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Hello, everyone. I'm Kesai, the tour guide of "dinosaur Express TravelAgency". Here I would like to extend my warm welcome to you all. In the next fewdays, I will provide you with tour guide service. I will try my best to arrangeyour itinerary and make you feel happy in this tour.

Now, please follow me to visit the Yellow Crane Tower, the mostcharacteristic scenic spot in Wuhan.

The Yellow Crane Tower was first built in 223 A.D. in the second year of WuHuangwu in the Three Kingdoms. It has a history of more than 1700 years, duringwhich it was built and destroyed repeatedly. The present yellow crane tower isbased on the Yellow Crane Tower of the Qing Dynasty, rebuilt in 1981 andcompleted in 1985.

Now you can see the tall and magnificent building in front of you is theYellow Crane Tower. It is famous in ancient and modern times and is famous athome and abroad. It is as famous as Tengwang Pavilion in Jiangxi and YueyangPavilion in Hunan. It is also known as the "three great pavilions in the southof the Yangtze River". There was an interesting story about the magnificence ofthe Yellow Crane Tower. It was said that the guests from Hubei and Sichuan meton the river, chatting and praising their hometown. The Sichuan guest said,"there is an Emei Mountain in Sichuan, only three feet away from the sky." theHubei guest said with a smile, "there is a yellow crane tower in Hubei, half ofwhich is in the clouds. "The guests in Sichuan were speechless. Of course, thestory is a bit exaggerated, but the Yellow Crane Tower does attract Chinese andforeign tourists with its magnificent landscape, moving legend and strongcultural atmosphere.

Well, having said so much, let's go to the Yellow Crane Tower.

When you enter the hall, the most attractive one is the picture of whiteclouds and yellow cranes. It is based on the ancient myth of riding a crane tobecome an immortal. It also takes the meaning of the Tang poem that "in thepast, people had gone by the Yellow Crane". Please see the immortal on thepicture. He plays a jade flute and looks down at the world. It seems that he isreluctant to part in the painting. The people below the Yellow Crane Tower singpoems or sing and dance. They wish the immortal Yellow Crane a good morningReturn to the world. In fact, there is a legend behind the mural, which casts amysterious color on the Yellow Crane Tower: in ancient times, there was a mansurnamed Xin who was selling wine at the top of the Yellow Crane mountain. Oneday, a ragged old Taoist came to him to beg for wine. Although Xin was petty, hewas loyal, kind and charitable. Seeing that the old Taoist was very poor, hegenerously agreed. After that, Lao Dao would come every day, while Xin Shi wouldrespond to every request. After more than a year of this. One day, the Taoistpriest suddenly came to say goodbye: "I don't get paid for drinking every day.Only a yellow crane can borrow it to show my gratitude. "After that, he pickedup a piece of orange peel on the ground, drew a yellow crane on the wall, andsaid to Xin," as long as you clap your hands, the yellow crane will come downand dance to cheer the drinkers. "After that, Lao Dao disappeared. When Xinclapped his hands for a try, the Yellow Crane jumped down and danced for thefestival. After the news spread, it attracted tourists from far and near todrink. The business of the hotel was booming, and Xin made a fortune. Ten yearslater, Lao Dao suddenly appeared in the hotel and said to Xin Shi, "is the moneyI earned in ten years enough to pay off my wine debt?" Xin Shi quickly saidthanks. Lao Dao took down his flute and played a wonderful tune to the YellowCrane on the wall. The Yellow Crane heard the sound and flew away with LaoDao.

Thus, the scene on the mural appeared. (in addition to this mural, thiscouplet is known as one of the two wonders of the Yellow Crane Tower: cool aircomes from the west, clouds sweep away the regret of heaven and earth; the rivergoes to the East, waves wash away ancient and modern worries. It means that thefresh and pleasant air comes from the west, dispels the fog accumulated in theclouds, and sweeps away the regrettable things between the heaven and the earth;the surging Yangtze River rolls eastward, and washes away the vexing things ofall ages. )

OK, now let's go upstairs with me.

