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Hello, everyone! I'm your guide. Today I'm honored to show you aroundHongcun.

Tourists, now we are deep behind Huangshan Mountain. The ancient village infront of us is called Hongcun. It has a strange terrain. You've all heard thestory of Monkey King getting into Princess Tiefan's belly in journey to theWest. Now, let's go and swim in the belly of "Bull Demon King". If you look downfrom the mountains where you are going, you will surely see the terrain ofHongcun: two hundred year old ginkgo trees as horns, river as stomach, stream asintestine, road as hide and mountain as head. Let's come out and have a look.Let's go!

We are now standing at the gate of Hongcun. Hongcun, formerly known asHongcun, is located at the southwest foot of Huangshan Mountain, 11 kilometersaway from the county seat of Yixian County. It is a strange cattle shapedancient village in Taohuayuan. The whole village covers an area of 30 hectares,pillow Leigang face south lake, beautiful landscape, enjoy the "Chinese paintingin the village" reputation. It's also a typical Hui style building here. If youlook at it from a distance, Hongcun looks like a cow.

We are going in now, please pay attention to the following: don't litter,don't spit everywhere, please keep Hongcun clean, thank you!

Now we are walking in the country alley. See that magnificent horse headwall? It's the most important building in Hongcun. If a house is on fire, thefire will not burn through the magnificent horse head wall, and the house nextdoor will beSPAred.

Passengers, we have known each other for a long time. Keep going. The yardin front is Wang's house. Do you know that the servant's name is Wang Dinggui.The house covers an area of nearly 400 square meters, with 66 windows, 43 doors,and beams and red pillars made of Tung wood. The house is divided into threefloors: the first floor has a living room, kitchen and servant bedroom; thesecond floor is the bedroom of the female dependents; the third floor is thebedroom of the servant. The total investment of this house is nearly 800 gold.It's really a downwind building!

Look! The lotus pond on my left hand is used to discharge sewage. The lotuspond is bow shaped. Due to its special design, dirty water will not overflow,even if it rains heavily. In order to make the sewage pool less monotonous,people living here planted lotus in it. When the lotus is in full bloom insummer, many tourists will come here to see the lotus.

We continue to go forward. Now, beside the alley we are passing, there is asmall stream, which is the drinking water for people here. In addition, it isspecially stipulated that people can wash clothes with this kind of water before8:00, and then they can drink it later.

Then we went to the house where we used to live. Please keep up with theteam. More than 140 Ming and Qing dwellings are well preserved in the village.Chengzhi hall has exquisite "Three Sculptures" and is known as the "folk PalaceMuseum". The buildings in Hongcun are mainly residential buildings and privategardens, as well as public facilities such as academies and ancestral halls. Allkinds of buildings pay attention to carving, such as wood carving, brick carvingand stone carving, which are exquisite and of high artistic value. Most of thestreets in the village are built near the water.

Then we went to a family's house to have a look. There are women livingupstairs. In the past, women can't go in and out casually, so there are only twobig holes in the wall. When they get married, men can't see women, but women cansee men, so women naturally take a small advantage.

Now, please look in the direction I'm pointing out. On such a small porch,there are 101 villains meticulously carved by ancient people. Their exquisiteart and carved villains are lifelike. They are still intact. Isn't that amiracle?

Well, we have finished visiting the most beautiful mountain villa in China:Hongcun. Do you think it's worthy of its reputation? Now you can move freely.We'll meet in the car in an hour. Goodbye!

There are many places of interest and miracles in Hongcun, which I can'tsay enough. Please enjoy yourself and meet in an hour.

Now let's give the master a brief introduction of Hongcun's famous art"Three Sculptures" -- wood carving, stone carving and brick carving. Everyvillage here sharpens its feet, and the carved handicrafts are also very roughand good. There are rough drawings on the handicrafts, including figures,mountains and rivers, flowers and plants Moreover, there are many kinds ofcarvings, and there are almost no different ones among thousands ofcarvings.


Welcome to Hongcun. My name is Qian Haoyu. You can call me Xiaoqian or QianDao. I'm honored to serve you.

Next, I'd like to introduce the history of Hongcun. Hongcun, formerly knownas Hongcun, is located at the southwest foot of Huangshan Mountain, tenkilometers away from heiduo County of Huangshan City. Hongcun was built inShaoxing period of Southern Song Dynasty (1131-1162 A.D.) with a history of 900years.

Please follow me and enter Hongcun. The first thing you see is tworepresentative ancient trees, one is white fruit tree, the other is red poplar.The two trees form a pair of "ox horn", which makes the whole village full ofvitality.

