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Dear _,

Since embarking on the A level course 16 months ago I have decided todevote my life to working in Psychology. I am struck by the way Psychologicalresearch has impacted all areas of life, but also how much there is yet tounderstand. I believe you will desire students who bring ardor to theinvestigation of Psychology, who want to immerse themselves in the groundbreaking work of past practitioners and who will aim to bring their ownsignificant contribution to the field. I am such a person.

Most people would describe me as an enthusiastic, positive person whocommits herself fully to anything she tries. I know that when it comes toPsychology these qualities arise naturally- I cannot help my passion forPsychology! For example when learning about criminality and the convictionsystem this month, the knowledge that Inbau's '9 Steps of Interrogation' arestill in use in some parts of America today left me appalled at the ignorance ofthose implementing it. Psychological research has been conducted to prove thatthis technique can lead to false confessions, yet this valuable insight isdiscarded. This furthers my passion to aid the recognition of Psychology as aviable scientific source.

All areas of Psychology fascinate me as each plays a vital part inexplaining the mystery of human behaviour. Social Psychology is particularlyengaging in the way it shows the natural, instinctive reactions of humans firsthand however I also find the detail, precision and control in Biological andCognitive psychology equally riveting as the results are often clearer and moregeneralisable.

I am currently studying four A Levels and all have provided me withvaluable transferrable skills that will aid me in the world of Psychology.History involves high order debating and analysis skills which require me tothink and make judgements independently. These tools enable me to look at casesfrom all perspectives and approaches. A large part of my Music course involvesin-depth analysis of harmony and motific development, providing me both withmathematical skills and the ability to meticulously interrogate detail. This canbe applied to all areas of your course, for example analysing the results of anexperiment or evaluating the flaws in a set study. Performance Studies has givenme the opportunity to develop strong interpersonal skills, as well as valuableexperiences in group work, which combined with my studies in Music has furtherdeveloped my creativity.

There are many things I enjoy outside of Psychology; the biggest of theseis performing. I am currently working towards my Grade 8 Singing and at collegeI sing in the choir, Chamber choir and Rock choir. I am also the singer for aJazz group at college, and outside of college I sing in a vocal group called'Sapphire' formed with school friends. Last year I studied for and passed myGrade 5 theory and I also act, having played roles such as Nancy in 'Oliver' andJan in 'Grease'.

At school I was a member of the school council for two years and was alsovoted prefect in year ten. In year eleven my fellow students voted to award methe 'Peer Cup' which I felt both humbled and touched to have won. I also like toraise money for charity whenever I can. Every year since 2007 I have designedand sold t-shirts at charitable music festival 'Helstonbury' which raises moneyfor local causes. I also raised money for Cancer Research, Shelter and the NSPCCthrough a variety of activities such as carol singing, running a hot chocolatestall at my school, and this year running the Race for Life.

I hope this statement has given some insight into the person I am and howmuch I desire to study Psychology at University and as a career. I can offer yousomeone who not only strives for perfection and works hard but someone who canbring many extra-curricular assets to your University. I am crossing my fingersto hear from you.

Yours sincerely,

















