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Sun Moon Lake, formerly known as shuishalian, also known as shuishe Li, islocated in shuishe village, Yuchi Township, Nantou County, north of Ali Mountainand south of nengshan mountain. It is the largest natural freshwater lake inTaiwan, and can be called the top pearl. In the Qing Dynasty, it was selected asone of the eight major scenic spots in Taiwan, known as "another cave in theworld". According to the characteristic planning, there are six theme parks,including landscape, nature, peacock and butterfly, waterfowl, religion, eightspecial scenic spots, and two service areas of water society and Dehuasociety.

The Sun Moon Lake is formed by accumulated water in the fault basins ofYushan and alishanzhang. Huantan is 35 kilometers long, with an average waterdepth of 30 meters and a water area of more than 900 hectares, about one thirdlarger than the West Lake in Hangzhou. There is a small island in the Sun MoonLake, which looks like a bead floating on the water from afar. It is calledPearl Island. After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, in order to celebratethe recovery of Taiwan, it was renamed Guanghua island. In the northeast of theisland, the lake is round as the sun, which is called the sun lake. In thesouthwest, the lake is round as the moon, which is called the moon lake.

The beauty of the sun moon lake lies in the fact that it is surrounded bymountains, with many peaks, and the lake is vast, the water level is like amirror, and the water is blue; there are islands in the lake, and there aremountains in the water; there are waves and haze shadows; there are differentviews in the morning and dusk throughout the year. In the sunny spring,surrounded by emerald mountains, the banks are winding, the mountains and riversare reflecting each other, and there are many changes. When the morning lightcomes up, everything is quiet, and the lake radiates beautiful colors, which aresuddenly changeable and mysterious. When the sun goes down in the west, thereare clouds around the Sun Moon Lake, and the gauze like mist floats on the lake.If there is drizzle, the lake is full of mist. The surrounding mountains, as ifwashed by the ground, are particularly clean, with beautiful scenery and lovelygreen. Especially on autumn nights, when the moon shines on the lake, the lakeis full of clear light, and the blue waves and the moon are shining with eachother, it is quiet and elegant, and you are in a fairyland. Zeng zuolin of theQing Dynasty once praised the beautiful scenery of the Sun Moon Lake with greenhills and green water, and the bright lake with green pearls. Tourists oftencompare it with the West Lake. Who is beautiful? In fact, the motherland, whereis not beautiful! The Sun Moon Lake is not only the pride of the people ofTaiwan, but also the pride of the mainland compatriots for its spectacularscenery of Mingtan.

The scenery in the Sun Moon Lake is beautiful and picturesque. There aremany pavilions and pavilions on the foot of the lake, which is an excellentplace to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the lake and mountain. The beautifulnatural scenery around the temple is dotted with ancient pagodas, which makes itmore elegant. Among them, the most attractive are the Xuanzang temple at thefoot of Qinglong mountain in the south of Tan and the Wenwu temple on thehillside in the north of tan. At the foot of the mountain, there is Xuanzangtemple dedicated to master Xuanzang, an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty. Thereis a plaque of national master in the temple. In front of the temple, there is agate with white pillars, a roof with painted pillars and carved beams, and acornice. There is a small tower on the third floor of the temple, which worshipsthe spiritual bones on the top of master Xuanzang's head. On the top of Qinglongmountain behind the temple, a nine storey tower was built a few years ago, whichis called Ci'en tower. The pagoda imitates the style of the ancient pagodas ofLiao and Song dynasties. It is an octagonal pagoda. A small bell is hung at theend of the eaves on each floor. It jingles in the wind. When you climb thepagoda, you can have a panoramic view of Mingtan. Some people say that when thesky is high and the clouds are clear, you can see the spire of the Six Harmoniestower on the Bank of Xizi lake on the top of the tower. Although it is similarto a myth, it reflects people's yearning for the motherland.

In the middle of Wenwu temple are the statues of Confucius, and on the leftand right are the statues of emperor Wenchang and Guan Yu. The temple alsooffers sacrifices to Emperor Shennong, King Yue, jade emperor, Yuanshi Tianzun,Sanguan emperor, Chenghuang, Hailong king, etc. it can be said that the templeis a combination of sacred achievements. The temple building is very gorgeous.From the foot of the lake to the temple gate, there are 365 steep stone steps.Some people jokingly say that it will take one year to reach it, which is calledthe road to heaven.

