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Yangjiang City is located in the southwest coast of Guangdong Province,close to the Pearl River Delta, the hub of western Guangdong. It is adjacent toNanhai in the south, Yunfu in the north, Jiangmen in the East and Maoming in theWest. It is located at 21 ° 28 ′ 45 ″ - 22 ° 41 ′ 02 ″ N and 111 ° 16 ′ 35 ″ -112 ° 21 ′ 51 ″ E. It is 112 km from east to west and 132 km from north tosouth. The total land area is 7813.4 square kilometers, including 26.03% hillyarea, 42.73% mountainous area and 22.17% plain area. The total population is2.8281 million, and the permanent resident population is 2.42 million(2012).

Yangjiang is 247 kilometers away from Guangzhou, 300 kilometers away fromShenzhen and Hong Kong, 160 kilometers away from Zhuhai and Macao, and 230kilometers away from Zhanjiang. The coastline is 341. There are 30 major islandswith a coastline of 49.3 km. The terrain inclines from north to south, close tomountains and sea. The highest peak in the territory is e Huang Zhang (thesecond highest peak in western Guangdong) of Wangfu mountains, with an altitudeof 1337 meters. The longest river is Moyang River (one of the six major riversin Guangdong), with a total length of 199 kilometers. It runs through the cityfrom north to South and flows into the South China Sea from north to south. In2011, the provincial Environmental Protection Department announced that the airquality of Yangjiang reached the national first-class standard.

Water resources: there are 24 rivers in the city with a rainfall collectionarea of more than 100 square kilometers. The water resources reserve is 677000kW and 317000 kW can be developed and utilized. 251 large, medium and smallhydropower stations with an installed capacity of 187200 kW have been built.

Marine resources: the coastline of Yangjiang sea (Island) is 476 km long,the sea area is 34000 square kilometers, the sea beach area is 197000 mu, andthe aquaculture area is 166000 mu. There are seven fishing ports approved by theMinistry of agriculture in the city, including Zhapo, Dongping, Shaba, Xitou,Hebei, the opposite bank and Jiangcheng. Among them, Zhapo fishing port is thenational central fishing port, and Dongping fishing port is the nationalfirst-class fishing port for the masses. Rich squid, shark fin, jellyfish, crab,shrimp, mackerel, grouper and so on. Marine fishing has a long history, richexperience in mariculture, and the output of marine products ranks first in theprovince.

Mineral resources: the proven reserves of coal mine are 7.536 million tons,iron ore 35.216 million tons, copper ore 61.55 million tons, pyrite 70.79million tons, and titanium, tungsten, tin, molybdenum, zinc, coal, gold, rareearth, limestone, granite, quartz sand and other minerals.

Tourism resources: Yangjiang is an excellent tourism city in China withrich tourism resources. Mountains, seas, springs, lakes, forests and caves areall over the city. The natural tourism resources are full of varieties, highgrade and goodSPAtial combination, ranking second to none in GuangdongProvince. Zhapo dajiaowan scenic spot is a national AAAA scenic spot. Lingxiao,Yangchun Bay, has been rated as a national geopark. Hailing Island was named"China's top ten most beautiful islands" by China National Geographic magazine,and it is also the only island selected in Guangdong Province. In 2001,Yangjiang City was rated as "China's excellent tourism city". The main scenicspots are Dongyue Park, forest park, Beishan Park, Yuanyang Lake Park, BeihuPark and Shijue temple in the urban area, dajiaowan, Mawei island and Shilisilver beach in Hailing Island, Yangjiang hot spring, Donghu, Dongping Pearl Bayand Xinzhou hot spring tourist resort in Yangdong County, Dadongshan andYueliangwan tourist resort in Yangxi County, lingxiaoyan, kongtongyan,longgongyan and Shijue temple in Yangchun City Yuwangshi, Chunwan stone forest,Yuxi three caves, Bajia Baishui waterfall, Baiyong primeval forest area,etc.


Yangjiang City is located in the southwest coast of Guangdong Province. Itgoverns Yangchun City, Yangdong County, Yangxi County, Jiangcheng district andhailing Economic Development Experimental Zone. The coastline (Island) is 390.8km long, with a total area of 7813.4 square kilometers and a population of 2.4million. It enjoys preferential policies granted by the state, such as coastalopen areas, pilot economic development zones, industrial satellite towns,mountainous areas and small amount of trade with Taiwan. It is one of thecoastal open cities in Guangdong Province.

Yangjiang City is rich in marine industrial resources. There are six famousfishing ports in China, such as Zhapo, Dongping, Shaba, Xitou, Hebei and theother side. The fishing ground is vast and the beach is gentle. It is suitablefor deep-sea fishing and mariculture, and rich in high-quality and valuablefresh aquatic products. Yangjiang's mineral resources mainly include iron ore,copper ore, pyrite, quartz sand, tin ore, gold ore, rare earth ore, etc. Thereare abundant forest and hydropower resources for comprehensive utilization. Theindustry has formed ten pillar industries, including automobile, rare earth,electromechanical, building materials, metallurgy, food, hardware, textile,clothing and forest industry. Yangjiang knife, Yangjiang Douchi, Yangjianglacquerware and leather plastic, clothing, packaging, stainless steel utensilsand other famous, excellent and special products are also very popular.

