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Welcome to Songshan lighthouse in Macao! I'm your guide. My name is X. youcan call me Xiao X. In order to facilitate your visit, let me first introducethe Songshan lighthouse.

Songshan lighthouse is the first lighthouse in China's coastal and far eastareas. It was named Dongwangyang lighthouse because it stands in the pines ofSongshan mountain. Songshan Mountain, formerly known as Qinshan mountain andDongwangyang mountain, is the highest hill in Macao Peninsula, with an altitudeof 93 meters. It is the landmark of geographical coordinates in Macao.

Songshan lighthouse, Songshan fort and Songshan church, two other 300 yearold monuments, constitute the three monuments of Songshan. From here, you canhave a panoramic view of Macao and the magnificent scenery of the Pearl RiverEstuary, and appreciate the changes of ancient and modern times.

The 13 meter high Songshan lighthouse, designed by a native Portuguese, wasbuilt in 1964. It radiated light on September 24, 1865. Nine years later, it wasdestroyed by a typhoon in August 1874. It was rebuilt in 1911 and has beenofficially put into use so far.

This is the end of my explanation today. Here is the time for you to visitfreely. I hope this visit will leave you a deep impression. I wish you have agood time. Thank you.


St. laorenzo church, known as Fengshun church, is one of the three oldestchurches in Macao. It is located in fengshuntang street, just opposite to MacauCiyou middle school. The actual construction year is unpredictable, butaccording to historical records, it is estimated that the church was a woodenchapel founded by Jesuits around 1569. According to the inscriptions on one ofthe stone inscriptions in the church, the first reconstruction should have takenplace in 1620__. As for the scale of the church, it was rebuilt in 1844.

When St. laorenzo church was built in the early years, because it was closeto the wharf, there was a flag pole in the church, which was an importantindicator for Portuguese to decide whether to go to sea or not. "A brief accountof Macao" states: "in the southwest, there is Fengxin temple. Since the Tibetanships came out, the family members came back every day and prayed for Fengxinhere." Therefore, this church is also commonly known as "fengxintang". Later,because of the homonym of "Xin" and "Shun" in Cantonese, perhaps to pray forgood weather, "Feng Xin" became "Feng Shun", and "Feng Shun Tang Street" and"Feng Shun Tang district" got their names. Different from the rose church andSt. Joseph's Chapel, St. laorenzo's building is towering and imposing. TheEuropean classical style has a baroque flavor. Because the whole building is notlocated in the square (front ground), or out of the position of a certainsection of scenery, in order to highlight the existence of the whole church andserve as the center of a residential area, a high platform with nearly one flooris added below the church to make it more upright and conspicuous. And theprocess of the faithful men and women climbing up the ladder has become a kindof ceremony before they enter the church to worship. Another difference from thefirst two churches is that St. laorenzo church covers a large area, so there isa large courtyard around the church. The courtyard is full of vibrant plants,and it is separated from the residential buildings nearby inSPAce and vision.Therefore, the entrance to the church basically focuses on the building itself,the surrounding plants and the blue sky There is no earthly noise, quiet andpleasant.

Many years ago, Fengshun hall was called Fengxin hall among Chinese people,which means Shunfeng Shunshui. Most of the Portuguese who lived in Australiamade a living by going to sea for business. Their families prayed for the safereturn of their relatives more than this church, hoping for the protection ofthe gods. The hyacinth flagpole set up in the church provided an important indexfor the Portuguese sailing boats which were mainly driven by wind at that time."Fengshun" is the Cantonese homonym of "Fengxin", which makes the church moreChinese.

Fengshun hall was established as early as 1569, during which it was rebuiltseveral times, one of which in 1620__ was relatively large. The old church wasdecorated in 1979, which added to its splendor. Church design, magnificent, leftand right bell tower and Qi, one is a clock, used to tell the time; one is abronze bell, used for church mass shaking roar. The roof of the church iscovered with Chinese style golden tiles, and the interior decoration is full ofOriental color and elegant. The hall is spacious and magnificent, with hugebeams and exquisite chandeliers, which is quite luxurious and grand.

