer room is on the second floor.

( ) 5. I go to bed at 9:00.



一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。 BCBCD

1.second 2.garden 3.get up 4.outside 5.cool


2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1

1.library 2.beautiful 3.sister 4.playground 5.English

6.welcome 7.computer 8.breakfast 9.office 10.snowy


1. It’s 4:30, it’s time to go home.

2. It’s 10:05, it’s time for music class.

3. It’s 3:00, it’s tme for P.E.

4. It’s 6:50, it’s time to get up.

5. It’s 12:00, it’s time for lunch.


1. we have a new gym.

2.A. That is a blackboard.

3.They are books.

4. Hurry up.

5. It’s on the first floor


1. Is this your desk?

2. What’s this ?

3. Are you Chen Jie ?

4. Whose is this?

5. Where is the computer?

笔试答案:七、BBCCA CCCBA 八、对对错对对

九、城市:3 7 12 13 15

课程: 1 4 10 11 14

天气: 2 5 6 8 9




