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Dear Mr. Zhang


We all say that the teacher is like a candle to light our way forward andlet us thrive. Regulations the flower of building the motherland!

I think you are more like a great gardener, nurturing the blooming flowersof the motherland.

You are also a bridge for us to connect the long river of history and theblueprint of the future.

Teacher, you have also developed a lot of our study habits.

Let's finish the second part of the lesson. With two courses, we not onlyunderstand the text thoroughly, but also accumulate a lot of good words andsentences.

Composition class, you guide us more seriously, often boring, plain classinto a rich content of a class, it is so, each of our students' writing levelhas made different progress.

Teacher, you did not pay a lot for me... Flowers return nature with itsrich fragrance. I want to thank you for my progress in study!

I wish you:

Good health and happy New Year!



Dear don: Hello!

Unknowingly, I came to class 3 of grade 2014 for more than a year. In oneyear, I have known many children who have studied with me. As an excellent headteacher, your careful care and tireless teaching are deeply imprinted in mymind. For us, you would rather become a candle, burn yourself, and light ourbright future.

The growth of small trees is inseparable from rain and the care of thegardener; the beautiful fragrance of flowers is inseparable from the soil andthe company of bees; our growth is inseparable from the teacher's teaching. Mr.Tang, every little bit of this year, I will never forget it!

In life, you are always so meticulous. In class, as long as there is aclassmate who is not comfortable, you will send him to the health care room.When you come back, you will always ask "how is it? Is it better?" Lunch, youalso let all students eat meat, let us eat with health. These two points aloneare enough to show our love for us. In learning, you have always taught uscarefully. Every time you learn a word, you always ask us to read and memorizehair step by step, and explain the meaning repeatedly. If we do something wrong,you usually teach us as sternly as that, but I know that behind this sternnesslies the tenderness of a loving mother.

Mr. Tang, it is you who have cultivated countless national pillars withyour own sweat and youth, but you are so unknown. Finally, I want to say to youloudly: "thank you, teacher!"


Dear Yong

Hello! Thank you for accompanying us to grow up, let us feel the lovingcare of a mother, you work hard every day, let us learn more knowledge.

I remember one time I and some dictation did not get 100 points, so I haveto stay to review the dictation. It was more than five o'clock at that time. Istill didn't get all the dictation right the second time. You said to us, "it'stoo late, go home! Review well and dictation tomorrow. " In the afternoon of thenext day, I didn't get 100 points, so you left us to tutor alone after classfrom Monday to Friday, but I never got 100 points. So you are very angry andask, "Wang Ziyi! Why didn't you get 100 points? Think about it. Is that yourlevel? " It's already more than six o'clock after you severely criticized me.You let me go home to review and dictation next time. Later, I finally got fullmarks through hard work. I also remember that you told me to study hard andsteadfast!

Oh! Mr. Yong, you are more like us. No matter how hard you work and howangry you are, you also patiently teach us to learn. You are really a goodteacher!

I will study hard in the future and live up to your expectations.

I wish you success in your work and happy every day!

Your student: Wang Ziyi


Hello teacher:

I am very happy and excited about the new year. Today is the new year's eveof the new year's Eve. In the afternoon, I helped my father hang a Chinese knotAlso go to the florist to buy all kinds of colorful flowers, dress up as a happyhome. In the evening, we went to my grandmother's house to have the new year'sEve dinner. Before the new year's Eve, our two-year-old brother Dudu saw therich dinner on the table and said, "Wow! There are so many delicious things Inthe new year's Eve dinner, we eat with relish and drink the corn juice made bymy grandmother. It's really sweet in the mouth and sweeter in the heart.Everyone is very relaxed and happy. After dinner, everyone went to set offfirecrackers. Before they started, they saw the same bright flower in the nightsky, red, yellow, blue, green, purple Colorful, beautiful! My father bought memy favorite morning light fireworks, I took one, my father lit it with incense,saw beautifulSPArks flying out of the fireworks, I used it to draw countlesssmall circles.