Dehua community near Sun Moon Lake is a village inhabited by Gaoshan ethnicgroups. Now it has been built into a mountain cultural village. The mountainpeople are singing and dancing, especially the spring rice Pestle Dance, whichattracts many tourists. In the west of Sun Moon Lake, there is a unique PeacockGarden with dozens of pairs of peacocks. Every time you see the gorgeouscostumes, the tourists will open the screen. The colorful feathers add to thevisitors' light.

Now, when you swim around the lake, you can hear the roar of the water atthe foot of the mountain on the northwest bank. It turns out that it is thewater inlet of the Sun Moon Lake. This is the water from the upstream of thechuoshui river through the 18 km long tunnel. The water spray from the waterinlet is as high as 45 meters to 78 meters. It is as strong as a dragon'sspitting water, and it is turbulent and empty. So that the Sun Moon Lake has acontinuous and sufficient source of water, and now the dam is built beside thelake, making the lake more vast and becoming a reservoir of hydropower station.Although the lowlands beside the lake are flooded, the shape of the moon lakebecomes like a maple leaf, and the name of the Sun Moon Lake is not worthy ofits name, its scenery is still full of poetic charm, worthy of being theoutstanding representative of Taiwan's beautiful scenery.


The office of the president's office of Taiwan is located in the Bo'aispecial zone of Taipei City, Taiwan. It was originally used as the generaloffice of the governor's office of Taiwan in the Japanese era. Since it wascompleted in 1919, it has been the highest power center of Taiwan. The style is"late Renaissance style". It is a national monument designated by the Ministryof culture of the Republic of China. It is also the place where the flag raisingceremony is held on New Year's day and national day every year.

The presidential palace is located at the intersection of South ChongqingRoad and kaidagland Avenue, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, so the address isoften mistaken as "No. 1 kaidagland Avenue", but it is actually numbered as No.122, Section 1 of South Chongqing Road, and "No. 1 kaidagland Avenue" is theTaipei Hotel. The building is surrounded by a section of Chongqing South Road,Baoqing Road, Boai road and Guiyang street, facing Kai road and Changsha Street.Near the Taipei MRT Red Line (Tanshui line) National Taiwan University HospitalStation.


Taiwan lies like a leaf in the southeast of Asia. It is a raretropical(热带的)mountain-island in the world, two thirds of which is covered withhigh mountain ranges. The most famous of the mountains, Ali Mountain, is thesymbol of charming Taiwan.

Located in the subtropical ocean, Taiwan offers tourists comfortableweather and has no winter all the year round. With the pleasant climate, Taiwancan sustain vast biology resources. It is worth to visit Taiwan for its naturalsights, such as the high and steep mountains and the dense atmosphere ofseashore holidays. In addition, Taiwan has many wonderful man-made touristrecourses, such as the famed Matsu Temple and Taipei National Palace Museum.Overlooked from Fujian Province, Taiwan is neighbored by Japan in the north andPhilippines in the south. Unsurprisingly, the island has become a hub(轮转) fortravel between places in Asia and is one of the tourist destinations with themost convenient transportation in the world.

Concurrently(同时) home to different groups mainly from the southern FujianProvince, Hakka and the local people, Taiwan also features various colorfulhuman cultures. You will detect the harmonious(和谐的调和的)atmosphere in Taiwan'sreligions, architectures, languages and dining. Tourists should take specialcare not to miss the dainty(美味的) dishes here - in fact, Taiwan is dubbed

the 'Kingdom of Delicacies' by gourmets.

During the past decades, Taiwan's economy emerged as a miracle(奇迹), thusmaking it possible to provide complete and high-quality tourist services andfacilities.

The beautiful island will offer you an appealing trip that you will find ithard to tear yourself away from

台北故宫博物馆Taipei Palace Museum

The Taipei Palace Museum and the famous Forbidden City in Beijing arederived from the same institution, which was split into two as a result of theChinese Civil War.

The splendid architecture of the structure is modeled on the Forbidden Cityin Beijing and incorporates elements of traditional Chinese royal design infeudal society. The museum itself has four floors. The first, second and thirdfloors are used for exhibitions, while the fourth floor is a lounge wherevisitors can rest.

The Taipei Palace Museum houses large collection of priceless Chineseartifacts and artwork, including ancient bronze castings,

calligraphy, scroll paintings, porcelain, jade, and rare books, many ofwhich were possessions of the former imperial family. The full collection, whichconsists of some 650,000 pieces,SPAns many

dynasties. Each exhibit, however, puts on display only about 1,700 piecesat a time. At this rate, assuming a duration of three months for each exhibit,it will take 100 years to cycle through the entire collection!

On the left side of the museum hall is Chih-shan Garden, which showcasesmany of the elements of traditional Chinese gardening art. Inside the garden,pavilions, little bridges, flowing water, winding paths and green trees combineto create an atmosphere of simplicity and serenity.

