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Dear members, we have come to Tengwang Pavilion, the most famous historicalscenic spot in Jiangxi Province. Together with Yueyang Tower in Hunan Provinceand Yellow Crane Tower in Hubei Province, Tengwang Pavilion is known as the"three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River". Now please follow mysteps to appreciate the first floor of Xijiang. Tengwang pavilion was built in653 A.D. when Li Yuanying, son of Li Yuan, Emperor Gaozu of Tang Dynasty, wasappointed as the governor of Hongzhou. It is the only royal building in thesouth. Because Teng King Li Yuanying was granted the title of Tengzhou inZhenguan years, he became Teng king. He built a loft in Tengzhou and named it"Tengwang Pavilion". Later, he transferred to Hongzhou in Jiangnan and built apowerful Pavilion, which is still called "Tengwang Pavilion". This is also knownas Tengwang Pavilion in Jiangxi. The Tengwang pavilion that we can see at aglance is three stories, but in fact it is nine stories. Why is this? In fact,it is an imitation of Song Dynasty architectural style, adopting thearchitectural style of "three bright and seven dark". The so-called "threebright and seven dark" means that from the outside, there are only three storeyswith cloisters. In fact, there are seven storeys inside, plus two basements, atotal of nine storeys. Zhenzhen is an ancient mansion. In 1942, the reason whyTengwang Pavilion today is a Song Dynasty style building was that Mr. LiangSicheng, a master of ancient architecture, together with his disciple MoZongjiang, drew eight "plans for rebuilding Tengwang Pavilion" according to theOld Song Dynasty paintings of "Tianlai Pavilion". In the 29th reconstruction,the architects used this as a basis. On the occasion of celebrating the 40thanniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China, the 29threconstruction of Tengwang pavilion was successfully completed on October 8,1989 on the Double Ninth Festival, which not only adds luster to the ancientcity Nanchang, but also attracts a large number of Chinese and foreign touristswith its unique charm. Tengwang Pavilion is the pride of Nanchang, the symbol ofthe ancient civilization of Yuzhang, and the treasure of the cultural heritageof the Chinese nation.

Now we come to the gate, the green tiles and red pillars of Tengwangpavilion are magnificent. The roaring lions on both sides hold their heads upand shake their tails, lifelike. It fully shows the style of the famousbuilding. After stepping on the stone steps, we came to the gate on the firstfloor, and entered the pavilion from the main gate of dongbaoxia. A4.5-meter-long stainless steel arch couplet was hung on the red column in frontof the gate: "sunset and lone ducks fly together, autumn water grows in the samecolor.". This was written by Comrade Mao Zedong in his lifetime. This is one ofthe reasons why tengwangge, a famous poet in the early Tang Dynasty Wang Bo'spreface to tengwangge, is so popular. Step into the first floor. The first flooris the third floor of Tengwang Pavilion, which is the preface hall. What is ondisplay here is a white jade relief work "when the wind comes to send TengwangPavilion", which is created according to the story of the famous piece "when thewind comes to send Tengwang Pavilion" in Ming Dynasty Feng Menglong's XingshiHengyan. It records the origin of Tengwang Pavilion in the form of relief.

On the second floor, there is a dark layer. The theme of this layer'sfurnishings is "outstanding people". On the walls of the main hall, there is alarge acrylic mural "outstanding people", 2.55 meters high, It is more than 20meters long and vividly depicts Jiangxi celebrities from pre Qin to the end ofMing Dynasty. Although these people are different in times, costumes, status,age, occupation, quality and personality, they are harmoniously united in thesame picture.

Now we arrive at the third floor, which is a Ming floor surrounded bycorridors, and also an important level in the pavilion. Under the eaves, thereare four huge gold lettered plaques, all of which were designed by Cai Shiyingwhen he rebuilt Tengwang Pavilion. On both sides of the east hall are "luanqia"ritual vessels. On the north side of the hall are Jiangxi craft exhibits famousfor "natural treasures". The North ear hall is a teahouse, which is a place fortea and rest in the pavilion. There is a 2.8m × 5.5m acrylic mural "Linchuandream" on the screen wall of the central hall, which is based on the story ofTang Xianzu rehearsing "Peony Pavilion" in Tengwang Pavilion. In 1599, TangXianzu rehearsed "Peony Pavilion" in tengwangge for the first time, creating aprecedent for tengwangge to perform opera. From then on, tengwangge changed fromsinging and dancing stage to opera stage. Then come to the fourth floor. Thefourth floor is similar to the second floor, which is also a dark floor. Thislayer mainly reflects the theme of "Earth Spirit". On the walls of the mainhall, the wall is now in the "land map", which reflects the essence of Jiangxi'swell-known mountains and rivers.

