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Dear _,

An experienced electronic engineer trained in China's major cradle oftechnological talents, I am submitting this document in support of myapplication for acceptance into your graduate program. With more than eightyears of higher learning and quality research behind me, I now stand ready topursue advanced studies and scale grander heights in my career.

Presently, I work at a leading Beijing-based center of telecommunicationsresearch and development, jointly run by Canada's Northern Telecom Ltd., one ofthe world's foremost IT enterprises, and the Beijing University of Yanjiu, amajor higher-learning institution in IT technologies in China. Engaged incutting-edge research and development at this center, I have accumulated a lotof advanced knowledge and expertise in IT technologies in a relatively shorttime.

I obtained this coveted position at such a respected internationalestablishment on the strength of my research experience at the North ChinaInstitute of Computing Technologies, the country's oldest research organizationin computer science. Exercising my diligence and creativity, I specialized inautomation research and development in this institute, which not only gave methe opportunity to make full use of what I had learned at the university butalso spurred me to constantly improve myself. I taught myself Computer ControlTechnology, Contemporary Control Theory, Electrical control Technology andProcess Control & Automation Device, among other subjects.

Because of my strong skills in both hardware and software, I was appointedin 1995 the leader of a team to design the computer control system "DistributedControl System (DCS)". Under my effective leadership, the team completed designof the system structure, development of the modules, and programming of thesoftware, and system debugging all in less than one year. A real-time computercontrol system, it can be combined with 2048 channels. For this project, Iindependently designed the kernels-CPU module, two other modules and the I/Ointerface software. The system is now a leading product in China's automationindustry.

My research successes were built upon my solid undergraduate training atTsinghua University, widely considered China's best engineering school. Between1989 and 1994, I studied at Tsinghua as a major of electronic engineering,concentrating on basic courses as well as courses of my major. These coursessolidly grounded me in theories of telecommunications and endowed me withall-round expertise in both software and hardware engineering. At the time of mygraduation, my overall GPA ranked me among the top 10% of about 200 students inmy grade.

Taking advantage of Tsinghua's emphasis on hands-on experience, I did a lotof lab work in my undergraduate studies. In my third year, I joined theuniversity's Laboratory of Information Systems. In the lab I successfullydesigned the "2Mb/s PCM Digital Interface (32 frames)" used in the analogue PBX(Private Branch Exchange). In 1993, I independently designed a "Speech SignalProcessing Card" used in the SUNSPARC station. This successful development ofthis card ended the situation in which the SUN SPARC station could not be usedfor speech processing and other multimedia applications. In the course of theseprojects, I became versed in hardware structure of the RISC computer, UNIXoperating system and programming. All this laid a firm foundation for my careeradvancement.

My academic standing was so strong that I was offered acceptance intoTsinghua's graduate school without the normally mandatory admission exams. Thatwas a privilege available to only the very best of each crop of graduatingstudents. But I declined the offer, figuring that I should gain challengingresearch experience behind me, I think the time has come for me to not onlyundertake graduate studies but also undertake graduate studies in a qualityprogram in the United States.

Ideally, I would like to enter into a Master's program that would lead meinto Ph. D. studies later on. In such a program, I would like to focus mystudies on one or a combination of the following areas: Control Systems,Communications Engineering, Digital Signal and Image Processing, orMicrocomputer Applications. I will bring to the program a professionalbackground significantly enrich my knowledge, enhance my expertise, and sharpenmy research skills. If you accept me, you should find, some years down the road,that I will be a leading scientist in China's efforts to develop its ITindustries.

Yours sincerely,