In the altar, there is a statue of Saint laorenzo, wearing gorgeous robes,holding the Bible in one hand and the staff in the other. It is solemn andsolemn. In the eyes of Portuguese who often sail, it is the God of peace andgood faith.

The church is not far away from the temple of ma'ge. However, in the shortdistance, we can see the echo of Portuguese maritime patron and Chinese sea god,witness the collision and integration of Western and Chinese culture, andappreciate the tolerance of Macao people to different cultures.


The Empress Dowager palace in Macao was just completed on October 4, 20__.It took two and a half years and cost 200 million Macao dollars. It is locatedon dieshitang mountain of Macao Road Ring Island, covering an area of nearly7000 square meters. It is the largest temple in Macao so far. The whole buildingis designed and constructed in accordance with the ancient architectural styleof Southern Fujian, and with reference to the traditional layout of Mazu templesin Fujian, Taiwan and other places. In front of the palace, there are more than60 meters of stairs, thick and gorgeous archway gate, altar surrounded by whitemarble, and main hall, dressing house, bell tower and drum tower connected bycloisters. The main hall, facing east from west, is magnificent, with dragoneaves carved on the top of the building and golden colored glass. Carved beamsand painted buildings in the palace are resplendent. The 3-meter-high statue ofMazu, fengguanxiayao, is kind-hearted and dignified.

As the only city named after Mazu in the world, Macao built the first MazuTemple Mazu Pavilion in Inner Hong Kong as early as 1488

Since the foundation laying ceremony was held on April 10, 20__, the mainbuilding has been basically completed. From then on, the multi-cultural Macaohas added a bright pearl reflecting the characteristics of Chinese ancientarchitecture and Minnan culture. Among them, the painstaking efforts of theChinese Mazu foundation in Macao and the Empress Dowager palace in Mazu culturalvillage in Macao embody the sincere support of the chief executive, Mr. Ho HauWah, and various departments of the Macao SAR government, and bear the Xinlelabor of Quanzhou craftsmen. What we want to mention in particular is, The MatsuFriendship Association in Taiwan, the board of directors of Lantong in DajiaTown, the board of directors of Matsu Temple in Meizhou, the birthplace ofMatsu, and the board of directors of Tianhou palace in Quanzhou have given usconsistent help and support. Since the establishment of the Macao Chinese Mazufoundation, every step of our activities to promote Mazu culture has beenaccompanied by their active participation and support, which fully reflects theblood thicker friendship of compatriots in the four places on both sides of theStrait, It embodies the spiritual power of Mazu to educate Chinese people allover the world to unite as brothers.

Mazu culture, Mazu spirit not only contains the traditional virtues of theChinese nation, but also the crystallization of human civilization, is thecommon spiritual wealth of all mankind. In the new century, when the economy isincreasingly globalized and the interests of people all over the world areincreasingly closely related, the spirit of carrying forward Mazu's fraternityand peace, rescuing dangers and difficulties, pioneering and enterprising, andfearing no hardships and dangers is the best instruction for human beings toeliminate struggles, promote good and eliminate evil, and seek commondevelopment and well-being.

Thean Hou Temple, also known as the Tian Fei palace, Tian Hou Temple, TianHou Temple, Tian Hou Temple, Mazu temple, and the temple of Notre Dame, are alsoknown as the heavenly Princess shrine. They are common in the Chinese mainlandcoast, and in Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan, and other overseas areas such asJapan, Ryukyu, Vietnam and other ethnic groups in East Asia (mainly Chinese).From South China to the whole coast of China, there is the belief of worshipingMazu, which can ensure the smooth navigation, so the main gate of every templefaces the sea.

According to legend, Mazu was born in Meizhou Island, Putian County,Xinghua County, Fujian Province, on March 23, the first year of the founding ofthe Song Dynasty (920__). When she was born, she had special signs: red lightfilled the room, fragrance overflowing; she had never cried until the full moon,so she was named Lin Mo Niang. Lin Mo Niang has been able to predict the weathersince her childhood. She often goes to rescue people when a shipwreck occurs. Atthe age of 29, she ascends to the sky on Meizhou peak in the countryside.