On the fifth floor, we can see that on the central screen wall of thecentral hall, there is a stele of Wang Bo's preface to Tengwang Pavilion, whichis made of brass plate. It is nearly 10 square meters. It is written by SuDongpo. After being copied and enlarged, it is hand carved by craftsmen. On theeast wall of the West Hall, there is a polished lacquer painting "the paintingof a hundred butterflies and flowers". This theme is selected in memory of LiYuanying, the king of Teng, for his love and painting of butterflies. The fifthfloor is also the highest bright floor, the best place to climb the range rover.Here you can go to the corridor to experience the beautiful scenery of "sunsetand lone ducks flying together, autumn water growing in the sky".

Finally, on the sixth floor, which is actually the ninth floor, we can seethe West Hall, which is called "antique exhibition hall". It is a small stage.There are extremely precious copies of ancient musical instruments on the stage,implying the meaning of singing and dancing. On the three walls of the hall,there is a large-scale Tri Color mural of the Tang Dynasty, dance music of theTang Dynasty. At the same time, there are singing and dancing performances onthis floor. You can watch large-scale artistic performances here.

Well, members of the group, so far my explanation is over. You can seizethe time to visit the scenic spots you are interested in. In an hour, we willgather at the exit of the first floor to go to the next scenic spot. I hope youcan have a good memory in Tengwang Pavilion.


Hello everyone! Welcome to Nanchang. I'm wang zuorei, the tour guide. Next,I will show you the scenic spots of Tengwang Pavilion.

Do you know the origin of Tengwang pavilion? By the way, Tengwang Pavilionis the first floor of Xijiang River. Together with yellow crane tower andYueyang Tower, it is known as the three famous towers.

Tengwang pavilion was built by Li Yuanying, son of Li Yuan, Emperor Gaozuof Tang Dynasty, when he was the governor of Hongzhou. Hongzhou refers toNanchang now. During the reign of Zhenguan, Li Yuanying was granted the title ofTeng Wang. Of course, the loft he built was named after his title, so it wascalled Teng Wang Pavilion. It has been more than 1300 years since Tengwangpavilion was first built. In the past thousand years, it has been up to 29 timesof alternation. The foundation was laid in 1983, the ground was broken in 1985,and the main Pavilion of Chongyang Festival was completed on October 8, 1989.Now we can see the plaque of Tengwang Pavilion is the cursive calligraphy ofhuaisu, the calligrapher of Song Dynasty, which is known as "the first cursiveplaque in the world". These four words highly summarize the unique features ofTengwang Pavilion. It is taken from Han Yu's poem "when I was young, I heard thebeauty of Jiangnan, and Tengwang Pavilion is the first, which is calledmagnificent and unique". Therefore, Tengwang pavilion has the reputation of thefirst floor of Xijiang River .

Now we are going to visit the main Pavilion of Tengwang Pavilion. Pleasepay attention to your safety when you play. Don't stick your head out of therailing; don't climb. We will gather at tengwangge at 12:00 noon. Tengwangpavilion has 89 steps, which means: the 29 generation Tengwang pavilion wasrebuilt in 1989, and "89" refers to this time. The main Pavilion of TengwangPavilion is 57.5 meters high and has nine floors, but now you can see only threefloors! How can it become nine floors?

This is because the structure of Tengwang Pavilion is bright three darkseven, plus two base, is nine. On both sides of the main Pavilion, there are twopavilions named "Yajiang" and "yicui". If you look at Tengwang pavilion from ahigh altitude, you will find that it looks like a giant Kunpeng trying to spreadits wings. Well, I've finished my introduction. Please continue to watch if youhaven't finished. Now it's disbanded!


"Sunset and lone flocks fly together, autumn water grows in the same colorin the sky." this is an eternal sentence that I will recite long ago. Thissummer vacation, I went back to my hometown Nanchang, and finally got a chanceto board the famous Tengwang Pavilion.

Tengwang pavilion was first built in Tang Dynasty. It has been destroyedand built for more than a thousand years. Up to now, it has been built 28 times.It is said that "prosperity of the country means prosperity of the building.".Tengwang pavilion has unique architectural features, with the momentum of"flying Pavilion, flowing elixir, facing no land". Therefore, it is famous allover the world and well known by the public, attracting many celebrities tovisit here and recite poems. Wang Bo's "preface to Tengwang Pavilion" brokethrough the sky and made a great success. It has won the favor of more than tengenerations and is regarded as a rare masterpiece through the ages. Han Yu, alitterateur, wrote: "the south of the Yangtze River is full of beauty, andTengwang Pavilion is the first, which is called magnificent and unique."Therefore, it has the reputation of "the first building in Jiangxi". Because itsheight and area are better than other lofts, it is listed as the first of thethree famous buildings in Jiangnan.

