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hello everyone! My name is Li Zijian. Today, I'll show you the magnificentand magnificent Great Wall. I'm the guide of the little fat rabbit travel team.Today, let me take you to see the scenery of the Great Wall!

In February 1987, the Great Wall was listed as a cultural heritage, with atotal length of 6700 kilometers, passing through seven provinces and autonomousregions. It took about 20 percent of the working people to build the Great Wall,which is located in the central and northern parts of China. The Great Wall,with an average height of 6-7 meters, is made of bricks, tiles, lime and wood.There are rows of crenels more than two meters high on the outer edge of theGreat Wall. Above the crenels are square lookouts and shooting ports forlookouts and shooting. On the wall, there is a square platform every 300 meters,which is a fortress. When fighting, cities and Taiwan can echo each other. Justlook at the countless stones on the Great Wall. One of them weighs 2000 Jin. Atthat time, there were no trains, no cars, no cranes, so we had to rely oncountless shoulders and hands to lift them up the steep mountains step by step.How many working people's blood, sweat and wisdom have condensed into the greatwall without head in front and tail in back. Looking at the Great Wall from adistance, it is like a long dragon winding between the mountains. FromShanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west, it is more than 13000 Li. TheGreat Wall was built in the first emperor of Qin Dynasty. After the supplementof the past dynasties, almost all the great walls we can see now were built inthe Ming Dynasty. This is the outpost of Juyong Pass, an important pass of theGreat Wall, with an altitude of 1015 meters. The terrain is dangerous and theChengguan pass is strong. It has always been a place for military strategists.Such a magnificent project is a great miracle in the history of the world.

Well, you should all want to visit. Now you are free to visit. I'll giveyou three hours, but remember to come back on time and gather under the GreatWall in three hours.


Good morning, everyone. I'm the tour guide of Great Wall Travel Agency.Welcome to the magnificent Great Wall. My name is Cheng. You can call medirector Cheng. Now let me introduce the Great Wall!

The Great Wall is 6700 kilometers long. It is located in the central andnorthern parts of China, passing through seven provinces and autonomous regions.It starts from Shanhaiguan in the East and ends at Jiayuguan in the West. It wasmade of brick, tile, lime and wood. You guess, how many meters is it high andhow many meters is it wide? Hey, hey, nobody knows? It is 5-7 meters high and4-5 meters wide. Let you guess how many troops it can hold? Gee, now someoneknows. Come on. Ha ha, you guessed wrong. It can hold 958584 troops. Is itpowerful? In 1987, it was called the symbol of China along with the terracottawarriors and horses. There is a stone tablet on the Great Wall, on which isengraved: if you don't reach the Great Wall, you are not a hero. I tell you, theGreat Wall has a history of more than 2000 years. It was built in the spring andautumn and Warring States period to resist the northern nomadic tribes. It usesone twentieth of the country's labor force. How's it going? How's it going?

During the construction of the Great Wall, many stories happened. Let metell you the legend of Dingcheng brick. It is said that during the Zhengdeperiod of the Ming Dynasty, there was a Guan craftsman named Yi Kaizhan, who wasproficient in the 99 algorithm and relied on it to calculate all buildings. Hecounted neither too much nor too much. But the supervisor who supervised therepair didn't believe it. He asked him to calculate how many bricks Jiayuguanwould use. If there was one more brick and one less brick, he immediately cutoff Yi Kaizhan's head and took the workers' wages as his own. After the GreatWall was repaired, the supervisor who supervised the repair was overjoyed tofind that there was one more brick. He immediately sent someone to catch YiKaizhan. Yi Kaizhan said calmly, "this is the Dingcheng brick put by theimmortals. If it is moved, the tower will collapse. From then on, people nolonger dare to move that brick.

OK, I'm done. Free for five hours, gather at Badaling. Disband!


hello everyone! I'm the tour guide of moon travel agency. My name is LuSiyu. Today I am very lucky to be your guide. I feel very honored. I will serveyou wholeheartedly and enjoy the beautiful great wall together.

You know what? There is a stone tablet on the Great Wall, which says "ifyou don't reach the Great Wall, you are not a hero.". The Great Wall is 6700 kmlong and about 13300 Li long. It passes through Shanxi, Ningxia and Gansu Thereare seven provinces and municipalities.

