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Hello, ladies and gentlemen. My name is __X. Today, I will take you tovisit the "three Confucius": Confucius' mansion, Confucius' temple andConfucius' forest. Confucius has a famous saying: "it's a pleasure to havefriends from afar." I'm very happy to be a tour guide. I will try my best toserve you. Please criticize and correct the shortcomings. Before visitingSankong, please allow me to introduce Qufu. Qufu is located at the junction ofLuzhong district and southwest plain of Shandong Province. Li Bai, a great poet,once described Qufu as "laughing and boasting of old friends, pointing to adesperate situation, with mountains and waters as green as orchids".

Now let's visit the Confucius Temple. Confucius Temple, located in thecenter of Qufu City, is a charming building built by ancient people for thegreat thought and broad spiritual quality of Confucius. It covers an area of327.5 mu, with a length of 1 km from north to south. There are 466 buildings and54 gateways. In addition, there are more than 1700 ancient trees in the temple,one by one rushing into the sky. It is said that anyone who dares to cut downone will be beheaded. Every tree, every door's name contains Confucius' thoughtof "benevolence".

The Confucius Mansion is adjacent to the Confucius Temple. It is theresidence of the eldest son of Confucius. It has three roads and ninecourtyards. There are 463 buildings and a back garden, covering an area of 240mu. Confucius Mansion, also known as "Yansheng mansion". "Yan Sheng" means that"Sheng Dao" and "Sheng Yi" can propagate and continue to enter the gate ofConfucius' mansion. From then on, Confucius' mansion can be divided into threeroads: the East Road has Yiguan hall, muen hall, Confucius' family temple, etc.;the west road is the place where Confucius' mansion received distinguishedguests and studied, including red calyx hall, Zhongshu hall, Anhuai hall, flowerhall, etc; The middle road is the main building of Confucius' mansion, the firsthalf of which is the government office, and the second half is the innerhouse.

Kong Lin is a special cemetery for Confucius family, and also the longestdelayed and largest family cemetery in the world. It covers an area of more than3000 mu. The surrounding walls are 3 meters high, 1.5 meters thick and 14.5 Lilong. There are more than 100000 trees and hundreds of plants in the forest.Among the trees, there are many steles and statues, which are very spectacular.Now free activity for 3 hours, you can visit the "three holes" by yourself, youcan also play games, picnics and other activities, but you must ensure health.This is the end of the visit to "three holes"!


In the southwest of Shandong Province, there is a county-level city withone fifth of the population surnamed Kong. It is Qufu, which has a long historyof more than 5000 years.

The reason why Qufu is famous all over the world is closely related to thename of Confucius. Confucius is one of the greatest philosophers in the worldand the founder of Chinese Confucianism. In the long history of more than 2000years, Confucian culture has gradually become the orthodox culture of China, andhas influenced the countries in East and Southeast Asia, and has become thecornerstone of the whole oriental culture.

Qufu's Confucius Mansion, Confucius Temple and Confucius forest,collectively referred to as "three Confucius", is a symbol of China's history ofcommemorating Confucius and advocating Confucianism. It is famous for its richcultural heritage, long history, grand scale, rich cultural relics collectionand scientific and artistic value. Because of its prominent position in Chinesehistory and oriental culture, it is listed as a world cultural heritage byUNESCO and honored as one of the three holy cities in the world.


Qufu's Confucius Mansion, Confucius Temple and Confucius forest,collectively referred to as "three Confucius", is a symbol of China's history ofcommemorating Confucius and advocating Confucianism. It is famous for its richcultural heritage, long history, grand scale, rich cultural relics collectionand scientific and artistic value. In addition, in the history of literature,there is also the theory of "three Confucius".

In the southwest of Shandong Province, there is a county-level city with apopulation of 1 / 5 surnamed Kong. It is Qufu, which has a long history of morethan 5000 years. The reason why Qufu is famous all over the world is closelyrelated to the name of Confucius. Confucius is one of the greatest philosophersin the world and the founder of Chinese Confucianism. In the long history ofmore than 2000 years, Confucian culture has gradually become the orthodoxculture of China, and has influenced the countries in East and Southeast Asia,and has become the cornerstone of the whole oriental culture. Qufu's ConfuciusMansion, Confucius Temple and Confucius forest, collectively referred to as"three Confucius", is a symbol of China's history of commemorating Confucius andadvocating Confucianism. It is famous for its rich cultural heritage, longhistory, grand scale, rich cultural relics collection and scientific andartistic value. Because of its prominent position in Chinese history andOriental Culture in the world, it was listed as a world cultural heritage byUNESCO and included in the world heritage list in December 1994. It is honoredas one of the three holy cities in the world.

On May 8, 2007, Qufu minggucheng (Sankong) tourist area was officiallyapproved as a national 5A tourist attraction by the National TourismAdministration.

The reason why Qufu is famous all over the world is closely related to thename of Confucius. Confucius is one of the greatest philosophers in the worldand the founder of Chinese Confucianism. In the long history of more than 2000years, Confucian culture has gradually become the orthodox culture of China, andhas influenced the countries in East and Southeast Asia, and has become thecornerstone of the whole oriental culture. Qufu's Confucius Mansion, ConfuciusTemple and Confucius forest, collectively referred to as "three Confucius", is asymbol of China's history of commemorating Confucius and advocatingConfucianism. It is famous for its rich cultural heritage, long history, grandscale, rich cultural relics collection and scientific and artistic value.Because of its prominent position in Chinese history and oriental culture, it ishonored as one of the three holy cities in the world.