The basement of Tengwang Pavilion is divided into nine floors. Each floorhas more than ten eaves, which are tilted upward. It looks like a lone duckspreading its wings to fly. Entering the attic is like being in an art palacewith the theme of Tengwang Pavilion. In the main hall on the first floor, thereis a large-scale white jade relief "when the wind comes to send tengwangge",which shows Wang Bo's "preface to tengwangge", skillfully integrates the movinglegend of tengwangge with historical facts. The main hall on the second floor isa large-scale meticulous heavy color mural "portrait of outstanding people",which depicts 80 Jiangxi celebrities from the Qin Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty.This is as the acme of perfection, the fourth floor of the Jiangxi mountain andthe earth's soul. The fifth layer is the best place to show the history oftengwangge with pen and ink, in which the famous preface to tengwangge writtenby Wang Bo written by Su Dongpo. When you climb to the top floor, you can feelthe river flowing through the bottom of the building. Although you don't see themagnificent scenery of "sunset and lone ducks flying together, autumn water isthe same color in the sky", you can get a panoramic view of the whole NanchangCity: the straight and majestic Bayi Bridge, the wide and beautiful QiushuiSquare, and the high-rise and modern Honggutan Development Zone This is myhometown of outstanding people!

The magnificent Tengwang Pavilion is changing with each passing day. Youwill witness the take-off of Nanchang, the ancient city. I wish you alwaysbeautiful!


Welcome to tengwangge scenic area. I'm glad to be your guide!

Tengwang Pavilion is located at the junction of Ganjiang River and FuheRiver, Yanjiang North Road, Nanchang city. In the fourth year of Yonghui in TangDynasty, Li Yuanying, the king of Teng, built it when he was an official inHongzhou (now Nanchang), so it is called Tengwang Pavilion. It is famous forWang Bo's preface to Tengwang Pavilion. Together with Yueyang Tower in Hunan andYellow Crane Tower in Hubei, they are known as the three famous towers inJiangnan.

What we are seeing now is the 29th generation tengwangge, which was rebuilton the Double Ninth Festival in 1989,!

Now we come to the gate. Look at the green tiles and red pillars ofTengwang Pavilion. They are magnificent. The roaring lions on both sides holdtheir heads up and shake their tails, lifelike. It fully shows the style of thefamous building.

As we ascended the stairs, we came to the gate of the first floor. What youcan see now is that "the sunset and the lone ducks are flying together, and theautumn water is the same color in the sky" written by Chairman Mao himself. Itwas given to us in Jiangxi when the Tengwang pavilion was rebuilt!

We went to the first floor, and now we're there

The location is the third floor of the building, and it is also the prefacehall of our Tengwang Pavilion. Right in front of us, there is a white marblerelief, which mainly introduces the origin of our Tengwang Pavilion!

Come up to the second floor with me, and now we come to the fourth floor"Renjie hall"! It mainly depicts the celebrities of Jiangxi since the pre Qinperiod! There are 80 people in total! Although their times, costumes, status,age, occupation, personality and personality are different, they areharmoniously unified in the same picture!

The third floor we went to is the Ming floor. It's the fifth floor! Thereis a mural "Linchuan dream" in the central hall. In 1599, Tang Xianzu rehearsedthe play "Peony Pavilion" for the first time in Tengwang Pavilion, creating aprecedent for Tengwang pavilion to perform opera. Tengwang pavilion has sincebecome an opera stage from a song and dance stage

The fourth floor is dilingting, the sixth floor we went to! It's mainly ourfamous seven mountains and one water in Jiangxi Province! From left to right,they are Meiguan, Guifeng, Sanqingshan, Longhushan, Jinggangshan, Lushan, PoyangLake and shizhongshan in Jiangxi Province!

We are now in the middle hall,

You can see the preface to Tengwang Pavilion, which makes Tengwang Pavilionfamous for thousands of years. Let's go to the West Hall and have a look. Thepainting of a hundred butterflies and flowers on the wall is in memory of LiYuanying, who likes art. It's a polished lacquer painting. The fifth floor isalso the best place for climbing and sightseeing. Let's go to the corridor withme to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Here, you can experience the artisticconception of "sunset and lone ducks flying together, autumn water growing inthe same color".

We are now on the sixth floor, which is also the highest floor where we go.There are singing and dancing performances. Now you can watch large-scaleartistic performances.

At the end of my introduction, please have a rest while enjoying theprogram. Thank you.