Do you know, there is a story about the Great Wall: Once upon a time, therewas a kind woman named Meng Jiangnu. One day, she was planting flowers in heryard. Suddenly, she saw a man hiding in her yard. Meng Jiangnu wanted to shout,but she heard the man whisper, "please don't shout, don't shout." He also saidthat he was captured by the first emperor of Qin to build the Great Wall. Idon't know how many people died. He said that his name was fan Xiliang. MengJiangnu was moved and saved him. Later, they fell in love with each other, andafter their parents agreed, they were ready to get married. On the wedding day,the Meng family was very busy. It was dark. After their relatives left, theywent into the bridal chamber together. Unexpectedly, a group of officers andsoldiers came in and arrested fan Xiliang. Meng Jiangnu kept crying day andnight. She thought she might as well go to the Great Wall to find her husband.When she came to the Great Wall, she was told that fan Xiliang was dead. She wasso sad that she burst into tears. She finally met her husband, but he wouldnever see her again. He was killed by Qin Shihuang.

OK, now let's move freely, and gather at the big tree at the foot of theGreat Wall at 4:30.


hello everyone! Welcome to Beijing. My name is Tang Jingnan. Today, let meshow you around the Great Wall, which was established as a cultural heritage in1987!

The Great Wall, where we are now, is made of brick, tile, lime and wood.The Great Wall is 6-7 meters in average and 4-5 meters in width. In ancienttimes, there were no trains, cars or cranes, so we had to rely on countlessshoulders and hands to lift up the steep mountains step by step. It took 2090working people to build the Great Wall. There is a monument on the Great Wall,which is called "no hero without reaching the Great Wall". It has been more than2000 years. The Great Wall was built in the spring and Autumn period. With atotal length of 6700 kilometers, the great wall passes through seven provincesand autonomous regions. It starts from Shanhaiguan in the East and ends atJiayuguan in the West.

In the process of building the Great Wall, it is said that there is atouching story, that is "Meng Jiangnu crying down the Great Wall". In the QinDynasty, it is said that there was a kind woman named Meng Jiangnu. Once, whenMeng Jiangnu was planting flowers in the garden, she saw a man. He was afraid ofthe woman's barking and shook her hand. Meng Jiangnu asked, "what's your name?""My name is fan Xiliang," he said Meng Jiangnu asked fan Xiliang to live in herhouse. After a few days, Meng Jiangnu fell in love with fan Xiliang, and fanXiliang also fell in love with Meng Jiangnu. One night, when Meng Jiangnu andfan Xiliang entered the bridal chamber, the birds were flying outside. Sometroops were stationed, so they took fan Xiliang away to build the Great Wall.Meng Jiangnu had been waiting for a long time and decided to go to the GreatWall to find fan Xiliang. After three days and three nights, she finally reachedthe Great Wall. He asked the workers, "have you seen fan Xiliang? "He fell atthe foot of the Great Wall when he built it," the worker said. "Meng Jiangnucried for three days and three nights and collapsed a section of the Great Wall.Seeing fan Xiliang, Meng Jiangnu and fan Xiliang went.

Next, I'll give you two hours to visit. We'll meet under the GreatWall.


Hello, everyone! I'm Mi Hanxiang, the tour guide. The place of this tour isthe Great Wall, the cultural heritage of our country. You all know somethingabout the Great Wall, and you will experience it with me later.

Starting from Beijing, we should have arrived at the foot of Badaling GreatWall within a hundred miles. There are crenels on the Great Wall, more than twometers high, and there are square lookouts and shooting ports on the crenels. Wecan see the beautiful scenery in the lookouts and feel the feeling of shootingin Ancient Wars at the shooting ports. Do you think it's very interesting!

Looking up again, on the top of the city wall, there will be a squareplatform every three hundred meters. In ancient times, if we found the enemycoming, our ancients were very clever. He would light a fire on the platform andtell other troops that when the enemy came, we should get ready to fight. Inaddition to this role, he also plays a role as a fortress for garrison troops.When fighting, cities and Taiwan can echo each other.

Standing on the Great Wall, you can think of the wisdom and sweat of theancient working people. At that time, without cranes, trains and cars, theyrelied on countless shoulders and hands. How many working people fell because ofthe construction of the Great Wall.

By the way, when we play, we should not litter on the Great Wall, and donot scribble on the wall of the Great Wall. The most important thing is to payattention to safety. Now let's enjoy the great wall and have a good time!