This is the racetrack on the first floor and a half. Now you may havenoticed that the Yellow Crane Tower has five floors on the outside, but not onthe inside. It actually has nine floors. This is because in ancient China, thesingular number was called Yang number, and "9" was the first number of Yangnumbers. It was also homophonic with the long-standing "jiu" of Chinesecharacters, which means "forever". In this horse racing Gallery, we mainlydisplay some famous calligraphy and paintings for you to watch.

Dear friends, when we come to the second floor of the Yellow Crane Tower,we can see the history of the Yellow Crane Tower. First, please look at thismural entitled "Sun Quan building the city", which reproduces the historicalbackground when the Yellow Crane Tower was built. After the battle of Chibi, LiuBei borrowed Jingzhou and took Sichuan, but he refused to return it to Jingzhou.Not long after LV Meng, the general of the eastern Wu Dynasty, killed Guan Yuand recaptured Jingzhou, Liu Bei personally led more than 100000 troops toattack Wu. Knowing that the war was inevitable, Sun Quan, on the one hand, askedWei Chengchen for peace, and on the other hand, concentrated his strengthagainst Liu Bei. In order to command the battle nearby, Sun Quan built Xiakoucity on the edge of the Yangtze River according to the danger of Huanghemountain, and built a building on huangheji at the head of the city forobservation. This is the original huanghe tower.

Let's look at the story of the Yellow Crane Tower in the middle. In termsof the three famous towers, the Yellow Crane Tower ranks first. In terms of thestory of the tower, the one with the least name is the story of the Yellow CraneTower. The article we see now is selected from more than ten records of theYellow Crane Tower. It focuses on the real scene. The whole article is less than300 words, but it clearly describes the geographical location, architecturalform, legend and people's activities in the Yellow Crane Tower.

In addition, there are six models of the Yellow Crane Tower of the pastdynasties on display here, which also reflects the vicissitudes of history ofthe Yellow Crane Tower from one side. Our present yellow crane tower isredesigned and built based on the prototype of Tongzhi tower in the QingDynasty. Next, please go up to the third floor with me.

The third floor shows the cultural origin of the Yellow Crane Tower. Thisgroup of board paintings in the collection of literati reproduces the scene ofliterati coming to the Yellow Crane Tower to chant poems and write Fu. In themiddle of the mural, you can see the poet in red. He is Cui Hao. Although he isvery talented, he is not satisfied with his official career because he is atraitor. This kind of state of mind makes him have the idea of learning Taoismand becoming an immortal. The poem "Yellow Crane tower" is the expression ofthis kind of mood.

Now we can collect more than 1700 poems about the Yellow Crane Tower, butdue to the limitedSPAce, only 11 famous poets are selected here.

On the fourth floor of the Yellow Crane Tower, you can see that this is thecultural activity place of the Yellow Crane Tower, which specially displays theimpromptu works left by contemporary calligraphers and painters visiting theYellow Crane Tower. In the middle is Mr. Li Keran's landscape painting, on theright is Mr. Li kuchan's work, and on the left is Mr. Wu Zuoren's "flyingthousands of miles" for the Yellow Crane Tower. In addition, there are fourtreasures of study for tourists to improvise. (if you are interested, you canhave a try. Maybe your works will be displayed here in the future. )

Well, friends, next we are going to climb the top floor of the Yellow CraneTower (, see if you will have a different feeling there?).

On display in the hall is a group of paintings entitled "the vastness ofthe Yangtze River". Covering an area of 99 square meters, it is the largest inthe whole building. It is composed of ten pieces of splendor heavy colorpaintings, showing the natural landscape of the Yangtze River and the origin ofhistorical civilization.

From here, you can have a panoramic view of the three towns in Wuhan. Youcan either overlook them or overlook them. It's a beautiful scenery, which ispleasing to the eye. The Yellow Crane Tower is located at the top of the SnakeMountain, which is commonly known as the snake mountain because it stretchesfrom east to west and looks like a long snake. On the other side of the river isGuishan mountain in Hanyang. Due to the dislocation of strata and the impact ofthe river, the two mountains of Guishan and Sheshan face each other across theriver. The Yangtze River Bridge connects the mountains on both sides of theriver. In this way, the East-West mountains and the South-North Yangtze Riverdraw a huge cross on the land of Wuhan, and the Yellow Crane Tower is just nextto this intersection.