In 1683, Shi Lang, a naval officer of Fujian Province, attacked ZhengKelong in Taiwan. Because the warship ran aground, the soldiers of the QingDynasty prayed to her and got out of danger. Emperor Kangxi changed Tianfei to"Tian Hou" when he knew about it. After that, Tian Hou became the patron saintof fishermen and all navigators in Chinese society in China and Southeast Asia.Some fishermen would even "go to the contract" with Tian Hou. Nowadays, mostpeople surnamed Lin, whose ancestral home is Fujian, generally agree that TianHou is their ancestor.

Macao is the only city named after Mazu. The influence of Mazu culture canbe imagined. The enlightenment power of Mazu spirit can not be underestimatedfor the reason that Macao is the most suitable place for people to live intoday's multi-cultural integration. Since Macao's return to the motherland, the"one country, two systems" has been implemented smoothly, the society is stable,the economy is prosperous, and the people live and work in peace andcontentment. In addition to the joint efforts of the Macao people, the wisdom ofthe chief executive, Mr. Ho Hau Wah, the good operation of the SAR government,and the support of the central government, all these make us full of confidencein the future, and Macao's future will be better.

With the completion of the stone statue of Mazu, the memorial archway ofMazu cultural village and the temple of heaven after heaven, Mazu culturalvillage in Macao has begun to take shape. We will speed up the follow-upprojects to make Mazu cultural village become ten new growth points of Macao'stourism economic development, a lecture hall for Macao people to accept theinfluence of Chinese traditional culture, and a shrine for believers at home andabroad to exchange and worship.


Macao tourist tower is located in Section 1, area D, new reclamation areaof Nanwan, covering an area of 13363 square meters. In the first phase, a 338meter high Macao sightseeing tower will be built. In the second phase, anentertainment center will be built. The development unit is Macao tourism andentertainment Co., Ltd. The lease term of the land granted by Macao governmenton July 30, 1998 is 20__ years, which can be renewed until December 19, 2049.The commercial part of the sightseeing tower is 3675 square meters, and theservice part is 4370 square meters. The total construction area of theentertainment center is 42188 square meters, of which the second and thirdfloors of the basement are used as parking lots.

Macao sightseeing tower, a new landmark building in Macao, costs a total of1 billion Macao dollars. It started construction in 1998. After three years ofconstruction, it was completed and unveiled on December 19, 20__, and officiallyreceived tourists. Mr. Ho Hau Wah, chief executive of Macao SpecialAdministrative Region, and Mr. ho hung sun, general manager of Macao tourism andentertainment Co., Ltd., light up the Macao sightseeing tower. Since then, theMacao Tower has become a new tourist attraction in Macao, greatly promoting thedevelopment of Macao's tourism. When the Asian financial crisis hit the economyof Macao seriously, the famous industrialist of Macao, Mr. Ho, was ahead of thetime. He was optimistic about the market of Macao after the return of China anddecided to invest in the construction of this sightseeing tower.

Macao sightseeing tower integrates sightseeing, conference andentertainment. It is one of the top ten sightseeing towers in the world. The topfloor of the tower is a large revolving restaurant overlooking the whole ofAustralia. Standing in the sightseeing Gallery of the tower, you can have apanoramic view of Macao and Zhuhai, and you can see Lantau Island in Hong Kongon a sunny day. In addition, the tower also has exhibition and conferencefacilities, theme restaurant, high-end shopping center and theater, open-airsquare and waterfront promenade. The sightseeing tower is the eighth tallesttower in the world, and it is also the highest sightseeing steel tower inSoutheast Asia that surpasses the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The 338 meter hightower overlooking Hong Kong and parts of the Pearl River Delta is known asMacao's new landmark.