Dear tourists

Hello everyone! Welcome to Qufu, the Holy Land! I'm Chen Kerun, your guide.Just call me Xiao Chen. Today, I will take you to visit the three famousConfucius: Confucius Mansion, Confucius Temple and Confucius forest. Confuciushas a famous saying: "is it a pleasure to have friends from afar?" I am veryhappy to be a tour guide. I will try my best to serve you well. If there are anyshortcomings, please point them out, and I will try my best to correct them!

The entrance to the Confucius Mansion can be divided into three roads: theEast Road has Yiguan hall, Musi hall, etc.; the west road is the place where theConfucius Mansion received distinguished guests and studied in those years,including Zhongshu hall, anhuatang, Huating hall, etc.; the middle road ismostly the main building of the Confucius Mansion, the first half of which isthe government office, and the second half is the inner house.

The Confucius Temple was originally the family temple of the Kong family.There are cypress trees planted by Confucius himself in the temple. The mainbuilding is Dacheng hall. In front of the hall are the famous Jiulong column andapricot altar. Later, because Confucius was respected, many feudal emperors camehere to worship him. Now, the annual "International Confucius Culture Festival"held by Jining Municipal government is also the prelude here.

Kong Lin is a special cemetery for Confucius' family. It is also thelongest and largest family cemetery in the world, covering an area of more than3000 mu. There are hundreds of trees and more than 100000 trees in the forest.Among the trees, there are many steles and stone statues, which are veryspectacular!

Well, now we can start free activities for three hours. You can visitfreely, play games, shop and so on. However, we must ensure hygiene and notlitter.

This is the end of the visit to San Kong. Thank you for your support. Ilook forward to your coming again!


The reason why Qufu is famous all over the world is closely related to thename of Confucius. Confucius is one of the greatest philosophers in the worldand the founder of Chinese Confucianism. In the long history of more than 2000years, Confucian culture has gradually become the orthodox culture of China, andhas influenced the countries in East and Southeast Asia, and has become thecornerstone of the whole oriental culture. Qufu's Confucius Mansion, ConfuciusTemple and Confucius forest, collectively referred to as "three Confucius", is asymbol of China's history of commemorating Confucius and advocatingConfucianism. It is famous for its rich cultural heritage, long history, grandscale, rich cultural relics collection and scientific and artistic value.Because of its prominent position in Chinese history and oriental culture, it ishonored as one of the three holy cities in the world.

The original name of Confucius Mansion is Yansheng mansion. Located in theeast of Confucius Temple, it is the office of Confucius' eldest grandson. LiuBang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, offered sacrifices to Confucius' tomb andmade Confucius' ninth grandson the king of worship, representing the state. Inthe Song Dynasty, it was granted the title of Yan Shenggong. In the 10th year ofHongwu in Ming Dynasty, an independent Yansheng government was established.There are more than 480 buildings, halls and halls. The former is the governmentoffice, and the latter is the inner house. There are famous Confucius archivesand a large number of cultural relics in the mansion.

Confucius' mansion, known as "the first house in the world", is theresidence of Confucius' lineage for a long time. It is also a typical buildingof the combination of government office and inner residence in Chinese feudalsociety. After the death of Confucius, the descendants of Confucius lived nextto the temple for generations to take care of the relics of Confucius. By theend of the Northern Song Dynasty, the houses of the descendants of Confucius hadbeen expanded to dozens. By the Jin Dynasty, the descendants of Confucius hadalways been in the east of the temple. With the promotion of Confucius' officialposition and the improvement of his title, the buildings of Confucius' mansionhad been expanded to the present scale in the song, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Nowthe Confucius Mansion covers an area of about 7.4 hectares, with 480 ancientbuildings, nine courtyards in front and back, and three roads in the middle,East and West.

The gate of Confucius' mansion is a five purlin hanging mountain stylebuilding, and the plaque reads "Shengfu" written by Yan Song of Ming Dynasty.There is a couplet on both sides of the door, which is "the same day as thestate and Xianxiu, an Fu and Zunrong mansion, and the old article" moral sagefamily ". The word" Fu "is a little less, which means" wealth without a head ",and the word" Zhang "is vertical to the top, which means" the article reachesheaven ". This couplet summarizes the style of" sage family "for thousands ofyears.

Following the example of the six ministries of the feudal dynasty, theConfucius government set up six halls. On both sides of the two gates, they wereGuangou hall, Baihu hall, classics hall, sile hall, Zhiyin hall, Zhangshu halland public administration hall. Ming Dynasty building, a total of five deepthree,SPAcious and generous, for the year read the edict, meet officials, trialof major cases.

The Confucius Mansion covers an area of 240 mu, with 463 halls, halls,buildings and rooms. Nine into the courtyard, three road layout: the east roadis the east school, jianyiguan hall, muen hall, Kongs family temple andworkshops; the west road is the west school, hongyuxuan, Zhongshu hall, Anhuaihall and Huating hall; the main part of the Confucius Mansion is in the MiddleRoad, the front is the government office, the front is three halls and sixhalls, the back is the inner house, the front upper room, the front and backhall, the bzuowenry building, the back six rooms, and finally the garden.