Looking to the East, it is another scene, with rolling mountains andscattered lakes. To the east of the snake mountain where the Yellow Crane Toweris now located are Shuangfeng Mountain and Hongshan mountain. These twomountains are the religious resorts of Wuhan City, with several famous Taoisttemples and temples. Further east, there are the famous East Lake Scenic Areaand Wuhan cultural and educational District, where some famous colleges anduniversities are concentrated.

Well, dear friends, I'll introduce you to the Yellow Crane Tower. I hope myexplanation will leave you a little impression. Please forgive me for thedetails.


The Yellow Crane Tower is located at the top of Wuchang Snake Mountain onthe South Bank of the Yangtze River in Wuhan City, Hubei Province. It is closeto the Yangtze River. It is a national 5A tourist attraction and has been knownas "the first building of the world's rivers and mountains" and "the world'speerless scenery" since ancient times. Yellow Crane Tower is a landmark buildingin Wuhan. It is also known as "three famous scenic spots in Wuhan" together withQingchuan Pavilion and Guqin terrace.

The Yellow Crane Tower was built in 223 A.D. in the period of the ThreeKingdoms. During the period of the Three Kingdoms, it was just a "militarybuilding" in the corner of Xiakou city. After the Jin Dynasty destroyed theeastern Wu Dynasty, the three kingdoms were unified. With the development ofJiangxia City, the building gradually evolved into an ornamental building forofficials and businessmen. Tang Dynasty poet Cui Hao wrote the poem "YellowCrane Tower" and Li Bai wrote "Yellow Crane Tower to send Meng Haoran toGuangling". Scholars of all ages left many unique songs here, which made theYellow Crane Tower famous since ancient times.

The Yellow Crane Tower is located at the top of Sheshan mountain, 61.7meters above sea level. The trains of Beijing Guangzhou railway roar through thetower. The building is 5 stories high, with a total height of 51.4 meters and aconstruction area of 3219 square meters. The Yellow Crane Tower is internallysupported by 72 columns and externally extended by 60 angles. The roof iscovered with more than 100000 pieces of yellow glazed tiles

A number of bzuowenry buildings, such as bronze Yellow Crane shape, statuepagoda, memorial archway, porch and pavilion, are cast outside the Yellow CraneTower to make the main building more magnificent. Around the main building,there are white cloud Pavilion, elephant pagoda, stele Gallery, Mountain Gateand other buildings. The whole building has a unique national style, emittingthe spirit, temperament and charm of traditional Chinese culture. It complementsthe Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge at the foot of Sheshan mountain, and you can havea panoramic view of the three towns of Wuhan when you climb the building.


Hello, Yellow Crane Tower. First of all, welcome to our beautiful rivercity Wuhan,

Next, I will provide you with tour guide service. Here I welcome you withthe most enthusiastic smile and introduce myself to you with the most sincerewords. I'm __, a tour guide from __X travel agency. You can call me guide X, Youcan also call me Xiao X. of course, on behalf of our __X travel company, I alsowelcome you to visit the Yellow Crane Tower, one of the three famous buildingsin the south of the Yangtze River. I hope you will have a good time and have agood time under my guidance. Next, please visit with me. Our tour route is fromthe south gate, past the goose shaped stele. To the crane. Cui Hao wrote poemson the wall. Finally, the pen shelf arrives at the main tower of Yellow CraneTower. Well, now please follow me to start today's "Yellow Crane Tour"!