Dear guests

hello everyone

There are so many pavilions in the south of the Yangtze River. Why arethese three buildings called the three famous pavilions in the south of theYangtze River? What's their unique charm? Here, I want to make a statement thatthey are not named because of the exquisite architecture itself, nor because ofthe purpose of their construction. They are all famous for the same reason -each for an article. For example, the Yellow Crane Tower is due to Cui Hao'spoem the Yellow Crane Tower, which is not as good as Li Bai's. Yueyang Tower isdue to Fan Zhongyan's Yueyang Tower, which is "first worried about the world,then happy about the world". Tengwang Pavilion is no exception. It is famous forWang Bo's preface to Tengwang Pavilion.

Have you ever been to the other two of the three famous buildings inJiangnan? Ah, my friend, have you ever been to the Tengwang pavilion? Do youthink there is any difference between the Tengwang Pavilion and them? Oh, theTengwang Pavilion is bigger and more magnificent than the other two buildings.Yes, my friends, have you found out that the Yellow Crane Tower and YueyangTower are all about towers, while the only Tengwang Pavilion is about pavilions.At this point, I have to tell you the difference between this building and thepavilion. Let's take the three famous buildings as examples. The typicaldifference between this building and the pavilion is that the building risesfrom the ground, and the pavilion has a base, so the pavilion looks verymagnificent; And this pavilion is not like a building - you can build it if youhave money, and the identity of the person who built it is also very important.You must be the prince and grandson. Who is the prince and grandson who builtTengwang pavilion? I think everyone wants to know. Don't worry. Listen to Xiao xslowly.

Tengwang pavilion was built by Li Yuanying, son of Li Yuan, Emperor Gaozuof Tang Dynasty, when he was the governor of Hongzhou, which refers to Nanchangnow. Li Yuanying was born in the imperial family. Because of the influence ofcourt art, he loved painting, singing, dancing and butterflies very much. Sowhen he was transferred from Suzhou to Hongzhou as governor, he brought a groupof Kabuki from Suzhou to enjoy himself in the governor's house all day. Hesuggested: "governor, since you like listening to music and enjoying dancing somuch, why don't you build a house by the river Gao Ge, in this way, you can notonly enjoy the scenery, but also enjoy the music of singing and dancing. Whynot? "After listening to Li Yuanying, he thought this idea was very good, so headopted it. That's why Li Yuanying built a high Pavilion here. During the reignof Zhenguan, Li Yuanying was granted the title of King Teng. Of course, thepavilion he built was named after his title, so it was called TengwangPavilion.

It has been more than 1300 years since the construction of TengwangPavilion. In the past thousand years, he has been up and down for 29 times. Aswe all know, Li Yuanying is a romantic prince. The pavilion he built was notworth mentioning, but why can it be spread from now on? If you have heard such asentence: "Tengwang, if you know it, you should be relieved that the MillenniumPavilion is still there." It is not difficult to find out the relationshipbetween the king of Teng and the pavilion. The king of Teng has been handed downthrough the ages because of the pavilion. Maybe you will be puzzled again.What's the reason that the pavilion is spread from today? I still remember whatXiao x told you just now about Wang Bo's (preface to Tengwang Pavilion). Thispavilion is spread from today because of Wang Bo's preface to TengwangPavilion.

The Tengwang Pavilion we see now is the 29th reconstruction. It laid thefoundation in 1983, broke the ground in 1985, and opened to the outside world onOctober 8, 1989. The main Pavilion is 57 high. Five meters, there are ninefloors. Which nine floors? The two-layer base is built according to the form of"three bright and seven dark", so we can only see three floors on the outside,but there are actually seven floors on the inside, three bright and three dark,plus one equipment floor. There are two pavilions on both sides of the mainPavilion, "Yajiang" and "yicui". Maybe you don't think there is anything specialbetween the main Pavilion and the two pavilions. But if we overlook Tengwangpavilion from high altitude, it looks like a giant Kunpeng who is about to flyhigh. When you go back by plane, you can see if Xiao x is right and there is abig Kunpeng.

When you look up, you can see the plaque of Tengwang Pavilion inscribed bySu Dongpo, a calligrapher of Song Dynasty. If you look down, I don't know ifanyone can see the plaque of wild grass. Those who have studied wild grass canbe of great use now. You can guess. There are four characters. En, it's hard toguess. Xiao x will tell you that you should remember them well. These fourcharacters are "magnificent and unique". They are the cursive calligraphy ofhuaisu, a calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty, and are known as "the first cursivetablet in the world". These four characters highly summarize the unique featuresof tengwangge, which are taken from Han Yu's poem "Yu Shaoshi" Tengwang Pavilionis the first one in Jiangnan, which is known as "the first building ofXijiang".