Yangjiang's scenery also has its own characteristics, such as the beautifuland peculiar Moyang mountain and sea scenery, lingxiaoyan, kongtongyan,longguanyan and sandongtian, which are known as the first scenic spot in SouthChina, shachao of Mawei Island natural beach, which is also known as EastHawaii, and Hebei tourist resort, etc. Since the reform and opening up, theinvestment environment of Yangjiang has been gradually improved. Yangjiang portand Xingneng diesel power plant have been built. The second phase expansionproject of Mojiang water plant with daily water supply of 200000 tons has beencompleted. The Yangchun section of Sanmao railway has been put into operation.The reconstruction of national highway 325 has been completed. The station porthighway, access to Island Highway, access to port highway, Jianshan bridge andshouchang bridge have been completed and opened to traffic, connecting withSanmao railway The railway from Yangchun railway station to Yangjiang port isunder construction. The third nuclear calling station in Guangdong has beenlocated in Yangjiang and has entered the stage of feasibility study.

The city's urban and rural telephone exchange capacity has reached 223000,and mobile phones and wireless paging have been fully opened. Yangjiang port, aclass I port approved by the State Council to open to foreign nationality shipsin February 1993, was officially opened to the outside world in July 1996. Theinfrastructure was further improved, creating a broader and solid social andeconomic foundation for investors to come to our city for extensive economic andtechnological cooperation. In order to make our city's industrial andagricultural productivity leap to a new level through the use of foreign capitaland the introduction of technology and equipment, the municipal government hasformulated a series of preferential measures to further simplify procedures andprocedures and improve service quality and efficiency. At the same time, themunicipal government has set up a special administrative service center toprovide "one-stop" services for domestic and foreign investors. Over the pastfew years, with the improvement of the investment environment, the utilizationof foreign capital in Yangjiang City has doubled, foreign economic andtechnological trade, cooperation and exchange have made gratifying achievements,and a new economic situation of all-round opening has initially formed.


Located in the southeast of Zhapo Town, Hailing Island, Yangjiang ZhapoDajiao Bay is surrounded by peaks on three sides and faces the vast South ChinaSea. The beach is 2.5km long and 100m wide. It looks like an ox horn, so it iscalled "Dajiao bay". It is the most famous scenic spot in Hailing Island.

As the saying goes, the mountain is not beautiful without water, the peakis not beautiful without clouds, the wind and waves in the Bay are soft, and thepeak is sometimes surrounded by clouds. Dajiao Bay is sunny, the beach is evenand soft, the sea is clear and pure, the air is fresh and oxygen rich, which isa good place for tourism and vacation.

After development and construction, dajiaowan scenic area has graduallyformed into three major areas: the east of the scenic area has become a sportsarea, and has become a training base for the national beach volleyball team. Ithas hosted International Beach Volleyball invitational tournament, Asian BeachVolleyball Championship, national 9th National Games beach volleyballtournament, National flipping board championship, national windsurfingchampionship and other events; To the west of the scenic spot is a leisure area,with beach garden bar and plant garden view. Tourists can listen to the waves,taste tea and fish here to enjoy the natural elegance;

In the middle of the scenic spot is the public bathhouse, with surfing, seasurfing, motorboats, power umbrellas, flying gliding, beach vehicles, ancientgun shooting range, field battlefield, sea paradise and folk show.

Dajiaowan scenic spot has developed into a southern seaside resortintegrating tourism, sightseeing, leisure, culture and sports. Dajiao Bay islocated in the southeast of Zhapo Town, Hailing Island, Yangjiang City,Guangdong Province, with its back against the green mountains and greenmountains. It is famous for its sunshine, sand beach, waves and seafood. It isthe most famous tourist attraction in Hailing Island and even Yangjiang area.The scenic spot is called "sister bay" together with Yangxi Shaba Moon Bay.

In recent years, with the opening of dalinggeng tunnel, vehicles can drivestraight along the ring road. When I saw the shining conch sculpture in the sun,I arrived at dajiaowan. The beautiful beach of dajiaowan is 2.45 kilometers longand 100 meters wide. The spiral shaped beach looks like a huge ox horn, so it iscalled dajiaowan.

Dajiao Bay is surrounded by peaks on three sides, facing the vast SouthChina Sea. On both sides of the Bay, Dajiao mountain and wangliao ridge arearched. The wind and waves in the Bay are soft, and the peak is sometimessurrounded by clouds and fog. The so-called mountain is not beautiful withoutwater, the peak is not beautiful without clouds, and the landscape level isrich.