Over a bridge, we come to the village's existing intact Ming and Qingresidential buildings of more than 140, of which the most famous is Zhidao hall.Its "three carving" technology is very exquisite, magnificent, known as the"Ming Palace Museum". Please continue to follow me. What you see now is Nanhuacademy, also known as "Yihu academy". It is an ancient library with thetraditional micro architectural style of Suo county. It is composed of Zhidaohall, Wenchang Pavilion, enlightenment Pavilion, Wanghu tower and Zhongyuangarden.

Our tour is over. I hope this wonderful memory will become your eternalmemory. I hope you can visit Hongcun again.


Hongcun is located in the northeast of Yi County, Anhui Province, coveringan area of 19.11 hectares. Hongcun was first built in Hongcun during the reignof Shaoxi in Nanning (1131 A.D.) for more than 800 years. It is backed byYangzhanling, Leigang mountain, etc., which is high in terrain. It is oftenresplendent. Sometimes it is like splashing ink and heavy color, sometimes it islike light freehand brushwork, just like a long scroll of mountains and waters.It integrates natural landscape and cultural landscape, and is known as "thevillage in Chinese painting".

In particular, the whole village is a "cow" structure layout, which isknown as a miracle of today's world historical and cultural heritage. Thetowering green Leigang is the head of cattle, the towering ancient wood is thehorn of cattle, and the scattered residential groups from east to West are likethe big cattle. In the northwest of the village, a river is dug to channelaround the house to transfer the ownership. The nine bends and ten bends of thecanal gather the natural spring water in the village to form a Dou Yue shapedpond, which is like a cow's intestines and stomach. The canal finally flows intothe lake in the south of the village, and the bunting is called tripe. Then,four bridges were built on the river around the village as corbels. Afterseveral years, a totem of cattle has sprung up. This ingenious and scientificdesign of village water system not only solves the problem of fire water forvillagers, but also regulates the temperature, provides convenience forresidents' production and living water, and creates a good environment of"Huanji is far away from Fangxi, and there is a clear spring in front of thehouse".

Hongcun, also known as Hongcun, means to develop Hongguang. Wang Jiu is adescendant of Wang Hua, the Duke of Yue in the early Tang Dynasty. The villagewas first built in the Song Dynasty, with hundreds of ancient dwellings linedwith pink walls and green tiles, especially the Chengzhi hall, Jingxiu hall,Dongxian hall and Sanli hall, which are known as the "folk Forbidden City" withexquisite carving and heavy gold color. They are the same as the smooth moonmarsh and the rippling Nanhu Lake, with deep alleyways, simple shops beside theQingshi street, and towering on the Leigang Mu He, the Ivy stone wood that hasexplored the wall of the courtyard, the hundred year old peony, the strictancestral halls such as Xuren hall and Shangyuan hall, and the Nanhu Academywith the plaque of "yiwenjiashu" personally inscribed by the 93 year old scholarLiang Tongshu, form a perfect artistic whole. It is really a step-by-step sceneand can be painted everywhere. At the same time, it also reflects the profoundcultural heritage left by the long history. By the Qing Dynasty, Hongcun hadbeen "a city with thousands of fireworks, numerous buildings, and forest". It isstill the seat of the people's Government of Jilian town. In the mid-1980s, thetourism industry began to develop. Qiao Shi, Zhu Rongji and others visitedHongcun first and then. Chen Fuli, Qiongyao, Chen Kaige and others created artin Hongcun first and then. In the 1990s, the number of inbound tourists inHongcun increased by 40.5% every year, with Hong Kong, Taiwan and overseastourists as the majority. Last year, it received 40000 Chinese and foreigntourists, with ticket revenue of 608000 yuan, an increase of 8% over theprevious year. On November 30, 2000, Hongcun was listed in the world culturalheritage list by UNESCO.


Dear tourists

Hello, everyone. On behalf of Anhui travel agency, I welcome you to YixianCounty for sightseeing. I'm Wang Bing, your tour guide of Xidi Hongcun. Pleasecall me Xiao Wang. I hope that Xiao Wang's explanation and service will makeyour trip more enjoyable. Sitting in the driver's seat is our driver, MasterWang, who has been driving for nearly 20 years, so we can rest assured aboutsafety.

Xidi Hong Village is located in Yi County of Huangshan City. In 2000, itwas listed as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO. In 2003, it was rated as a 4Atourist area by the National Tourism Administration, and became one of the firstbatch of famous historical and cultural villages in China. In 2005, it was alsorecognized by the central government The TV station rated it as "China'scharming town". When it comes to Yi County, I would like to ask you a question.Surely you all know Tao Yuanming's Peach Blossom Land? Do you know where theparadise described by Mr. Wu Liu is? Yes, the tourist is right. It's in Yicounty. His descendants imagined that Yi county was the ideal state they pursuedin the Peach Blossom Land described by their ancestors, so they moved here.Therefore, Yi county is also known as "small Taoyuan". Li Bai, a great poet,once wrote a poem praising Gu Yi: "Yi county's small Taoyuan is a place withthousands of miles of haze. The land is full of trees and plants, and peoplerespect ancient clothes."

