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酒好不怕巷子深。Good wine needs nobush.……小编带你了解更多有趣的内容,接下来要给大家提供的是:2020英语作文一封信,希望你认真看完,会对你有帮助的!


As a small kid, I want to grow up soon, so that I can be independent. Butthe adults always tell me that it is a lucky thing to be a child, because I canbe young and innocent. Though I don’t understand their words totally, I mustkeep my young heart and enjoy every moment of my life.


People always say that the way a person treats the waiter decides what kindof person he is. I agree with it. My parents are polite persons. Since I wasvery small, they have educated me the manner. Like I shouldn’t talk while eatingand talking loudly in public occasion is banned. The good manner helps me to bea better person.


When winter comes, hot pot is the necessary food for our family. It is verydelicious, we can pick the food we like. Our family sit together, havingdifferent tastes, which is such cool and convenient. Many foreigners fall inlove with hot pot when they come to China. Hot pot has been the symbol ofChinese food.


A little boy took part in the TV show when he was two years old. As acelebrity, people watched all his movements. Sometimes when this boy was crying,the audience said he was spoiled by his parents. But when they saw more, theythought this boy was so lovely, because he was kind and very polite. We can’tjudge a person by the first impression.


Nowadays, people like to keep pets to company them. These lovely pets arealways treated well. They are one of the family members. But sometimes the ownerdon’t want to raise them anymore, the animals are abandoned. It is the owner’sduty to deal with the animals well. If they can’t take care this lovely animalsthey can give to someone else.


Disney movies always catch my attention. Recently, the animation movieBeauty and The Beast will be brought to the screen again, but this time, thereal actors play the classic movie. Though I have seen the animation, I am stilllook forward to the new one. The beautiful heroine Bell is my favoritecharacter. I love her kindness and she is a good girl.


Recently, I read a book about a girl sees her future after she learns thealien’s language. Her future life has happiness and sorrow. Since she couldforesee, she learns to accept what will happen in her life. If I could see myfuture, and I can’t change the fact, but I will enjoy every minute of mylife.


When I go to school, I find my classmates are talking about something, so Iask my friend when they are talking. He tells me that there is a rumor about ourheadmaster. Everybody is gossiping about it. I am very curious and talk to a lotof friends. In the end, the rumor is turned to be wrong. I feel so sorry tospread the news. I learn the lesson that I should respect others.


As a small girl, many teachers have asked me what do I want to be in thefuture, and my answer is always to be a teacher. It is my dream and I study sohard to realize it. Being a teacher can pass the knowledge to others and guidethem to the right way. Thinking about the great contribution I make, everythingis worth.


I like to listen to music very much, especially the English songs. Myfavorite band is Coldplay. When I hear their classic song Yellow, I will be veryexcited. The reason I like this band is that they have something different fromothers. In their songs, they search about life. Listening to English songs alsocan help me improve my English level.