I'm going home. When I get home, I turn on the TV and the Spring FestivalGala begins. The comic dialogue inside is so interesting! It's so funny that youcan laugh. It's really nice! It sounds so good that people can't help but followhem. The dance inside is so beautiful! It's so beautiful that peopleunconsciously jump up. After the Spring Festival Gala is over, my father and Iwent down to fight the closing gun and went home to sleep.

Best wishes

happy new year


Dear teacher


I'm writing to you again. It's the new year. 2020 is coming and 2021 iscoming. Do you look forward to the holidays again and again, just like us? Butevery time we go home, we are speeding up our separation.

Forgive the students for talking about such a sad topic in this jubilanttime. 2020 is the difference, it is tension, it is pressure, it is sentimental.2020 will change a lot and take away a lot. It will take away our best threeyears and the time we spend together. It passed, it will never come back,leaving only memories. What is good as long as the heart is together, isn't iteven more painful when the heart is together but people are not around? It alsosaid that there was no emotion at that time, and it came true when you said thatyou would walk away. However, the feelings between you and us have been deeplyrooted and can not be broken at all, so it is inevitable to be sad.

There is no feast that will never end. We have been together for threeyears. Isn't it just a gift from God? Teacher, you should believe that it isfate to meet us and good fortune to meet you. Over the past three years, we havecried and laughed together. When we have to leave, we can't help but stir upemotions. At this time, no one will feel superfluous. No one's heart is made ofiron. You should know that everyone has been remembering your good, your smileand the way you stand behind the door in the past three years. Even if you areangry, you will always come to the class unconsciously and take a look at us.You are really worried.

But your worry is not in vain. Now, although some people have learned tosmoke, drink and make friends, those people are still grateful to you, but theyare not good at expressing themselves. In other words, Thanksgiving is like"fruit of human body". Once it blooms in three thousand years and bears fruit infour thousand years, its seeds are planted in my heart early. Although it growsslowly, it has great power when it grows.

You said that in the self-study class, we don't study hard. We look at thewatch and glance at the teacher. We are so cute. But when you are looking at us,we are also looking at you. Moreover, you look up and you always frightenus.

The last excellent diary of this semester has changed. It is not happy andnaive, but full of sadness and maturity. In that class, everyone was thinking ofsomething in their hearts. It was from the heart and could not be covered up. Itwas the most significant excellent diary ever.

I think there is no literary talent, like every excellent diary, everyonewill think hard about what to write. Even if they do, they can't write anything.But now, writing this topic, everyone has a lot to say. As long as the heart, isa good article.

Old wusky once described the scene of a year: when we came back one day andwanted to see you, you had to call the guard and tell them to let us in beforewe could enter the campus. Come to your class, not only you and me, but also agroup of students waiting to grow up like us at that time. Looking at them, Ithink of myself. What happened in the New Glasgow is unfolding in front of us.However, people are not those people anymore.

It's so sad. Old wusky is great.

At noon, I have been dreaming for half a day. In the dream, we havegraduated. All of a sudden, everything moves up, and the essence is condensedinto a small world. It's just in the air, playing everything we've been doingfor three years. When it disappeared, we all cried, and simply broke into thesmall world. Everything in the small world has not changed at all, that is ourthree years, but we can not touch it. We saw our performance at that time, soproud. I saw you and wanted to talk to you, but you ignored me. I envy myself atthat time, tears stop in the eyes.

Teacher, how I wish that small world really exists! Teacher, the feelingsof the past three years are not clear. I can't find any words, a sentence todescribe our previous feelings, which only those of us who have experienced canunderstand. But everyone wants to express, cherish and grasp.

Teacher, thank you! Thank you for your meticulous care when we are ill,thank you for your restraint when we indulge, and thank you for the punishmentwhen we make mistakes. Each of us is a piece of white paper, you can sketcheverything on it. Thank you for sketching so many beautiful things, bitter andsweet, let us have a good start.

Teacher, I'm sorry, please forgive our treason. Every time we make amistake, you will say, "or a child?" this is to comfort us, but also to comfortyourself. But we don't understand you. We always misunderstand you, blame you,get angry with you, and dislike you all day. It's not good here and there. Infact, we also know that you are indeed a good teacher.

Teacher, please forgive these children, please fall in love with thesechildren, please remember these children These children will never forgetyou.


The last day of 2020