Yellow Crane Tower is a famous historical spot at home and abroad. It isthe landmark building of Wuhan City, known as the "thoroughfare of nineprovinces". Whether you are cruising on the Yangtze River or passing the BeijingGuangzhou railway, you can see this famous building towering over the snakemountain. It can be said that the unique geographical location, together withthe poems, poems, couplets and plaques left by the literati of the pastdynasties, has created this famous cultural building with the beauty ofmountains and rivers and the beauty of humanities. Since ancient times, it hasenjoyed the reputation of "the first building in the world". The Yellow CraneTower was first built in 223 A.D. in the second year of Wu and Huang dynastiesin the Three Kingdoms. It has a history of more than 1700 years since Sun Quanbuilt a military post on the mountain. Now, the Yellow Crane Tower is based onthe Yellow Crane Tower in the Qing Dynasty. It was rebuilt in 1981 and completedin 1985. You see, the main building of the Yellow Crane Tower is 51.4 metershigh, with yellow tiles and red columns, resplendent and resplendent, and allthe buildings are cast with reinforced concrete. It does not lose thetraditional unique shape of the Yellow Crane Tower, and is more magnificent thanthe Yellow Crane Tower of previous dynasties. Therefore, it enjoys thereputation of "the world's best scenery". When you come to the Yellow CraneTower, you may have a question: why is this loft named Yellow Crane tower? Don'tworry, let's take this question to the first floor hall, and then listen to meslowly. Perhaps the most eye-catching painting in the hall is the painting ofwhite clouds and yellow cranes, which is 9 meters high and 6 meters wide. It isinlaid with 756 colored bricks. The Yellow Crane Tower stands in the middle,with a fairy riding on the Yellow Crane and playing the jade flute above. Itseems to leave and return. The people below are singing and dancing, sending offand welcoming the immortal riding on the yellow crane. The whole painting isfull of romantic and magical atmosphere, Why do people in Wuhan call thelandmark building in their hometown Yellow Crane Tower?

This beautiful name comes from a beautiful apotheosis legend. In the MingDynasty, it was recorded in the report of repaying one's kindness that an oldTaoist named Xin he drank wine for half a year in a tavern, but he didn't pay acent. When he left, he drew a yellow crane on the wall with the orange peel onthe ground, and told Xinhe that as long as you clap your hands, the yellow cranewill come down and dance to cheer the drinkers. Since then, Xinhe's Tavernbusiness has been booming because of the crane. In order to be grateful to LaoDao, Xin he built a high building in situ, named "Yellow Crane Tower". Forhundreds of years, this story has been widely spread in China, and has becomethe most influential legend of the Yellow Crane Tower.

OK, please follow me up. Our current location is not the second floor, butthe mezzanine between the first floor and the second floor, commonly known asthe horse racing gallery. There are such horse racing corridors between everytwo floors. You can calculate that the Yellow Crane Tower originally has fivefloors. In addition, the horse racing corridor between every two floors has atotal of nine floors inside. Therefore, the Yellow Crane Tower has a buildingstructure of five floors outside and nine floors inside. Here are somehistorical celebrities' calligraphy and paintings. You can enjoy them. As youcan see, there are six models of Yellow Crane Tower in Tang, song, yuan, Ming,Qing Dynasties and modern times on the second floor. They each represent thearchitectural styles of their own times. You see, the Yellow Crane Tower of theTang Dynasty is connected with the city on the first floor and has only twofloors on the outside. The overall structure is simple and rough, giving peoplea sense of simplicity and vigor.

Take another look at the Song Dynasty building, which is composed of fourparts: building, terrace, porch and corridor. Each floor has a double eaves,which shows the delicate and meaningful artistic style of the Song Dynasty. Theform of the Yuan Dynasty continued the style of the Song Dynasty, while the MingDynasty was still two-tier. If you look at it again, there are some clothawnings and other things. Do you know what they are for? Yes, they are theumbrellas used by people in ancient times. Look at the Yellow Crane Tower of theQing Dynasty. It is divided into three levels, which refer to the time of theday. Good location. People and people. There are 12 eaves on the first floor,representing 12 hours of a day, 12 eaves on the second floor, representing 12months of a year, and 24 eaves on the third floor, representing 24 solar termsof a year. It's the most amazing thing that Chinese traditional astronomy andcalendar culture can be integrated into it. Unfortunately, in the summer of1884, that is, the 10th year of Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty, the Qingbuilding was burned to ashes because of the loss of the house at the foot of themountain. The last one is now the Yellow Crane Tower. It is based on the YellowCrane Tower of the Qing Dynasty. It was rebuilt in 1984. It not only has theunique traditional shape of the Yellow Crane Tower, but also is more magnificentthan the buildings of previous dynasties. Third floor hall to taste itshumanistic theme. A group of large-scale ceramic murals, a collection of peopleand culture, is displayed in the hall, which reproduces the scene of famousfigures in history coming to the Yellow Crane Tower to recite poems and Fu. Thefourth floor is the cultural activity place of the Yellow Crane Tower,displaying the impromptu works of famous contemporary calligraphers and paintersvisiting the building. There are also four treasures of the study speciallyprepared here. If any tourists are interested, they might as well show theirskills here. Now we come to the viewing platform on the fifth floor of theYellow Crane Tower.