The tourist tower named "Macao tourist tower" is located in the newreclamation area of Macao's South Bay, facing the Pearl River Estuary. The threehigh-speed elevators in the tower run at full speed, and within 50 seconds, thevisitors will be taken to the public viewing floor 223 meters high. In theviewing floor surrounded by integral glass curtain wall, not only the large andsmall landscapes of Macao can be seen at a glance, but also Hengqin islandacross the sea and Zhuhai City, which is connected with Macao Peninsula, areclose at hand. When visibility is high, visitors can even see Lantau and someoutlying islands tens of kilometers away.

Looking down from the top of the tourist tower, you can see the MacaoPeninsula, Taipa and Luhuan islands floating on the green sea like lotusflowers. Looking from east to west, Yangshan, Bank of China Building and LisboaHotel are scattered. Under the two milky white sea crossing bridges, passingships are like stars, making arc marks on the sea. The most distinctive featureof the viewing layer of Macao tourist tower is that part of the ground is pavedwith transparent glass. Although the 4 cm thick reinforced glass can ensuresafety, the sight of the sea, roads and buildings more than 200 meters below thefoot still makes many viewers "shudder". Some people say that walking on thiskind of transparent ground is really "walking in the air".

At the bottom of the tower, there are large-scale conference, exhibition,entertainment, restaurant, theater, shopping mall and other facilities. Itincludes a banquet hall for 1200 guests and a theater for 500 seats. He Hong,general manager of Macao tourism and entertainment Co., Ltd., who invested inthe construction of the tourist tower, said at the opening ceremony today thatthe opening of the tourist tower today is a "special gift" for the secondanniversary of Macao's return to the motherland. He said that the completion ofthe tourist tower has added a new tourist product to Macao, which will attractmore tourists to Macao.


Welcome to Macau Casino! I'm your guide. My name is X. you can call me XiaoX. In order to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you.

When the Portuguese occupied Macao in the 16th century, most of the lowerclass residents in Macao were manual workers (most of the dockers) and servantsworking in rich families. They had nothing to do, and gambling was the greatestpastime. Therefore, gambling is very popular among the people in Macao. Afterthe Portuguese occupied Macao, they claimed that they respected the traditionalway of life of the local Chinese people. Therefore, the Portuguese rulers took anon-interference attitude towards the gambling of the Chinese people for a longtime, and the gambling atmosphere spread.

Macao, with an area of 28 square kilometers, has no choice but to rely ongambling for food and build a city with gambling. It was also a no choice forMacao to choose gambling more than 100 years ago. However, the opening of HongKong as a port in 1840's replaced Macao's position, and Macao's economy declinedrapidly.

As a last resort, gambling, as a way to survive in a small city with apopulation of only 40000 at that time, came onto the stage of Macao's history.In order to save Macao's economy, in 1847, the Portuguese decided to legalizethe gambling activities of the Chinese people. At that time, the decision wasvoted by the members of the Macao Legislative Council, so that the governmentcould collect taxes from the gambling activities of the people. Interestingly,soon after, the Hong Kong British government issued a gambling ban order. Today,the Chinese government's adherence to the gambling ban policy obviously has themotivation to take care of Macao. In any case, history has proved that thelong-term ban on gambling in Hong Kong has prepared a perfect market for Macao'sgambling industry. In the past 100 years, Macao's gambling industry has grownand expanded under the nurturing of this market.

In February 1961, the Portuguese overseas province issued a decree to allowMacao to take gambling as a "special entertainment", emphasizing that gamblinghas a great role in promoting economic development, thus legalizing thelong-standing gambling industry in Macao. After the 1970s, although Macaochanged its economic situation by gambling industry, the gambling industry stillhad a significant development and had a decisive impact on Macao's economy. 30%of Macao's revenue and 50% of its tax revenue come from the gambling industry,which provides an important condition for the government to implement low taxand tax-free policies, attract foreign investment and develop export processingindustry. More than 80% of the tourists to Macao come in the name of MOOC. Thegambling industry directly maintains the employment of nearly 10000 people, andundertakes most of the passenger traffic volume of water transportation in HongKong and Macao, as well as part of the expenditure of public works, socialcharity and cultural undertakings.