On the right side of the museum hall is Chih-te Garden.

Strolling through it, you will marvel at the beauty of the pavilions,bridges and ponds that grace this garden, especially in autumn, when the coolwind carries the fragrance of the lotus and sweet-scented osmanthus.


Sun Moon Lake is surrounded by Mount Shuishe and Mount Dajian. The lakecovers an area of 7.7 square kilometers and has an average water depth of 40meters. The lake is divided into northern and southern sections by an islandcalled Guanghua. The lake gets its

name because the northern section resembles a rhombus-shaped sun while thesouthern section looks like a crescent-shaped moon.

According to legend, a white deer contributed to the discovery of the lake.Three hundred years ago, a group of peasants were hunting when they discovered alarge white deer running to the northwest. They followed this amazing creaturefor three days and nights, but it finally disappeared in the forest. On thefourth day, after they had moved through the forest, they came upon animpressive vista. They saw rolling verdant mountains and a

shimmering lake shining brightly under the sun. A small round islandcovered with trees divided the lake into two parts. One part was like the sunand the other part was like the moon, so they called it Sun Moon Lake.

Originally called Shui Shalian and Long Lake, the Sun Moon is the largestnatural lake in Taiwan. The climate in this area is quite temperate with thehighest summer temperature being less than 22C (71.6F) and the lowest wintertemperature bottoming out at 15C (59F). With such a pleasant climate, it is atop choice as a summer resort. Besides the cool weather, visitors are drawn bythe

magnificent scenery. The beauty of the lake lies in its tranquil crystalwater that clearly reflects the surrounding mountains. Rain or shine,

winter or summer, the lake offers visitors a plethora of picturesquesights. If the scenery of the lake were a wall calendar amazing and breathtakingpictures would be found by turning over each page. The lake is extremelyattractive at night. When the water is bathed in

moonlight tinged with a layer of thin fog, it gives the appearance of aplace existing only in legend.

Many places of interest are found around the lake. Wenwu

Temple, located at the north of the lake, pays homage to Confucius, thefounder of Confucianism. It also honors General Yue Fei of the Southern SongDynasty and Guan Yu, a great general of Shu States in the Three Kingdoms. Thetemple is tall and splendid and is designed according to the features of thesurrounding mountains. XuanZang Temple is the burial (埋葬) place of Xuan Zang,the monk who went to India on foot to seek the sutra. Finally, on the island,there is a pavilion named for Old Man under the Moon (the god of marriage).


Hello, everyone. This morning we are going to enjoy the sunrise cloud seaof Alishan. Alishan is famous for its sunrise at home and abroad. Over theyears, many tourists have been waiting for the light and the sun to spring out.Alishan cloud sea is one of the eight scenic spots in Taiwan. It's full ofmysterious pleasure with its turbulent clouds and waves. It's most easily seenin the dry and cold autumn and winter.

After watching the sunrise, we will enter the forest of Alishan. Alishan isone of the three major forest farms in Taiwan. Due to the influence oftopography and climate, the forest is vertically distributed from the bottom ofthe mountain to the top in three zones of heat, warmth and temperature. Theforest facies is clearly recognizable, and the resources are rich andinexhaustible. One of the most significant, to the number of Shenmu! Among thelush and beautiful forests in Mt. Ali, the old sacred tree is the most famousand the landmark of Mt. Ali. Because of its vigorous trunk, strong branches andbeautiful tree shape, it has been loved by the world. However, Shenmu was cut bythunder and turned into dead wood, which was replaced by more than 20 new Shenmutrees with ages ranging from hundreds of years to thousands of years. Inaddition, the famous trees in Alishan include three generations of trees andelephant trunk trees, as well as thousand year old cypress and Guangwucypress.

Alishan is famous for its flowers, among which cherry blossoms are the mostpopular. In its early years, it won the title of Yingdu. From the middle ofMarch to the middle of April, there are cherry sea in full bloom, which iscalled Alishan flowering season. 4. In May, yiyelan, Rhododendron mori, peony,Paeonia lactiflora, wisteria, golden Finch and digitalis were registered oneafter another. The appearance of digitalis is like a string of wind chimes. Ithas three colors: purple, yellow and white. Because of its pleasant shape, it isoften close to people. But please pay attention to the fact that they arepoisonous and can't be touched.

OK, now let's invite tourists to enjoy the flowers by themselves, butplease be sure to come back before 12 o'clock, otherwise, you will not enjoy thespectacle of sleeping moon stone monkey!