The first picture we see here is a group of paintings called "the vastnessof the river and the sky", which covers an area of 90 square meters and is thelargest among the murals in the whole building. It consists of 10 colorpaintings. The three on the front wall are the center of the group of paintings.The first one records the process of the ancient Yangtze River culture from topto bottom. The second is the water waves depicted with gold lines on the stonegreen background, occupying the whole picture. It seems that people stand on across section of the Yangtze River and feel the waves rushing eastward. Thethird one reflects the process of the Yellow Crane Tower's emergence, rise andfall after the Three Kingdoms period. The other seven, painted on the e Fang,are: the source of the Yangtze River, the waterfalls in the upper reaches, thescenery of the Three Gorges, the wonders of Lushan, the scenery of Taihu Lake,the river flowing into the sea and the vicissitudes of the sea. The good timealways makes people feel so short. Our trip to the Yellow Crane Tower is overhere.

In the course of this trip, there are still many things I should do well inmy work, but I can only say to you - thank you, thank you for your strongsupport and help.

If we are destined to meet again next year, I would like to provide youwith better service. Finally, I wish you good health and all the best! Thankyou, goodbye!


Hello, everyone! I'm very glad to accompany you to visit the Yellow CraneTower, a famous building in the south of the Yangtze River. I will do my best toprovide you with a comprehensive and considerate tour guide service. I wish youall have a good time.

The Yellow Crane Tower has been praised by Chinese poets of all ages, andhas always enjoyed the reputation of "peerless scenery in the world". Togetherwith Yueyang Tower in Hunan Province and Tengwang Pavilion in Jiangxi Province,it is known as "three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River". Withits long history and magnificent posture, it ranks first in the third floor andenjoys the reputation of "peerless scenery in the world".

As we all know, there are many kinds of cranes in nature, including whitecrane, grey crane, Red Crowned Crane, black necked Crane and so on, but there isno yellow crane. So why do people in Wuhan call the landmark building of theirhometown Yellow Crane Tower? This beautiful name comes from a beautifulmyth.

Once upon a time, there was a man named Xin who was selling wine on the topof Huanghu mountain. One day, an old man in ragged clothes came to him and askedhim for drinks. Although his business was small and profitable, he was faithful,kind and charitable. Seeing that Lao Dao was very pitiful, he generously agreed.After having enough to eat and drink, Lao Dao was very grateful to Xin. Later,Lao Dao would come every day, and Hsin would answer every request. A year passedunconsciously. One day, Lao Dao came to the hotel again. As soon as Xin saw him,he quickly prepared food and wine for Lao Dao. Lao Dao quickly stopped him andsaid, "I don't drink today. I'm here to say goodbye to you.". He said thatdrinking every day, no thanks, but I will draw, I will draw a picture for yourhotel as a souvenir. After that, Lao Dao picked up the orange peel on the groundand drew it on the wall. In a short time, he drew a crane. Because the color ofthe orange peel is yellow, the crane is also yellow. After the painting, Lao Daosaid to Xin: as long as you clap your hands, the yellow crane will come down anddance for the drinkers.

As soon as Xin heard this, he was very happy. He immediately went to seethe crane painted by Lao Dao. He thought it was lifelike and very beautiful. Heturned to thank Lao Dao for drawing such a good picture for his hotel, but LaoDao had disappeared. The next day, a guest came to the hotel. He thought of theold Taoist's words and clapped his hands for a try. Sure enough, the YellowCrane jumped down, sang and danced, and then jumped back to the wall. The guestwas very happy. After the news spread, people and tourists from three towns inWuhan came to the store to watch the Yellow Crane Dance. Since then, the hotelbusiness flourished, and Xin's got rich.