Ladies and gentlemen, this morning we will visit Xidi Village, which isknown as the "Museum of ancient Chinese dwellings", and in the afternoon we willvisit Hongcun village, which is known as the "village of Chinese paintings".Xidi village is an ancient village built in the Northern Song Dynasty, where theHu family lived together. It has a history of more than 900 years. Xidi villagehas beautiful scenery, surrounded by mountains and continuous peaks. All itsstreets have been paved with blue stones in Yixian County. Most of the ancientbuildings are of wood structure. Huizhou three carvings (wood carvings, stonecarvings and brick carvings) are rich and colorful. Due to the less invasion ofwar in history, it has not been affected With the impact of economicdevelopment, the original form of the village is well preserved.

When it comes to Xidi, I think many friends would like to know why it iscalled Xidi. In fact, there are two versions: one is that the village issurrounded by two streams, and the water flows from east to west. It is calledXidi when the East water flows to the West; the other is that Xidi is located inthe west of Huizhou Prefecture, where there was a delivery shop in the past, soit is called Xidi. Xidi village is shaped like a ship. What are its mast, sail,cabin and sea? Now let's find out.

Ladies and gentlemen, Hu Wenguang's memorial archway is standing at theentrance of the village to welcome us. Originally, there were 13 memorialarchways, most of which were demolished during the cultural revolution. HuWenguang's memorial archway was fortunately preserved because of painting andMao Zedong's quotations. You can see that this archway is made of fine Yixiangreen, which is the treasure of stone archways in China. When it comes to HuWenguang, he is very famous. In Jiajing of Ming Dynasty, when he was themagistrate of Wanzai County in Jiangxi Province, he benefited the people and wasloved by the people. He was promoted to the rank of governor of Jiaozhou withoutstanding achievements. He was also the chief historian of Jingwang Mansion inHubei Province. He was honored as the "Prime Minister of Jingfan" by the fourofficials of the imperial court. Emperor Shenzong of the Ming Dynasty grantedpermission to build this archway to carry forward his achievements and spread itto later generations. Let's have a look again. There are 32 round decorativepatterns carved on the bucket arch under the eaves, which are quite exquisite.It symbolizes Hu Wenguang's 32 years as an official, and also expresses hisgratitude for the great kindness of the emperor.

Members, let's move on. Now we are standing in front of the gate of Jingaihall. It is the ancestral hall rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty. It has always beenthe meeting place of the Hu people. It is a brick and wood structure buildingwith a span of 30 meters. Let's have a look. The two black marble columns with aheight of 6 meters in the lower hall and the two ginkgo wood columns with adiameter of nearly 2 feet in the upper hall face each other and are symmetricalLiang Jia, how magnificent! Do you see the huge "filial piety" character in theback hall? It was written by Zhu Xi, a neo Confucianism of the Southern SongDynasty. Let's take a closer look at the word "Shou". Is it that you can see ahandsome young man bowing on his back and kneeling on the ground to show filialpiety to his elders, while his hindbrain is like a sharp mouthed monkey head,which means that filial piety is human and unfilial is animal It fully embodiesthe Chinese virtue of respecting the elderly.

Now we are entering tujing hall. This is a residence of Hu Ji hall. As soonas we enter the hall, the first thing we see is a portrait of Hu Ji hall and histhree wives. Let's guess which of the three wives is the eldest, which is thesecond and which is the third. Hehe, most people think that the old and thefrail are the eldest Guess, that's a big mistake. Let's tell you, his eldestwife is very young and died young, so she is still pretty. Therefore, it's moreaccurate to judge according to their order. Then let's take a look at HuJitang's clothes. He wears sapphire plumes and patchwork clothes. At a glance,we can see that he is a top three. How can we see that Where are you from? It'sa matter of time

In ancient times, ruby was the first grade, red coral was the second grade,and sapphire was the third grade. Civil servants wore the pattern of poultry,and military officers wore the pattern of beast. If you look closely, HuJitang's clothes were decorated with the pattern of poultry, so we say he is acivil servant of three grades. The most distinctive feature of Dujing hall isthe couplet on both sides, which says "it's good to study, to do business, towork well, to start a business, to keep a business, to know whether it'sdifficult or not". The couplet compares business with reading, and expresses thedesire of Huizhou merchants to improve their status.