Ladies and gentlemen, through the dalinggeng tunnel, it's Zhapo town.

As for the origin of Zhapo's name, some people say that once upon a time,when men went out to sea, the women in their families often stood on the highslopes and waited for their husbands to come back, so they called it "zhanpo";ganmin in Yangjiang pronounced "Zhan" and "Zhapo", so they called it "Zhapo";others said that Zhapo was originally built on a very messy hillside, so it wascalled "zapo" In fact, the origin of Zhapo's name comes from the couplets at thegate of Mayuan temple.

In ancient times, on the island along the coast of Yangjiang, fishermenlived happily and peacefully.

It is said that since then, an evil dragon has been swimming in the sea,often making waves, and the fishermen's life is not peaceful.

When the tsunami came, families were destroyed and devastated.

Later, Ma Yuan, the Fubo General of the Eastern Han Dynasty, passed throughYangjiang. Knowing this, he called for a big stone from the sea to suppress thewaves.

This big stone is now the "Butterfly Island" in front of Zhapo town.

From then on, the sea did not raise waves, and fishermen moved in one afteranother, making it a new fishing port.

In memory of the Fubo General Ma Yuan, people built a Ma Yuan Temple on theseaside mountain. A couplet was written at the entrance of the temple: "chishisilently protects the stability of the boat, and the gate wave maintains thepeace of Hailing." it means: General Ma Yuan moved the big stone here to protectthe safety of the fishing boat; the big stone blocked the waves, and the windand waves were calm from then on, maintaining the peace of Hailing Island.

Later, the local fishermen were grateful and nostalgic for General MaYuan's kindness of "chishizhapo", so they named the new port "Zhapo".


Yangjiang City, located in the southwest coast of Guangdong Province, is aprefecture level city approved by the State Council in February 1988. It governsYangchun City, Yangdong County, Yangxi county and Jiangcheng district. It isadjacent to Jiangmen City in the East, Maoming City in the west, Yunfu City inthe north and Nanhai City in the south. The urban area is 219 km away fromGuangzhou, 220 km away from Zhanjiang and 165 km away from Hong Kong. NationalHighway 325 (Guang Zhan highway) and Guang Mao railway run through the city,covering an area of 7813 square kilometers, with a population of more than 2.4million.

The total land area of Yangjiang is 7813.4 square kilometers, of which26.03% is hilly area, 42.73% is mountainous area and 22.17% is plain area. Thepopulation is 2.56 million. It borders Enping and Taishan in Jiangmen City inthe East, Luoding and Xinxing in Yunfu City and Xinyi in Maoming City in thenorth, Gaozhou and Dianbai in Maoming City in the west, and Nanhai in the south.The coastline is 341.5 km long, with 30 major islands and 49.3 km long. Theterrain inclines from north to south, close to the mountain and the sea, withTianlu mountain in the northeast and Yunwu Mountain in the northwest. Thehighest mountain in the territory is e Huang Zhang in Wangfu mountain range,with an altitude of 1337 meters. The longest river is Moyang River, with a totallength of 199 km, running through the whole city from north to South and flowinginto the South China Sea from north to south.

Yangjiang City is a famous coastal tourist city in Guangdong Province. Itis rich in tourism resources, including coastal beaches, peak forests, karstcaves, hot springs, waterfalls, lakes and mountains, and splendid culturallandscape. Among them, Hailing Island and yangchunwan lingxiaoyan are provincialtourist resorts, and dajiaowan of Hailing Island was rated as 4A nationaltourist area in 2001. In order to continuously open up new ways of tourism,Yangjiang Tourism Bureau has designed and created a new tourism image of"Haitian emotional Yangjiang Tour". Yangjiang tourism highlights four tourismlandscapes with local characteristics. The first is the "sea view", with HailingIsland as the center, highlighting its coastal scenery; the second is the "skyview", represented by Chunwan zaolingxiaoyan, the stalactites, undergroundrivers and lights in the cave constitute the ethereal, illusory and magical skylandscape; the third is the "dynamic view", showing Yangjiang kites flutteringlike colorful clouds in the clear sky; The fourth is the "Scene", that is, thepicturesque Moyangjiang River with green mountains on both sides of the river,nurturing Yangjiang's children. In addition, Yangjiang has opened up two specialtourism lines: one is the "quintessence of a thousand years" - Dongshuipapermaking landscape, which reproduces Cai Lun's papermaking technique in theEastern Han Dynasty; the other is oyster raising by hanging piles on Chengcunbeach, where oysters can be picked on site.

At present, the city has opened up five tourist routes and two specialtourist routes: one is the "quintessence of a thousand years" - Dongshuipapermaking landscape, which reproduces Cai Lun's papermaking technique in theEastern Han Dynasty; the other is oyster raising by hanging piles on Chengcunbeach. You can try to pick oysters on site, which has a unique taste.