One day ten years later, Lao Dao appeared in the hotel again. When she sawhim, she was very happy. She took Lao Dao and said, "when you've been there forten years, I'll inquire about your whereabouts and find out where you are. Todayyou are back, please don't leave again. After Xin's speech, Lao Dao said to Xin:I wonder if you have paid off my wine debt with the money you have earned in thepast ten years? Xin said in a hurry: Thank you very much. With the help of theYellow Crane you left behind, I am very rich now. On hearing this, the Taoistpriest laughed, took off his flute and played a wonderful tune to the YellowCrane on the wall. The Yellow Crane began to sing and dance with the flute. Atthe end of the song, the old Taoist stepped on the yellow crane. The YellowCrane flew away with the old Taoist. Since then, the old Taoist never cameback.

People in the three towns of Wuhan miss this crane, which brings themhappiness and auspiciousness. They suggest that Xin build a pavilion beside thehotel to honor Laodao and Huanghe. At the same time, it also guides the oldTaoist and yellow crane who travel all over the world. I hope they will comeback soon. Xin accepted everyone's advice and took out the money he hadaccumulated for many years to build a high-rise building next to the hotel. Hefelt that the Yellow Crane helped him get rich, so he named it the Yellow CraneTower. For thousands of years, this story has been widely spread, and has becomethe most influential legend of the Yellow Crane Tower.

The Yellow Crane Tower was first built in 223 A.D. in the second year of WuHuangwu in the Three Kingdoms. It has a history of more than 1700 years, duringwhich it has been destroyed and built repeatedly. This is because the YellowCrane Tower is no longer a scenic building in the general sense, it reflects therise and fall of an era. Since the Yellow Crane Tower was destroyed in 1884,people have been looking forward to its reappearance in Jiangcheng, but theyhave not been able to do so. It was not until after the reform and opening upthat the Yellow Crane Tower was rebuilt, which fully reflects the improvement ofChina's comprehensive national strength. The Yellow Crane Tower we are visitingtoday is based on the Yellow Crane Tower of the Qing Dynasty. Constructionstarted in 1981 and was completed in 1984. It is 100 years since the last YellowCrane Tower was destroyed.

The Snake Mountain, where the Yellow Crane Tower is located, is composed ofseven mountains arranged from east to west and connected end to end. From westto East, there are Huanghu mountain, Yinjia mountain, Huanglong Mountain,Gaoguan mountain, Daguan mountain, Qipan mountain and Xishan Mountain, with atotal length of more than 2000 meters. It is named Snake Mountain because it issimilar to crouching snake. The Yellow Crane Tower is built on the top ofHuanghu mountain. In ancient Chinese, the two words "Hu" and "he" are common, soit is also called Huanghe mountain. The pavilion on Huanghe mountain is ofcourse called huanghe tower. But people are more willing to accept the legend ofimmortals.

In order to make you enjoy the Yellow Crane Tower better, I use five wordsto summarize the characteristics of the Yellow Crane Tower: high, strange,dangerous, beautiful and wonderful. It is high in the mountains, high buildingsare higher, and the sky is pierced by clouds and clouds; it is strange that thegods cross the crane, and the myth spreads; it is dangerous to stand near theriver, and there is no land under it; it is beautiful to climb the tower andoverlook the scenery of Wuhan; it is wonderful that the literati and theanecdotes spread.

OK, now we have come to the Yellow Crane Tower Park. Yellow Crane TowerPark is composed of main building, pavilions, porches, memorial archways andGushi commercial street. The main building has a clear height of 51.4 meters andfive floors. It is square in shape and looks like one. Each side is 35 meterslong, with 72 columns rising from the ground and 60 cornices flying in the air.It takes advantage of the length of the calendar tower to gather the beauty ofthe north and the south. The golden colored glazed roof is simple and beautiful,and the red gourd shaped top glitters at night. Each layer has a strong poeticflavor. Now let's go into the main building to have a look.