Well, tourists, we visited dijitang, zhuimutang, yuanyangtang and otherscenic spots. The Xidi tour is over. After lunch, we will go to Hongcun, whichis also an ancient village in southern Anhui. What's special about Hongcun?Hongcun is also known as niuxing village. What about Niutou, Niuwei, Niujiao andNiudu 》Where is the spot of dragonflies? Let's have a look in the afternoon!


Ladies and gentlemen

Hello, everyone. First of all, on behalf of Anhui travel agency, I warmlywelcome you. Confucius said, "it's not easy to say that friends come from afar."it's a great honor to serve you. I'm your guide today. My name is Wang Bing. Youcan call me Xiao Wang or Wang Dao. Our tour bus is this white bus with thelicense plate number of 12345. You must remember that I'm next to you Ourdriver, Mr. Zhang, has been driving for many years. Next, Mr. Zhang and I willaccompany you on your journey to Xidi Hongcun!

Before unveiling the mystery of Xidi Hongcun, please allow me to give you abrief introduction. Hongcun, located in the northeast of Yi County, AnhuiProvince, covers an area of 19.11 hectares. It was first built in Shaoxing ofSouthern Song Dynasty and has a history of more than 800 years. It is backed byYangzhanling, Leigang mountain, etc., and integrates natural landscape andcultural landscape. It is known as "the village in Chinese painting". Inparticular, the whole village is a "cow" structure layout, which is known as amiracle of today's world historical and cultural heritage. Taking Leigangmountain as the ox head and towering ancient trees as the ox horn, the scatteredfolk houses from east to West are like the big ox body. In the northwest of thevillage, a canal with nine curves and ten bends is used to transfer theownership around the house, and the natural spring water in the village isgathered to form a half moon shaped pond, which is like a cow's intestines andstomach. The canal finally flows into the lake in the south of the village,which is called tripe. Then, people built four bridges on the river around thevillage as corbels. After several years, a totem of cattle came out of jade.This ingenious village water system design not only solves the problem of firewater for villagers, but also regulates the temperature, provides conveniencefor residents' production and living water, and creates a good environment of"the road is far away, and there is a clear spring in front of the house".

Hongcun, also known as Hongcun, means "Hongguang developed". The villagewas first built in the Song Dynasty, with hundreds of ancient dwellings withpink walls and green tiles, especially the Chengzhi hall, which is known as the"folk Palace Museum", and the smooth moon marsh which looks like a mirror. TheSouth Lake is rippling with blue waves, the towering ancient trees on Leigangmountain, the strict Xuren hall and Nanhu academy, etc., which form a perfectartistic whole. It can be said that it is really a step-by-step scene and can bepainted everywhere. At the same time, it also reflects the extensive andprofound cultural heritage left by the long history. In the mid-1980s, thetourism industry began to develop. Qiao Shi, Zhu Fuji and others first followedHongcun for tourism inspection, and Qiongyao, Chen Kaige and others firstfollowed Hongcun for artistic creation. On November 30, 2000, Hongcun was listedin the world cultural heritage list by UNESCO.

After talking about Hongcun, let's talk about Xidi. Xidi is located in thesoutheast of Yi County, Anhui Province, with an area of 12.96 hectares. The mainskeleton of the village is a vertical street and two roads along the stream,which constitutes a village street system with the East as the main directionand the North-South extension.

Xidi village is an ancient village, which is connected by clan bloodrelationship and inhabited by Hu family. The village originated in the 11thcentury and flourished from the 14th century to the 19th century. With thedisintegration of China's feudal patriarchal system, the development of Xidivillage is also gradually slow. Due to the less invasion of war and the impactof economic development in history, the original form of the village is wellpreserved, always maintaining the authenticity and integrity of historicaldevelopment. At present, there are 124 ancient dwellings and 3 ancestral hallsin Ming and Qing Dynasties, all of which have been listed as key cultural relicsprotection units in Anhui Province. It was listed in the world cultural heritagelist by UNESCO on November 30, 2000.

Time flies. Our journey to Xidi Hongcun will be over soon. Xiao Wang isgoing to say goodbye to you. There's nothing to send you. Let's send you threewords. First of all, the first word is fate. As the saying goes, "one hundredyear's rest in the same boat" means "one hundred year's rest in the same car".The next word is the origin of forgiveness. In today's journey, I have someexperience I hope you can forgive me for not doing well enough. I'm sorry to saythat I'm in a perfect circle. Thanks to your support and cooperation in my work,I'd like to say thank you. I wish you a good meal, a good sleep and a good playin your next trip. Thank you.