We are now in the hall on the first floor of the Yellow Crane Tower. Thehall is 22 meters wide and 14 meters long. Look at these antique pillars, whichhave a circumference of two meters. They go straight to the top floor, which canbe said to be the Optimus Prime of the whole building. This "picture of whiteclouds and yellow cranes" is 9 meters high and 6 meters wide. On the picture,the Yellow Crane Tower stands in the middle, with a fairy riding on the YellowCrane and an iron flute blowing on the top, and people singing and dancingbelow. The whole picture is full of romantic and magical atmosphere. On bothsides of the painting, there is a couplet of Zhang Zhidong, an importantMinister of the late Qing Dynasty

Cool air from the West

The river goes to the East and the waves wash away the worries of the pastand the present

After the famous couplet in the hall, there is a huge carved screen, whichis painted with the shape of the Yellow Crane Tower in history. It is highlyskilled and antique, which can be called a fine art.

OK, please follow me up. Our current location is not the second floor, butthe mezzanine between the first floor and the second floor, commonly known asthe horse racing gallery. There are such horse racing corridors between everytwo floors. You can calculate that the Yellow Crane Tower originally has fivefloors. In addition, the horse racing corridor between every two floors has atotal of nine floors inside. Therefore, the Yellow Crane Tower has a buildingstructure of five floors outside and nine floors inside. Here are somehistorical celebrities' calligraphy and paintings. You can enjoy them.

As you can see, there are six models of Yellow Crane Tower in Tang, song,yuan, Ming, Qing Dynasties and modern times on the second floor. They eachrepresent the architectural styles of their own times. You see, the Yellow CraneTower of the Tang Dynasty is connected with the city on the first floor and hasonly two floors on the outside. The overall structure is simple and rough,giving people a sense of simplicity and vigor. Take another look at the SongDynasty building, which is composed of four parts: building, terrace, porch andcorridor. Each floor has a double eaves, which shows the delicate and meaningfulartistic style of the Song Dynasty. The form of the Yuan Dynasty continued thestyle of the Song Dynasty, while the Ming Dynasty was still two-tier.

If you look at it again, there are some cloth awnings and other things. Doyou know what they are for? Yes, they are the umbrellas used by people inancient times. Look at the Yellow Crane Tower in the Qing Dynasty. It has threefloors. The first floor has 12 eaves, representing 12 hours of a day. The secondfloor has 12 eaves, representing 12 months of a year. The third floor has 24eaves, representing 24 solar terms of a year. The most amazing thing about it isthat it can integrate the traditional Chinese astronomy and calendar culture.Unfortunately, it was destroyed by thunder and fire in the summer of 1884, thatis, the 10th year of Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty. The last one is now theYellow Crane Tower. It is based on the Yellow Crane Tower of the Qing Dynasty.It was rebuilt in 1984. It not only has the unique traditional shape of theYellow Crane Tower, but also is more magnificent than the buildings of previousdynasties.

Please hold the stairs and follow me to the third floor. Here is a ceramicpainting called "the quintessence of literati". The figures in the picture havedifferent and lifelike expressions, which reproduces the scenes of the literaticoming here to chant poems and Fu. You see, the yellow robe in the middle is CuiHao, the great poet of Tang Dynasty. It is said that one year, Cui Hao came tothe Yellow Crane Tower and wrote an impromptu poem after his visit

Once upon a time, people had gone by the Yellow Crane, but there was noyellow crane tower left here.

Once the yellow crane is gone, it will never return.

Qingchuan experienced Hanyang tree, grass luxuriant parrot island.

Where is the hometown at dusk? The Yanbo river is worrying.

This poem has a wonderful artistic conception and is a rare poem describingthe Yellow Crane Tower. However, there are many famous poets in Tang Dynasty,and Cui Hao is not well-known. Therefore, although his poems are good, no oneappreciates them. Another year, the poet Li Bai came to the Yellow Crane Tower.The local people were very happy to see the poet come here, and asked Li Bai towrite a poem for the Yellow Crane Tower. After visiting, Li Bai felt that thelegend of Yellow Crane Tower was strange and the scenery was beautiful, so hemade great progress in poetry and agreed to write poems. People are ready tostudy four treasures, Li Bai dipped in thick ink, hold his breath, to write, butat this time, he looked up, saw Cui Hao's poem on the wall, he was stunned onthe spot, shook his head, stopped writing. The onlookers did not know why. Theyasked why. Li Bai sighed and chanted a doggerel

One blow smashes the Yellow Crane Tower and one kick overturns the parrotisland.

In front of me, there is a scene. Cui Hao wrote a poem on it!

After chanting, he left. As a result of Li Bai's praise, Cui Hao's poemsare well-known, and the Yellow Crane Tower is also spread around with Cui Hao'spoems.

The fourth floor is the cultural activity place of the Yellow Crane Tower,displaying the impromptu works of famous contemporary calligraphers and paintersvisiting the building. There are also four treasures of the study speciallyprepared here. If any tourists are interested, they might as well show theirskills here.

Now we come to the viewing platform on the fifth floor of the Yellow CraneTower. The first picture we see here is a group of paintings called "thevastness of the river and the sky", which covers an area of 90 square meters andis the largest among the murals in the whole building. It consists of 10 colorpaintings. The three on the front wall are the center of the group of paintings.The first one records the process of the ancient Yangtze River culture from topto bottom. The second is the water waves depicted with gold lines on the stonegreen background, occupying the whole picture. It seems that people stand on across section of the Yangtze River and feel the waves rushing eastward. Thethird one reflects the process of the Yellow Crane Tower's emergence, rise andfall after the Three Kingdoms period. The other seven, painted on the e Fang,are: the source of the Yangtze River, the waterfalls in the upper reaches, thescenery of the Three Gorges, the wonders of Lushan, the scenery of Taihu Lake,the river flowing into the sea and the vicissitudes of the sea.

Now let's go to the West and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the three townsin Wuhan. In front of you are the Yangtze River rolling eastward and the YangtzeRiver bridge which makes the natural moat a thoroughfare. In front of you arethe towering TV Tower on Guishan mountain, the magnificent Qingchuan Hotel, suchas the Qingchuan Bridge across the river with rainbow The Yellow Crane Tower,like an old man, sits firmly on the top of the Snake Mountain, witnessing thevicissitudes of Wuhan's history and changing today, and looking forward to theprosperous future with expectation.

Well, the tour of Yellow Crane Tower is coming to an end. I hope myexplanation can leave you a good memory. Please forgive me for the shortcomings.Welcome to Jiangcheng next time and come here. I wish you a pleasant journey anda pleasant journey!


Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Yellow Crane Tower, the most characteristictower in Wuhan. I'm the tour guide this time. Have a good time.

The Yellow Crane Tower was built in 223 A.D. in the second year of WuHuangwu. It has a history of more than 1700 years. It has been built anddestroyed many times. The present yellow crane tower is based on the YellowCrane Tower of Qing Dynasty. It was rebuilt in 1981 and completed in 1985. It isexactly 100 years since the last Yellow Crane Tower was destroyed in the QingDynasty.

Now you can see that the tall and majestic building in front of you is theYellow Crane Tower. It can be called the world's peerless scenery, and it isfamous both in ancient and modern times and at home and abroad. It is as famousas Tengwang Pavilion in Jiangxi Province and Yueyang Pavilion in Hunan Province,and is also known as "three pavilions in the south of the Yangtze River". Therewas an interesting story about the magnificence of the Yellow Crane Tower. Itwas said that the guests from Hubei and Sichuan met on the river and praisedtheir hometown. The guests from Sichuan said, "there is an Emei Mountain inSichuan, only three feet away from the sky." Hubei guests smile: "Hubei yellowcrane tower, half inserted in the cloud." The guests in Sichuan were speechless.Of course, this story is a bit exaggerated, but the Yellow Crane Tower is reallya magnificent landscape, a moving legend and a look inside the crane tower.

After all that, let's go inside and have a look. Entering the hall, themost attractive one is the picture of white clouds and yellow cranes. It isbased on the ancient myth of riding a crane to become an immortal. It also takesthe meaning of the Tang poem "once upon a time, people had gone by the YellowCrane". Please look at the immortal in the picture. He plays a jade flute andlooks down on the world. It seems that he is reluctant to give up. The crowdbelow the Yellow Crane Tower chants wine and poems, or sings and dances, whichmeans that they wish the immortal an early return. In the picture, there aremany plum blossoms under the Yellow Crane Tower. The plum blossom is the flowerof Wuhan city. The author takes this opportunity to study the geographicallocation of the Yellow Crane Tower.

That's all for today's browsing. You are welcome to come again nexttime.



